Bright Era

Chapter 2393: Land one thousand five hundred twenty-two

"Great beast god, the glory belongs to you!"

Accompanied by rough and brutal howls, a golden lion man who was ten meters tall raised a head high. The head of the blond, blue-eyed and handsomely born middle-aged man kept ticking down viscous blood. He was cut off with an axe by the Golden Retriever Lion. His corpse was lying on the ground, and his body was draped with a radiant and powerful armor with a quality close to an artifact.

The golden lion man pulled up the Mithril flagpole that was inserted next to the blond man, bent the invaluable flagpole and inserted it into his belt. He casually tore off the flaming disciplinary flag floating on the flagpole, threw him to the ground fiercely, and then stepped heavily on it.

On the muddy ground, a total of 300,000 elite corpses from the Knights of Punishment ran across the wild. Their bodies stretched from the east of a big river to the east, and they spread to the bottom of a mountain three hundred miles away. Countless dwarfs and gray dwarves and other alien vassals were busy on the battlefield. They stripped off the armor of these disciplinary knights, took off their boots, and even their underwear and socks were stripped clean.

Sharp war knives, long swords, or simply shovel for mining and kitchen knives for cooking, these foreign servants waved the sharp weapon on their hands, smiled and chopped off the heads of all the disciplinary knights who died, and then piled their heads. Pyramids of human heads with a height of one hundred meters were built.

The high priests and wizards of the superhuman orc race, such as foxmen, evil men, and cat men, were jumping happily. They were chanting all kinds of weird spells happily around the pyramid formed by human heads. The black and red smoke that can be seen by the naked eye rose from the pyramid, and the billowing smoke was continuously injected into the bodies of the alien warriors around, making them stronger.

The soul belongs to the spirit and the body belongs to the believer. The cruel blood sacrifice of the alien race squeezed the final value of the disciplinary knight who died to the limit. Under the evil and cruel blood sacrifice, more than half of the life essence of the warrior who died will be squeezed out and poured into the body of the alien warrior. According to the level of merit, the alien warrior who killed the most, the greater the promotion.

'Quack' laughed wildly, opened his mouth and swallowed a thick damish, black and red smoke that entangled his body like a giant python, and killed the golden lion man who was a high-ranking disciplinary knight. Starting with the giant axe forged by magic metal in his hand, he arrogantly carried the mighty warrior forward.

This large axe made of magical metal, which is several meters long, was the spoils obtained by the golden lion man after killing a large bronze titan in the church camp a month ago. This large axe is a top-notch semi-sacred weapon, and its quality is chasing the artifact. If it were not for the existence of this large axe, how could this golden lion man easily break through the defense of the disciplinary knight general.

"Killing, plunder, eternal violence, eternal rule!" The golden lion urn roared angrily, and he was repeating the sacrificial scriptures of the beast gods of the Odin Temple over and over. The scriptures full of killing and blood reverberated in the air, causing the blood of the alien warriors behind him to become so excited that they almost didn't dance.

On the mighty blood-colored ground, a black torrent is constantly approaching toward the south. In just a few days, the foreign races have wiped out the elite armies of several churches, and tens of millions of elite churches have fallen on the battlefield. The deaths of these church soldiers have sent a large number of sophisticated armor and weapons to the aliens, and they have increased their combat effectiveness by many, many.

Just south where the aliens were advancing, tens of thousands of goblins wearing black cloaks lined up. These goblins with green skin and wicked eyebrows screamed in weird goblin language, and they fainted when they saw blood, but today they are extremely brave and brave standing by the countless murderers Front of the alien army.

An old goblin who was no more than a foot and a half tall and could only be regarded as a dwarf among the dwarfs among the goblins arrogantly jumped. He looked at the alien army who was striding towards here more than a dozen miles away. Indecently, he took off his pants and poured a pee in the direction of the alien army. So the nearby goblins cheered at the same time, what a brave behavior this is!

Several goblins wearing pale golden robes, among the goblins with a status similar to the ‘historian’, quickly recorded the heroic behavior of this old goblin. On a certain day, certain month, certain elder of a certain tribe, certain elder goblin of a certain surname, who bravely peeed at the tens of billions of cruel giants on the battlefield, this kind of heroic Deeds, enough to illuminate the history of goblins!

The alien races charging at the forefront discovered that something was wrong. They did not meet the elite of the church, nor did they encounter the difficult elite army of the Longshan Empire. In front of them, there were rows of goblins? This kind of little thing that is no more than three feet tall and can't even carry a tree branch can kill seven or eight hundred with a stick. Are they here to die?

