Bright Era

Chapter 2206: Crazy guests (4)

Floren took two steps forward with a nice smile. He bowed deeply to Lin Qi, and then laughed loudly: "Great Majesty Lin Qi, your opinion has always been so correct! As you said, This is a beautiful holiday, this is a sacred day! May the glory of the gods always shroud you, we should all be today..."

The Holy Crown Pope Francis coughed heavily and interrupted Floren's words mercilessly.

"Aha, I know that the great and benevolent Majesty Lin Qi and the Gaul Empire have good friendship and traditional friendship. But this does not mean that certain evil-hearted heretics can be in the palace of the Longshan Empire, He spoke to the great Majesty Lin Qi!" Francis thought he hadn't seen Floren's bitter gaze, he smiled and bowed deeply to Lin Qi.

"Great Majesty, I am sure that this man named Akai is a heresy! He should be punished, he should be sent to the torture frame! Relatively speaking, those who protect him or even promote him should also be subject to punishment!"

Francis strongly suggested: "He despises your majesty, he challenges your dignity, he trampled on the dignity of the entire Longshan Empire in such a sacred and cheerful day! Therefore, he and the envoys behind him , Must be punished!"

Francis can't wait to tell Lin Qi loudly-punish this idiot named Akai, kill him, burn him, smash his body, and then burn all the nobles of the Gaul Empire to death! Get rid of those **** guys, after the war of gods is over, the church can easily take over the territory of the Gaul Empire!

After the war of God, the church will definitely take over the territory of the Gaul Empire! The clergy are bound to become the rulers of that territory! But those damned nobles, if they are willing to kneel at the feet of the gods, they will inevitably have to divide a piece of interest from the gods' pious servants! Some nobles, they may even become priests!

In order to eliminate this possibility, let Lin Qi take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to kill all the nobles of the Gaul Empire!

Florent's body trembled slightly. He stared at Francis firmly and sternly shouted: "His Majesty the Pope, what Akay did has nothing to do with our Gaul Empire! Our Gaul Empire We have always been an ally of the Longshan Empire, we have an indestructible friendship, we are a firm ally, we..."

Francis interrupted Floren again: "But your entourage is a heresy! I swear with my soul that he is an evil heresy! You brought a heresy to the palace banquet of the Longshan Empire to celebrate the New Year! Then, I can testify that you and the family behind you are very likely to be members of this heresy, at least you are heresy patrons and sympathizers!"

A series of charges were deducted, and Floren's face turned blue. He looked at Francis angrily and annoyed, he couldn't figure out what was going on-the war hadn't ended yet, didn't the church need the power of the Gaul Empire? Francis desperately planted and blamed the Gaul Empire. What does he mean?

Akai looked at Floren mockingly, and he shouted in a cold voice: "Dear Florent, have you not seen a fact clearly-the clergy of the church are already planning what will happen after this war is over? Oh! Ah, I don’t expect your IQ to understand this. I only have one question. Your Majesty Lin Qi, you used violence to gain the throne, did you?"

There was a dead silence in the hall, and all the guests saw a problem. Francis was indeed unkind to the Gaul Empire!

This new pope, who has just been in office for less than two months, has some different views on the Gaul Empire, or the aristocracy of the Gaul Empire! He seems to be very anxious to make Lin Qi take decisive action against the Gaul Empire. He desperately wants Lin Qi to swing a butcher knife to kill some people in the Gaul Empire!

As for Akai, the young general of the Gaul Empire who suddenly appeared, he didn't seem to notice Francis' malice towards the entire Gaul Empire. He still insisted on asking the question that made Floren almost desperate!

With a light cough, Lin Qi squinted at Akai, and then he smiled shamelessly: "No, the process of obtaining the throne is in full compliance with all the virtues and rules of the Western mainland. I did not use violence, I Without using any illegal means, the Longshan Empire belongs to me!"

Akai looked at Lin Qi coldly, and said calmly: "The Longshan Empire belongs to the Longshan family, and what is your surname?"

Lin Qi looked at A Kai in silence. He put the scepter on the handrail of the throne, and then gently clapped his hands: "Aha, you ask me this question? The Longshan Empire belongs to the Longshan family, and the members of the Longshan family , Their surname is naturally "Longshan"! And my surname..."

A Kai smiled and bowed to Lin Qi and bowed: "Excuse me, what is your last name?"

Lin Qi spread his hands: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Akay shrugged his shoulders, turned around in disapproval, and then laughed at all the guests: "I mean, if Lin Qi can obtain it from poor Majesty Turing by illegal means of violence For the throne, then why can’t we do this? What do you think?"

