Bright Era

Chapter 2026: Mysterious God Store (3)

Lin Bule clenched her teeth, her eyes widened and stared at the altar that seemed to be squirming, and then she suddenly opened her mouth, and a yellow-green bitter bile spouted several meters away. A few drops of bile came out of her nose, and she coughed violently, almost fainting like Lin Lele.

"Damn it! Lin Qi, you, you, you are too cruel!" Lin Bule screamed hoarsely.

The tiger guards didn't move at all, they just squinted and looked at Lin Qi cheerfully. Lin Bule's roar shook the cave faintly, and she held the hilt with her backhand, and the sword was pulled out with a clang of a foot.

"Cruel?" Lin Qi sighed helplessly, and shook his head gently: "Two respected cousins, you found me. I hope I can help you provide enough blood sacrifices! So, I follow yours. The request completely meets your requirements. Cruel? These half-dragons were sacrificed in blood because of your request. It is just a word from you. Why am I cruel?"

Lin Bule stared at Lin Qi, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

Lin Qi smiled brilliantly, then turned around and looked at the shivering altar. He said slowly: "If your information is correct, this altar will quickly take us to the true entrance of the gods, and we have to conduct a larger blood sacrifice before we can enter the core of the gods. If I were you , I will find a way to wake Lin Lele!"

Lin Bule was stunned, she let go of the hilt, knelt down and picked up Lin Lele. Frowning and looking at Lin Lele in a coma, Lin Bule smiled bitterly. Yes, these half-dragons are regarded as sacrifices of blood sacrifices. It is because of their request. What can they blame Lin Qi?

Bilibili and Alda sneaked up in front of Lin Qi. Bilibili lowered his voice, and secretly made a gesture of exhausting the net: "Great and wise master, these are two little rookies, why? Want to share the benefits of God's possession with them?"

Glancing sideways at the two demons with strange lights, Lin Qi's response to them was a double kick like a thunderstorm. Arda and Bilibili were screaming miserably and kicked hundreds of meters away by Lin Qi, but these two guys wailed and wept, while still praising Lin Qi's foot is perfect, no matter what The posture of power and foot is so perfect! It was really their luck to be kicked with such a perfect kick, it was Lin Qi's great gift!

Lin Bule twitched the corners of her mouth. She stared at Alda and Bilibili fiercely, and said angrily: "Lin Qi, why are your subordinates so cheap?"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, he just looked at the altar. Arda sprang up suddenly. He held his head high, and cast a contemptuous glance at Lin Bule with the most elegant aristocratic smile: "Bane? That's what we like! Only great, noble, wise, powerful, The terrible master made us so cheap! Just you, a flat-chested girl, you want someone to treat you so cheaply, can you find such a person?"

Bilibili squatted shamelessly behind Lin Qi's ass, and smiled'Jiejie' to Lin Bule: "Benefit? This is also an art of survival! Dear lady, I believe if you follow you Noble, if you were born in our hometown, your bones now have been gnawed clean by the abyss corpse eagle!"

Lin Bule's color changed in horror, and several tiger guards behind her subconsciously stepped forward and firmly guarded Lin Bule's body.

Arda and Bilibili faintly revealed an extremely dangerous demonic aura, vast as a sea, unimaginable, and full of extreme evil. They just glanced at Lin Bule, Lin Bule felt the creeps all over her body, even her soul was convulsing frantically, almost instinctively issuing a fatal danger warning.

"Okay!" Lin Qi snorted: "Bilibili and Arda are two demons with the blood of the ancient demon gods. Their tempers are a bit bad, but they are my most reliable subordinates! , The altar is opened, serious matters matter!"

Alda and Bilibili almost cried because of Lin Qi's praise, "They are Lin Qi's most reliable subordinates." For a demon with no morals, even if Lin Qi just gave them a kick , This is also the supreme praise that makes them feel that the bone marrow is itching. The expressions of Lin Bule and the rest of the tiger guards became extremely wonderful—Lin Qi actually raised two demons?

The altar opened silently, in other words, the altar quietly disintegrated in a very strange way.

The blue-black blood-stained rib-shaped bones jumped up from the altar, pieced together like living creatures, and soon the pyramid-shaped altar was gone, and a blue-black circular arch appeared in front of everyone. Inside the arch is a **** light pattern, and the viscous blood is spinning rapidly, forming a blood vortex that constantly emits strange ghost howls within the arch.

Lin Qi stared at this weird circular arch in amazement. He subconsciously looked at Lin Bule: "Dear cousin, are you sure this is the gate to the gods? It's not a trap that will undoubtedly die. Entrance? Is this what a door should look like?"

