Bright Era

Chapter 2199: New Year (3)

Chewing the carrots'Kacha, Kacha', Da Hei muttered in a low voice: "Well, a Celestial Clan! There is an old proverb that makes sense. A dead Celestial Clan is the most assured and reliable man. Clan!"

Arushman's face suddenly turned pale, he took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes tightly. His body was trembling violently, and a voice like a mourning soul from the depths of **** floated out from the corner of his mouth: "Don't force me, the twelve nebulae swallow the beast eggs, which can bring us now The world you are in is completely destroyed, don't force me!"

Lin Qi smiled brilliantly. He patted Arushman on the shoulder gently: "I am a kind and kind person, I will not force you!"

Arushiman immediately opened his eyes. He looked at the space magic devices that Lin Qi was holding and asked carefully: "Then, can you return my personal property to me? , Can you return my armor and weapons to me?"

Lin Qi laughed, he lightly patted Arushman's head, which looked so huge compared to his petite body, and then he took out a pair of monsters from the abyss world, specifically for goblins and dwarfs. Magic shackles forged by slaves. Arushiman's face distorted, and he watched in despair as Lin Qi grabbed this set of shackles that were too difficult for him to bear, and firmly buckled his limbs, joints and neck on the shackles.

"Okay, now you are my prisoner!" Lin Qi smiled and looked at Arushman: "As a prisoner, I will give you a generous personal life treatment! I hope that your future performance can be worthy of me. For your living expenses!"

The donkey snorted, and the other person stood up, holding his two front hoofs on his chest, looking up and down Arushman. Donkey always feels that he seems to have some impression of Arushman? However, as with the problems that often occurred to him, he had forgotten too many things! So the donkey ended up pursing his mouth and grunting in a low voice: "Ah, an ordinary goblin. Of course, a winged goblin grandson is rare, but he is a grandson after all!"

The two rabbits were very pure, kind, innocent, and docile, lying on the ground, one on the left and the other next to the donkey, with scarlet eyes looking at Arushman quietly. Originally wanted to do some small movements, for example, Arushman, who was trying to try some small tricks on this magical shackles, only felt cold all over. He let Lin Qi pick up his stiff body, and waited without moving. Lin Qi's hair fall.

"Aunt Lily, Aunt Lily! I have an important guest here for you!" Lin Qi carried the pale-faced Arushman and found Aunt Lily who was carrying a big bull and was about to solve the knife: "He has already I haven't had a bath for tens of thousands of years, so you first boil the pot of water and let him wash, and then all his life here will be arranged by you!"

Lin Qi threw Arushiman to Aunt Lily, and then made a gesture to Aunt Lily that only pirates could understand-an extremely important butt, take care of him, ensure his safety, and don't let him come into contact with outsiders!

Outside the large kitchen of the Longshan Imperial Palace, on the large square covering an area of ​​20 acres, naked Arushiman stood trembling in the raging cold wind. Goose feathers hit him heavily, and he looked at the behemoth standing in front of him in horror, without a trace but bound by the heavy shackles.

Since Aunt Lily inherited the priesthood, under Lin Qi's deliberate care, Aunt Lily, who possesses a higher god-level combat power, looks stronger than before. Nowadays, even if she is among the barbarians, she is a first-class sturdy figure. The original body fat became strong and well-developed, angular muscles when he inherited the priesthood, but after inheriting the priesthood, after a period of eating and drinking, it was strong and dazed and angular. Outside of her muscle bumps, Aunt Lily has an extra layer of fat!

Therefore, the current Aunt Lily, her body is completely a humanoid monster, and her arm is comparable to the total size of four or five Arushmans. And Aunt Lily, who appeared in front of Arushman, was holding a bull weighing more than three thousand kilograms with dragon beast blood on her shoulder with one hand. The sturdy bull was struggling and wailing on Aunt Lily's shoulders, but this bull, whose strength had reached the pinnacle of heaven, struggled hard, and could not get out of Aunt Lily.

Looking at Arushiman, who was less than three feet tall, shivering and standing in front of him, her face and body looked petite and exquisite, Aunt Lily grinned, and then grabbed the bull's cervical vertebra on her shoulder, and slammed it towards him. A fall on the ground. With a ‘click’, the bull burst and died on the spot. Aunt Lily grabbed Arushiman like a child and threw him aside.

