Bright Era

Chapter 2118: Mutation (2)

With the turmoil caused by Hu Xinzhu, these powerful and powerful slaves were recruited on the spot to work for him. This was also helpless Lin Qi could do. It’s too close to the Blood Qin Empire. The inspectors of the Tianmiao are haunting the surrounding area. It would be convenient if Lin Qi and the others use magic or spiritual power to search the surrounding area, but it is almost guaranteed that they will be discovered by the Tianmiao people. .

Mu Wei didn't want to leak out the things here, so they could only rely on manpower to carry out the most primitive search work.

"Well, if these guys don't want their master to be accused of fornicating with the enemy country, they will definitely work hard to find news about the leader of Mudra for us." Lin Qi smiled and said to Mu Wei: " We can only wait here for a few more days."

Mu Wei nodded, and then looked at the token in Lin Qi's hand curiously. Lin Qi indifferently threw this token representing the power of life and death of the Blood Qin Empire to Mu Wei, and said indifferently: "On the battlefield of the Eastern Great Plains, several killed members of the Blood Qin Empire were found. It looks pretty good, and it's very effective to scare the people of the Blood Qin Empire."

"Oh!" Mu Wei threw this token to Lin Qi uninterested. For her, this kind of worldly stuff is not attractive at all.

In this dirty, shabby, and chaotic town, Lin Qi and the others waited quietly for another seven days. Finally the white fat man ran back out of breath, fell to his knees with great flattery, and reported back to Lin Qi with a smile—the team of guards he sent out was six hundred and five from Kuquan Station. In a barren mountain ten miles away, a strange spring was found. From time to time, some black and red mist appeared in it. All people who encountered this mist would become bloodthirsty and crazy. His guards were broken there. Dozens of people.

Mu Wei's face suddenly condensed, she stood up quickly, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Mudela's law of power is to make all the fighters around him become the most fearless and fighting warriors. The fighters standing next to him will increase their combat effectiveness dozens of times, and will stop fighting until they are killed by the enemy. This is Mudra’s power!"

The iron rods of "Dang Cang" and "Dang Cang" rang, and dozens of temple parade envoys wearing black robes and shaved scalps slowly walked past the tavern. When they passed the pub, their eyes were cold and swept towards Lin Qi and others. Lin Qi smiled and nodded to these heavenly temple envoys, knotted a weird seal with his hands, and followed a strange trajectory slowly on his heart.

The expressions of those envoys from the temple became much more kind. They turned their heads and gave a few low warnings to the traffickers across the street. Only then did they slowly disappear at the end of the street like clouds and flowing water.

Mu Wei's face became a little ugly. She stared at the backs of those Heavenly Temple messengers, and said faintly: "They have a trace of supernatural power, huh, the Heavenly Temple gods, have they started directly intervening? , The war is really not far away. The divine power aura on them is very familiar, that is the power of the goddess of Sanhua."

Mu Wei's ruddy mouth twitched slightly, and Mu Wei smiled disdainfully: "If you encounter a woman on the battlefield who holds a red water lily in her hand and is scented everywhere, you must be careful of her. That's a complete bastard, she is a **** like the goddess of pleasure!"

Hu Xinzhu glared fiercely, and Mu Wei's eyes were full of warning. Hu Xinzhu hugged Mu Wei hurriedly, a lot of sweet words and sweet words poured out without money, and soon coaxed Mu Wei, who was inexplicably full of jealousy, into a smile, so that she was very charming and gently pressed on Hu Xinzhu's chest. Hit a few punches.

Lin Qi curled his lips, and exchanged helpless eyes with the cramped and skinned and bone-knocked brothers. Hu Xinzhu and Mu Wei flirted and scolded here. Hu Xinzhu's sweet words made Lin Qi feel as uncomfortable as a bug crawling all over, but Mu Wei took this set. What can Lin Qi and the others do?

Glancing at the white fat man, Lin Qi solemnly said: "Take us over, and then, I will play please your Majesty and reward you heavily!"

The white fat man smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a line, and he stood up hurriedly and stood aside happily. When Hu Xinzhu and Mu Wei were tired, the group left the tavern, boarded the dromedary camel contributed by Fatty Bai, and walked slowly toward the barren mountain spring he said.

Before leaving the Kuquan Station, a young man wearing a moon-white robe with a brightly shaved scalp and a fuchsia crystal the size of a thumb on his forehead was born very evil, with a smell of fat and powder all over his body, slowly walking from the side of the road. Coming out of the house. A dozen corpses were lying in the house, all of them shriveled like mummies, and then quickly scattered into sand.

