Bright Era

Chapter 2292: The Chaos of Berrily (4)

Apart from these guests who are enjoying the sensuality under the **** stimulation, there are also some guests with red eyes, sitting in the stands like hungry ghosts, watching the miserable scene of flesh and blood flying, while letting go of their belly to eat and drink. They crazily stuffed their mouths with the fine wines and delicacies delivered like running water. Many people had already turned their faces into an abnormal crimson color because they were eating too much.

Just as Lin Qi looked over, several guests whose stomachs swelled up strangely suddenly groaned. They put their hands on their belly, and they fell softly. They broke their stomachs by the food stuffed in by their overeating. They hissed and howled in the intense pain, but they fell down without the slightest effort.

In this splendid building, there is no manager of the Longshan family, nor any guards sent by the Longshan Empire. This majestic building that the Longshan family spent a lot of money to build is now a total hell, a **** completely out of control.

Countless people are running and jumping around in this magical building, they are yelling everywhere, venting wildly the animality in their hearts. The behaviors of various beasts were staged under Lin Qi's comments, and both the perpetrator and the victim, their faces were filled with an abnormal blush.

Abandoning these nobles and wealthy businessmen who were already hysterical, Lin Qi looked in the direction of Berriley University City.

There is even more chaos here, and tens of thousands of male and female students who represent the future hope of the Gaul Empire are chasing and frolicking on the campus naked. They howled like wild beasts in spring, and they confessed to the nearest opposite **** without shame. An erosive beast-desire breath wafted over the university town, gradually condensing into strange runes that were invisible to the naked eye.

These strange runes are suspended not only over the university city, but also over the entire core city of Berrily.

The twisted blue-gray rune exudes a bewitching power that makes people unsure. This evil force has spawned the negative energy in the hearts of human beings, causing them to continue to make all kinds of unthinkable evil acts. However, the evil behaviors of these human beings make their spirits more exciting, and the overflowing mental fluctuations make the condensing speed of this rune faster and faster, and the evil energy that it emits is getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Qi noticed that in the outer tent areas, some sturdy men with strong bodies and powerful abilities had begun to commotion. They looked at the ragged but well-built young women with weird eyes. Some were panting restlessly. The heat from their nostrils condensed into white smoke visible to the naked eye in the cold wind.

"These people fell into fear and panic because of the fear of death." Hell sneered in a weird tone: "Someone has used this emotion to collect the soul power condensed by this negative soul fluctuation. These runes are released. The energy released is activating the most primitive sin in the blood of all people. Well, something interesting happened?"

Not far in front of Lin Qi, on the terrace of a hotel on the side of the street, a young nobleman who was picking up his maid and whipping wildly on the terrace suddenly let out a wolf howl. His body twitched violently, his muscles undulated like worms, blue-black long hairs grew rapidly from his body, and his head was squirming like water waves.

The maid who was pressed down by the young nobles let out a terrifying cry, and she could clearly perceive the extremely terrifying changes in her body belonging to her young master. In just a few breaths, a werewolf who was five meters tall and draped in blue and black long hair, and whose breath reached the middle **** level, stood on the terrace.

The petite maid wailed hysterically in pain. Her body was hanging from the werewolf's waist, her body wriggling like a caterpillar pierced by a toothpick. A large amount of blood spurted out of her body, and her life flame was rapidly extinguishing.

Lin Qi snorted, standing behind Lin Qi, Arda, who was estimating the size of the maid's breast, hurried out. He slipped to the werewolf's side like a ghost, shook his hands gently, and the screaming maid was rescued by Arda.

"Damn, do you dare to steal my woman?" The abruptly transformed, the werewolf who soared from an ordinary low-level warrior to a middle-level god-strength, roared and patted it with a paw, and patted Alda straight. Head.

Seven faint shadows flashed in the air, and the seven high-frequency oscillating daggers snatched from Arushman under the control of Bilibili tore apart the werewolf's body like a knife cutting tofu. The five-meter-tall werewolf's body suddenly split, and hot blood splashed down the street under the terrace with huge energy.

Lin Qi grabbed his hand, and all the blood spewed out of the werewolf's body was forcibly compressed into a fist-sized blood ball, and then Lin Qi casually threw it into Bilibili's mouth and let him swallow it. The werewolf's body fell from the terrace several times with ‘dong dong’, smashing into the street several huge holes.

