Bright Era

Chapter 2156: Agreements and opportunities (3)

A little clear crystal water droplet slowly slipped down in the sky, and a green leaf grew silently from the water drop. A gentle breeze swirled gently, and several lotus leaves were already swaying in front of Zitel whose complexion changed horribly. A few pale pink lotus swiftly emerged from the lotus leaves and then bloomed. A beautiful girl with flawless appearance and figure, with thick long black hair, wrapped in a palm-wide, six-foot-long, thin and transparent gauze, was lying diagonally among a lotus.

Sanhua goddess, this is one of the gods of the gods enshrined in the temple, a member of the "Flower God Race". They claim to be the creatures derived from the most original plant spirit in the world. When each of their tribes appear on the stage, they are accompanied by clear springs, streamers, fragrances and various magnificent flowers. Every member of their tribe was born with a beautiful face. They were all fifteen or sixteen or even twelve or thirteen-year-old boys and girls, and they were all handsome men and beauties!

The beautiful shape of the flower gods, combined with the sound and light effects of the Shangyanling gods, is the best partner for the gods of the temple to spread the teachings. The beautiful, sacred, inviolable, and pure and innocent members of the Flower Protoss show their bodies in front of the believers. In other words, the Spirit Protoss is behind the scenes manipulating all kinds of brilliance and making various grand and sacred sounds that shock the soul. The temple brought in countless believers.

But only Zitel, who had in-depth contact with the Sanhua Goddess, knew how disgusting, hideous, and terrifying the so-called Flower God Race was! Their appearance is so beautiful and attractive, but their body is a kind of nebula creature called the "Thousand-Eyed Mirage"-they are huge and look like a big octopus with hundreds of tentacles. Survive in the most remote and harshest void, relying on countless illusions to hunt down prey, absorbing their souls and spirits.

Zitel is indeed a playboy, relying on his sweet words, he abducted countless beauties of all races. But in Sanhua Tiannv, he suffered a huge loss-during the long journey to this world, he absorbed the essence of countless beautiful women for his own use, and all the gains were scattered in the end. Hua Tiannv drew it cleanly, and even almost drained his life origin!

That is also the time when Zitel saw the hideous and ugly body of the so-called Flower God Race, it was a nightmare-like sight! Thousand-eye Mirage, this is definitely not a horrible existence that ordinary people can provoke. Even in the camp of the gods, Thousand-eye Mirage is a strong race that ranks enough to enter the top ten. If it is not too small, they can even be Like the multi-armed Secret Demon clan, the separatist side has become its own power.

Seeing that Nightmare summoned the Sanhua Tianmai almost unreasonably, Zitel could only helplessly spread his hands: "Okay, okay, let's talk frankly! I will give our bottom line directly. Conditions, but you have to accept it as soon as you see it! Sanhua, my dear little baby, I don’t want to touch your finger again, don’t touch me, otherwise the negotiation will end immediately!”

Seeing the coquettish celestial woman writhing on the petals, Zitel only felt hot in his lower abdomen, but he quickly restrained his thoughts. He said in a deep voice: "Don't use this method to deal with me, otherwise, the people behind me will let the goddess of business, the goddess of wealth, and the **** of souls come to negotiate terms with you, you know how difficult they are!"

Nightmare frowned, he coughed heavily, and then glanced at Sanhua Tianmai's almost naked body indifferently: "Then, okay, Sanhua, you listen, I'll have a good time with Zitel Let’s talk. Well, will you really give your bottom-line conditions? If you say this from your mouth, why do I always feel unreliable?"

Zitel spread out his hands and put on a very hurt and sad look. Nightmare tilted her mouth, then lowered her voice, and muttered to Zitel in a low voice. The expressions of the two of them changed in an instant, and the frequency of their speech reached the level of tens of thousands of words and sentences at each moment that mortals could not understand.

Streaming lights of various colors continued to emerge in the room, and the leaders of other races among the gods of the Tianmiao appeared one after another and joined this negotiation.

In the Grand Canyon that separated the Tianmiao and the Milo Sect, countless fanatical followers of the Milo Sect chanted slogans, armed with various strange weapons, and launched wave after wave of attacks on the Tianmiao like a tide. The believers of the Tianmiao have spent a lot of time stationed in the fortresses everywhere, using the lethal ordnance made by the Blood Qin Empire, causing huge losses to the believers of the Milo Sect.

Occasionally, the Church of Mila God sends a few demigod-level powerhouses to raid the defensive line of the Temple of Heaven, and there will always be several castles of the Temple destroyed, and large groups of believers in the Temple are beheaded on the spot by the believers of the Church of Mila. Blood was spilled all over the ground, and invisible vortexes were revolving rapidly in the high sky. The gods of the Mila Sect and the gods of the Tianmiao were happily harvesting their prey in accordance with the rules they established.

