Bright Era

Chapter 2191: Escape (1)

"Ignorance of the undead, get out, he belongs to me!" Yan Teng screamed with anger when he saw Lin Qi actually attacked Arushiman while fighting against Alsino. The black flames hanging above the secret storehouse suddenly shone brightly, and countless thumb-thick chains made of black fire fell from the sky, and screamed loudly around Lin Qi.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and the aura on his body suddenly became extremely weird. In the gray-white undead aura, it was mixed with the power of the vast and cold water element. The chains formed by the black fire collided with the mixture of gray-black undead and water elements, and immediately made a sound like a bucket of ice water being poured into a boiling pan.

Dozens of black chains melted silently, and Lin Qi had rushed to Arushiman's side and clasped his neck. Arushman was very wise and did not struggle. He looked at Nightmare in horror, his body trembling slightly, letting Lin Qi grab him.

Dark Blood and his four people screamed hoarsely. They quickly turned into countless black blood beads and shot towards Lin Qi. The air was torn apart by countless visible air swirls, and the harsh screams shocked people. The eardrums were painful, and they bumped into Lin Qi in the blink of an eye. This time Lin Qi didn't have any intention to keep his hands. Suddenly countless extremely thin black thorns appeared on the surface of his body, and they violently touched the blood beads that the Dark Blood had transformed.

These black thorns were all transformed by the filthy power of hell, but within it was the thunder power of Penglai and Kunlun. Dark Blood, their souls were almost disintegrated by the filthy and evil power of hell, and then a line of gold and silver mixed with the power of thunder shot out from their bodies, and Dark Blood howled they were blown away by a blow. Far away.

The thunder force launched by Kunlun and Penglai's original power is several times greater than the thunder and lightning power released on Arushman's armor. Dark Blood and the others only felt trembling all over, the violent high-frequency oscillations almost disintegrated their bodies, and countless blood beads fell on the ground and tumbling around, and they didn't form a human form again for a long time.

"Huh huh!" Lin Qi smiled satisfied, it seems that he has found a way to deal with the Mingblood people. The Thunder of Penglai and Kunlun happened to be their nemesis. Just now they took the initiative to release a trace of the power of thunder mixed in the evil power of hell, and they didn't make a random move. They had long known what kind of lethal power this had on the people of the blood clan.

He buckled Arushiman's body tightly, Lin Qi gave a weird smile, thousands of golden bone spears with thin thumbs blasted in all directions, Lin Qi gave up the precious and foreign objects that were worthless. Bringing up a gray-white ghost fire and quickly rushed to the exit of the secret library.

But Lin Qi didn't have a few steps when he rushed out, and a huge palm slapped Lin Qi's ghost fire fiercely. With a loud noise, Lin Qi and Arushiman were blasted back dozens of steps by the Alsino, and Alsino's low and hideous voice suddenly sounded: "Want to leave? No, no, no, Tianjing? The **** ancestor is here, and I really want to have such a slave too!"

Thousands of arms swung wildly, and the heavy and huge artifact brought up a terrifying energy tide. Thousands of bone spears shot by Lin Qi were cut off and shattered one by one, and these arms were also shaken high and high. However, Lin Qi's attack was eventually shattered.

Nightmare laughed sharply, his countless black chains shot down from a high altitude, bound towards Lin Qi and Ashinu, and at the same time, his body released fierce fire lights everywhere. He shouted sharply: "Ashinu, this is mine, this thin green skin is my prey! You never want to have him! Only me, the great nightmare, is..."

The colorful phantom light flashed by, and Sanhua Tiannv passed the body of Nightmare with a smile. Her two nails resembled sharp knives, tearing away Nightmare's body with ease. A trace of pink poison gas spread rapidly in Yan Yan's body, Yan Yan suddenly let out a hoarse cry: "Sanhua goddess, you despicable slut, you, you, what do you want to do? "

Arsino's spear pierced Yanteng's body fiercely, and with a bang, Yanteng's body was pierced by the spear, and countless black lightning raged in Yanteng's body. The thunder exploded wildly, Nightmare's body pierced through countless large and small holes, and at the same time a large amount of black and red flames spewed out. These flames are equivalent to Nightmare's blood, and the more flames he spews, the more damage his origin will suffer.

"The power of nightmare is mine!" Sanhua Tiannyu smiled triumphantly, her limbs suddenly turned into four purple-red, thick tentacles with countless suckers and pustules, with a kind of incomparable evil The ferocious way entangled Xiang Yanzong's body fiercely. Her tentacles pierced directly into Nightmare's body, madly plundering the life breath and original strength in Nightmare's body.

