Bright Era

Chapter 2135: Yin Master’s Careful Thinking (1)

Longshan Imperial Palace.

The weather was not very good, one after another thunder exploded directly above the head, shaking the entire emperor capital. It seems that there are countless giants using hollowed-out peaks as containers, scooping up huge amounts of seawater from the boundless sea, and splashing them down from the sky. The downpour has turned into a thick curtain of water, making this dark clouded night completely changed. It became a muddy world with no fingers.

Dozens of soaring magic towers inside and outside the Longshan Imperial Capital exude a dazzling light surrounded by thunder and lightning. On the top of each magic tower is a multi-faceted prism magic crystal ten meters in diameter. In the night, these crystals released a strong light that could not be seen directly, and tenaciously tore open the dark clouds, night and water curtain, and shrouded the entire Longshan Emperor under a glimmer of light.

The neatly organized Longshan guards of a thousand-man team are walking neatly along the streets and lanes. They are the power of the Longshan Empire on the bright side. Each team of guards is led by a median god, and ten lower gods act as the captains of the centuries, and all guards are semi-god-level tyrannical existences.

There are as many as one hundred teams of such a thousand-person team for night patrol in the entire Longshan Emperor. Such defensive power is enough to make all the empires on the ground world shame. Before this **** full-scale melee broke out, such a thousand-man team could destroy all the secular forces on a continent at will.

In addition to the guards in these bright areas, there are countless dark creatures in the night of Longshan Imperial Capital who are parading, hunting, and cruelly killing. Countless demons from the abyss of demons, evil spirits from the abyss of evil ghosts, and undead assassins from the abyss of undead, they haunt the night like ghosts. Some unlucky people who wanted to sneak into the Longshan Imperial Capital through extraordinary means became their prey in this cruel, damp and cold night, and disappeared from this world silently and completely.

Haiji and Mu Lin were floating in the thick black clouds cursingly. Kuang thunder and lightning struck their bodies, and dazzled their feathers with dazzling flames. There was a faint golden light shining in their eyes, and even the yawn of a wild cat in the vast Longshan Emperor's capital covering a hundred miles could not avoid their eyes and ears. Under their supervision, Emperor Longshan has become a golden soup city without any faults, and no one can sneak into here silently.

The two rabbits were lying on the backs of Haiji and Mu Lin, chewing carrots quietly, tore open space bags and space rings quickly, and distributed the piles of seizures in them. it is good. The part that belonged to Lin Qi was put aside separately, and then the two rabbits shared the other captured.

Today's harvest is good. In just over three hours, the abyssal forces led by two rabbits hunted and killed 83 night walkers who wanted to sneak into the Longshan Imperial Capital. Their underwear was stripped and pulled clean, and even their bodies were sold by two rabbits to certain puppet wizards in the Abyss of the Undead. Among them, a demigod was sold for a high price of one million ancient gold coins.

The rich harvest made the two rabbits smile so that their eyes were narrowed into a line. The more the better, the more the better! This kind of stupid stupid idiot who runs directly into the trap is better! Especially those elves who think they are smart and quick-acting will not be discovered by others. The more they come, the better. Who makes these elves' underwear made of good rare magic materials? Every one can be sold at a sky-high price!

The thick curtains blocked the lightning flashes outside, and the triple magic glass windows blocked out all outside noises. Lin Qi sat in the spacious study room, facing a piece of parchment, thinking about the power composition of the Azer and other gods. Complicated lines were drawn on this, one by one pointed out the closeness and estrangement of the various forces within the major Protoss.

In particular, what kind of relationship is between the various gods, whether they have any blood connections, whether they have hatred or grace in the Primordial God War, and what position will they stand in this God War? , These materials are of great help to Lin Qi.

Only by knowing your enemy can you kill your enemy!

Lin Qi recalled that at the entrance and exit of God's Domain, the God of Soul was condemned by a group of gods in unison. With the testimony of Mrs and Mrs. Therums, the charges of the Soul God on Lin Qi's head were washed away, and the servants of Solder who controlled the gods attacked Lin Qi, but were killed by Ai Mo, all The responsibilities were also borne by Sold alone.

For committing such a big thing, including Sold directly and intentionally provoking the majesty of the Temple of War, for such an act, the gods of Azer did not make any powerful punishment to Sold, but only asked him to compensate him for the loss. The loss of more than 20,000 **** servants!

