Bright Era

Chapter 2145: Celestial Clan (2)

Yang Tian laughed a few times, and the Yin Master gently shook his head: "So, you can only forcibly extract the elite of the private army from the nobles who are dissatisfied with you. On the one hand, it can perfuse me, and on the other hand, it can weaken those The military power of the nobles! But this is my opportunity! My special envoy has already contacted these princes and nobles, and they are now the only one who follow!

Ying Zheng looked at Master Yin coldly, and he sneered with gloomy expression: "When I get out of trouble, they will be full of punishment."

A deep laughter came from a distance, and an old man wearing the dragon robe of the county king said with a deep smile: "Your Majesty, do you still have this chance? Hey, our allegiance is that my blood Qin Empire wins the Emperor Huang, but Not an old demon who died ten thousand years ago! Yingzheng, the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire? You should have gone to the grave long ago. Why do you still have the face to sit on the throne?"

Another prince sternly shouted: "The world is a lesson, today we punish the demon emperor, it is the righteousness of my blood Qin Chaogang to maintain this human righteousness! This demon emperor was born, killing my blood, the Qin Empire, the sea of ​​blood surging, creating countless Sin! He has set off a terrible war again, countless people have been displaced, the Western Continent is full of smoke and dust, and countless deaths and injuries! The demon king is immortal, and the world is impure!"

Another county king yelled as if to invigorate himself: "What everyone said is extremely true, the demon emperor is immortal, and the world is restless. I am waiting to kill the demon emperor today. Lixinhuang, all of us are ZTE heroes. In the future, we should have a strong and colorful stroke in the history books of Qin Dynasty!"

Lin Qi chuckled and sighed to Ying Zheng, who turned blue, "Is the old man kicked out?"

Ying Zheng was so angry that he roared to the sky. He hissed and roared, and a large number of high-sounding official words such as traitor, traitor, and villain were sprayed out. He angrily cursed these princes, county princes, kings, marquis and other important state officials, and swears to them in anger that once he leaves this ghost place, he will slash all of them, and even send them to the front line to serve as No chance for death squads will be left to them.

Hearing Ying Zheng's roar, the princes and nobles became more and more happy. They laughed loudly and began to discuss the question of which prince is worth supporting in the current Blood Qin Empire. Some people even put forward a whimsical proposal, he suggested that instead of supporting a prince to ascend the throne, it is better to support a princess to be a queen. He even more nakedly proposed that once the queen is really enthroned, they will be able to control the government more conveniently in the future.

The Yin Master smiled triumphantly, he once again transformed into a black cloud of smoke, and dived into the sea with a squeak.

A grayish light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes, his eyes instantly penetrated thousands of miles of clear bottomless water, and saw the bottom of the sea where the Golden Dragon God had just curled up. Thousand-meter high colorful pinnacles. The Shifeng is crystal clear, like a colorful jade carved out of it. There are countless large and small holes on the Shifeng, which are constantly emitting colorful light and colorful clouds.

Around that Shifeng, there are densely densely packed with numerous large and small lotus flowers floating, at first glance there are at least millions of flowers. Moreover, on every lotus flower, whether it was the size of a thumb or a mung bean grain, sitting on the lotus was a sturdy warrior wearing golden armor and a purple face, unable to see his facial features.

Surrounding the core of millions of lotus flowers, at the point of that pinnacle, in accordance with the orientation of the five elements in the oriental tradition, there are five small altars, each with a flash of aura. Among them, the four groups of auras have been scattered, and they may completely disintegrate at any time. Only a group of auras remained faintly intact, and a small and antique hall appeared inside. In the hall, an old man with a haggard face was curled up on the stone couch and sleepy.

With Lin Qi's eyesight, he could see the drowsy old man's eyelids trembling violently, as if he wanted to open his eyes as hard as he could, but he couldn't open his eyelids because of his lack of power. Only occasionally a glimmer of light leaked from the corner of his eyes, and the huge Penglai Island trembled violently.

Below every altar, there is a stream of clear spring water. Among them, four springs were sleeping with a red, cyan, black, and yellow Oriental Dragon. They were not too long and looked extremely delicate and lovely. But their bodies were densely covered with countless hideous wounds, which was even more shocking than the wounds on the Golden Dragon God.

The serious injuries on the Golden Dragon God have been unbearable to witness, but the injuries on these four dragons, they are already a lucky thing to survive. Especially the yellow dragon, his head was slashed from the middle, and the whole dragon head was almost divided into two pieces. Seeing that there are still small bubbles popping up near his nostrils, it is obvious that he is still alive, but Lin Qi doesn't know how he survived such a serious injury.

