Bright Era

Chapter 2115: Mu Wei's small plan (3)

The two crows opened their mouths wide. They looked at Lin Qi at a loss. They saw the donkey, Cerberus and rabbits beside Lin Qi, and the quiet jade toad that seemed harmless to humans and animals. Value Lin Qi. Coupled with the existence of the poinciana and the osmanthus tree, the two crows have completely recognized Lin Qi's supreme command.

But when they saw Shengxianchi, they suddenly realized that they seemed to underestimate this fresh and tender commander.

"It's not bad. After that **** war, it seems to be our luck to meet a commander like you who looks good in character and luck!" The two crows sighed at the same time: "There is Sheng Xianchi. , If there are a group of skilled goblins and dwarves, plus the design drawings of Thor's Hammer we have, if we can collect enough materials, we will..."

The two crows today seemed to be hit to death by Lin Qi, and their words still hadn't been finished. Heavenly Mountain had already flew up from Lin Qi's head with a divine light. Mining units such as Miyin Mountain and Gem Lake slowly greeted the two crows. The two crows sat on the ground embarrassedly, their eyes twitching, and they didn't know what to say.

Heaven Mountain, and it is the Heaven Mountain with the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, abandon the other large and small halls that are not influencing, and the Heaven Mountain with the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse is already in its complete form. Heavenly Mountain.

But when the local prison wriggled its huge body and turned into a billowing black cloud, even Thor screamed in surprise and surprise: "Praise the great man, we may, we may have a twist The battle, the hope of capitalization!"

Lin Qi nodded slowly. He looked at the 196 intact Thor's Hammers remaining on the ground and 1,348 Thor's Hammers that could be repaired. He smiled brilliantly. Writing: "Then, Haiji, Mu Lin, and Thor, the repair and management of these Thor's Hammers will be left to you. Well, how powerful is he for a completely restored Thor's Hammer?"

Thor's voice became extremely serious: "For the existence of the main god, it can be injured; for the upper main god, there is a 10% chance of killing on the spot; for the middle gods, there is a 30% probability of killing; if it is The lower main **** can ensure the kill. This is the best result that can be achieved with a single attack and a guaranteed hit."

Lin Qi gradually grasped the strengths and weaknesses of Thor's Hammer. If it hits the enemy, Thor's Hammer can indeed guarantee extremely powerful attack power. At the same time, for the low-level army of the gods, Thor's Hammer's large-scale coverage attack can also produce a very strong killing effect-just now, Lin Qi witnessed the destruction of an army of elves and an army of churches.

The weakness of Thor's Hammer lies in the fact that the super attack power brings terrifying consumption, and each of their strikes consumes astronomical god-level spar. If it is replaced with ordinary magic spar and other crystal blocks that can provide energy, the amount of Quake's hammer will be larger.

At the same time, this is after all a crude imitation of the Sword of Doomsday Judgment and the Heart of Thunder. Every full attack of Thor’s Hammer will cause considerable damage to itself. After every attack, certain maintenance and maintenance are required, otherwise it will inevitably cause damage. Damage to the body.

Therefore, in the Primordial God War, although the Thor's Hammer is not huge, but because of the difficulty of supplying magic spar and the problem of its own maintenance, the Thor's Hammer is only used as a strategic surprise attack, and cannot be used as a conventional means of attack. !

"God-level magic spar!" Lin Qi frowned. Now in the abyss worlds he controls, even the best-quality magic spar has only reached the holy level. God-level magic spar, you can occasionally find three or five from those super veins, but it is not easy to satisfy the big belly of Thor's Hammer!

Haiji and Mu Lin glanced at each other, and then they shouted at the same time: "Find the Temple of Thor in Klitaskov, which is the Temple of Thunder. The Thunder Heart can provide endless energy for these Thor's Hammers!"

The two crows waved their wings at the same time: "The crippled temple of Thor, if he hadn't been caught in a trap and ambushed in the early days of the Primordial War, if he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, Thor's Hammer would not need to use the imitation Thunder Heart. The energy core!"

Lin Qi tilted his mouth and found the Temple of Thor? Well, although this hope is slim, it is at least a hope! After all, his luck is always good, maybe one day he suddenly found the Temple of Thor?

Taking all the Thor's Hammers that were generally intact and in need of repair from this emergency meeting point, Lin Qi returned to the Longshan Imperial Capital. The mountains in the northwest are still emitting smoke and fire. From a distance, you can see tens of thousands of dragons tamed by the church circling wildly in the sky, looking for murderers who don’t know where they are hiding.

