Bright Era

Chapter 2028: Trapped (1)

"The two grandchildren, have their brains flooded?" The donkey was shocked and horrified, leaving his hind legs aside, spreading out his two front hooves and shouting there: "This is the tomb, this is the corpse cave , This is the morgue? Ah, what is the morgue? Well, anyway, this is the place where the dead are collected! Will this be the God's Treasure?"

The eyeballs of the two rabbits were green when they rushed into the gods, and they wanted to search. But when they saw that there was not even a gem in the god's hideout, only the endless coffins neatly laid out on the ground, they suddenly withered and sat on the ground, mouthing angrily. Chewing carrots.

This is a vast space whose length and width do not know how many kilometers there are, and a thick mist drifting over the head is dark. To be precise, this is a small dimensional space opened up with huge divine power, and suffocating cold and dead air permeates this space. The whole body of a statue is pitch black, but the coffins with innumerable complex and exquisite patterns outlined with gold and silver threads are neatly placed here.

These coffins are large and small, and the small ones are about the same size as the commonly used coffins in Western mainland, which is less than two meters in length. The big one is like a small mountain, tens of miles long, several miles wide and several miles high. From time to time, there were loud noises of'coaxing' in these giant coffins, as if someone was punching and kicking in the coffin. A large amount of black and white death and cold air that was visible to the naked eye continued to spray out from the gaps in these coffins, making the entire dimensional space. It is like an old castle haunted by ghosts.

Lin Bule and Lin Lele rushed into this dimensional space with a group of tiger guards, Lin Qi angrily turned around and shouted at them: "Shen Zang? Huh? Perhaps you missed one word-God Corpse Zang? What treasures will there be here? This will be the secret material storage point prepared by the master-level existence of the gods for the failure of the Primordial God War?"

Lin Bule took a deep breath, and then she was rushed into her throat by the suffocating cold and dead breath in the air, and she coughed violently. After a few embarrassed coughs, she waved her hand angrily: "Anyway, that's what the information we got said. As for what is here, maybe the record is wrong, who knows?"

With a cold snort, Lin Bule didn't even look at Lin Qi. She strode to the side of a common coffin, drew a long sword and slashed it on the coffin fiercely. I heard a loud bang, and sparks splashed on the coffin. Lin Bule's sword did not leave a trace on the coffin.

Tilting her head and pondering for a while, Lin Bule stretched out her hand to remove the lid of the coffin, but even though she had exhausted all her strength, she couldn't move the lid of the coffin a little bit. With an embarrassing complaint, Lin Bule waved to the tiger guards behind him, and the tiger guards strode over, grabbed a big sword, and worked hard against the coffin lid.

A harsh creak sounded, and several tiger guards worked hard for a long time, and finally they managed to remove the lid of the coffin with difficulty. Suddenly, a thick black death spirit rose into the sky. Several tiger guards snorted and were rushed backwards by the death breath. The air was filled with a vomiting **** smell and the smell of rotting corpses, Lin Qi He hurriedly held his breath and urged King Jin Xie to move forward.

"Wow, I seem to have misunderstood you, here, it really is... God hides!" Lin Qi widened his eyes, and looked at the open coffin with pleasure-a pile of rotting corpses was letting out a strong life. Chill, the corpse was covered with a dilapidated mid-level artifact-level armor. On the right hand side of the corpse was an intact mid-level artifact-level long sword, and on his left hand was an artifact-level with a diameter of a ruler. Round shield.

Several hideous cracks were broken on the buckler. Like the armor, this buckler was unusable. However, the various magical gems inlaid on the armor and bucklers remained intact. After these gems were taken off, a little processing could produce a good set of artifact equipment. As for the long sword that remained intact, it was exuding a chilly air, and a cloud of divine light was surrounding the sword.

The two rabbits jumped up like flies smelling the blood, and couldn't wait to crawl into the coffin. They didn’t care if the rotting corpse stinks to the sky, or if the unidentified sticky black syrup in the coffin contained any poison. They swiftly pulled down the set of broken armor, and then the shield and The long swords were also taken down.

Da Hei even grabbed the broken and decomposed corpse and shook it fiercely. He heard a few screams, and several dim rings fell from the corpse. Da Hei grabbed the rings happily, and regardless of the stench from the rings, he placed them in his mouth and lightly bit them, and then accurately judged their class and efficacy.