Lin Qi smiled and looked at A Kai, he became more and more interested in this guy! If you are not mistaken, this guy must be named Lin!

The timid guests began to withdraw from the hall, and then more and more guests began to walk outside the hall. The Longshan guards outside the main hall did not stop them, but opened the main and side doors of the main hall, allowing these guests to leave. A clear voice suddenly resounded throughout the palace: "Dear guests, please go to the garden and other halls, where some snacks and drinks have been prepared. When night falls, the palace banquet will start on time. Please also participate on time. !"

Soon, there were only a few dozen people left in the hall, including several close guards of Francis, and Floren and a group of nobles from the Gaul Empire. Floren stretched out his hands almost desperately, screaming at Akay with cramped fingers: "What the **** do you want? Don't forget, it was the Gaul Empire that promoted you, and it was the Gaul Empire that gave you the glory and status. !"

A Kai smiled at Floren and sneered disapprovingly: "Stupid guy, I am not qualified to ask so many questions!"

With a cold snort, A Kai smiled at Lin Qi and said casually: "Are you sure the palace banquet will be held on time?"

Lin Qi slowly stood up. He looked down at A Kai from a high position and said calmly, "Why not? Do you think you have the power to spoil my New Year's banquet? A Kai, or what is your last name? ?"

Akay blinked his eyes, then he smiled and nodded: "Lin Kaixuan! You see, we have a common surname! So I think, since you can get from Turing Andelm Longshan who has a different surname Seize the throne, then I can too! Because I have the same surname as you, I can do what you have done!"

Floren shuddered and stepped back. He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Kaixuan, and said word by word: "Akai, I swear in the name of the Huali family that you will become the enemy of the entire Gaul Empire! You have plunged the Gaul Empire into an awkward situation. For the harm you caused to us today, we will retaliate against you a hundred times!"

Lin Kaixuan didn't even look at Floren, he just looked at Lin Qi and laughed: "So, what else do I need to say? I want to get your throne, nothing more! Do you still need me to do it yourself? Don't you Are you ready to hand over your throne, your country, your army, and your woman?"

For a long time, Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan with a smile. When he said'Your throne, your country, your army', Lin Qi shrugged helplessly and smiled more relaxedly. But when Lin Kaixuan's phrase "your woman" was uttered, Lin Qi's expression suddenly became extremely terrifying.

A terrible pressure suddenly enveloped the entire hall. This pressure was so huge that Floren and the others passed out in a coma. Even Francis looked at Lin Qi in horror and staggered. Back again and again. Although Francis is the pope of the Holy Crown who has just ascended the throne, as an unrecognized collateral god, even a collateral **** who does not even possess the divine nature, Francis's strength is really pitiful. 'S strength is only a mere lower rank of the saints.

Facing such terrible pressure, Francis could only tremble and mutter to himself: "My god, my god, my god! I admire you, I worship you, I worship you... Drop your anger on these **** heretics, and don't offend your poor believer!"

"Poor believer?" Lin Qi glanced at Francis, then kicked him out of the hall: "It is unpredictable that you want to use me as a knife to destroy the Gaul Empire. You are also a believer? Damn it!"

Lin Kaixuan smiled relaxedly. He slowly took off his big gown and nodded to Lin Qi unhurriedly: "Holy Crown Pope? Huh? They are indeed **** things! Well, don't talk nonsense. Now, Lin Qi, hand over everything I want, I can let you choose the easiest way to die! Well, I can even generously leave you a whole body!"

Lin Qi also took off his big gown, revealing the strong black dress inside. Gently moved his arms and legs, Lin Qi smiled and looked at Lin Kaixuan calmly: "I'm curious, where did you get your confidence! It is good for a person to have confidence, but if the confidence is too high, then it will change. Become a mad paradox! And unfortunately, I have encountered several arrogant people who have forgotten their surnames... things!"

"Something?" Lin Kaixuan also took off the purely decorative half-body armor, and then smiled and hooked his finger to Lin Qi: "Are you even stingy with the word'clanman'? In other words, you don't Treat them as clansmen? It seems that I must teach you a little lesson!"

Mr. Mo quietly led dozens of heavy armored men into the hall, Lin Qi shook his head and sighed heavily.

"You alone? Maybe you still can't teach me a lesson! On the other hand, because of what you just said, I will let you know that some thoughts are impossible!" A fierce light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes. Lin Kaixuan can peek at his throne, country and army, these things Lin Qi didn't mind! But Lin Kaixuan actually peeped at Yunyun, Princess Qingli and Elysium!

Seek death by yourself, but so!

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