Bright Era

Chapter 2183: The eternal ‘observer’? (1)

Seven Mingblood tribesmen headed by Dark Blood lined up in front of Lin Qi. They knotted their hoods one after another, exposing their constantly squirming heads made of black plasma. Their faces changed countless times in an instant, and after looking at them for a long time, there would be a dizziness that made people vomiting.

Yaoguang Tiannv carefully stepped back a few steps, and looked at Dark Blood and the others in awe and fear. At the same time, she kept glancing at Lin Qi, casting a vicious look that was extremely vicious. She didn't conceal her feelings of gloating, she just danced the wreath with her hands and cheered, congratulating Lin Qi for being besieged by these difficult underworld people.

Lixue Tiger Soul Armor appeared on Lin Qi's body, and with a low howling sound, Tu Junaxe brought a black streamer and shot out. A group of black light swirling several meters in diameter whizzed through the waists of the two Darkblood clansmen, and formed them into two sections. But what made Lin Qi shocked was that countless bloodshots emerged from the broken wounds of the two Mingblood tribesmen. These bloodshots pulled each other and re-assembled the two bodies into a ball, and then the wound disappeared quickly.

"You should know that ordinary physical attacks have no effect on us!" Dark Blood spread out his hands and looked at Lin Qi strangely: "If you want to kill our Dark Blood people, you must use some special methods. But the undead The power of a series is just not included in these methods. Therefore, even if you are Soglaa, you can't do anything with us."

After a moment of silence, Lin Qi nodded slowly. He smiled at Dark Blood and his party, and then countless skeletons flashed out behind him, and in a flash, there were hundreds of thousands of heads from ordinary people to lower ranks. Skeleton monsters with different levels of lower-level gods rushed out, rushing to Dark Blood and the others. At the same time, Lin Qi's body quickly jumped back and forth, and several ups and downs came to the core of the hall.

Smiled and waved to the Yaoguangtian woman and her group, then Lin Qi banged his fist heavily on the floor. A large swath of cold light spurted out of the ground suddenly, and countless sharp ice flakes rushed out of the ground with a harsh whistling sound, slashing across the sky and slashing on Lin Qi's body, constantly emitting crisp and sweet hits. Lin Qi'haha' laughed loudly, and then hit the ground with a punch again.

All the ice flakes were blown to pieces, and the **** tiger soul armor on Lin Qi perfectly defended the sudden attack. Lin Qi's second fist stirred up a large dazzling halo on the ground. The gorgeous flames formed a twisted rune of a word, and countless dark golden lights could be seen piercing out of the void. The text is perfectly integrated.

The Yaoguangtian girl screamed hoarsely: "He found the real entrance to the secret library! How did he find it?"

Dark Blood yelled, she grabbed the Yaoguang Tianmai by the neck, and threw her at Lin Qi: "Stupid woman, don't waste time talking nonsense! Stop him and not let him enter the secret vault! Inside! Everything must be ours!"

The black unicorn turned into a cloud of smoke, the dark golden crow brought up a stream of light, and at the same time the Yaoguang maiden who screamed with strange noises rushed towards Lin Qi at the same time. The unicorn's long horn was looming in the black smoke. The dark golden crow had already shaken its wings, and countless sharp dark golden feathers whizzed towards Lin Qi.

As for the Yaoguang Tianmai, she waved two streams of colorful light, shattering the tens of thousands of skeleton monsters that had stopped in front of her, and flew over Lin Qi's head in the air. Then her body shook, and her clothes suddenly disintegrated, revealing Her flawless plump body. The two slender and plump thighs suddenly opened, and suddenly countless pink petals fell from the top of Lin Qi's head.

"Damn woman!" Lin Qi raised his head and glanced at the thin body of the celestial woman, and then suddenly turned black in front of him, and a wave of thrilling force continued to invade Lin Qi's body, endless illusions like tides. Surged up. Lin Qi can only be thankful that his soul has completed a transformation. Although the illusion of Yaoguang Tianmai is powerful, it can't do much for Lin Qi.

There are still two opportunities to use the long needle in his hand. Lin Qi held the long needle and flicked his finger. The long needle immediately brought a very fine pink halo and shot it towards the celestial woman's thigh. The Yaoguang Tianmai let out a terrified roar, and her body carried countless afterimages and fled like an explosion in all directions. Lin Qi immediately grabbed the long needle that had just shot less than three inches, and then slammed the unicorn and crow rushing towards him.