"Penglai Five Islands and Five Dragon Kings, they also have a certain proportion of eternal particles in their bodies!" Osmanthus said softly, "So if you want to kill them, this injury is not enough. But with their serious injuries, if Without external help, perhaps their injuries would not be healed by the end of this Zhou Jie."

"External force!" Lin Qi snorted.

"That's me!" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree laughed'hehe': "Use the immortal moon wheel to purify all the external energy in their bodies, and then I will help them heal. The **** and the small black cooperate with the quiet Yuchan, for They tailor-made various healing potions, and if all the materials needed are available, it will take them three to five years to recover from their injuries."

"After all, they are all biological warfare weapons, and I am handy to repair their bodies. Like Heaven Mountain and Hell, they are not biological combat units. Their injuries can only rely on self-recovery, and I can't help it. "The sweet-scented osmanthus tree smiled happily: "My healing ability can only be effective on flesh and blood units. However, even if the five-party dragon king recovers all his injuries, he still needs to work hard to restore his strength to his peak. Long Li can do it!"

"Enough!" The **** urn grunted angrily: "The five-party dragon kings, they are imperial-level powerhouses, and they are the imperial-level peak powerhouses. If it weren't for the past fifteen tribulations, they Unfortunately, they were traumatized in the Great Destruction every time. After the birth of the universe, their strength was suppressed to the level of only two-star royal monarch level. They would not fall to this point in that war!"

Cursed in extremely vicious and dirty language, **** said viciously: "Although the power of the fairyland makes me uncomfortable, but I must admit that as long as the injuries of these five long worms are repaired, they rely solely on their tyrannical bodies. No one can hurt them."

Lin Qi was silent for a while, and then asked the question in his heart: "So, what can hurt the Royal Emperor's body in the Primordial God Battle?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus trees were all stupid there. After a long time, after a long time, the **** hesitated and said: "Seriously wounded the five-party dragon king! Unless, those so-called gods have the royal-level arms in their hands? Isn't that? Possible, completely impossible! At least in the Western theater, we have not found such an existence!"

The voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree also became extremely cold: "But we have seen the hand of the goddess of war Mu Wei grasp the wrath of the king-level armed sky! And that is clearly a **** for the gods of war, with them The strength attribute of the template is the weapon built by the template!"

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse cursed gloomily: "Those human beings who left the metasphere and went to conquer this new universe on their own, what did they do? Those **** things, they actually handed over their tyrannical arms to those Aboriginals! Could it be that they armed those natives and let those natives join the fight between them? Stupid, how could it be so stupid!"

Lin Qi shook his head helplessly, can he severely injure the five-sided Dragon King's arms? Lin Qi couldn't help but stand upright at the thought of such terrible existence! As he knew more and more information, he became more and more aware that there were so many incredible things in the so-called Primordial Battle. These things are like a thick black curtain covering his eyes, making him feel cold all over.

The invisible binding force around him became more and more powerful. The Golden Dragon God trapped by the Nine-Shelter Golden City Array made a helpless and violent dragon roar. He struggled hard, but the trauma on his body was too serious. Every bone has been cut off, and the bones that have not been repaired today cannot exert force at all. Even if his body is still an imperial body, every inch of muscle contains the power to destroy the world, but the most important dragon bone in the body has been cut off, and he can't use any strength. what!

In the Longyou Shoal, the Golden Dragon God looked at the weak private soldiers around him and couldn't help groaning weakly. These weak existences that are not even juveniles, the Golden Dragon God who was in his prime, faced such a weak life, he could slaughter them in units of hundreds of billions with a single breath of dragon. But now? The Golden Dragon God, who can destroy Galaxy in one blow, was actually trapped by a mere 10 million people!

Vigorously waving the dragon's claws against the colorful haze around, the golden dragon **** screamed hysterically: "Yin Master! You can't control the core of the five islands of Penglai! You are just a distraction of Penglai Island, if you Kill the main consciousness of Penglai Island, and you will also be annihilated! It is even more impossible for you to control the entire Penglai Five Islands. Are you crazy or stupid?"

The Yin Master was cautiously approaching the multicolored pinnacle on the bottom of the sea, and he watched nervously at the lotus flowers that were no more than the size of a thumb and the smallest that was the size of mung beans. He held his breath nervously, lest he attract the attention of the golden armor soldiers on the lotus flower. Suddenly hearing the roar of the Golden Dragon God, the Yin Master shivered all over, and subconsciously pulled out a pentagonal golden crystal from his sleeve.

Lin Qi's pupils suddenly condensed, this is it!

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