Lin Bule and the rest of the tiger guards were obviously kept there by this strange portal. They looked at the portal in amazement. After a long time, Lin Bule gritted their teeth: "Yes, it is This arch is the gateway to the gods. This is the family... This is the intelligence that the family has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find out easily. How can it be wrong?"

A quick glance at Lin Bule, the donkey lowered his voice: "This little girl, I'm not telling the truth! I feel all my hair curling up! Every time I get bad luck, I will feel this way, hey, Lin Qi, if there are no one hundred and eighty thousand big breasted girls in the gods, I will guard your way of retreat."

Turning his head and glanced at the donkey who wanted to retreat, Lin Qi grabbed the donkey's tail, then slammed him into the door with a fierce kick. Then Lin Qi glanced at the two rabbits. The two rabbits who were lying on the ground posing innocently sighed helplessly. At the same time, they stood up and made a vulgar gesture at Lin Qi. Leaping up, chasing the donkey into the **** whirlpool.

"Let's go!" Lin Qi snorted softly. He took out dozens of curse-level scrolls that exuded powerful divine power fluctuations, and in front of Lin Bule and others, gave himself, Arda and Bili Bili blessed with more than a dozen powerful divine power shields, turning himself into a big shining light bulb, and then he walked into the crazily spinning **** whirlpool.

Glancing fiercely at Lin Qi's back, Lin Bule hugged Lin Lele, who was unconscious, and strode into the arch with dozens of tiger guards.

The sound of ‘click’ was endless. After Lin Qi and others walked in, the circular arch quickly disintegrated, and the rib-shaped bones were pieced together and quickly reorganized into the original pyramid-shaped altar. Waves of blue and black light swept across the cave, and the blood stains and corpses on the ground disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After a while, after a while, Lin Qi's body suddenly became lighter and his feet stepped on the ground. It was pitch black and there was no light. Lin Qi waited quietly for a while, then waved his hands around, hundreds of meters in diameter fireballs roared out, and a fireball was suspended in the air every 100 meters, releasing a bright The light illuminates the surrounding scene.

This is an extremely huge underground space. There are thick rock formations all around, and it seems that this underground space is about a thousand miles in radius and more than a hundred miles in height. On the stone walls surrounding the roughly circular underground space, some other paints were mixed with bluish-red as if blood were used to smear out a vicious face of the demon god.

At the foot is a huge blue-black altar, which is exactly the same format as the one in front, but is more than a hundred times larger. On the four corners of the altar stand four black lacquered totem poles. The 100-meter-high totem poles look like the leg bones of some kind of giant beast. On them are carved some runes that look like ghost symbols written by lunatics. These Rune Lin Qi just glanced at it, and felt twitches in his mind.

The donkey lay on the ground on all sides, and got up from the ground with great difficulty. He whispered for a while about Lin Qi kicking him in, and then looked around curiously. But this empty underground space, with nothing but an altar, obviously disappointed the donkey. He stuck his tongue out bored and shook his head gently.

"The two girls have a standard, very literary grandson face. They must have been pitted by other grandsons, so they ran here like a pair of grandsons!" The donkey said confidently, "There are God hiding? My hunch tells me that there is only one pit, a pit that can bury many dead bodies!"

Lin Qi frowned and looked around. Is it another altar? According to Lin Bule's statement, it is necessary to have another blood sacrifice, and it is a blood sacrifice of extremely terrifying scale, before it can truly enter the gods? However, Longya has stored enough energy and materials these days, no matter how big the blood sacrifice, Lin Qi will have enough sacrifices to offer.

A group of blood-colored light patterns emerged from the air, and Lin Bule and his party were also transmitted. Shaking his head, Lin Bule looked around curiously. The big fireball emitted by Lin Qi illuminated the entire space, including the portraits of ghosts and gods on the stone walls.

"It's here!" Lin Bule took a deep breath. She looked at Lin Qi with a deep gaze and nodded slowly: "Get ready to start. As long as enough blood sacrifices are required, the gods can be opened. Enter the gods. After that, we have the priority to choose!"

"Five to five divided!" Lin Bule was reiterating her rights, and Lin Qi naturally wanted to defend her own interests. He emphatically reminded the pre-arranged distribution ratio of ‘five to five’, and then he jumped off the altar and placed a huge ultra-long-distance teleportation magic array next to the altar.

Lin Bule and others also walked down from the altar, quietly watching Lin Qi's every move.

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