Bright Era

Chapter 2407: Flurry of Demons (2)

In the more east, the country of Qingli, which is as huge as a small continent, is already filled with blood. This island is the fief of Princess Qingli. It used to be the bridgehead for the Blood Qin Empire to attack the Eastern Ocean. It was the most important base for the East Sea Division of the Blood Qin Empire. This large island has a large stock of troops, responsible for deterring and suppressing hundreds of thousands of large and small islands in the Eastern Ocean, and for suppressing and suppressing the aquatic forces in the East China Sea.

But today, all the Blood Qin army camps in Qingli State were razed to the ground, and the once mighty Blood Qin army flag was soaked in blood water. All the Xueqin soldiers who dared to resist fell helplessly under the wild attack of the Sea Clan warriors, and a large number of the Blood Qin soldiers fell asleep in the singing of the Sea Clan mermaid warlocks, and became the Sea Clan’s soldiers without a shot. captive.

The king of the East China Sea, the descendant of the legendary Oriental Dragon, Ao Tian, ​​wearing a set of dark golden armor, clasped his hands on his chest, sitting on a large mountain, condescendingly overlooking the foot of the mountain, exuding a strange smell of blood Big pool. This large pool has a radius of a thousand miles, and the edge of the pool is inlaid with huge sea-blue magic crystals. These magic crystals are huge in size, and the magic power contained inside is even more earth-shattering. The power contained in each magic crystal is equivalent to a middle god. The full power of.

Near this big pool with blue waves, there are as many as 36,000 pieces of sea blue magic crystal alone. These magic crystals constantly swallowed the magic elements around them, and at the same time continuously injected huge magic energy into the pool water.

There was crying and crying from all directions, countless ordinary people, local officials, mercenary mages, and generals of Qingli were driven away by the soldiers of the sea clan, crying all the way, calling for children and women to march towards this big pool. Faced with the threat of violence from the Sea Clan soldiers, these people could only walk into this big pool one by one, and all those who touched this pool would scream at the same time.

The part of their bloodline that belonged to the Sea Clan was suddenly activated. Their bloodline began to twist and change. Some ancient memories in their bodies were quietly awakened. Their skin began to change color, their muscles began to twist, and the internal structure Earth-shaking changes have also begun. Under the instillation of the huge magical power of the big pond, with the help of the strange prohibition in the big pond, powerful energy is continuously injected into their bodies, making their power gradually stronger.

Some of the most ordinary people, their bodies swelled to the size of three or four meters, and thick shrimp shells grew on their bodies. Accompanied by the crisp sound of impact, they were forcibly transformed into the most common low-level soldiers in the marine clan' Shrimp man'. Their arms twisted, and their powerful limbs became extremely smooth and sharp. With the lobster's unique muscle and joint structure, their arms ejected forward fiercely, enough to penetrate an inch thick steel plate.

Those people who are stronger and better in physical fitness become stronger crab, turtle, swordfish, and so on. Their strength is much stronger than that of the Shrimp Soldiers, each with their own unique talents, and most of their sizes are four to five meters tall. There are even more talented individuals, some of their body structure will undergo wonderful changes, it looks as if they are born with some powerful weapons, making their combat effectiveness even more fierce.

As local officials of Qingli Kingdom, these people are much better than ordinary people in terms of IQ and talent, so their direction of change is Mermaid Master, Octopus Master, Squid Master, etc. Fortunate local officials, they became handsome or beautiful mermaids, much more handsome and pretty than they were.

But the unlucky local officials? They have become octopus and squid mages with huge bodies and huge magical powers, waving their thick arms and legs and spitting out smoke on the sea. Some people who are more particular about appearance waited for their body changes to complete, floating on the surface of the big pool one by one, waving their arms and legs angrily and grinning.

The soldiers, generals, and warlocks of the powerful Xueqin Empire army were directly strengthened into the elite race of the Sea Clan. Sharks, whalemen, poisonous jellyfish mages, etc., a group of powerful sea warriors and mages continue to jump out of the big pool, and the most powerful generals of the Blood Qin Empire’s garrison have transformed into A giant whale over a hundred meters tall!

What's more, some people's bloodlines are particularly suitable for transforming into a sea clan, and their personal strength is particularly strong, they are simply transformed into the king of the sea clan-the dragon clan. The antlers on their heads, their faces became the same as the eastern dragons, and dragon scales appeared on their bodies, tightly protecting the vital points of their bodies. They vomited clouds and mists, set off big waves, one by one came to Ao Tian's body like clouds and mist, and respectfully knelt down at Ao Tian's feet.

After being transformed from this big pond, their heads seem to have undergone wonderful changes. They lined up in neat rows according to their races and swarmed out from the other end of the big pool. They all had to pass through the hill where Ao Tian sat cross-legged, and they worshipped at the feet of Ao Tian. After knelt down extremely piously and earnestly, they got up one after another and screamed towards the west.

