Bright Era

Chapter 2194: Escape (3)

The Sanhua goddess is frantically extracting the power of the nightmare. She already has a foreboding that as long as she can completely swallow all the power of the nightmare, she will be able to advance to a powerful existence of the **** master level naturally! A newly born God Lord has too great significance at this critical juncture when the new God War is about to begin, which means that she is likely to become the ultimate winner of this God War.

Taking a deep breath, Sanhua Tiannv smiled and nodded: "I have no objection, but who will do it?"

Sanhua Tiannv is too lazy now, she is busy devouring Nightmare's power. The most important thing for her now is to delay time. The longer the time delay, the better. If it can be delayed until she has completely swallowed Nightmare, and when she advances to the Divine Lord, she will definitely kill Alsino immediately, then obliterate the five Darkblood people, and then take Lin Qi and capture Arushiman alive. Catch alive.

Lin Qi has no objection either. Hell and others are frantically extracting the countless sacred crystals that Lin Qi has just accepted. Huge energy is constantly pouring into their dry bodies in hell. The huge resources made by Kunlun and Heaven Mountain are jointly supplementing the hell. With a large amount of resources, with this huge external energy supplement, perhaps hell's own eternal furnace can be repaired three or five?

Don't say three or five, even if only repairing an eternal **** furnace of hell, it is also a surprise. As a metaworld ‘domain-level’ combat unit with a higher status than Penglai, Tiantian Mountain, and Kunlun, any eternal **** furnace in Hell is more than a hundred times more powerful than their energy core in Heaven Mountain.

It's like rolling a snowball, as long as the snowball named Hell rolls up, the benefits obtained are extremely amazing. Not to mention other things, as long as **** can repair an eternal **** furnace in a short period of time, he can start to create high-level god-level **** monsters. Although it is still not possible to create a powerful existence at the main **** level, the so-called ants have killed elephants, and the number has increased. Lin Qi is looking forward to the scene where his upper **** level elite army will beat the powerful main **** to death.

Therefore, Lin Qi was not at all impatient. He just looked at Alsino and the others with a smile, slowly gestured with two scrawny fists, and put on a posture of'Master, I am also a melee fighter.' The undead aura on his body is getting stronger, but the undead aura is always mixed with weird auras such as thunder, or ice, or fire, or quicksand. This weird aura makes the Arabs fear and dare not take it lightly. Shot.

The result of the Quartet’s hesitation, intentionally or unintentionally, was that after hesitating for a whole quarter of an hour, Nightmare suddenly let out a grinning laugh: "You stupid fellows, you will all die here today! The energy you drew from me must be returned to me! Ashinu! I will bring the army of the temple to you to settle the account, we will never die!"

The black fireball high in the sky suddenly ejected endless divine light, and a stream of black light, like a dragon, flowed out in all directions along the magic array pattern on the wall of the secret library. The whole secret library shook violently, causing The terrifying coercion of the people's heart was pressed straight down from high altitude. The red divine sword in Nightmare's body soared into the sky with a sticky fire pulp, and rushed into the black fireball instantly.

"No! The fireball above your head is the main body of Nightmare!" The Arsino screamed hoarsely: "Then the one we hit hard, what is this?"

A majestic face emerged from the high-altitude black fireball, and that face said calmly: "The body that you severely injured is also the last thing left by the people of my spirit and **** clan. My spirit and **** clan is the master class. The body that rules the three-legged black crow looks almost exactly the same as my body, doesn't it? He has fallen, but he refines part of his energy into a clone and gave it to me!"

Nightmare's tone was full of ridicule. He looked at Sanhua Tianmai coldly, and said faintly: "Did you not feel it? The original power you swallowed, and my true original power, have so little The difference? But the greedy thousand-eyed mirage, you have always only cared about your immediate interests, and you have never looked more long-term!"

The face of Sanhua Tiannv became ugly. Her four huge tentacles suddenly pulled out from the huge fireball at that moment. She hurriedly transformed herself into a beautiful Sanhua Tiannv, and then smiled bitterly. Towards the nightmare salutes again and again: "Honorable nightmare, I hope you can forgive my sins, my offense to you was only intimidated and bewitched by the Arab slaves!"

"What? I'm threatening to confuse you?" Arsino roared angrily. Anyway, he has many heads, and there are a large group of heads staring at him in all directions. At this moment, there are at least 30 heads staring at the Sanhua Heavenly Girl. , More than 30 mouths opened at the same time angrily cursed.

