Bright Era

Chapter 2175: Muddy water, cover up (2)

Because they have so many arms, each of them can drive several or dozens of wands at the same time. With the blessing of these staffs, their magical power has been increased several times. Although they have only a few thousand people, they have exerted a lethal power not weaker than tens of thousands of words of the gods of the gods!

The multi-armed secret demons were born according to the negative energy law when the universe was born, and their attacks became more violent, cruel, and deadly. Countless corpses and plasma on the ground flew up at the same time. Driven by the multi-armed Secret Demon clan wizards, these corpses and plasma turned into black slime, and then quickly outlined the hideous and ugly on the ground like countless poisonous insects. Evil rune.

A black light flashed, and the huge swaths of sharp horns fell silently to the ground. Their souls were hit by the black light, and the souls of hundreds of thousands of horned wild gods were annihilated at the same time, turning into a thick black mist and being swallowed by the multi-armed secret demons that shot. The aura of these multi-armed secret demons skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, the strength of hundreds of lower **** servants was directly raised to the level of a middle **** general.

Countless petals fell in the sky, and the gods of the flower gods finally took action. Against the name of the flower god, the ugly mirage of the flower **** family swelled up endless smoke, and plunged the entire battlefield into an endless illusion. The evil magic of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan immediately lost its target. Their attack did not know where it went. Anyway, the large black light kept flickering, but no one was taken away by their attack.

The army of the servants of the lower servants became a mess, and the winner would be indistinguishable for a while, and the middle and high-level leaders of both sides finally made a move.

Demu and Anur hit the surrounding mountains and the land broke, and finally, amidst the roar of a spirit **** clan, these two guys also opened the realm of divine power, using the dimensional space to draw the two in and continue to fight. It saves them from fighting outside and destroying all nearby land blocks. The other gods of the Tianmiao and the Secret Demon clan also opened the realm of divine power to invite each other, and the battlefield was quiet a lot for a while.

But obviously, after using the Infinite Demon Prison to confine the sleeping space of the gods of the Tianmiao, the multi-armed secret demon clan appeared on the battlefield to fight with less. Whether it is a middle-to-high-level **** or a lower-level **** servant, the number of them is about twice that of the gods of the Tianmiao. Moreover, the multi-armed Secret Demon clan still has a huge army of believers that haven't arrived. When these believers arrive, it is estimated that these evil gods will have other means to deal with the temple.

There is no doubt that the Tianmiao gods who were sneak attacked by the Mirra Sect and at the same time betrayed by internal traitors will suffer a big loss this time.

"It's really violent!" Lin Qi took a deep breath: "More than one million **** servants, they died clean in just a while! Hey, I really can't imagine what the ancient **** war is like. "

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed slowly: "Enlarge the scale ten thousand times, one hundred million times, one trillion times, multiply the number of deaths and injuries by the same multiple, and then the intensity of the attack is also enlarged by this many times. It's almost the scene of the Primordial God War."

Here are just millions of lower servants fighting madly, but on the battlefield of the Primordial God War, the main force fighting like this crazy together, but millions of upper gods! On the battlefield of the Primordial God War, the servant-class combat power can only be responsible for the logistical and medical care duties. The only end of their appearance on the battlefield is to be slapped to death by a certain upper god!

Millions of high-ranking god-level powerhouses fought together in one group, and the entire continent was a battlefield. Every blow could destroy hundreds of miles of space. Just thinking about it would make people creepy. But this fierce battle lasted for thousands of years! With the help of Yuanjie, human beings have persisted in such terrible war for thousands of years!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi shook his head vigorously. He glanced at the quiet Tianmiao Mountain, which had become a bit strange, then grabbed the green demon and pinched her violently. Upper middle. The severe pain caused Qing Yao to wake up with a miserable cry. She just opened her eyes and screamed: "I am the woman of the great eight-faced **** Wang Yanteng, you dare to move one of my hair, I... "

A heavy slap was slapped firmly on the blue demon's face, Lin Qi released the evil force of the undead full of death breath, and his whole body was shrouded in a gray-black smoke, two jets spurted from his eyes. The wild fire stared at the green demon blankly: "Introduce yourself, I am Soglaa, a member of the great undead gods! I hope you have heard of my name!"

Qing Yao closed her mouth tightly. She looked at Lin Qi who pretended to be Sogla in horror, her body stiff and she did not dare to move at all. There is no doubt that she knows who Sugla the Bone Carving Sword is—it can be seen that Nightmare still values ​​her very much, and the Azure Demon still has the right to contact some of the top secret information of the Primordial Gods during the war!

