Bright Era

Chapter 234: Violent raid

Two chapters will be updated today, and Dutou quietly waits for the match between France and Spain. The struggle between roosters and bulls, judging from the size, pig heads tend to Spain! Who else is the same?


The one who rushed to the forefront was a tauren with a yellow coat. This big guy, who is nearly three meters tall, wears a huge copper ring on his nose, and his armor is ragged, just an extremely inconspicuous leather armor with a dozen holes in it. On the contrary, the weapon in his hand is not bad, it is a large axe made of stainless steel with radiant cold light.

The tauren's speed is extremely fast, he flicks his legs almost as long as an ordinary person, and rushes to the dumbfounded cavalry team with a few breaths. The four-meter-long large axe swept across and heard a miserable cry. The students of the three army academies had already spun and flew up, their upper bodies flew up with blood, but their lower bodies remained in place.

The leader of the cavalry regiment was killed by this axe, and the members of the cavalry regiment near him roared and drew their swords, attacking the tauren. But without unified command, their attacks were so disorderly. The most terrible thing is that these students are only at the level of human knights, and this tauren has released a strong yellow light, and he is a low-rank knight.

Moreover, there is a huge gap in physical fitness between tauren and human beings. The physical strength of an adult tauren is at least five times that of an ordinary human! The most direct consequence of such a power difference on the battlefield is ‘crushing’!

It is crushed like a grindstone roller rolling over a soybean!

More than a dozen light war knives and stabbing swords slashed and pierced the tauren, but the tauren just roared, and his right leg slammed to the ground, and the ground immediately shook the ground with a radius of four or five meters. The students of the regiment were all shaken to the ground. The long axe swung toward the surrounding area, and seven or eight swords flew up. Several students yelled and hugged the shocked right arm, and fled backward in embarrassment.

The dull hooves sounded, and the ten cavalrymen of the cavalry regiment launched a charge! They didn’t care about the students who fell to the ground, they just roared low and attacked the tauren. They were good players recruited by the captain of the iron cavalry regiment by relying on family forces. Their future lies with the captain of the cavalry regiment. The hapless guy was killed as soon as the battle started. Not only did the future of these cavalry become bleak and gloomy, but they were even retaliated by the cavalry team leader's family. How did they not get angry?

Therefore, the action is a powerful charge of thunder, and the horseshoe tramples on the bodies of the students who have fallen on the ground, crushing their bones.

The tauren bent down and roared loudly, two hot air blasted from his thick nostrils. Behind him rushed out more than two dozen fat pigheads with a weight of at least a thousand kilograms. These fat pigheads were panting, and they were more than two meters tall and one foot thick. The pure iron tower shield hit the ground.

There was a series of sounds of ‘dong dong dong dong’, these pig-headed men forcibly propped up a steel city wall 30 meters wide and two meters high on the ground. The ten cavalry who charged from the front were dumbfounded. They hurriedly tightened the reins, the wild wildebeest sitting down made a sharp long hiss, and raised two front hooves embarrassingly.

"Stoke them to death!" With a tyrannical roar, dozens of small but extremely flexible Hericians rushed forward. They held long carbines, and shot them from the gap between the tower shields. Stabbed out fiercely. For a time, the gun rod was like a stubble stick, densely pierced into the belly of the wildebeest.

The violent wildebeest is just a faster gallop, after all, it is just a low-level beast, and its belly is extremely fragile. With dozens of spears stabbed, ten wildebeests were killed almost at the same time. The cavalry on horseback screamed in embarrassment, and they jumped off the fallen mount.

Before the cavalry threw away the lances in their hands and pulled out their sabers, the pig-headed men had already pulled out the tower shield out of breath, and rushed toward the unfortunate cavalry with their shields. With more than a thousand kilograms of pig-headed men and more than a kilogram-heavy tower shield, when these pig-headed men were like a giant elephant running wildly. Three of the ten cavalrymen were of the strength of status knights, but faced with a weight of more than two thousand catties that rushed forward at a speed faster than a galloping horse, their only end was to be knocked out.

Be hit and fly, and then die!

Because twenty brave tiger-headed men silently followed behind these pig-headed men with heavy machetes, and rushed to the cavalry side like a gallop. The special machete weighing more than two hundred catties was chopped down like a storm. The fragile chain mail of the cavalrymen was chopped to pieces, and ten cavalrymen were chopped into dumpling stuffing in just a few seconds.

The iron cavalry team collapsed. Under the command of the deputy commander, they retreated embarrassedly, wanting to withdraw to the barracks to reorganize their defenses.

However, more than two hundred of the five hundred orcs have mixed with them. These orcs are generally a lot taller than these students, and their strength is far superior to them. In the case of a similar cultivation base, the combat effectiveness of any orc is equivalent to two to three students.