Looking at the information on the parchment, Lin Qi realized that Solder’s character was very bad and his popularity was not very good. However, within the Azer Protoss, Solder is an indispensable and important role-he is the soul God, his analysis of the soul has reached an extremely profound level. If the gods are wounded at the origin of the spirit, they can only rely on Thorder to control the injury of the spirit and not get worse, and then get enough time to treat the injury.

In the Primordial War, the Goddess of Life Temple is responsible for healing the wounds of the gods and gods, while the Soul Temple where Thord is is responsible for various problems on the gods and souls. And more importantly, Thorder's soul temple can forcibly transform enemies into his own puppets. This ability is so valuable on the battlefield that the gods are more tolerant of Thorder.

"So even if this guy releases Amrulu, he will only be reprimanded by the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment!"

Lin Qi recalled what happened in God's Domain yesterday, still feeling a little weird. Who is Amlulu? Therum had described him in detail. It was a lunatic woman through and through, who had almost destroyed the lunatic of God's Domain. Sold recklessly released Amlulu, only to be reprimanded!

"The importance of the Soul Temple in the Azer Protoss should be beyond my imagination! He can actually help the gods stabilize and heal their soul injuries? Well, he is very concerned about the natural spirits of the Odin Temple. , And the spirits of the Spirit God clan are both a great threat? It seems that this is Thord's rampant reliance in the Azer **** clan."

Grabbing the quill, he drew a horizontal line under Solder's name, and then wrote Amlulu's name next to his name. Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. The relationship between the gods is intricate, and Lin Qi can't figure out what these gods are thinking. The God of Dawn, the God of Retribution and the other gods easily let Thord go, and it is probably not unrelated to Amlulu.

After all, this was a god-level existence, she escaped from the seal, and also sneaked into the god's domain to absorb a lot of divine power and restore a certain amount of power. Even if the gods hated Thord, they wouldn't dare to do anything to him. After all, there is Amrulu, who wants to directly confront the soul **** system that has suddenly increased a lot of strength?

The quill walked on the parchment for a while, and then he drew a circle on the name of the **** of punishment.

When the Theroms suddenly appeared and they said that Amo was their daughter, Lin Qi noticed that many male gods of the Azhul tribe, including the God of Retribution, looked at Amo with wrong eyes. Those ordinary high-level gods are nothing more. Those who have the name of a certain main **** and whose strength is also at the level of the lower main **** to the middle main **** level, who think they can eat the Ding Trums, Lin Qi found that their eyes are all There was a burst of green light, and he was in a posture that he could not wait to swallow Ai Mo.

Possessing prophecy, able to predict danger, created a miracle with single-digit damage and hundreds of millions of the destiny army losing less than three digits. This is the **** of destiny Terom and his wife. The magical result of creation!

No matter whether you call them timid, timid, or slippery, they wander on the battlefield of the Great Ancient Gods, which is so complicated and may be destroyed at any time, with such a huge army. After so many years, the entire Primordial War of God has also stretched for nearly ten thousand years. In nearly ten thousand years, the soldiers of the Destiny Legion had less than three digits of death and injury!

To be honest, Lin Qi was speechless when he learned of such a result!

Even if Lin Qi has opened countless cheating devices, including the Blood Qin Empire, he is already a chess piece in his hand, but the army of the Longshan Empire on the eastern plains now has more than 15 soldiers killed and injured! More than one million soldiers were killed and injured, of which more than 60% were killed in war. Compared with the brilliant record of Therums, Lin Qi blushed.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the gods of the Azhul protoss have peeping at Ai Mo. As long as they can swallow this girl in one bite, not only will they have a petite and lovely little beauty, but they can also directly draw on the destiny temple. relationship. Relying on the ‘friendship’ that the Theroms became their father-in-law and mother-in-law, in the future, on the battlefield, will their army not be profitable?

"It's stressful!" Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. The Trums could be regarded as throwing a hot potato to themselves, and it was a real loss to them that they were so assured that they could bear such a great pressure. But Lin Qi really had no choice. The Trums and his wife had forgotten them. Aimo's prophetic talent was a hundred times stronger than theirs. Such talents must be held in their hands, and they must not be left to the Azer protoss.

At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open, and Ai Mo, whose face turned pale in fright, blew in like a gust of wind, and threw herself into Lin Qi's arms, shaking with trembling. She looked at Lin Qi tremblingly, and stammered: "What's outside? What a scary thing. It's so loud, dark, and there is such a heavy smell of blood!"

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