Sanhua Tiannv snorted coldly, her body suddenly fragrant, and colorful rays of light enveloped the entire secret library. The endless illusion spread in front of the eyes of Lin Qi, Ashinu, and the five Netherblood clans. The endless phantoms of the celestial women of Sanhua appeared everywhere within thousands of miles. These beautiful and charming bodies did not find a trace, or sang and danced, or took a nap, or simply twisted their bodies to behave coquettishly. All kinds of unbearable sights are enough to provoke blood. , People can't wait to throw themselves into her arms and achieve their hopes.

But the body of Sanhua Tiannv has already brought up a pink halo. She didn't know where she pulled out a pink machete that was only half a foot long like a crescent, and made an understatement towards the neck of the Albanian. Stroked over. The dagger of the Sanhua Heavenly Girl is also a powerful weapon. He has no other attributes, but is extremely sharp, and contains the most vicious venom secreted by the Thousand Eyes Phantom Clan.

Lin Qi held his breath, all the illusions in front of him had no effect on him. His soul is not deceived, his eyes flicker with all kinds of strange lights, including hell, they all injected a trace of original power into Lin Qi's eyes. Lin Qi's eyes are estimated to be regarded as a human race in history. The most wonderful and complicated pair of eyes in the movie, any illusion can't block his gaze.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of gray-white crystal shields with octagonal shapes like tortoise shells appeared on all sides of his body. The crystal shields formed with the power of the undead are not very strong in defense, but after adding the power of ice , The defensive power of these crystal shields is enough to make people feel at ease. And Lin Qi even took out a rib of the Lord God, and used a small knife to quickly carve out complex and exquisite runes on this dark golden rib.

Very thin electric lights flickered on the ribs, and a strange groan kept coming from the ribs. An eternal **** furnace on the edge of **** is about to be repaired, and **** has already begun to excitedly create some first-class demons, and constantly inject these extremely filthy and difficult demons into this rib. Lin Qi's eyes sprayed with a trace of black divine light. What he was making was a vicious Forbidden Curse Level Undead scroll.

With the main god’s rib as the carrier, the hell’s demon soul as the core of the attack, and the energy injected from **** as the driving force, this rib is extremely lethal to any creature, including pure energy bodies such as the Spirit God family. Unless it is a soul like Lin Qi that no longer exists in the conventional sense, and has merged with all the spirits and spirits in the body into a group of original creatures, it can be immune to the attack on the soul level of this ‘underworld death technique’.

But even if Lin Qi is immune to attacks on the soul level, the evil energy released by this great death technique can still erode the skin, corrode the bones, and infect the internal organs, causing people to suffer extremely heavy injuries. So this is a terrible trick that ranks in the top 300 among the various evil bans in hell. The banned spells in the ordinary sense of the Western Continent like "Meteor Fall" are like firecrackers played by children. The gap with nuclear warheads.

Lin Qi was busy preparing, and the short sword of the Sanhua Heavenly Girl had already attacked the front of Ashinu, who was angrily waved a black spear to assassinate the Sanhua Heavenly Lady, and Dark Blood waited for the five people. On the other hand, he vigilantly turned his body into a pool of blood mist, and quickly attacked Lin Qi. They still did not give up their mission, they wanted to catch Lin Qi, and then left here with Arushiman.

"Prepare to die!" Nightmare muttered in a low voice: "Especially you, Sanhua Tiannv, you betrayed the Tianmiao, you!"

Nightmare screamed angrily: "I wonder why these outsiders can know where my secret vault is! Damn, the goddess of Sanhua, among the other gods in the temple, no one can follow me silently. I discovered that only you can do this, only you can betray me like this! Damn stupid woman, I will **** you up alive!"

Looking triumphantly at Sanhua's attack on the Arabs, Yan Teng sternly shouted: "Is it still useful to be so pretentious now? I see through you, humble woman, I see through you! I won't forgive you anymore. , I won’t forgive you like the previous few times! This time, you must pay a sufficient price! Damn Sanhua goddess, even if you cut off all his heads, I will kill you!"

A group of black flames in the sky suddenly spread, and the terrifying black light enveloped everything. The unbearable high temperature and radiation burned dark blood and the blood mist suddenly raised a layer of light vapor. The melted blood mist was burned and shrunk. The dark blood roared in a desperate manner. Hundreds of black claws of varying sizes suddenly appeared in the mist of blood he had melted, and he slammed his head towards Lin Qi.

When Sanhua Tiannv's short knife was about to hit the Arsino, she suddenly heard the declaration that Nightmare would never forgive her. Sanhua Tiannv turned the blade without saying a word, and a pink blade of light slashed towards the high-altitude nightmare. At the same time, as the sword light flew out, the infinite phantom appeared in front of Nightmare.

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