Bright Era

Chapter 2103: Thor (1)

In the underground world, under an unknown mountain range, Yin Qingyue with a haggard face swallowed a rough noodle made of moss and some unknown rhizome starch. The rough food hurt her delicate throat and made her feel like vomiting.

Leon sat next to her, devouring the tail of an abyss lizard. The fresh lizard tail that has not been processed in any way is still bouncing and wriggling at the corner of his mouth, and blood is constantly dripping down his cheeks. Leon swallowed the fresh meat guts, and from time to time he made a grunting sound from his throat, just like an old cat full of food.

An army of scattered formations of orcs, barbarians, and titans gathered on this small plain. This is the only army left under Leon's command, and probably only less than 100,000 people are left. After being tricked by Yingzheng, the main force of the alien coalition forces was sent to this terrible underground world, slaying indiscriminately and running around for a while, now Leon's subordinates are just like that.

Originally Leon still controlled the elite of more than a dozen legions, but a few days ago, a fallen **** named Lord of the Scream suddenly came to the door and ordered Leon to surrender the command of the army. The angry Leon unceremoniously swung his axe at the Lord of Screaming. As a result, if it hadn’t been for a beast who admired Leon to intervene out of nowhere, Leon had become a delicious meal in the belly of the Lord of Screaming. .

The control of the huge army was taken away by the Lord of Howl, and Leon could only escape here with Yin Qingyue and a part of his henchmen. Losing enough troops, facing the chase and interception of the Church Knights, Leon could only say nothing. He and Yin Qingyue couldn't find a way to escape to the surface world, so they could only stay here and run around.

Several beaten kobolds screamed and fell to the ground. The black food on their hands was snatched away by a few fat pigheads. There were enthusiastic orc soldiers all around, clapping and shouting, encouraging the kobolds to jump up and smash the heads of the brawny pigs. The noise made Yin Qingyue frowned unhappily, and shook her head gently.

Leon laughed at this chaotic military discipline. He clapped his hands vigorously and laughed: "Hey, it's a good guy, just stand up and take the food back! Hahaha, you little ones! , Deserved nothing to eat, starved to death and pulled down! Our army of the orcs, don't be jealous!"

The orc generals and barbarian generals all around laughed. Whether it was an orc, a barbarian or a Titan, the alien races living on the Odin Icefield looked down on the soft guy. If someone took the food, he would put the knife on it. Anyway, he would either kill the opponent or be killed by the opponent, but it was the life of a humble, inferior orc. These superior royal orcs did not take this seriously.

Yin Qingyue silently swallowed the piece of noodles specially made for her, and then she drank a few mouthfuls of water and patted her hands gently. The commotion around the orcs suddenly became quiet, and the few kobolds who had been beaten to the ground also lay on the ground obediently, no longer making any noise. Yin Qingyue nodded in satisfaction. She glanced at Leon and said calmly: "We have to find a way to get rid of the current predicament! Can we use sacrifices to contact the gods enshrined in the Odin Temple? We need the power of the Hall of Valor!"

He patted his head vigorously, and Leon spread his hands helplessly. He looked at the subordinates around him, and drove them far away with an extremely severe tone. Leaning in front of Yin Qingyue, she greedily glanced at Yin Qingyue's still white and delicate cheeks. She lowered her voice and carefully snatched the Hall of Heroes from someone a few days ago, but she said something that she didn't even know about the other party.

Yin Qingyue's eyes widened in surprise, the Hall of Heroes was taken away? Are all the gods in Odin's temple stupid? Even Yin Qingyue knows that the Hall of Valor is the most important "artifact" of the Temple of Odin. It is relying on the power of the Hall of Valor that the Temple Legion of the Temple of Odin has fought the church in countless religious wars in the past. With no distinction between top and bottom, foreign troops can threaten the Western Continent again and again.

If there is no Hall of Valor, relying on these filthy aliens on the Odin Icefield, who are too poor to wear a pair of pants, they also want to conquer the Western Continent? People’s weapons are sharper than these alien races, and their armor cannot be broken or pierced by these alien races. They have sufficient logistical support for marching and fighting! Without the Hall of Valor, how can the Temple of Odin go against the church?

Looking at Leon with gloomy eyes, Yin Qingyue gritted her teeth and asked him in a low voice, "How did you know?"