"Very good harvest, two middle-grade artifact-level rings, three low-grade artifact-level rings. One middle-grade artifact ring is inscribed with the Great Recovery Technique, which is the handwriting of the healing goddess that little girl; one middle-rate artifact ring Inscribed with the Great Dissolution Technique, this is the offensive magic ring of the undead gods. The remaining three artifact rings are all space rings!"

With a few beeps, Da Hei spit on the three spatial rings, then jumped to a Huwei, grabbed Huwei's trousers, and wiped the three rings clean. The Huwei's face turned blue for a while, he wanted to give the bad rabbit a kick, but he didn't know why, some instinctive warning from the soul level made him give up this impulsive approach.

Lin Bule, Lin Lele and Lin Qi all looked at Da Hei curiously, wanting to see what he could find in this ring.

The **** chanted a few spells nervously, and then gently waved his paw on a space ring, and the space ring suddenly swayed with water, and a lot of messy debris fell from it. Came out. The time and space in the space ring are frozen. After so many years, the things in the ring are still intact.

A few bottles of healing potions, a lot of changed clothes, a few large jars of good wine, and some exquisite bread, snacks and other odds and ends. This ring contains some personal personal belongings, which is of little value.

The second ring was also opened by Da Hei, and the contents of this ring were too many surprises. Several array plates that have hidden auras and absorb magic elements to enhance the power of magic defense enchantment, a large number of magic spars and magic gems used to arrange the gods, and even a beautifully crafted army flag-the blood-colored flag, A golden flying bear with a hideous face was flying forward.

"The banner of the Second Army of the Golden Bear Group Army of the Beast Gods of the Gods!" The Hades Temple quickly reported what this banner meant: "It seems that the second army of the Golden Bear has been wiped out. Otherwise, the army flag won't stay here!"

Lin Qi nodded slowly. He grabbed the military flag from Da Hei's hand, dropped it gently on the ground, and stepped on it. A ball of flames emerged from Lin Qi's feet, and the flag was burning rapidly in the flames, and it was quickly burned to ashes.

Lin Bule and Lin Lele watched Lin Qi's movements in amazement. They took a deep look at the flag that was burned to ashes, and then cast their gazes on Da Hei: "There is also a ring, rabbit, don't think about it. Hidden benefits, what else is there?"

After humming a few times, Da Hei opened the third ring. There is only a large book made of thick beast skin in this ring. When you open these books, this should be the diary of the person in the coffin, or in other words, a letter he subconsciously wrote to someone. , Some letters that have not been sent out in time and will never be sent out.

Lin Qi grabbed the last booklet numbered, turned to the last page, and read it softly.

"Dear Uvia, I wish I could see you again. Although I was seriously injured, I still have to rush to the battlefield tomorrow. This is our last battle. If we win, we can completely eliminate those terrible things. The guys. Our ancestors, our elders, and their fate that once suffered, will be completely far away from us because of our efforts."

"According to Lord Commander, we are all heroes of all races, aren't we? Our efforts, our sacrifices, and our bloodshed were exchanged for our tribesmen to get rid of that nightmare forever! Our tribesmen won’t be unintentional. After being sent to the torture frame, our brothers will not be beaten to death for a random charge, and our sisters will not be abused at will and used as a tool for pleasure."

"It's very tired, and it's really painful. I don't know how long I can hold on, but this is the last battle. I will definitely go back to see you, Uvia, my love. I said that when I go back, I will marry you. Think about it, when we have a large group of children in the future, I will be able to brag in front of them and say that their father once fought for the freedom and dignity of all races!"

With a flick of a finger, the book exploded to pieces. Lin Qi laughed mockingly: "According to the custom in the popular knight novels in mainland China, an idiot who writes this kind of farewell letter to his fiancé before the final battle will end up in battle. It turns out that the gods can't be immune!"

Lin Qi, Donkey, Bilibili, Arda and the two rabbits, including King Scorpion, all laughed heartily. One laughed louder than one, and the other laughed happily. Lin Qi even pulled out big cigars and distributed them to everyone, including two rabbits and a scorpion, all of them began to vomit clouds and fog.

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