The originally orderly retreat immediately turned into a big rout. The students let out a miserable howl. They completely forgot the skills instilled by the instructors at the Army Academy and completely forgot their identities. They seemed to have been rushed. The militiamen who organized and immediately threw into the battlefield fled in embarrassment. They even did not escape as fast as those militiamen!

The heads fell one by one, and the orcs were enjoying the fun of killing!

"One head, one hundred gold coins! And you can leave the black mine pit alive!" The strongest tauren raised his axe and roared: "This is the promise that the Emperor Gaul gave us to kill! They are a **** military school student, we can get a hundred gold coins, and we have a brother who can leave the black prison alive!"

"Freedom!" The five hundred orcs shouted at the same time: "Let's go home! Freedom! Freedom!!! Freedom!!!"

The orcs erupted with destructive warfare and murderous aura. Even the pig-heads who are famous among the orcs for stealing, slippery, exhausted and shameless, they are all conscientiously carrying heavy tower shields, chasing and fleeing like crazy monsters. A member of the cavalry team!

They screamed ‘freedom’ frantically, and chased all enemies in front of them with red eyes.

Lin Qi's hair stood up one by one, and his whole body got goose bumps. He looked at Baal and Enzo beside him, and found that they also had such a hell-like expression-these orcs, these orcs who were hired to participate in the actual combat exercises, they are the death row in the imperial mine's black prison! It is well-known that most of the death row prisoners in the imperial mine black prison were captured by orcs who were captured at the end of the Hundred Years' War 30 years ago but were not returned to Wudalian Island!

For thirty years, these tough orcs have persisted in the dark mine for thirty years! Thirty years, long enough for a baby to grow up! These orcs have been in the deep mines, providing a steady stream of raw materials for the major foundries of the empire!

So when the imperial emperor put a chance of "freedom" in front of these five hundred lucky ones, the orcs who hadn't smelled the ice and snow of Wudalian Island in 30 years were crazy! These orcs have been imprisoned and labored for 30 years, even if calculated by the age of the orcs, they are already old people! But the old people among a group of orcs, a group of orcs who have been coolies for 30 years, a group of old orcs who have been out of the battlefield for 30 years, they fight like the most elite warriors!

And the rookie officers trained by the Imperial Army Academy who are regarded as the elites of the future army of the empire, they are like a group of militiamen who are easily slaughtered by these old orcs! I don't know what the imperial emperor would think if he had witnessed all this, but Lin Qi only felt that his scalp was numb!

This is the orc of Wudalian Island, this is the orc who ravaged the mainland during the Hundred Years Land Island War, and this is the orc who almost wiped out all bloodlines of the Black Tiger family! Lin Qi huffed and gasped, he began to adjust the crossbow bolts on the crossbow. He took off the king-size crossbow and snapped dozens of ordinary arrows on the crossbow.

Soon the iron cavalry group was wiped out, and more than a hundred people all became the ghosts of these orcs!

Then the nearly undamaged five hundred orcs spit out mucus and heat, forming an upright frontal decisive battle, welcoming the dumbfounded team that had just confronted the iron cavalry group!

What confronted the Iron Cavalry Group just now was a group of students who were also made up of descendants of military nobles. They gave themselves a very romantic name-‘Red Rose Knights’! As the name suggests, this group of students is a group of students who are famous for chasing noble ladies and daughters in the imperial capital. From time to time, there are various affair playboys.

During the confrontation with the Iron Knights, the Red Rose Knights were still joking and disapproving. Well, in actual combat drills, if you can negotiate, you can negotiate the terms.

But the orcs who suddenly smashed out gave these romantic son brothers extremely strong stimulation, the heads rolling on the ground, the ground stained with blood told them-this is the battlefield, they are in the war period! War is to death!

Three tall and horse-sized taurens walked at the forefront of the battlefield with big axes. Behind them were twenty brave and white-haired tauren. Dozens of pig heads were panting and carrying tower shields on the two wings. Behind them were monkey archers without armor. Behind the archers, there are neatly lined up monkey pikemen and cat swordsmen.

At the end of the battlefield, fifty leopard men armed with shields and short swords formed a reserve team ready to deal with emergencies!

The battle formation of the orcs is strong, and their actions exude murderous intent. On the opposite side of the Red Rose Knights, they hadn't even made any response. They also stood neatly in a straight and beautiful long line, like a guard of honor waiting for the emperor to review!

The tauren who led the team raised his big axe!

"Brothers, we only need to kill five hundred, we can go home!"

"If we kill five hundred people, we can go back to see our wives and children, maybe, if we are lucky..."

"If we are lucky, we can still catch up to meet our elderly parents for the last time!"

"Thirty years! Brothers, thirty years!"

"Let's kill five hundred people, and then..."

All the orcs roared at the same time: "Let's go home together and kill!"

A large array of fierce orcs rushed out, and a piercing tore the neat ‘guard of honor’ of the Red Rose Knights into seven or eight segments. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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