Bright Era

Chapter 2105: Thor (3)

Raising her head and looking at the dark rock dome, Amlulu's cheeks suddenly flushed with shame: "Hehe, looking for a man, you must look for a pure blood, powerful, wise, martial, and decisive. The cruel, ruthless human king is the truth! Ah, let his strong body conquer me with violence and rage, really, it really makes me suffocated when I think of it."

Thorder's face was dark for a while. After the Primordial Gods War, for countless years, such self-proclaimed gods as Thord had long cultivated himself as the supreme master, and the concept that humans were just humble believers. Suddenly hearing Amlulu’s vision for the human male powerhouse, or the daydream of a pure ‘idiot’, how could Solder accept it for a while?

Of course he remembers what the life of the so-called protoss was like, and of course he remembers those terrible, dark and miserable lives. He remembers that the best and most beautiful girl of all races at that time, the only dream was to be admired by a strong human, even if she was shameless, she would climb onto his bed, and then could fly a sparrow to the plane tree, overnight It suddenly became a golden phoenix, changing the destiny of the entire family and even the entire race!

The performance of Amlulu today is the most standard reaction of girls of all races under the cruel, harsh, bloody, and dark rule of standard humans. But Sold wanted to remind Amlulu that the human beings nowadays are no longer the horrible existence that conquered most of the universe and trampled millions of galaxies under their feet.

The current human beings, they have become a group of meek lambs under the enlightenment of the gods!

But Sold dared not say such a thing, he was afraid that Amlulu would get angry again and beat him again.

Leon let out a miserable howl, a wisp of blood slipped from the center of his eyebrows, and two lines of blood and tears dripped from the corners of his eyes. His body trembled violently, his soul was pinched by Amlulu, and then all his memories, all consciousness, and all his personal emotions and senses were forcibly tampered by Amlulu .

Slowly lowering his head, Leon respectfully knelt at Amlulu's feet.

"Master Amrulu, your humblest and most pious servant Leon salutes you. I will use my sword and my life to guard your dignity, defend your glory, and wipe out all enemies for you, Eliminate all obstacles in front of you."

Amrulu looked at Leon with her head tilted, and then she stretched out her small hand with blood stains, once again grabbed the head of an orc general, and slowly inserted her finger into his brow. "Solder, is it enough to attack the power stored in the brood? I think I need to take these idiots back and make them my first batch of thugs and slaves."

Thord gave a soft cough, he lowered his head and muttered in a low voice: "Now, we call him "God's Domain"."

It was another heavy slap that knocked Thord to the ground. Ammon showed up and stared at Thord coldly, and said indifferently: "Go to the colonial base, violent and destructive brood. This is his standard name! Keep this name in mind at all times, because 300 million such violent and destructive broods suddenly appeared on top of our people, letting us fall for hundreds of millions of years!"

Stomping heavily on Thord’s lower body, Amlulu whispered with a strange fear and panic: "Three hundred million violent and destructive broods, in order to conquer our Axor race , They dispatched 300 million such terrifying combat units. And what about us? After those human powers killed and wounded each other, we exhausted all our resources and exhausted all the power of so many races, just Barely completed a copy! It's still incomplete!"

"Do you know the power gap? Do you know the power comparison?" Amlulu gritted her teeth and looked at Solder: "You idiots, you actually changed his name to God Realm! You really think, If you change a name, can you live in a more secure and safer life? The humans in the past were able to make so many terrible tools of war, and the humans today can still do it!"

Sold clutched his severely injured lower body, and finally he muttered uncomfortably: "However, human civilization has been destroyed!"

Amlu showed his hand, a dazzling electric light struck Thord's head, and his soul almost disintegrated on the spot. A stern scream came from Thord's mouth, and his whole body was convulsed in pain, and he rolled on the ground with blood from his mouth. Amlulu said indifferently: "Human civilization has been destroyed? Are you sure? Where is the Metaverse? The Metaverse was destroyed by you? Where are his remains?"

Thord opened his mouth, he was afraid again, and looked at Amrulu in horror, unable to say a word.

