Bright Era

Chapter 2363: Who lives, who dies (1)

Lin Qi laughed loudly in the **** arena. The dark clouds rolled in the sky, countless thunders haunted the clouds silently, and flashes of light illuminated the distorted faces of countless gods around them were extremely hideous. Accompanied by a low roar, the earth trembled faintly. On the auditorium of the arena and on the outer wall of the highest point, a series of strangely shaped fire towers slowly drilled out of the ground.

The dead white bones are twisted, like countless giant pythons entangled together to form the main body of these fire towers. At the top of the fire tower is a huge brazier. The dark red fire is blazing, and the sticky flame is hundreds of meters high. The light ejected from these fires is suffocating black and red, like coagulated plasma sprinkled on people, and they are constantly squirming and wanting to penetrate into the body, giving people the feeling of being trapped. In the coffin, buried deeply underground, life may disappear at any time.

"It's really not a pleasant place!" The donkey stood beside Lin Qi spookyly, and looked around with his head. The Hell Arena sucked in all the existences of God level and above near the Eastern Subcontinent, and the donkey and the rabbit lying on him were also sucked in here.

The two rabbits didn't know when they had swelled to the level of ordinary people, and they didn't know where they stood up and took out two sets of very low-grade divine armor and put them on them. The full-covering **** armor perfectly covered their figure, and no one could recognize that under these two sets of **** armor, there were actually two **** rabbits.

Holding their hands on the huge metal rod, the two rabbits took advantage of the chaos of the gods being involved in the arena, and they smashed the rod towards the unlucky person they were looking at. This goddess, who is obviously from the sect of Mila, was jeweled and jeweled, and the goddess who was born with a beautiful face and a beautiful fragrance did not hum, but was knocked to the ground by two rabbits who did not know Lianxiangxiyu.

The rabbits rushed up quickly and scoured hundreds of fragments of the goddess's body. In the end, even her obscene clothes-made of pure light elements condensed into silk, with self-cleaning The close-fitting garments used to prevent dust, fire, etc. were also pulled down by them.

The heads were surging around, and the gods were forcibly involved in the arena. Everyone was in a panic. Therefore, many of the gods worshipped by the Milo Sect were squeezing around the arena's stands like headless flies. Their big feet stomped heavily on the stunned upper god, and Lin Qi could no longer see her shadow soon. She was unconscious and did not know where she had been swept away.

A dull crash sounded from the crowded and chaotic crowd again. A ugly and ugly-faced Mila **** cult, the most brutal and violent by nature, the gods of the'Dark Night Demon' were knocked to the ground by two rabbits. . This dark night underworld demons are the most resolute vassal race of the multi-armed secret demons. They are fierce and tyrannical by nature. They are known for killing people at every turn and eating biological flesh and blood.

The gods of the Dark Night Underworld clan are also one of the powerful protoss of the Mirage Cult destroying the temple. The Destruction of the Shrine often held huge blood sacrifices, sending virgins and virgins to the gods of the Dark Night Demon to feast on. The rabbits seem to know the ugly reputation of these Dark Night Underworld Demon, they never show mercy anymore, but directly smashed the Dark Night Underworld Demon's head into a rotten watermelon.

A set of gorgeous black magic armor, two sharp, poisoned magic knives, and dozens of fragmentary magic instruments have become the trophy of two rabbits. They also found millions of faith spars from the space ring of the Dark Night Demon. Obviously, this guy is also a relatively important figure in the Dark Night Demon Clan, otherwise he would not have such a wealth.

The rabbits sap in the crowd. Anyone who is stared at by them will not die but will be seriously injured, and all valuable things on their bodies will be cleaned up. The chaos around was to the extreme, countless souls swept around randomly, and the powers of the souls interfered and collided with each other. As a result, no one could see what was happening around them.

Therefore, the rabbits arbitrarily behaved in the crowd like a fish in the water. In just a few breaths, dozens of gods have already suffered black hands.

With the help of the King Scorpion King, the Sky-Swallowing Snake started an extremely evil behavior with enthusiasm. King Scorpion King’s scorpion venom has a very strong paralytic toxicity, even if a higher-ranked **** is stabbed by him, he will be numb and unable to move for a long time. So the King Scorpion compressed his body to the size of his thumb, and sprinted quickly among the gods, and he focused on the heels of those gods. A tail flung like a windmill. He passed the heels of every **** who passed by. Pricked hard.