The large kitchen of the Longshan Imperial Palace is preparing for the New Year’s banquet three days later. Dozens of huge temporary stoves are set up on the huge square, on which a special cauldron is used to boil pot after pot of boiling water, ready to deal with those Large cattle slaughtered.

Aunt Lily casually threw it away, and Arushman was thrown into a steaming cauldron with a mournful howl. The water in this big pot has not yet boiled, but the temperature is also extremely impressive. Arushiman was thrown into the cauldron, feeling that his whole body felt like a fire, and instantly there was an illusion that all the internal organs were cooked well.

A miserable howl just came out, and Aunt Lily had already pressed Arushman's head and pushed him into the hot water. A brush made of wild boar bristles was moistened with saponaria powder by Aunt Lily, and then scrubbed on Arushman's body severely.

Arushman wanted to struggle, wanted to cry out, but under the violent suppression of Aunt Lily, all his resistance was futile. If poor Arushman wears his armor and holds his weapon, he can at least kill hundreds of powerful men like Aunt Lily in seconds. But when he lost those foreign objects, he was a poor worm who allowed to be abused.

"Ah, little green-skinned guy, don't struggle, don't be naughty!" Aunt Lily was humming a pirate song while wiping Arushman's delicate skin vigorously: "I haven't had a bath for tens of thousands of years? How can I not love it so much? Is it clean? Look at the watchdog of our Black Tiger family. It's also a bath in three days! You are not too particular!"

She slapped Arushiman's **** fiercely, and Aunt Lily laughed loudly: "But don't worry, Aunt Lily will wash you clean and fragrant! Ah, what a delicate and lovely one. Little goblin! Well, there is a pair of wings? How interesting! Are you a hybrid of a demon and a goblin? This is the first time I have seen this kind of hybrid!"

Arushman looked at Aunt Lily with tears and tears. At this moment, Aunt Lily's terror in his heart soared, almost comparable to that of a donkey. A hybrid of demons and goblins? Arushman wanted to roar loudly. He is the noble and wise elder of the Tianjing clan. He is not the crude, stupid and lowly blood of demons and goblins!

"This pair of little wings is very interesting!" Aunt Lily played with the delicate fleshy wings on Arushman's back that were tightly attached to the body: "Aunt Lily will find you some goblin girls, and some more A little girl, hahaha, let you keep a few more dolls here!"

Arushman's body suddenly stiffened, goblin girl? Little devil girl? What is she going to do with this terrible big fellow like a Roshan? Let your noble and pure blood of heavenly spirits mix with those of humble goblins and petty demons? The skin of Arushman's whole body has turned into a terrible green color, which is the performance of the Tianjing family when they are extremely shocked, extremely shocked, and extremely desperate!

Aunt Lily was contentedly thinking about it, she was not intimidating Arushman by falsehood, but was definitely prepared to do so! For a qualified pirate, how to maximize the value of the meat ticket in hand is a compulsory homework for a pirate!

A meat ticket that can squeeze a large price, how can it squeeze more profits on the basis of a large price?

This question is very simple! For example, if a prince is kidnapped, then let the prince have more concubines as soon as possible, so that those concubines will be pregnant with the noble royal blood! In this way, those concubines can also sell for a good price! With so many years of experience of Aunt Lily, this kind of bundling can at least squeeze out twice the profit!

"Even if I die, I won't have that kind of relationship with those humble creatures!" Arushman finally found an opportunity, taking advantage of Aunt Lily's picking him out of the soup pot, and wiping him with a piece of white linen cloth. At the time, he said these words firmly and decisively.

"Ah!" Aunt Lily looked at Arushman with admiration. As the housekeeper of a traditional dark world family, Aunt Lily admired these spineless men. She patted Arushman's shoulder vigorously, and raised her thumbs approvingly: "Aunt Lily likes a spine-like man like you the most, isn't she? How can she just give in like this casually What?"

Afterwards, aunt Lily's roar sounded in the palace of the smaller half of the Dragon Mountain Empire: "Bilibili, Arda, you two bastards, get out of here! There is a spineless little guy here, Arda, you usually Those shameless magic potions that I like to use, the **** potion called'Tiandi Jiachun', send me ten jin!"

Arushman's body was stiff, his face gradually turned purple-green, and then he sprayed out blood. He looked at Aunt Lily with a **** gaze, then wailed hoarsely: "I am the great Arushman, you can't do this to me! You can kill me, but I have my glory, and I ask for it. Treatment that matches my status!"

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