Bright Era

Chapter 2021: Altar of Gods (3)

Just as Lin Qi and Yun were discussing how to deal with Yew Island, the guards' whispers suddenly came from outside the hall. Accompanied by the low sound of the body falling to the ground, the door of the hall was quickly smashed. With a kick, Lin Bule, wearing a black tights and a long sword, rushed in unhappily.

"Cousin Lin Qi, why didn't you tell us when you came back?"

Many courtiers in the hall were about to curse Lin Bule, and several courtiers who had obtained the priesthood inheritance in God's Domain and possessed the power of the gods silently prepared powerful magic arts, and were waiting to face Lin Bule. Launch an offense. Suddenly hearing Lin Bule's words, these courtiers were all dumbfounded, and then they stood obediently one by one, obediently drooping their eyes and daring not to speak.

Looking up to the sky with a helpless sigh, Lin Qi gently shook his head: "Lin Bule, I just came back. I haven't even changed my clothes or even took a sip of water. Are you so anxious? Just escaped from the **** Undead Continent. According to the oracle of the great god, we led the army to participate in the war to destroy the undead gods. We just came back. Are you so anxious?"

Lin Bule's eyes condensed slightly, and she looked at Lin Qi seriously: "These days, you took the army to the Undead Continent? No wonder I sensed violent spatial shocks in those days! How was the battle going?"

Lin Qi spread his hands. He knew that certain people in the ruling society had colluded with certain people in the undead gods, so he quickly looked at Lin Bule intentionally: "The undead gods are all over. All the gods , The gods from all continents joined forces to attack the undead gods. It is conceivable that they cannot be opponents, so they are all finished."

Lin Bule and all the courtiers in the hall gasped at the same time.

The whole **** system is so destroyed? This is not the fall of two gods, but the destruction of one **** system. For these courtiers, hearing such news is like an ant who heard that a nest of giant dragons was suddenly chopped into dumpling stuffing. This is the same level of shock! How many gods should there be in a **** system? They all fell!

After a while, Lin Bule turned around and left. As she walked, she coldly snorted, "Don't forget what I have agreed with you, what you want to do for me. Give you two days to prepare. Two days later we Just go!"

Smiling brilliantly, Lin Qi looked at Lin Bule's back and nodded slowly. Is she anxious to send the news of the destruction of the undead gods back to the master meeting? Well, no matter so much, the master will have their plans, and Lin Qi also has his own abacus. As long as the Domination Society does not interfere in the affairs of Lin Qi's site indiscriminately, Lin Qi actually does not have much dislike for using the Domination Society's resources.

In just two days, Lin Qi and Yun, Elysium, and Princess Qingli got together for a while, and then brought Bilibili and Arda to the place agreed with Lin Bule.

This is the top of a small hill to the west of the Longshan Empire. Early in the morning, the sky was still raining. Lin Qi took out a small charcoal stove and warmed the wine here, drinking with Bilibili and Arda. . I don't know what kind of nerves Lin Bule has made. She hasn't appeared in the Longshan Emperor in the past two days. She didn't know where to go to inform the news. It was almost the appointed time, and she did not show up.

Waiting for more than an hour, did not wait for the Lin Bule sisters, but there was a familiar energy fluctuation in the southern sky. When Lin Qi turned around, he saw a spatial crack suddenly opened, and a long-lost donkey was carrying a big The black brothers, heads rushed out of the crack in the space.

He clicked his mouth, with a hint of salivating donkey sneered at the corner of his mouth, and smiled: "Hey, this girl is very energetic, isn't it? The big breasted Cheris, ah, I really fell in love with her! What is that King Flame Leopard, actually dared to grab a girl from the great donkey, ah, we must admit that only by constantly beating him, can he know the truth of life!"

The corner of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, and he remembered the King Flame Leopard who had blocked Lin Qi's way on the other side of the Black Spirit Continent and provoked him. This hapless guy, has he been harmed by a donkey? Well, Lin Qi can only admit that when facing a girl with big breasts, the donkey's combat effectiveness will suddenly soar, soaring to a level that Lin Qi can't grasp.

In other words, Lin Qi has actually never grasped the limit of the donkey's combat effectiveness! This guy seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that no one can really destroy this guy! From this point of view, Lin Qi doubts whether the donkey is a product of eternal particles!

"Hey, Lin Qi, long time no see! Don’t you think I’m getting more and more handsome?" The triumphant man stood up, his little tail spinning like a windmill, and walked to Lin Qi happily, and then A pot of fine wine was swallowed cleanly. Satisfied with a burp, the donkey looked at Lin Qi proudly: "That Xie Lisi was moved by my sincerity, I'm about to succeed!"

