Bright Era

Chapter 240: Stand by

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Lin Qi shivered comfortably after laying a layer of soft long grass, cushioning it with a blanket donated by the blood sword group free of charge, and covering it with a blanket provided by the blood sword group free assistance. The surrounding light is dim, and the last blush of the western sky will dissipate. To have this kind of enjoyment in the wilderness, I really want to be grateful to the generous Dark Horse House and the hardworking Van Lin.

"The gods bless them!" Lin Qi picked up the flask and took a sip of wine, and his body became warmer.

"I hope they have taken the hunger potion!" Lin Qi raised the hip flask and took another gulp. He was very curious, the amount of hunger potions he dripped in those fresh meat and wine was quite a lot, and now Dark Horse House should have been recruited. What can they eat on this desert island?

Of course, there are a lot of poisonous insects on this island, and according to Enzo, the instructors of their Army Academy have also taught them how to use all kinds of insects to alleviate their hunger in the wild. But Lin Qi is very curious. Ordinary worms are acceptable for hunger. Those poisonous spiders, poisonous scorpions, and Dark Horse House dare to swallow them?

If the members of the Knights of the Round Table, who dared not use those poisonous insects and were so hungry, couldn't have the energy to hunt the monsters, what could they eat? turf? root? Or just swallow the dirt?

"The gods will bless them, anyway, give everything to the gods!" After pouring the last drop of wine in the small flask into his mouth, Lin Qi retracted into the bed comfortably. He did not sleep in a tent. Although the tent can shelter from wind and rain, it is safer to sleep in the open air according to the tradition of pirates in the wild. The goal of the camp is too big, and it is often the target of the enemy's first wave of attacks. It is more convenient to get a bed and sleep under a big tree, whether it is to escape or meet the enemy.

After a burp, Lin Qi turned his body and closed his eyes.

There was silence all around, and Lin Qi had a strange feeling that he was alone here. What made him even more strange was that two white and soft bodies suddenly appeared before his eyes. Moreover, with the appearance of the two delicate bodies, Lin Qi suddenly found that his blood flow was speeding up, his heartbeat suddenly doubled, and some strange changes had taken place in him.

"Oh, great gold coin!" Lin Qi immediately began to fantasize about golden gold coins.

But tonight, the gold coin expired, and the heat circulated all over Lin Qi, and the head of the imperial emperor on the golden coin turned into that beautiful face. Lin Qi took a deep breath, and opened his eyes a little annoyed. Full of energy, Lin Qi really wanted to do something.

Pulling out the big axe weighing hundreds of catties, Lin Qi carried the axe around the camp a few times. Then Enzo followed up with the Seven Swordsmen in blood. Enzo looked at Lin Qi, whose face was flushed with red heat, and wondered what happened to him.

Lin Qi didn't bother to explain the weird changes in his body. He waved to the distance, and Enzo and others would follow him out of the barracks. Behind them, Barr followed like a ghost with a scythe on his back, and the group slowly followed the valley.

Lin Qi wielded the axe indiscriminately as he walked, and his mental power gradually poured out from the center of his eyebrows, gradually covering a radius of 20 meters. A huge amount of energy rolled in Lin Qi's body, and the huge energy that made Lin Qi's body burst into flames constantly gushing out of his eyebrows, chest, and dantian three orifice points, as the fighting energy cultivated by Lin Qi Xuanhu Jin continued to travel through his meridians.

Stimulated by the **** battle during the day, at the moment when Lin Qi's mood became imbalanced at night, the huge energy contained in the two divine natures that Lin Qi absorbed began to release a small amount, gradually strengthening Lin Qi's body, transforming his soul, and improving his Spiritual power. Lin Qi passively operated Xuanhu Jin again and again, gradually absorbing the spilled essence, and constantly improving his cultivation.

A layer of Ruoyuowu red light shot out from Lin Qi's pupils, and Lin Qi faintly felt that there seemed to be some strange energy fluctuations in the surrounding air. These energy fluctuations are hot and violent. It seems that only a special way is needed for Lin Qi to gather them and use their power to exert amazing destructive power.

Enzo and others just followed Lin Qi on foot slowly, and no one said anything. Even Barr didn't say a word. He saw that Lin Qi's Xuanhu Jin seemed to have undergone some strange changes, and this change was developing in a good direction, so he didn't disturb Lin Qi's perception.

This kind of sudden violent qi and blood has happened to many people, and it usually happens after a sudden increase in personal strength due to external forces. In many cases, if you can control this sudden increase in Qi and blood, it will bring you great benefits.

As a master of heaven, Barr would naturally not do anything to harm Lin Qi.