"The eternal ark of mankind, the ultimate defense system, the support of mankind across countless tribulations, the metaverse! Don't destroy the metaverse, you dare to say that you have destroyed the human civilization? When I was sealed, the metaverse I was just hit hard and then hid without a trace. Could it be that you found him during the time I was sealed? You ruined him?"

She shook her head with a weird expression, and Amlulu sighed lightly: "No, you did not destroy him, because he is indestructible! The core of the metaworld is entirely composed of eternal particles. As long as there is enough energy, he It can be reborn infinitely. His central area is composed of rare cosmic materials and eternal particles, and the proportion of eternal particles is as high as 95%!"

"The Metaverse is divided into 24 layers from the inside to the outside. The outermost layer of the most insignificant defensive armor also contains 50% of the eternal particles!" Amlulu looked at Solder mockingly. : "With our power, as long as the eternal particle ratio exceeds 3%, it is impossible to destroy with our power!"

"If the Metaverse is not destroyed, human civilization will not be extinct!" Amlulu gently shook her head: "You dare to say that you have eliminated human civilization? Our purpose here is only Taking advantage of the serious injury of the Metaverse, annihilating all the human beings that reproduced on this star, and you dare to say that you have destroyed human civilization?"

Thord finally lowered his head, and he had nothing to say about Amlulu's accusation.

Amru showed up and started chanting the spell indifferently. Her tyrannical soul power turned into snake-shaped ripples visible to the naked eye, and she quickly penetrated the heads of nearly 100,000 alien races around her, slowly controlling them. soul. She forcibly rewritten all the memories of these orcs, barbarians, and Titans, obliterated all their feelings and self-awareness, and turned them into her most loyal servants.

A quarter of an hour later, the alien races lined up in a neat array of dozens of squares, surrounded by the **** of soul Thord and Amrulu dressed as Thord’s newly conquered maid, all the way to Thor Go to the place of faith in Germany. Along the way, the army of the church was easily retreated by Thord, and the dozens of alien troops led by the fallen gods they encountered were forcibly conquered by Amlulu.

Before Amrulu's terrifying soul manipulated the magic, the fallen gods did not even have the power to resist, and they all became her most loyal puppets. And Amlulu didn't let these fallen gods follow her. She gave these fallen gods orders to destroy at will, letting them rush to the territory of the church gods with a large group of people.

Amlulu, with her head up and chest tall, walked into the gates of God's Domain with a large group of powerful aliens, without disturbing anyone, Amlulu took these subdued "chosen ones" into the unused Inheritance temple. A large group of devout followers of the gods of the Odin Temple transformed here and became Amlulu's loyal subordinates. The Axul Protoss, ushered in the first wave of tribes with orc blood.

Lin Feiqian's father and daughter and their group also stepped into the secret room with Thor's Hammer almost at the same time.

This is a huge hemispherical hall with an ancient astronomical picture painted on the wall. In the dark night sky, countless large and small stars are slowly moving along a wonderful trajectory. And in the center of this hemispherical hall with a diameter of more than ten miles, on a circular base stands a huge, jaw-dropping Primordial Magic Device.

The whole body was shining with a faint purple light, and traces of extremely thin electric light danced lightly on the streamlined surface. This gigantic magical device with a long lee is like a drop of water that has been stretched more than ten times longer. The thickest part is firmly fixed on the circular base that can move freely, and gradually becomes thinner. At the other end, it was a circular dome pointed at forty-five degrees.

This is a majestic and beautiful, with no trace of blemish in the whole body, it is a strange and natural creation. Lin Feiqian looked in awe at this big guy with infinite power. They held their breath. In front of this magical device that was said to be able to easily kill the main god-level powerhouse, they didn't even have the courage to breathe. .

Like the many corridors and cabins outside, this huge hall was full of dead bodies and skeletons. There are the most corpses at the entrance, and the densely packed corpses are almost piled up into a hill. And the closer you get to Thor's Hammer, the less dense the corpses here.

In the end, less than ten meters away from Thor's Hammer, two handsome men in the same uniform faced each other. They were as clear as the eyes of a stranger with madness and killing flames. They hugged each other face to face. Their palms plunged into each other's chest, like the palm of a knife cut off each other’s bones and crushed each other. heart.

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