Leon spread his hands, and reluctantly scratched his slightly golden hairy ears. When being persecuted by the Screaming Lord a few days ago, a certain beast **** sheltered Leon and his group to escape the control of the Screaming Lord. At that time, Leon sensed certain information from the beast god's will. The beast **** told Leon about this with an unconcealed gloat, because he was very happy about the death of certain "bird gods".

After knowing the news that the Hall of Valor was taken away, Leon hid the information, and he also knew that if this matter was known by the lower-level officers and soldiers, the hearts of the army would be dispersed. But when Yin Qingyue asked about this today, he naturally wouldn't conceal the news from Yin Qingyue.

"Think of another way!" Leon sighed helplessly, squinting his eyes and muttering lowly.

There is no logistical supply, and there are no targets for looting. Either the Fallen God Legion controlled by the Screaming Lord or the encirclement and suppression army organized by the church in all directions. The arrows have all been used up, and the wounded soldiers have not been treated with any medicine. The most important thing is the problem of food and drinking water. If this 100,000 alien army is not careful, the entire army may be wiped out here.

Leon is not afraid of death. Any member of the orc royal family rejoices in death, because it means that they can return to the side of the beast **** and receive the eternal blessing of the beast god. He was just a little unwilling-because he hadn't gotten Yin Qingyue into hands yet. He liked not only Yin Qingyue's beauty, but also her wisdom. He firmly believed that Yin Qingyue and his children would be a hero.

Therefore, Leon didn't want to die in this blind place. It would be an insult to die like this inexplicably.

There was a sudden commotion in the distance, and dozens of fierce Pantherman warriors drew their long knives and rushed towards a man wearing a gray cloak. But these Leopard warriors suddenly fell tens of meters away from the man, and fell to the ground silently. Their bodies quickly became cold, and their lives had quickly dissipated with their suddenly separated souls.

Several orc generals leaned against Leon vigilantly, guarding Leon and Yin Qingyue behind them. The man in the gray cloak suddenly appeared in their camp, and no one discovered how he did it. And the translucent girl who followed him was clearly not a person, but a ray of ‘unjust soul’!

"It's really a bunch of ignorant hairballs!" Amlu exclaimed annoyedly: "Am I the wrong soul? Am I the kind of low-level undead creature? Hey, you bunch of low-level hairballs, how long have you been Didn’t take a bath? I really saw the undead, the smell on your body can help you eliminate all enemies!

The soul **** Thord stretched out his hands helplessly, shrugged his shoulders, then lowered his voice, and explained to Amlulu about the issue of the bathing of the orcs. After the establishment of the so-called belief system, the beast The gods of the veins, in order to confuse these lazy orcs, they formulated some inexplicable so-called religious prohibitions.

The beasts, whose living habits are the same as wild beasts, have accepted the guidance of these gods. Many of them take a bath at birth and death throughout their lives, which represents the so-called'soul coming into this world cleanly. , Leave this world cleanly', besides, they never take a bath for years!

Even some orcs are very afraid of water. They will not approach the river or the lake, lest they fall into the water and take a bath accidentally! This kind of inexplicable fear and jealousy keeps the souls of certain orcs in a state of tension and guard for many years, which directly leads to the fact that they can enshrine stronger power of faith for the gods they believe in.

Amlulu looked at Solder dullly, and lowered her voice and snarled angrily: "You guys are so shameless! You can think of this way? Of course, I must admit that this method is really amazing. Um, with all kinds of clear rules and precepts, keep the souls of these idiots in a state of tension all year round? It's like squeezing a lemon to gain more power of faith?"

Clapping her hands gently, Amrulu nodded thoughtfully. Fear, hatred, anger, or any other negative emotions will cause violent fluctuations in the soul, resulting in huge energy. As the existence of the Great Commander level of the Soul God System of the Axul Protoss, Amlulu is naturally extremely familiar with the characteristics of the soul.

"These hateful hairballs!" Waved gently, all the orc warriors who roared toward this side fell to the ground. Their souls turned into beasts and flew out of the body, screaming and being gently held by Amlulu. Amlulu took a deep breath and absorbed the power of fear and anger emanating from the souls of these orc warriors, and then sighed sincerely: "Sure enough, it is exactly the same as what you said along the way. , These powerful souls, what a delicious taste!"

The orcs are not afraid of death. On the battlefield, there is often a whole army of orcs that defeat the entire army but never retreat. The elite fighters around Leon are even the best among the orcs. Even if so many companions had fallen to the ground inexplicably, the other orc warriors still screamed and waved their weapons, rushing to Amlulu and Solde.

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