Bright Era

Chapter 2132: Wonderful Flower (2)

They are just a pair of smart people who are wise to protect themselves. Although they followed the crowd and brought hundreds of millions of huge legions to this world, they did not really join the Primordial God War. All their prophecy abilities are used to save the lives of themselves and their subordinates, which also gives the Fate Legion the most benevolent legion, the smartest legion, and other negative nicknames.

"That's it!" Lin Qi put down his teacup, he looked at the Trums who had told him all his plans, and rubbed his brows helplessly. This is really a very strange couple in the camp of the gods, and Lin Qi can't describe how he feels about them.

According to Lin Qi's position, the Theroms, who have the ability to predict, are enemies that must be eliminated. But if they have found themselves and want to take refuge in themselves, then, it seems, things don't have to be so extreme, right? After pondering for a while, Lin Qi threw this question to Hell and Heaven Mountain.

After a little silence, Hell slowly said: "Before the adults who left the metaworld and embarked on the road of conquest, I received a lot of materials sent back by the metaverse units before falling asleep, including all of them. All the detailed archives of the various races of the gods. The fate of the Azhul clan is one line. They are different from other clansmen. They are smart and they can cooperate!

The voice of **** became extraordinarily gloomy and evil, and he suddenly "Jie Jie" laughed strangely: "Of course, there are some people in the fate series who are full of malice towards humans, but they will definitely not be the two juniors in front of them. I agree temporarily. Their conditions, after my power recovers some more, I will use the Hell Demon Soul Seed to invade their souls and completely control their life and death, and the liquid will not be afraid of them making trouble!"

The Goddess of Destiny filled Lin Qi with a cup of tea. Lin Qi picked up the tea cup and glanced over Trum and his wife one by one, then nodded gently: "Then, you will all listen to me from now on. , Can it be done? You also have the power of the main **** level, but you are only two lower main gods, and you are barely about to break through to the middle main god."

Shaking his head, Lin Qi sighed: "Compared with Mu Wei, the **** of dawn, and the **** of punishment, your strength is too weak. Although the same as the master god, your status and power in the Azerite clan It is completely incomparable with them. If such a ruinous day comes, even if you have the power of prophecy, you will not be able to escape the final... death!"

Pointing to his heart, Lin Qi said calmly: "Only if you believe me, only listen to me, and only submit to me, will you have the hope of being spared in the end. This is not just what I said, but also what you predicted. So , What is your decision?"

The Goddess of Destiny smiled and gently shook the hands of Terom. Her star-like light silver eyes looked at Lin Qi deeply, and then she nodded: "Our only daughter, sixteen years ago When Amo was born, she will follow you. Well, please take care to protect her identity, because no one knows that we already have a daughter except our couple and some of the most loyal maids."

Sixteen years ago, most of the gods were still asleep. Before they were as active as they are now, Trum and his wife had given birth to a daughter. Lin Qi glanced at Trum, he really couldn't comment on what the pair was doing. They had a daughter, and she was also a daughter of Axel bloodline, they secretly kept this news till now.

It seems that he understood the complicated meaning in Lin Qi's eyes, and Terom stretched out his hands helplessly, and uttered his belly full of complaints-there are basically no good people among the Azer Protoss, except for the Terom and his wife. Both, Mu Wei and the few other goddesses have better character and character. As for the other male gods, all their hearts are distorted to the extreme, and all of them are bullying men and women doing all things evil.

Especially the God of War Mudel and the God of Retribution, they are even more hungry ghosts. They are thinking about how to attack those goddesses and how to get them legal or illegal, gentle or violent. Go to bed. As far as Trum knew, among the surviving gods after the war of the Primordial Gods, the sudden disappearance of several middle-level goddesses who were famous for their beauty was inseparable from the **** of punishment.

In this case, how dare Trum and the goddess of fate speak out about the existence of Amo? They kept guarding this secret to this day, until Lin Qi agreed to their terms. After the Primordial War of Gods, Amo was the first **** among the Azhul protoss to have a pure Azhul bloodline and possess a talent for prophecy that is a hundred times stronger than her parents!

Unlike the demigods born by the gods and female believers, Amo is the only pure **** of the Azerite tribe for so many years. Moreover, what horrified the two of Therums was that Ai Mo had the strength close to the lower **** at birth. She reached the peak of the upper **** since she was born, and as she grew up, her strength continued to grow. Promote.