Lin Qi quickly glanced at Da Hei and Xiao Hei, two bad rabbits squatted aside obediently, chewing carrot leaves quietly. Lin Qi was stunned, then smiled and looked at the donkey: "Really? What did she say to you? What did she promise you?"

The donkey smiled happily. He twisted his waist triumphantly and looked at Lin Qi excitedly: "She was touched by my sincerity, moved by the spirit of not giving up despite my hard work for so many days. That big breasted girl, she promised me that as long as I can kill the **** of dawn, the **** of punishment, and the **** of war, she will marry me!"

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched fiercely. This **** donkey, is he sure that someone agreed to his pursuit?

Kill the three main gods of the Azerite tribe? This is really a very easy clause! However, Lin Qi has already killed Mudel, the **** of war. If Sheris, the spider demon, really gave such a promise to the donkey, then Lin Qi can only do it for the happiness of the donkey. . . I can only do my best to help the donkey!

Squatting in front of the donkey, Lin Qi gently slapped the donkey's forehead, imagined a scene where a donkey and a female spider were lingering together, and then shivered violently. He shook his head, smiled and punched the donkey in the head, and then muttered in a low voice: "Is this condition? I have already killed the God of War. You are sure she swears if you kill the three main gods, she will. ..."

The donkey's eyes suddenly became as hot as the little sun. He nodded quickly, and screamed with a smile, "Of course, she made a soul oath with her mother, her father, and her own soul. The day I kill the three main gods, she will marry me! Ah, perfect world, have you really killed the **** of war?"

Lin Qi squinted and smiled and nodded gently. The donkey was suddenly so excited that his black hair stood up. He hopped around on the top of the mountain happily, then raised his hoof and pointed at the sky: "Great Donkey The uncle is invincible, all the big breasted girls in the world will be the donkey uncle! Ah, praise the big breasted goddess, hell, where did these two flat breasted girls come out?"

Just as the donkey was yelling, Lin Bule and Lin Lele, with dozens of bald-headed subordinates, rushed from the foot of the mountain to the top like lightning. They suddenly appeared in front of the donkey, making the donkey tremble all over, and almost kicked over with a hoof.

But the donkey's tongue is always faster than his movements, so when he saw the Lin Bule sisters, he immediately instinctively made an unfair and unfair evaluation of their bodies-flat chest! From the perspective of the donkey, compared to the majestic towering pair of Xie Lisi, sisters Lin Bule and Lin Lele, their **** are simply a tragedy!

Lin Lele's little face turned red, and she shyly hid behind Lin Bule. Lin Bule frowned. She looked at the donkey coldly, a clanging sound from the long sword behind her, and a cold light slammed at the donkey.

The donkey screamed, and all his bones suddenly broke. The whole body of "Kacha" and "Kacha" twisted into weird shapes, just to avoid this thunderous sword. Jian Feng swept over the donkey's scalp, and brought up a short black donkey hair. The donkey roared angrily: "There are idiots every year, and there are so many today. Women with small breasts, did the donkey provoke you? "

Lin Bu was trembling with anger, staring at the donkey, waiting to make another move.

Lin Qi had silently stopped in front of the donkey. He looked at Lin Bule coldly and said coldly: "You are of the Lin family's bloodline, you should have heard of this donkey from the Lin family's black tiger branch! People in our family."

Lin Bule looked at Lin Qi coldly and snorted coldly, "His mouth is too stinky! If you can't manage his mouth, I don't mind cutting off his tongue!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi laughed weirdly: "But I don't think he has said anything wrong! Maybe his tone is wrong, but he must admit that his evaluation of you is not wrong! Of course, I can understand. As a woman, it is indeed not very happy to be judged that her **** are flat!"

The faces of Lin Bule and Lin Lele became extremely ugly at the same time, Lin Lele was introverted and ashamed, she just clenched her fist and waved to Lin Qi. Lin Bule screamed in anger. She stared at Lin Qi angrily and roared: "What did you say? Lin Qi, don't think that we can't open that place without you! You, you, you give me say clearly!"

With a weird smile, Lin Qi squatted on the ground and quickly laid a very small ultra-long-distance single-player magic circle. He placed one hand on the teleportation formation, and then chanted a few words in a low voice. In the next moment, a succubus with beautiful golden red hair and beautifully born came out of the teleportation formation, and respectfully Respectfully bowed to Lin Qi and knelt on the ground.

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