Bright Era

Chapter 2215: Failed offense (3)

But the archery skills of the rangers are so amazing. The penetrating arrows spin like a drill, digging holes in the rune shield and rune armor, and then sinking into it. The bodies of these soldiers. But what annoyed these sharp-eyed rangers was that the physical bodies of these soldiers seemed to be surprisingly strong. After their arrows penetrated a layer of armor and a layer of shields, they could not cause much damage to these soldiers. .

Even some soldiers simply pulled the arrows out of their bodies, and then operated the powerful crossbow on the city wall, launching a counterattack against the rangers who were kilometers away. The Longshan Empire is rich in wealth. There is a tower every 100 meters on the city wall, and dozens of large crossbows are arranged on the tower. On average, there is a nine-fire crossbow for almost every meter of the wall.

When the soldiers brazenly launched a counterattack, countless heavy bed crossbows, several meters long, with thin arms, and crescent-shaped shovel head arrows, roared through the air. The bowstrings used by these bed crossbows are actually all dragon tendons—not the most abundant ground dragon tendons, but the real dragon tendons. What makes people vomit blood is that they are all the dragon tendons of the pure blood dragon!

In addition to possessing Dragon Cliff, Lin Qi, who can make endless kinds of materials on the dragon, is impossible for even the gods to have such extravagant equipment! There is no need to say much about the power of the dragon tendons. Anyway, those bed crossbows made of pure metal weighing hundreds of catties only heard a loud bang, and they suddenly came to the front of the rangers.

Immediately, a piece of flesh and blood flew across the sky. Hundreds of rangers were hit by the crossbow bolts. Their slender and fragile bodies exploded into countless blood plasma on the spot. After the violent crossbows and crossbows ripped apart the bodies of these poor rangers, they blasted out like a blast toward the distance. No matter the woods, rocks, or small slopes they passed, they were all blown up. Shattered.

The farthest batch of bed crossbows shot out nearly 10,000 meters before they fell to the ground with exhaustion. This is because the soldiers on the head of the city only used the power of the dragon tendons, and did not have the luxury of embedding the magic spar on the bed crossbow, inspiring the magic array on the bed crossbow that was specially used to increase the lethality and range, otherwise these beds I really don't know how terrible the crossbow will be.

Dozens of wild tree spirits who had just smashed the boulder into the city were also shot by the crossbow. The average height of these wild tree spirits is about forty meters, which is different from the orthodox tree people in the elven forest. These wild tree spirits don't have many branches and leaves, and they are much ugly and ferocious. But there is no doubt that these wild tree spirits are stronger and more fierce than tree people, and their desire to destroy is stronger.

Compared with the elves, these wild tree elves are the evil black elves and the violent blood elves in the treant tribe. They are aliens in the treant tribe, and they are totally incompatible with the tribe tribe controlled by the traditional sacred oak treants! However, under the deliberate control of the elves, these wild tree spirits have been well multiplied and expanded in the elven continent. They often act as thugs and assassins on occasions where the elves are inconvenient to shoot. They are equivalent to the bandits raised by elves, Bandit.

But after these powerful wild tree spirits were hit by that terrible bed crossbow, they also let out a miserable cry. Each crossbow easily penetrated their bodies, tearing open holes the size of water tanks in their ugly tree trunks. Even some wild tree spirits were hit by several bed crossbows at the same time, and their bodies immediately collapsed and turned into a pile of black and smelly wood.

The wild tree spirits with violent temperament were beaten to fire. Thousands of wild tree spirits began to gather. They gathered near the four gates of the Longshan Imperial Capital. When they slap their hands, the earth squirmed violently. The huge boulder was transported by the earth and passed directly into their hands. With a fierce wave of their hands, these huge boulders weighing thousands of catties whizzed up and fell straight to the guard soldiers on the top of the city.

When the wild tree spirits' attack took shape, the guards on the city's head suddenly wavered. In the face of these boulders smashed down, even if they were wearing rune armor, even if their bodies were washed in dragon blood, these soldiers who defended the city could not resist them!

There were a few defenders with orc descent and poor brains screaming, swinging heavy weapons such as large axes and maces and smashing them at the falling boulders. The result was waves of ground shaking, the walls of the city walls were smashed to earth and rocks, and the brave "warriors" were smashed together with the armor, and blood and flesh spurted out from the gaps in the armor. Dozens of meters away.

The power of the wild tree spirit is not something ordinary humans and orcs can resist. Even humans and orcs who are successful in cultivation, even if they are strengthened by dragon blood, the attacks of the wild tree spirits can still easily crush them to pieces.