It is precisely because Aimo possesses such amazing talents that the two of them dare not let her appear in front of others. They can only carefully hide her in their sleeping space and dare not let anyone know about the existence of Aimo. .

"That's it!" Lin Qi stared at Truum with blinking eyes: "Have you heard that the octagonal **** of the spirit **** clan Wang Yanyong has a son? Well, you are the **** of destiny, this news should not be hidden from you Right?"

Therum spread his hands and looked at Lin Qi in a weird tone: "Your Majesty Lin Qi may not be clear about the spirits and gods. Of course, it is very difficult for them to naturally reproduce offspring. It is very difficult for them to have a descendant. But We Axel family, want to naturally reproduce a descendant, but it is not so easy. A **** of pure Axel bloodline, on average, a couple can have a child born in about a thousand years, because of our conception rate Not too high."

After a slight pause, Therom said calmly: "The **** of punishment, the **** of dawn, they are the children born of mixed blood with female believers, those so-called gods, because of the relationship between human blood, they are the strongest and only semi-god. In general, the pure-blooded gods born by the people of our Azhul clan are the strongest capable of possessing the power of the peak of the middle god."

Lin Qi looked at Trum in surprise: "So, Ai Mo is a special case?"

Therum sighed heavily: "It's a very special case, so we don't dare to hide her in the realm of God. Anyway, according to our prediction, you are our only place of life. So Amo will follow you in the future. I'm not joking, whether you treat her as a maid or a concubine, whatever you want."

Lin Qi picked up the teacup and drank a cup of tea.

The Goddess of Destiny walked away for a while. When she came back, she was already followed by a young girl who was timid, scared to see everything, and at the same time feeling extremely novel. She is said to be a sixteen-year-old girl, but she seems to be no different from Mr. Mo's daughter Etrez, that is, the size of an ordinary twelve or three-year-old girl.

With a strength close to that of the lower main **** and a hundred times stronger than his parents in prophetic talent, Ai Mo just so timidly grabbed his mother's long skirt and walked over. She shrank behind the goddess of fate, and curiously stuck out half of her face to look at Lin Qi. When she found that Lin Qi was also looking at her, Ai Mo blushed and hurriedly hid her whole body.

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Therum: "I'm afraid of having a child!"

Therum stretched out her hands helplessly: "This, she has basically never had any contact with outsiders! We don't dare to let her contact those **** of the Asher clan! You don't even know how much those **** did something behind their backs. Shameful things!"

With a bitter sigh, Therum lowered his voice slightly: "Axor clan, in the long sleep process, the gods have fallen. Hey, you can't imagine how much they have fallen. Including the knight **** who once claimed to be the most upright and honorable war temple, he has also become a **** bastard!"

Reaching out his hand and gently stroking Ai Mo's long silver hair, Therum sighed and shook his head helplessly. He whispered to Lin Qi, and at the same time Lin Qi finally understood why the 16-year-old Ai Mo looked like a three- to five-year-old child in mind and expression.

This is an unavoidable problem for all the original races. Once their children are born, they can have extremely strong power, the power of the lower **** or the middle god. But their children mature slowly. For example, the elves have to wait until the equivalent of four or five hundred years of human life before they finally mature.

Moreover, the children of the original race have a very slow increase in their strength. For example, the Axul clan, they are considered to be a relatively strong clan among the major races. If their pure-blood descendants are born with the strength of a middle **** and want to rise to the level of a higher god, they rely solely on their own. It is estimated that it will take millions or even tens of millions of years to cultivate and accumulate for a long time.

And the blood of human beings allows the great origin races to watch. Human children are extremely weak when they are born, and their souls are extremely weak. However, human beings can mature both physically and mentally in just over a dozen years. They start to practice at the age of three or five, and they can have all the major races for millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. The terrifying power possessed.

When the Primordial Gods battled, the camp of the gods suffered such a big loss. It shows that many combat units in the Metaverse can no longer participate in the war. It shows that mankind has reached the point of exhaustion, but every few decades, there will be a large group of strength. Intrepid human powers join the war. Mankind has multiplied for one generation in twenty years, and during the war, their strength has increased hundreds or even thousands of times more efficiently than in the peaceful era.

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