The two strange beasts gave a ghostly howl at the same time, and they rolled into the diagonal thorn with all their strength and fled, not daring to resist Lin Qi's fatal blow. The dark blood who had witnessed all this stomped his feet fiercely, and suddenly countless sharp thorns condensed from blood on the ground shot out, shattering all the hundreds of thousands of skeleton monsters in front of him.

"Bone Carving Sword Sogla, do you think such a superficial undead spell can stop us?" Dark Blood and his people screamed and rushed towards Lin Qi. They must rush to enter Nightmare's secret vault in front of Lin Qi, and absolutely cannot let Lin Qi rush in first. There is a 80% chance that an extremely important item of them is stored in this secret cave, and they absolutely cannot let this item fall into Lin Qi's hands.

"Just now it was only the most vulnerable skeleton soldier of 300,000!" Lin Qi laughed'Quack', his howling was very sharp, but at the same time very hoarse, that unpleasant voice was like a ghost call, and only that kind Years of old undead may have such a'beautiful and moving' voice. A strange cry of Ashimi's sounded in the buried ground, and countless skeletons sprang out from the sea of ​​bones, and then the void around Lin Qi vibrated violently, like a tsunami, and countless skeletons danced and danced. Rushed out.

The strength of these skeleton monsters is still not very strong, the strongest is only a dozen lower-level lower-level god-level skeleton kings. But the number of these skeletons is really huge, and some skeletons are giants with a body length of several thousand meters. Although their full blow can not hurt them at all, it is enough to force them to stop. pace.

Seeing that either he would destroy all the mighty and infinite skeletons, or he could only watch Lin Qi invade the secret vault. The dark blood with green eyes swayed with anger and his body exploded into countless tiny blood. Zhu flew towards Lin Qi like a waterfall.

Lin Qi laughed loudly, and then his third punch hit the ground heavily. A dazzling beam of light flickered and lit up, his body was swallowed in by the flame, and then quickly disappeared without a trace. The countless blood beads transformed by the dark blood almost brushed Lin Qi's body, but they didn't touch one of Lin Qi's hair. They could only watch Lin Qi dissipate in the flames unwillingly.

After just two breaths, all the skeletons in the hall were completely wiped out. Then Dark Blood and the others followed Lin Qi's method and shook the door to the secret storehouse, truly stepping in. The nightmare secret library.

A black sun hung in the sky, shining on a huge underground cave. The four walls of the well-renovated underground cave are densely painted with countless magic patterns. The twisted magic patterns are filled with huge amounts of magic crystals and gems. The powerful magic array formed by these magic patterns is enough to guarantee this cave. The privacy and security.

Coupled with several powerful artifacts at the core of this powerful magic array, this magic array is enough to prevent the existence of the main **** level from discovering the exact spatial coordinates of this underground cave, so that the peak level characters of the main **** cannot easily invade here.

The black light was the sole ruler of this underground cave. Lin Qi was shining on his body by the black light, and his skin was itchy and painful. The magical elements here were dissipated cleanly, except Nightmare himself, otherwise anyone entering here, as long as he is enveloped by this black light, his strength will be suppressed to the limit. They can't get any energy supplement from the outside, and can only rely on the energy in the body to fight.

As soon as Lin Qi emerged from this cave, he felt the magic lines around him tremble violently. There is no doubt that the magic circle used to guard the secret library felt the aura on Lin Qi's body, which was completely different from that of Nightmare. Therefore, the pre-set magic prohibition has already sent the information here, and Nightmare, or some people he arranged in advance, have received the information that the secret library has been invaded.

"Damn, what a treacherous guy!" Lin Qi groaned in annoyance, then he stomped fiercely, and dozens of powerful magical scrolls shot out of his sleeve, following a strange The formation was suspended in the air. Then Lin Qi quickly rushed to a black divine light not far away, and grabbed a black transparent giant scimitar that was beating rapidly in the black divine light.

This scimitar has a hideous and terrifying shape, and the whole body exudes a terrifying aura full of blood. The blade of the seemingly substantial blade disappeared in the air for a moment from time to time. It was a strange scimitar that was between the entity and the phantom, which looked huge but was actually light. Lin Qi saw this scimitar the first time he entered the cave, because he was the only one who was suppressed by a black divine light, and he was tightly tied into a zongzi by six small black chains.

"Black Sun Magic Blade!" Penglai Island yelled in a hurry: "Yujun-level high-grade weapons are weapons used by the Rainbow of the Sky, the highest-ranking leader of the spirit gods. The body of that guy is a dazzling rainbow. , The Black Sun Magic Blade he used was flying a hundred times faster than the speed of light, and there was no sound or light when attacking. It was an extremely terrifying weapon!"

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