There is the direction of Hurricane City, and the strategy of Hurricane City has reached a climax. The people of Qingli Kingdom have been continuously transformed into marine soldiers, continuously increasing pressure on Hurricane City and the Blood Qin Empire provinces behind Hurricane City.

Ao Tian squinted his eyes, and there was a trace of fanaticism in his broken golden eyes. He grinned and nodded softly: "The sins in the blood will eventually be cleansed! This is the moment for me to perform my duties. My army will sweep the continent and wipe out all the heretics that believe in the gods! No human beings. They need faith, their blood must be pure and flawless!"

He flicked a finger lightly, and he heard a crisp sound. The sea behind him suddenly burst out of a column of water as thick as 100 miles. A large pearl clam with a huge body and a radius of 100 miles slowly came from The figure was exposed underwater. This large pearl mussel opened its shell slightly, and suddenly a ray of glowing glow spurted from the cracks in his shell, revealing a majestic and majestic temple.

This temple is one of the two faiths of the Eastern Sea Clan, the Shenlong Temple! The Shenlong Temple that has been hunted down by Ogehai Temple for countless years. No one knows that the Shenlong Palace is not a fixed temple. He is hiding in a huge pearl mussel, and he is constantly wandering in the deep sea with the current.

A large group of dragon generals wearing gold armor lined up from the Shenlong Temple. They rode huge seahorses and galloped towards Ao Tian against the water. Tens of thousands of dragon generals jumped off their mounts several hundred meters away from Ao Tian, ​​and then respectfully knelt on the sea and bowed to him.

Ao Tian nodded slowly, he waved his hand, and gently pointed towards the west.

These dragon generals stood up silently, and they didn't have the slightest nonsense. They jumped on their mounts and waved to the successfully transformed marine soldiers above Qingli, leading a mighty marine army toward each other. The West attacked and left. This time, their goal is not just Hurricane City, they will attack the entire eastern coastal area of ​​the Blood Qin Empire.

The giant pearl mussel shook his body gently, and he looked very excited and happy.

Ao Tian nodded and smiled slightly. This is a good day to celebrate! The dragon people have kept a low profile in the eastern ocean for so many years, and they have acted as the running dogs of Oghai Temple to rule the ocean, and now it is time to get back with revenge.

He couldn't help but looked into the depths of the Eastern Ocean. The real elite of the Dragon Clan was attacking the Temple of Ogehai. He didn't know how the battle was going? Those who arrogantly claim to be the sea gods, they will see the true power of the dragon people in the sea. The dragon people, the dragon people with the blood of the Shenlong clan, are the natural masters of the ocean, and everything in the ocean will be used for them. The so-called Oge Seagod Clan, Ao Tian thought this was a joke, a big joke.

Suddenly, a low howl sounded from the east, and a vortex with a diameter of more than ten miles and reaching the bottom of the sea suddenly appeared on the sea. The black vortex was spewing turbid water waves and faint yellow poisonous gas, and then a venomous blood-spotted sea snake rushed out of the vortex. It was a hideous poison with a body that was more than ten meters thick. I don’t know how long it is. .

A handsome young man with a height of 20 meters, wearing black armor and holding a three-pointed knife standing on the head of the blood-spotted sea snake, covered in blood, he glared at Ao Tian, ​​"Ao Tian, ​​you dragon Does the human race want to destroy the clan? Our Sea God Temple can change the king of the Eastern Sea Clan at any time. You are just one of our dogs. Do you still want to attack the master?"

Ao Tian looked coldly at this handsome young man covered in wounds, the ghost of Ogehai Temple and the nominal master of all poisons, the immortal capital Oge with the peak strength of the upper gods! This is a cruel fellow, a **** sacrifice, a brutal man who sacrifices a lot of soul and blood to him every year.

Shaking his head, Ao Tian smiled relaxedly: "Ao Tian? You, you admit the wrong person!"

Raising his right hand, Ao Tian lightly slapped Xiandu Ouge with a volley of claws. His palms grew rapidly and enlarged. In the blink of an eye, a golden dragon claw with a radius of a hundred miles was facing Xiandu Ougehe. His mount slammed down.

With a muffled sound, the **** body and soul of Xiandu Oge exploded at the same time, and his mount, the blood-spotted sea snake, which also had the strength of the upper god, did not even hum. It was directly exploded into blood and blood, and it was stained a hundred times. The sea inside was red.

"I'm not Ao Tian, ​​I'm really not Ao Tian! I'm the Yuanjie, the first Sea God Temple, and Ao Zuntian, the Dragon Guardian!" Ao Tian stood up slowly, and exhaled two hot dragon breaths from his nostrils: "You never dreamed that the first Seagod Temple'Remnant', which you have been chasing down for countless years, has been peacefully doing you control the entire Sea Clan, king!"

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