Bright Era

Chapter 2165: Secret Demon Killing (2)

With a fierce look at Qing Yao, Arda blasted past with a shock of soul. Qing Yao's body trembled violently, and she was so frightened that she howled miserably: "It was said by Zitel, the **** of commercial fraud. He said that Lin Qi is just a weak god, he is just a lower god! Although he is a warrior. The **** of the temple, but he is just a weak servant!"

Lin Qi is flying ahead silently, do you dare to believe what Zitel, the **** of commercial fraud, said? Within the Axul Protoss, there are several gods whose reputations are already stinking, and Zitel, the **** of commercial fraud, is one of them. His priesthood is fraud, and the meaning of his existence is to deceive people. He has no fighting power at all, but he has killed countless powerful enemies by relying on that clever tongue!

Lin Qi obtained records from the library of God's Domain. In the Primordial God War, many of the strong human beings were deceived by Zitel and fell into a trap, and were surrounded by the gods with their superior power. As one of the upper gods under the business goddess, Zitel's face-to-face combat power is not even as good as a lower servant, but the main god-level powerhouse who was indirectly killed by his conspiracy and rhetoric has been registered. Thousands of people!

The Green Demon actually dare to believe Zitel's words? Lin Qi looked up at the sky, but sighed helplessly.

Looking towards the sky, Lin Qi's pupils suddenly condensed-what did he see? What he saw was beyond the limit of his imagination! With Lin Qi's current knowledge, he felt that this was a bit too crazy! Especially since all this happened so silently, even Lin Qi didn't notice even the slightest energy fluctuation.

High in the sky, at least tens of thousands of miles from the ground, a thin black spot of light is slowly expanding. A dozen giants with a height of 10,000 meters and ten heads and a hundred arms are waving their long multi-jointed arms, working hard. Tearing that little spot of light. The void slowly torn apart under their vigorous force, and a trace of black magical energy slowly drifted away from the light spot.

Lin Qi stopped in amazement, staring at the gods who should belong to the multi-armed Secret Demon clan. These gods were born strangely and hideously, and their bodies were like forged metal, reflecting the dazzling metallic cold light in the sun. They hurriedly tore at that spot of light. Gradually, the spot of light grew bigger and bigger, and it soon took up half of the sky.

A black and cyan metal palace with a weird shape revealed its figure from behind the black spot, and a corner of this huge palace had slowly rushed out from behind the spot. It seems that this palace wants to appear directly here through the spatial passages torn apart by these gods.

This place is less than a thousand miles away from the border of the Blood Qin Empire. Before the main forces of the Desert Temple and the Steppe Temple were destroyed, and before they took refuge in the Blood Qin Empire, this area was a place where both the Blood Qin Empire and the Steppe Temple were left alone. But now the Blood Qin Empire has swept through the two great temples, and the Blood Qin army has gone away, but the Tianmiao patrol team is densely covered in this area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.

Soon Lin Qi saw dozens of Tianmiao believers wearing black robes rushing from a distance. While running wildly, they looked up at the vision of the sky, and constantly crushed the crystal ball in their hands. . Lin Qi felt that energy fluctuations spread rapidly to the distance. The believers of these temples should be reporting what happened here to the upper level of the temple.

But Lin Qi also noticed that this 10,000-mile space had been blocked by a strange energy, and the energy fluctuations from the crushed crystal ball would be eliminated invisible within a hundred miles. From the black spot, there were already some lower servants of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan who were less than ten meters tall, or with three heads and six arms, or with eight arms on all sides, and they rushed straight towards the believers in the temple on the ground.

"Dead!" The **** servants of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan did not speak. They just stared fiercely at the believers in the temple. The black qi entangled their bodies, and the black magic qi that resembled living creatures filled the air. , A roar of the word'death' like thunder spread rapidly in the air, and the evil and violent killing air made the ground shake violently.

Hell Youyou sighed: "I have never fought with this race, but there is no doubt that they are the original creatures derived from the negative energy laws of this universe? What a precious specimen, they should be destroyed, and then Their original ancestors should be swallowed by me, and then this race called the multi-armed secret demons should become part of our hell's precious combat power!"