Some dragons even blasted into the airspace of the Longshan Empire and raged, but these unopened dragons were quickly kicked out by Lin Qi's subordinates, bruised and bruised. As the chosen one of Mu Wei's inheritance from the higher priesthood, Lin Qi is now the upper **** of the Axul protoss. These dragons dared to break into his territory, and no one would dare to say a word of nonsense even if they were killed.

Throwing the damaged Thor's hammers into the top secret base of Abyssal World, Lin Qi quickly gathered a group of skilled dwarves and goblins to try to repair those Thor's hammers under the guidance of two crows. These dwarves and goblins do not have enough mastery of Primordial magic knowledge, and are often ridiculed and cursed by two crows.

The repair work is very slow, but Lin Qi believes that when these dwarves and goblins really repair a Thor's Hammer one day, Lin Qi will have an extra team of elites comparable to ancient dwarves and goblins. . The knowledge they master will be an indispensable and powerful fighting force under Lin Qi.

And the 196 Thor's Hammers, which remained roughly intact, were secretly arranged by Lin Qi on dozens of scattered islands in the depths of the South China Sea of ​​the Western Continent. These islands range from thousands of miles to tens of thousands of miles from the Western Continent, but the entire Western Continent, including the Continental Bridge and the small half of the Odin Icefield, are within their strike range, as long as Lin Qi orders, 196 With the volley of Thor's Hammer, even the God of Dawn will be scared to death, right?

With these Thor's hammers in charge, Lin Qi felt at ease again. His personal combat power can only protect himself in the battle with the gods. But with these Thor's Hammers, Lin Qi even had the confidence to challenge the powerful existence of three or five main gods while trying to kill them on the spot.

If it wasn't for the fact that once the hammer of Thor was used, Lin Qi would really be interested in trying to kill a main god.

After a few days, after waiting for the bases of Thor's Hammers on the island to be built, Mu Wei, who looked mysterious, suddenly took Hu Xinzhu and a few henchmen to Lin Qi's palace sneakily. First, he praised a lot of nonsense about the gardens and scenery in Lin Qi's palace, and then Mu Wei said what she was here.

It was the chain effect caused by Thor's Hammer-because of the sudden blow of Thor's Hammer, the war between the gods suddenly stopped. The gods, who are like frightened birds, are carefully investigating whether there are other black hands behind the sudden appearance of Thor's Hammer. At the same time, they are also accumulating strength to prepare for the final battle that is bound to come.

The war of the gods is like a surging river, and Thor's Hammer is like a dam suddenly appeared on the river. The billowing river water is forcibly cut off by the dam, but once the river water breaks through the dam, the accumulated flood water will become more and more unstoppable.

At that time, no one knew what would happen. It is possible that the battle of the gods will intensify in an instant. Originally, only the demi-god-level powerhouses of the Tianmiao and the church participated in the battle in a secretive manner. Existence will come on stage.

"So, I must find a way to increase the strength of the God of War!" Sitting on the comfortable and soft sofa in the living room, Mu Wei confessed her intention. She had always suspected that the **** of war Mudel had been involved in the death of the gods of the Azur tribe, because Mudel's sleeping dimensional space was extremely secretive, and no one could kill Mudel unless someone revealed the coordinates of that space.

Since the hidden enemy has already killed Mudel, why can't Mu Wei be the next target?

As the only powerhouse of the main **** level in the Temple of War, Mu Wei must work hard for the future of so many upper, middle, and lower gods in the Temple of War. Those lower gods are just some servant-like characters. Even if millions of **** servants die, they don't feel heartache. Not to mention that among the millions of **** servants, there are still a large group of gods who were promoted by the Primordial God after the war?

But those high-level gods and middle-level gods are all descendants of Muwaris, the **** of war of the Axul protoss, and Mu Wei's heartache will be caused by death or injury. Among them, there are also human **** choosers such as Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu. Although the number is not large, there are only a few hundred people, but these hundreds of people are all iron confidants promoted by the God of War since the Taigu God war. No one can easily abandon the mad believers among the believers.

"So, I must find the corpse of Mudra, the nightmare shadow that fell." Holding the delicate teacup, Mu Wei took a sip of fragrant tea, and then sighed gently. Squinting her eyes and sniffing the faint fragrance of the tea with enjoyment, Mu Wei's face became very serious.

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