"Well, what a wonderful beauty!" The white-robed young man stared at Mu Wei's back, and his body shivered slightly: "Wonderful, you must get it! Although it is not a complete body, but that small appearance It's really heartbreaking. And the maids behind her are full of vitality and Yin. When I get them, I will definitely make my achievements go further!"

Taking a deep breath, the white-robed youth hooked into the shadow on the side. A dark-faced Tianmiao priest wearing a black robe quietly walked out of the shadows, and respectfully worshipped the white-robed youth. The white-robed youth asked a few words in a low voice, and the black-robed priest hurriedly recounted the information he had.

"Oh? A guard holding a token of the Blood Qin Empire's court by his side? Could it be a certain princess of the Blood Qin Empire traveling? Interesting, interesting, the princess of the Blood Qin Empire, it's okay to be a concubine. , Go to the circle and see what my little beauty wants to do, then... kill all the men, and leave the little beauty and her maid behind."

The black robe priest nodded slowly, his body once again turned into a shadow and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Qi and his party rode a dromedary camel, moving forward slowly. It was in the morning when they set off, and at this speed, they would not be able to reach that barren mountain spring until night. But everyone is not in a hurry. After all, this is the place to find Mudela's fall. Mu Wei is ready to stay here for a long time, and she is not ready to easily find Mudla's body and relics.

There was nothing all the way, and when the sky was completely dark and the sky was full of stars, Lin Qi and his party finally arrived at their destination. A hill with a radius of no more than 30 miles, in a valley in the mountain, a spring eye of about ten acres is gurgling with bubbles, and strands of black and red mist are constantly spraying out of the bubbles, turning into a layer of faint encumbrance. Shrouded the entire spring.

The bones of birds and beasts are densely packed near the spring. The white and miserable bones are shining with strange phosphorescence under the light of colorful stars. Some squirming poisonous insects rushed in and out of the skulls of the beasts, looking disgusting and hideous to the extreme.

The group of people stopped their mounts hundreds of meters away from the spring. Lin Qi and Mu Wei and his group got off the camel. Nearly a hundred of Lin Qi's subordinates have arrived here. They did not show up, but hid them. In the distance, quietly observing the surrounding movement. The starlight shining on the spring's eyes, the black-red mist reflected the starlight, and a faint light of blood could be seen floating in the sky from far away.

"Yes, right?" Mu Wei frowned and looked at the black-red mist, and shook her head hesitantly. It seems to be Mudra's supernatural power, but there are some specious things in it. The relationship between Mu Wei and Mudela is not very good, but Mudel, who was killed by Lin Qi, is very favored by Mudela. After all, they are the same war mad with simple mind and well-developed limbs. common language.

Therefore, Mu Wei is not particularly clear about Mudra’s divine power attributes. She roughly believes that this is Mudra’s divine power aura, but after adding some strange auras mixed in it, Mu Wei is very concerned about this aura. It's a bit unclear who it belongs to.

Frowning, Mu Wei strode towards the fountain, trying to determine who this breath belongs to.

At this moment, the sound of dense and light footsteps came, and the evil young man in a moon-white robe who appeared in Kuquanyi quickly rushed over here like a flying. He ran and yelled loudly. "Be careful, this girl, that's the most famous place of death in this desert, the "Eye of Yellow Spring". Girl, you are delicate and expensive. Don't risk it!"

The young man's speed was extremely fast, and he reached Mu Wei's side in a few blinks. He grinned and grabbed Mu Wei's slender waist, and said enthusiastically: "The girl is here, no matter what you are looking for, just give me an order. I will definitely help the girl get this done!"

Hu Xinzhu's face went gloomy, Mu Wei was his woman, and this young man in white who appeared inexplicably and made Hu Xinzhu feel uncomfortable at first sight actually grabbed Mu Wei's waist in front of him! In the presence of the famous Young Master Hu from Chilong City in Shuangyang, who molested his woman, if Young Master Hu Xinzhu can bear this tone, would he still be Hu Xinzhu?

With a wave of the folding fan in his hand, a shining, solid wind blade cut silently towards the neck of the white-clothed young man. Hu Xinzhu was annoyed that this guy actually dared to do something to Mu Wei. She didn't mean to be merciful at all, so she killed him. The white-clothed young man raised his eyebrows, sneered sneerly, and flicked towards Fengjian, while the other hand still firmly grasped Mu Wei's waist.

With a wicked smile, the young man in white has begun to imagine how delicate and tender Mu Wei's waist is. Once caught by his big hand, how panic and painful the petite and beautiful Mu Wei can be. Groans! He just likes to listen to beautiful girls screaming for mercy under him in pain, which gives him a hearty and heartfelt pleasure that dominates his life and death!

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