Penglai Island snorted coldly: "I think so too, their energy is extremely filthy and evil, full of killing aura, and their power is extremely corrosive and infectious. They should belong to hell, but those who leave here The royal emperors who went to conquer this new universe did not destroy this race!"

Hell hummed heavily: "Then, they have violated the highest standards followed by mankind throughout the ages-all races derived from negative energy in the new universe must be completely destroyed in the first time. Well, well, They violated the ancestral motto, so these **** guys appear here, this is retribution!"

In the dialogue between Hell and Penglai Island, more than a dozen secret demon servants rushed in front of those believers in the temple. A black long sword with a strange shape like a flame appeared on their arms. These secret demons were almost as long as their bodies, and their arms with three or five freely flexible joints swung rapidly. I was caught off guard by these secret demons, and was killed as soon as they met.

That is to say, two or three fingers, dozens of believers in the temple, including a mad believer with the power of a lower servant, were all beheaded on the spot, leaving only two shivering and beautiful, only fifteen at most. Six-year-old boy.

The tallest secret demon **** servant gave a big grin. He grabbed one of the teenagers and threw him into his mouth. After chewing in two or three, he swallowed it. With a shiver all over the body, the lower servant exclaimed loudly: "Ah, the tender and smooth young people, their flesh and blood are so fragrant and attractive, and my injury has healed a lot!"

Lin Qi's pupils suddenly chilled, these **** servants of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan feed on humans? And listen to them, after they eat humans, it's like humans use healing potions, which will restore their injuries?

"Yes, the human body has undergone countless times of evolution. Compared with these original creatures, the human body has reached an extremely perfect level of evolution. And even an ordinary human without any power. , His body is also constantly absorbing the energy in the void, generating blood, essence and spirit." The voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree rang out.

"And these blood, essence, and spirits that ordinary humans can't find are the best tonics for these creatures! Therefore, it is completely feasible to use humans as potions! Especially for those who adhere to the law of negative energy This is especially true for living creatures, so human beings have this kind of admonishment order-among all original creatures, these negative energy-derived races must be completely destroyed in the first place."

Lin Qi nodded slowly, it turned out to be the reason. This is the most instinctive self-defense psychology of mankind. Any species that may pose a threat to mankind must be eliminated immediately, because in a sense, ethnic groups like the multi-armed secret demons should be regarded as The natural enemy of mankind!

With a cold snorted, watching the multi-armed Secret Demon Clan's servant once again reached out and grabbed the only remaining Tianmiao believer, Lin Qi casually smashed a fireball over. The head-sized fireball blasted heavily on the body of the secret demon servant, and a group of fierce fire burned on him. This lower intermediate-level servant made a stern and miserable howl, and he ran wildly and miserably. It was soon burned to a mass of ashes.

All the secret demon servants turned their heads and looked over here at the same time. They barked their teeth, and the black energy on their bodies filled the air with a low roar: "Humans? You dare to resist the powerful multi-armed secret demon saints. Family?"

Lin Qi ignored these secret demon servants. He just shook his head to the remaining young believer in the temple: "Quickly run away, go back to the temple, or stay here, you will definitely die...By the way, I suggest. Change your beliefs! When your companions were eaten by others, the gods you believed in did not come here to save you."

Seeing that Lin Qi didn't regard himself as the same thing, the secret demon servants roared at the same time. When they opened their mouths and roared, a trace of black cold breathed out from their mouths, and at the same time, Lin Qi also smelled a suffocating stench.

Arda and Bilibili's bodies leaned back at the same time, and Arda cursed furiously: "Your mouth is stinking worse than the abyss ghoul! How many years have you not brushed your teeth and gargle?"

Amidst Arda's curses, the frightened Tianmiao believer suddenly screamed loudly. He waved the bronze staff in his hand and staggered towards the secret demon **** servants. He called out the name of a certain deity of the "Flower God Clan" he believed in, and his face was filled with indomitable bravery and an indescribable, extremely sacred and solemn joy and joy.

Lin Qi looked at the charging young believer indifferently, a secret demon servant lightly waved his arm, and cut him in two with a sword. The upper body of this believer in the temple fell to the ground, he was shivering with violent pain, but the smile on his face became brighter.

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