These unlucky gods are still yelling, yelling and questioning each other meaninglessly, or they are in a lot of surrounding environment in a hurry, or some people are trying to use various magical secrets to get out of the **** arena. . Many people have a sudden pain in their heels without precautions, and then suddenly become numb. Immediately afterwards, their eyes became dark and their bodies lightened, and they knew nothing.

The Sky Swallowing Snake, whose body was shrunk to the length of chopsticks, followed enthusiastically behind King Scorpion, and when he encountered a **** who was paralyzed by King Scorpion, he opened his mouth and swallowed him in one mouthful. This monster that has survived from the time of the Primordial God War to this world was rewarded by Lin Qi with a priestly crystal from the temple of inheritance. His strength has been greatly improved, and **** has also sent him a source of evil power. Now the Sky-Swallowing Snake has evolved to an extremely terrifying level.

All the gods swallowed by him, including several high-level peak gods, the gods were quickly digested and dissolved, and turned into the origin of rolling life to nourish the sky swallowing snake, making his strength stronger and stronger. . The body of the swallowing sky spit out a few drops of highly concentrated essence of life from time to time to feed back to King Scorpion, allowing King Scorpion to get a lot of benefits, and the gold and blue stripes on his body became more and more vivid.

But whether it's the two rabbits or the sky-swallowing snake, they add up to no horror of Cerberus.

This head is responsible for guarding the gates of hell. Since countless tribulations, he has not known how many unlucky evil creatures have swallowed. He simply changed his body and turned into a three-headed, multi-armed Secret Demon God. The dense serpent-like hairs on his body turned into hundreds of squirming arms, constantly beating at the gods beside him.

"Damn it, you stepped on my foot!" A slap in the face stunned a hapless guy, and Cerberus grabbed him and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Asshole, you stepped on my foot!" Another unlucky person stunned with a punch, and Cerberus grabbed him and continued to plug him.

"You said you didn't step on my foot? Then, I stepped on your foot, sorry!" He grabbed a hapless neck and twisted his neck into seven or eight pieces, Cerber Loth opened his mouth and swallowed him in one mouthful, then opened his mouth and sneezed, spitting out several broken bones that had been corroded into black.

"You said, I just ate your brother? Then, you should be blessed and share it together!" Faced with the roars and angers of a dozen or so angry Milo gods, Cerberus grabbed hundreds of arms. When he went out, he picked up these gods and threw them into his mouth, suddenly a large empty space was left beside him.

The rabbits are just playing sap, the sky-swallowing snake is just sneaking up on people, and only Cerberus is eating people in public and grandiose! One mouthful, one shot is not lost, that is, within a few breaths, hundreds of gods have been stuffed into his mouth. The densely packed Miluo gods of the Sect had already noticed the terrifying Cerberus, and a lower main **** had already looked over here.

"Damn thing, which family are you from..."

This multi-armed Secret Demon with a hundred heads and a thousand arms just roared at Cerberus, and Lin Qi, who had turned into Sogla, slapped it out. The poor lower lord **** only heard the click of his neck bone, and he immediately lost all consciousness. Lin Qi grabbed the lower lord **** who was stunned by himself and threw it to Cerberus. This vicious creature from **** immediately swallowed him happily.

"It's so delicious! Eat him, 10,000 ordinary, miscellaneous gods!" Cerberus patted his belly with satisfaction, and then two pieces of saliva flowed down from the corners of his mouth. He stared at the eight-faced **** Wang Yanzong floating above the arena, lowered his voice and mumbled to Lin Qi: "If you can swallow this guy, it will taste better?"

Lin Qi blinked his eyes and glanced at Nightmare. King Nightmare, the eight-faced god, this guy is not easy to start!

Putting out his long tongue and licking his nose, Cerberus looked up and down the nightmare in an unkind manner, "Well, people of the spirits and gods, they are full of gas, not very chewy. But their energy is still very strong. If you eat them abundantly, you don’t need to waste your energy to digest, you can directly turn them into your own life source. This is very convenient."

"During the Primordial God War, I have eaten countless natives of the various Protoss. The Spirits cannot be the staple food. After all, there is no chew, but it is the most suitable dessert for appetizers!" Cerberus was very satisfied. Looking at Lin Qi seriously: "I have a chance, let me eat him!"

When a group of fierce gods and evil spirits around Lin Qi were killing and washing the chaos to the extreme of the gods, Nightmare was suspended in mid-air, confronting the extremely angry Alsino. Armed with thousands of weapons of all kinds of divine weapons and exuding horrible magic power all over his body, the Arsino pointed at Nightmare, and screamed: "Yaunteng, do you want to fight us to the death? Do you have this confidence," Sure to win?"

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