Nodding satisfied, Lin Qi laughed "hehe": "So, you have heard of my name? That would be great, otherwise I'm still thinking about how to let you know who I am. . Well, this also proves that you have a high status in the Temple of Heaven? Do you know a lot of secrets? Because you belong to that little devil... a woman!"

Qing Yao looked at Lin Qi tremblingly. She nodded desperately, not daring to make a sound. When facing Lin Qi, she still dared to scream and arrogantly, but when she heard the name'Soglaa', she was like a frog being stared at by a poisonous python, and boundless fear controlled her. Her body and soul, she didn't even dare to even think of resistance at all.

She even regretted why she had to read those top-secret Tianmiao documents, and why she wanted to know the existence of this terrible figure. If she didn't know the cruel and extinct things that Soglao had done, she wouldn't be so scared.

She also didn't understand, wasn't she captured by Lin Qi? Why would she fall into the hands of this terrible old immortal again?

She knows who Soglaa is, and she knows that this is the most notorious existence of the undead gods. She also knows that Soglaa the Bone Sword is a villain that everyone shouts and beats within the Undead Gods. The things he has done before are a sin that can't be washed in his ears. She even knew that this terrifying old guy had appeared in the Western Continent a few days ago. The undead army he commanded swept through a small part of the Western Continent, and also blatantly killed the God of Hurricane in the Ocean Temple of the Azar Protoss!

Damn, why did she fall into the hands of this terrible old monster? Qing Yao wanted to pass out in a coma so that she wouldn't have to continue to fear.

Lin Qi saw Qing Yao's doubts, he coughed lightly, slowly took out a gray-white knife, and gently rubbed Qing Yao's cheek a few times. "I felt a familiar breath in you. When I saw you, you were led by a few little demons to the Western Continent, so I took you off!"

After a few weird laughs, Lin Qi grabbed the stiff blue demon's neck with one hand: "I am not a'good guy' who is willing to help others. On the contrary, everyone says I am an evil villain! So, I can't get paid for nothing. Rescued you from the hands of a few demons!"

Qing Yao's body trembled violently. She looked at Lin Qi in horror and despair, stammering to say something, but Lin Qi did not give her a chance to speak, but grabbed her. Suddenly, Lin Qi grabbed dozens of artifacts shining with various colors. Looking at Qing Yao mockingly, Lin Qi said solemnly: "Don't think that such a tattered artifact can repay my life-saving grace!"

The body trembled more and more violently, Qing Yao almost cried, but she did not dare to cry, she was afraid that her cry would arouse the ferocity of'Sogla' and make him do some cruel things to herself— —Because in the secret files of the Temple of Heaven, Sugla the Bone Sword is such an old monster with distorted psychology. He likes to listen to the cry of those unlucky people who have been tortured and killed by him. The more miserable they cry, Su Gu. Gera became more excited and more interested.

"You, what you want, I can, and I can meet your requirements!" The green demon gave Lin Qi a charming smile: "You, do you want to try my body? Respect, respect, The great undead master Sogla!"

Lin Qi was speechless, and **** laughed wildly. He couldn't help but praise the Qing Yao's devil talent. She was able to say such words without morals and bottom line under this situation, which proved that she should be in her blood. Contains an extremely powerful demon blood!

"I'm not interested in your body!" Lin Qi widened his eyes and made a vicious look: "I am an undead, am I interested in women? What I want to know is, um, you I should know...Where is the treasure house of Nightmare?"

Qing Yao's face turned pale, and she looked at Lin Qi with trembling, not daring to speak. Lin Qi coughed gently, and the gray-white knife in his hand gently pushed forward, and suddenly tore a small blood mouth that was no more than half an inch long on the Qing Yao's face. A thin trace of blood slipped down, and Lin Qi'chuckled' and stroked Qing Yao's face: "You rejected my last bit of goodwill, dear!"

A trace of black undead flames spurted from his right hand, Lin Qi said calmly: "In your soul, there should be a nightmare to protect your magical barrier. If I use violence, it is very likely that I will not be able to fully obtain your memory. ! But it’s okay, there is always a probability of success, right?"

Qing Yao took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, grinning and groaning in a low voice: "Your Majesty's secret library is not in his sleeping space, but in an inconspicuous small mountain on the edge of the Tianmiao Mountain. There is not only the personal savings of your Majesty for so many years, but also the relics of the ancient powerful men who died in battle by the Spirits and Gods!"

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