In this crazy **** killing, the gods of the Tianmiao and the special envoy of the Azer tribe, Zitel, have negotiated one by one the terms of the war against the Mirage religion. Two huge war beasts are ready to go, they are ready to wipe out the Mila Cult in one fell swoop, completely change the situation in this world where too many protoss are standing side by side.

The gods of the Tianmiao are full of confidence. As long as they can enter the realm of the gods and retrieve the legacy of the fallen tribe, their strength will be increased ten thousand times. Even if the Azhul Protoss controls the Divine Realm, they will not put the Azhul Protoss in their eyes. At that time, they would have enough confidence to defeat the Azer Protoss, annihilate the group of violent madmen in the Odin Temple, and then. . . Conquer the Elven Protoss!

Nightmare ridiculed the luck of the elves—beautiful creatures will always take advantage of the war. Among the gods of the temple, many gods are not willing to destroy the elves, but are willing to conquer them. , So as to occupy them! And Zitel relaxedly put forward the proposal to divide the beauties of the Elf Protoss equally and kill all the male elves.

This proposal was welcomed by most of the male gods among the gods of the Tianmiao, but it was opposed by all the female gods of the flower **** family headed by the Sanhua goddess. Sanhua Tiannv triumphantly declared that all male elves are her prey-when she said these words, the terrible green ferocious ghost fire spurted out of her eyes, making all the gods of the temple, including Nightmare, behave. Closed his mouth.

A cruel, **** agreement containing countless killings and conspiracies is being drawn up, and in the inner space of the five islands of Penglai, Lin Qi is in huge trouble. He was beaten to blood, and his bones were about to be shattered. The loud thunder shook his internal organs and his internal organs were numb. He reached the level of a five-star warrior. Resist the horrible attacks here.

This is the core of the five islands of Penglai, where the master consciousness of the five islands of Penglai and the sleeping core of the four guardian gods, the Dragon King, are sleeping. Millions of petite-looking, harmless lotus flowers hovered around this delicate stone peak. But when Lin Qi chased Lan Mei and rammed into the area covered by these lotus flowers, he was horrified to find that something was suddenly wrong.

This is a golden world, and Lin Qi's head is less than 10,000 meters high, and there is an endless sea of ​​golden clouds. And under Lin Qi's feet was a pale golden water surface without the slightest ripples like a mirror. The tumbling golden sea of ​​clouds in the sky reflected in the water, and Lin Qi seemed to be surrounded by clouds above and below his feet, giving him the illusion of dizziness and suffocation.

Suddenly, a thousand-meter-high golden armor warrior appeared silently behind Lin Qi. Holding a golden spear equal to his body height, he slammed a spear fiercely at Lin Qi's body. A golden thunder came from the tip of the spear, and it blasted Lin Qi's body as fast as lightning. Lin Qi felt the movement behind him, he wanted to move to avoid the blow, but all his evasion attempts failed.

The air here is full of viscous energy like glue. The elements of the five elements are entangled and condensed into a strange force like a chain. Lin Qi can't use any power here. His body was even more constrained by an extremely powerful gravity field. The huge gravity made Lin Qi's body a little unbearable. His legs trembled slightly, and it was so easy to stand on the golden water that was no more than a foot deep. In the liquid.

A thunderbolt blasted above his head heavily, and the violent thunder power mixed with a terrifying force of destruction that Lin Qi could not explain clearly blasted into Lin Qi's body. Every cell in Lin Qi was trembling violently, and the high-frequency shock almost shattered Lin Qi's body. His internal organs were trembling, and his whole body was paralyzed, making Lin Qi's mouth constantly spitting saliva, and he was completely unable to control his body functions.

The heavy spear slammed on Lin Qi's shoulder, and Lin Qi's shoulder made a terrible cracking sound, as if a mountain could not bear the pressure of the sky, and countless rock layers were cracking. Lin Qi snorted in pain, and subconsciously threw a punch at the golden armor warrior, who was a kilometer tall and could not see his face.

With a punch, the golden armor soldier exploded into countless golden light rain falling down. But before Lin Qi retracted his fist, two golden armored warriors had appeared beside him silently. One of the two golden armored warriors was holding a long sword and the other was holding a large axe. They also waved their weapons to bring a golden lightning bolt down to Lin Qi, and slammed Lin Qi's body severely.

The body was restrained by strong gravity, and even the slightest energy from the outside could not be mobilized, and even the passage between the four elemental element crystal nuclei and the void was imprisoned. Lin Qi could not extract any power from the outside world. He could only stimulate the source force in his body to fill his body. His skin was suddenly filled with a strange luster, and the strength of his skin, muscles and bones followed the huge source force. The flooding has become more than ten thousand times stronger than usual.

With two loud noises of'Dangdang', the long sword and big axe slashed on Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi was trembling again when he was split by two thunders. Then two heavy weapons hit Lin Qi's knees softly, and his body knelt uncontrollably in the golden water. Lin Qi fell to the ground embarrassedly. The bones where he was chopped were bursts of pain, countless small cracks appeared in his bones, and even dark golden marrow flowed out of it.

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