A twenty-meter-tall desert titan looked at these goblins indifferently, and then snorted coldly, "Kill!"

So the front of the alien army suddenly moved, and countless aliens stepped on their thighs and ran wildly. They roared and waved their weapons, and they were about to rush to chop the goblins who dared to despise the gods of the great Odin Temple into meat sauce! These **** heretics, the goblins of the Goblin Continent have their own system in the religious beliefs of this world. They worship a group of gods in the Earth Spirit Temple. For the believers in the Odin Temple, these goblins are all damned!

Seeing the alien races getting closer and closer, especially the dozens of giant Titans rushing in the front, the heat that they exude swept through for several miles, and the goblins could smell the stench from their mouths. . These goblins suddenly laughed evilly, and at the same time they took out a palm-sized piece of metal from their sleeves, which looked like small metal bumps that looked like a city wall model, and then threw them forward.

An old goblin took out a staff and broke it forcefully, then chanted a mysterious spell with dozens of tactful syllables.

The sound of ‘crack’ is endless, and dazzling white lights are ejected from the palm-sized metal bumps, and the white lights intersect each other. These small metal bumps are suspended in mid-air at the same time. It can be seen that there are countless strangely shaped and exquisite gears, circlips, magic array disks and other parts on the surface of these metal bumps, rotating wildly, and at the same time, circles of dazzling magic light patterns are continuously ejected from them.

The earth trembled violently amidst the loud noise of ‘coax’. These palm-sized metal bumps suddenly expanded, and each metal bump expanded to a hundred meters long, three hundred meters thick, and five hundred meters high. Numerous metal rods protruded from the edges of the metal bumps. These metal rods were nested and stretched. Accompanied by the sound of "clang", a metal city nearly a hundred miles long and wide appeared out of nowhere.

The sound of'Dang Cang' was endless, and the dozens of Titans who rushed the fastest hit the metal wall that appeared out of nowhere. These metal walls are almost like living creatures, making the most weird and most spiritual changes-the wall trembles lightly like water waves, and then just at the place where each Titan's head hits the wall, a bright spot emerges out of thin air. Metal thorns.

The metal thorns that quenched the venom of the Abyssal Blue Spot Python Flood Dragon easily pierced the eyebrows of these Titans, and protruded from the back of their heads. The Titans who were still alive just now did not even scream. Their bodies only twitched a few times, and the poison quickly flowed through their bodies. Their life flames were like candles in a hurricane, instantly extinguishing.

The goblins laughed arrogantly and wildly, and they rushed to the metal wall that suddenly appeared all around. Small doors flashed out of these heavy walls at the same time, and these goblins rushed into the wall through the small doors. Then the magical flames circulated for a while, and all these portals disappeared without a trace. The clanging sound of clanging came from inside the city wall, and it seemed that countless sledgehammers were beating crazily inside the city wall.

Dozens of powerful demigods died suddenly in such a strange way, and all the alien warriors who had witnessed all stopped at the same time. But they stopped, and the companions behind them had no idea what was happening in front of them. Endless orc warriors surrounded the clansmen in front of them, forcing them to continue to approach this weird metal wall.

As a result, at least tens of thousands of alien warriors were getting closer and closer to the city wall involuntarily. The dark city wall shining with a faint light exudes a cold chill, and the alien warriors who rushed forward and were pushed forward by the people behind also screamed in horror.

Poor commanders and lieutenants of this alien forward army are among the dozens of Titans that rush the fastest. In such a chaotic situation, no one has enough authority to control a huge forward army.

There were only a few orc generals who had originally charged forward and screamed and waved their weapons, but in the screams and roars of countless clansmen, their voices could not be made clear by those around them. They could only helplessly watch the army approaching, approaching, and constantly approaching the weird city wall step by step with an absurd speed.

The Golden Lion who had just killed a senior officer of the Knights of Punishment took a deep breath. He raised the battle axe in his hand and yelled out with all his grudge: "Brothers, stop here. Have..."

A metal crossbow with a thin arm screamed and hit the golden lion man's eyebrows accurately, blasting his head to pieces. The metal crossbow arrow did not disappear. It passed the orc warrior behind the golden lion man all the way, leaving a 2,000-meter-long blood alley in the crowd, which was then shot diagonally into the soil, up to three meters long. His crossbow bolts were gone, not at all left on the ground.

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