Gradually walking forward for a few miles, there was a sudden scream of ghost crying and wolf howling in the distance. Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned forward with a cat waist. When he left, Barr, Enzo and the others were immediately startled. Lin Qi really looked like a tiger out of a hole. A big tendon on his spine made a loud bang, and he shook his head and tailed out. Ten meters away.

At this speed, even an ordinary thoroughbred warhorse can't match it. Barr gave a soft drink, and hurriedly turned into a black smoke to follow.

Enzo and the Blood-Clothed Seven Swordsman did not dare to neglect, they hurriedly drew their swords and followed Lin Qi closely.

Waiting for the group to go far away, a dim black shadow slowly emerged from the shadow of a long grass. It can be vaguely seen that this is a slender and bumpy figure of a woman, except for a pair of huge meaty wings behind her, and there is a long and flexible tail that is constantly swaying, which looks gloomy and reveals an evil spirit.

"Oh, the young master is really masculine... such a strong fragrance of blood, I really want the young master to ruin me and trample me... But if I eat the young master, the master will go crazy! It's terrible, The crazy master is a terrifying existence! But, he is really masculine, I really want to be conquered by the young master, or conquered by the young master... What should I do? What should I do!"

After a few faint sighs, the shadow suddenly turned into a faint black smoke.

A faint light of mysterious ice appeared out of thin air at the location where the shadow was just now, and a cold and merciless voice came from the cold light: "Little succubus, dare you to touch the young master's hair, I promise to cut you into ten thousand. Pieces, not many pieces, not many pieces, do you want to try?"

The shadow never appeared again, and there was no sound.

That Xuan Bing also disappeared in a flash, and a complaint floated from where I didn't know: "The days of being a nanny and nanny are really uncomfortable! But if something happens to Lin Qi... I will be sliced? Black? The only bloodline of the Tiger family! Blackbeard, you bastard, why don't you find more women? If you have to make a daughter, what if you are a little bit ugly as long as you are an oriental woman?"

"Hmph, turn off the lights, isn't it all the same? Back then, when I tried on the Odin Icefield, the orcs and women could just take it for a while, just like you!"

Lin Qi didn't know what was going on behind him, only Barr looked back thoughtfully, with a knowing smile on his face.

A group of people hurried forward two miles, rounding the foot of a small hill, and a **** scene suddenly appeared in front of them.

Hundreds of members of the Knights of the Round Table were crying and screaming while eating wild grass and running around with their legs. A few monsters were following them, madly pounced on them. Black Horse House and Arthur are taking a few **** confidants to avoid the culling of the Earth King Kong, pity them with blood stains, especially the rabbit Charlie who had dealt with Lin Qi and others lost an arm and was crying in pain. Tian shouted and ran away while frantically grabbing the long grass and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Wow, they really eat grass!" Lin Qixin smiled cheerfully.

Enzo and the Blood-Clothed Seven Swordsman watched in horror at the absurd scene before them. The monsters were attacking their masters, and the members of the Knights of the Round Table who were fleeing, they also had to pick various plants around them. Their stomachs seem to have become a bottomless pit, no matter how much grass or leaves they put in, they can't get enough to eat.

A scream came, and a hapless egg was thrown down by a fang wolf, and the fang wolf, three meters away, almost swallowed the hapless egg in one bite. But soon the fangs wolf was so hungry that it screamed, and its newly bulged belly quickly dried out.

The members of the Knights of the Round Table, who were crying and crying, ran past Lin Qi and the others with green eyes. Lin Qi shook his head, greeted Enzo and the others, turned and left. He won't try to save these hapless guys—it's useless if he does, Lin Qi doesn't have so much food to feed them!

Only Dark Horse House suddenly raised his eyes and saw Lin Qi and his party. He immediately ran over here, chewing the long grass frantically, while Dark Horse House howled with exhaustion, "Lin Qi, Enzo, help Save us! In this actual combat drill, you are the first. Save me, I promise you a bright future in the army!"

Lin Qi just smiled coldly, and he led the people to retreat quickly to the direction of his camp. Working hard with a group of hungry monsters, Lin Qi didn't have that interest. If it is for his friends and brothers, Lin Qi can do this, but for his own enemies and a group of monsters, do you really think Lin Qi is a good person with good intentions?

Seeing Lin Qi and Enzo retreating quickly, the dark horse House, who was already hungry and weak, suddenly shouted: "Save me, I have one hundred thousand gold coins!"

Lin Qi's retreating steps stopped, and he looked back at Dark Horse House embarrassedly.

One hundred thousand gold coins, Lin Qi's eyes were greedy golden again! However, Lin Qi still hesitated in his heart to fight for a madly hungry King Kong for one hundred thousand gold coins.

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi still turned around and left. He will not let his friends take risks for the sake of 100,000 gold coins!

Only Enzo stopped suddenly, he smiled bitterly and shook his head to Lin Qi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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