This suddenly changed werewolf has just been dealt with here. In the distance, less than a hundred meters from the Berrily Palace, suddenly there were countless people's stern exclamations—nine huge and unfriended, like poisonous pythons, but they are in harmony. The snake head with the same head of the dragon slowly rose up! A vicious middle-aged man who was directing several thugs to beat a young man, under the stimulation of the strange runes in the air, suddenly changed into a hydra with a body length of more than three kilometers!

What shocked Lin Qi was that the strength of the Hydra had reached the level of the upper and lower gods. Nine magic rings with different colors spread rapidly from under his body, representing the nine negative attributes of fear, death, decay, decay and so on. Wherever the magic rings with nine negative attributes passed, large swathes of pedestrians on the street suddenly turned gray. Ashes soared into the sky.

Only those nobles and wealthy merchant guards with heavenly strength can barely survive the impact of this nine-fold negative attribute magic circle, but their bodies are also rapidly aging and shrinking. Seeing that their bodies cannot withstand the attack of this negative energy, It must be as much as the people around them.

The piercing alarm bell sounded in the Berreilly Palace, and the Holy Light I soared into the sky holding a radiant scepter, surrounded by dozens of morning elves, suspended in the air 100 meters above the ground, and spoke in a loud and majestic manner. : "Here from the abyss, return to your dirty and damp lair. Don't be in front of the servant of the Lord of Dawn..."

The Hydra, who had just turned into a success and still had a muddled mind, opened its mouth and swallowed the Holy Light I in a relaxed and happy way. With a click of his mouth, the nine heads of this Hydra suddenly grinned at the sky: "What is this? This is power! I can feel the evil in your heart, and I can feel your evil soul. ,This is..."

There was a muffled sound of ‘bang’, and the Hydra, which was transformed from an ordinary middle-aged man, suddenly exploded and died. The rancid snake blood was sprayed around, and thousands of people were sprinkled on their bodies by the snake blood, and they were instantly melted into a mass of rancid pus.

"This!" Lin Qi shook his head, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Someone is collecting negative soul power! The method he uses is amazing! He is stimulating the darkest and most evil power in the souls of all people in Berrely. He activates the sinfulness in the blood of these people and activates them. Some evil bloodlines have completed their transformation!" Osmanthus tree said coldly: "But this Hydra...Well, his potential is not enough for him to maintain this form for a long time!"

"In the Primordial War of Gods, a large number of humans under the sudden change stress activated some of their own bloodlines, and also transformed into strange creatures powerful enough to fight against the gods." Heavenly Mountain sighed lightly: "But those are The human beings who have activated their bloodlines in a hurry, the longest one of them survived but lived for nine months."

"If you haven't practiced enough, haven't accumulated enough foundation, it's not enough to withstand the backlash of this bloodline activation." The osmanthus tree sighed softly: "But before these mutant creatures die, their souls will also Pathologically swelled to the limit, the power of the negative soul released by them is a hundred times stronger than the power of the negative soul released by 100 million ordinary humans.

Lin Qi grinned, isn't that the truth? When the Hydra exploded and died just now, his soul had already swelled to a strength comparable to that of a higher-ranking god. And such a powerful soul instantly transformed into the most evil negative soul power, adding at least a million soul runes in the sky.

Lin Qi's powerful soul power instantly swept across Berrily, and then spread more than tens of thousands of miles around. But under his soul scan, except for those gods from the Odin Temple who were also watching the mutations in Berrily, Lin Qi did not find any Azer gods. But Lin Qi has an instinctive intuition that this kind of change in Berrily is absolutely inseparable from certain gods in the Azerite clan!

After all, because of the existence of Thor's Hammer, the major Protoss is currently in a subtle armistice phase, and the gods of the Temple of Odin will not be impulsive to attack a major mainland town like Berrily.

Feeling the enormous soul power released by Lin Qi, the alien gods hiding behind the clouds in the sky released a smile of gloat. Lin Qi could feel their malice, and these guys were eager to see troubles in the Gaul Empire or the Azer Protoss.

Soul energy permeated every tiny corner of Berrely like mercury. Gradually, Lin Qi suddenly saw several very strangely arranged altars in Berrely, constantly releasing the breath of gray soul.

At one of the nearest altars, a large number of people and horses led by Yu Lian were rolling their eyes and fainting on the ground, and black bubbles continued to emerge from their mouths.

Lin Qi immediately understood where the managers and guards of the Longshan family had gone in the Theater of the Gods.

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