Nightmare's aura is weakening at a terrifying speed, while the aura of Sanhua Heavenly Girl is crazily increasing. She is plundering the spirit and energy of a pinnacle **** to nourish herself. This is one of the most frightening abilities of Thousand-Eyed Mirage-living in the vast void, with the light and heat energy of the void and various stardust nebulae They can eat almost everything and convert them into their own energy.

Especially Nightmare, the energy aggregate of the spirit and **** family, they are pure energy incarnations, they have a huge soul source, and they are the most ideal food for the thousand-eyed phantom family. So don’t look at the gods enshrined in the temple, the spirit **** family and the thousand-eyed phantom mirage colluded to form allies, but in fact, in the war of the ancient gods, I don’t know how many strong spirit gods died of My allies are secretly calculating.

It can even be said that if it weren't for the biggest reason that the spirits and gods were pure energy aggregates, it would still be unknowable whether the thousand-eyed phantom clans would form allies with the spirits and gods. Lin Qi looked at the ugly and naked betrayal scene in front of him, recalling the various information and speculations of the Axul Protoss about the two Protoss in his mind, and couldn't help but sneered a few times.

Alsino moved across to Lin Qi silently. He waved more than a thousand arms and looked at Lin Qi indifferently: "Let go of this thin green skinny man, I can let you take away one here at will. A treasure, and get out of here! I can feel your strength. I don't want to be an enemy of a strange and unknown strong man. I only want this thin green skin!"

He clasped Arushman's neck tightly, and Lin Qi sneered again and again: "I also want this thin green skin, the great elder of the Tianjing clan, who doesn't want it? The holy king of the multi-armed secret demons Shi slave, I didn't think you could collude with the Sanhua goddess!"

Alsino smiled coldly: "There is always a choice, isn't it? I killed Nightmare. This can greatly stabilize my position in the clan and enhance my control! This is a share A huge contribution can give me the right to speak within the Mila Sect once again. The price I paid, the price I paid was only the lives of two alien-minded people!"

Quickly glanced at Sanhua Tiannv, Lin Qi snorted coldly, "Do you dare to become an ally with her?"

Arsino shook his head shrewdly and repeatedly: "An idiot will become an ally with Thousand-Eyed Mirage Alien. I am not so stupid. I and her are only temporary exchanges of benefits, nothing more! But anyway, now we have This is an absolute advantage, so give me the green skinny!"

Lin Qi shook Arushman’s body with his fingers tightly clasping Arushman’s neck: "Don’t act rashly, Alsino, if you dare to rob with violence, I dare to swear you Only a dead person can get it! I don't care about his life or death, because even if he dies, I can turn him into an undead and keep all his memories! But can you do it?"

Alsino opened his mouth and stayed in place for a long time, unable to speak. He looked at Lin Qi bitterly, and the angry flames in his more than 200 eyeballs almost burned Lin Qi to ashes. It's shameless, Lin Qi's words are really shameless. How did he forget this? Lin Qi can kill Arushman, and a powerful undead god, he can resurrect Arushman in three to five years, and let him have all the memories of his life.

Neither the multi-armed Secret Demon clan or the Thousand-Eyed Mirage Clan can do such outrageous things. Lin Qi could kill Arushiman on the spot, but Alsino was absolutely unwilling to let Lin Qi kill the important elder of the Tianjing clan. The technology of the Tianjing clan, the wisdom of the Tianjing clan, this is a tyrannical force that all races who have heard of the legend of the Tianjing clan are not willing to give up.

After a long silence, Al Shinu coughed heavily, "We can talk!"

The Sanhua Tiannv, who was madly extracting the original power of the severely damaged Nightmare, said with a smile: "Anyway, I will take one-third of the benefits! The Tianjing clan? Aha, I have heard of their legends. , When I was a little phantom just born, my master once mentioned the Tianjing clan to me when he was feeding me!"

With a chuckle of'chichi', Sanhua Tiannu said leisurely: "My master used to imprison me is a special cage with spatial attributes, a transparent water sperm box that she can play in her palm. But the internal space is 30,000 miles in length, width and height! But my master is very dissatisfied with the cage, because the craftsmanship is so bad that it is completely incomparable with the craftsmanship of the Tianjing clan, so I know about the Tianjing clan. ."

Without concealing her greed, Sanhua Tiannv frantically devoured the source of Nightmare, while staring at Arushiman. She had indeed heard of the prestige of the Tianjing clan from her former master. It was an extremely terrifying race. Among the countless races conquered by mankind, among the countless civilizations destroyed by mankind, there is only Tianjing. One family has the ability to create a'small world'.

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