The garrison soldiers on the city wall began to retreat in embarrassment, and the bed crossbows exposed on the city wall were smashed to pieces by huge rocks. The more slender ranger threw the flying claw rope under the cover of the wild tree spirit, rushed up to the city wall quickly, and launched a hunt for the retreating soldiers.

The rangers who rushed to the city wall did not use the magic longbow with a super long range and fast rate of fire, but a ballista with a short range but extremely lethality. These magnificent and huge ballistas exude a faint magical flame, and some of them are even comparable to ordinary bed crossbows. The rangers who can use these ballistas are also tall and sturdy masters. They hold the ballistas, use the power of the magic circle to automatically wind them, and then buckle the bowstrings with various strange magical lethality.

The loud noise of ‘bang bang’ was endless, and the magical crossbows with arms thick and millimeter-long shot out. Faced with the crossbow bolts fired by this kind of ballista, the wall guards of the Longshan Imperial Capital were a bit unable to resist. A group of dozens of soldiers was retreating. A crossbow arrow emitting a formidable high temperature suddenly landed in their queue. Only a loud noise was heard. The range of a radius of 100 meters was wrapped in a ball of flame, a small ball A cloud of mushrooms rose into the sky, and dozens of soldiers and their armor were blown to pieces.

Fire, cold, thunder, meteorites, and arrows shot by various ballistas roared away. These ballistas caused extremely heavy casualties to soldiers of the Longshan Empire. It took less than a quarter of an hour to at least 15.6. Thousands of regular troops died tragically under the bombardment of the ballista.

These soldiers are all really elites who wear rune armor and have their bodies tempered by dragon blood. If more than 10,000 people like this are on the battlefield of the gods, they are enough to rely on powerful equipment and personal strength to kill three to five times the regular army of orcs! But under the attack of these rangers, they were crushed to pieces with almost no resistance.

Thousands of rangers armed with magic ballistas stood on the walls and unscrupulously launched an attack on the residences in the Longshan Imperial Capital! They did not consider the casualties of civilians in the least, and the rain-like crossbow shot out with the shadow of death. And they didn't attack the magnificent mansions of those big wealthy families, and specifically shot the crossbows at those neatly arranged civilian neighborhoods!

They know how to cause the greatest casualties to the Longshan Empire and how to cause the greatest loss to the Longshan Empire! The Longshan Empire does not lack nobles and wealthy merchants. With the geographical advantages and traditional commercial advantages occupied by the Longshan Empire, you kill one hundred and eighty thousand nobles and wealthy merchants. The Longshan Empire can cultivate more nobles and wealthy merchants in just one or two years. Wealthy businessman!

But if the civilians in the imperial capital were killed or injured in the millions, this would be a heavy blow to the entire Longshan Empire. The prestige of the Longshan Empire will naturally decline to the extreme, and Lin Qi, who has brought such heavy casualties, is bound to be doubted by countless people!

"What a **** group of ants!" Above the Longshan Imperial Capital, 20,000 meters above the ground, in a faint silver cloud, three girls, Este, Etris, and Amore, were sitting in one On a silver-blue magic frisbee less than five meters in diameter. A faint dark silver light gleamed in Ai Mo's eyes, and he was muttering something in a low voice.

Este snorted coldly, and the deep blue heart above her head suddenly appeared, countless extremely thin silver-blue cold light lased down, and a huge ice barrier directly enveloped the entire Longshan Emperor. The loud noise of ‘Boom Boom’ was endless. Thousands of magical ballistas blasted on the thin silver-blue ice flakes at the same time. The ice barrier made by Este did not waver at all, but the cruel rangers were blown up and flew up in embarrassment.

Esther made an extremely vicious move. As soon as the rangers shot the crossbow bolts, she released the ice barrier. The ice barrier is no more than ten meters away from the rangers, which is equivalent to these rangers having eaten the crossbow shot by themselves at close range with a full blow! Moreover, thousands of them fired crossbow bolts at the same time, and everyone was bombarded by dozens of ballistas exploding at close range at the same time.

More than half of the rangers were blown to pieces on the spot, and the rest of the people were also severely injured by the concussion, spitting blood and fell from the wall. If it hadn't been for the wild tree spirits to react extremely quickly and reach out their big hands to catch the rangers who fell from the city wall, they would have been thrown into a ball of meat sauce.

"Well, their souls are full of the desire to kill!" Etrice tilted her head and frowned: "But didn't my father say that rangers are symbols of freedom and justice? Why are the souls of these rangers Become so dark and tyrannical?"

A ray of golden light suddenly shot out from Ai Mo's eyes, and she pointed to a mountain forest about a hundred miles away from the Longshan Imperial Capital: "There are several existences with powerful destiny there. Green ones. Life, free wind, clean water, hypocritical dignity and dirty nobility, that is the **** of the elves!"

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