Bright Era

Chapter 255: Lin Qi's warning signs

Lin Qi stared at Coen blankly, and Coen, who was flashing green in his triangular eyes, gushed out his plans and experiences to Lin Qi.

Including all his plans, and why the bank he visited just now exchanged their internal loan contracts with Cohen, and why he was not afraid that people from these banks would notify Ironwall Bank of these news and so on.

"Remember, Lin Qi, if you want to be the chancellor of the empire in the future, you must remember the conditions you must have."

"The first condition is that you need a huge and reliable network! There are people who have everything! As long as your network is enough, even the emperor of the empire can use it for you, so what else can you not do? So I In my opinion, these contracts can only be used as waste paper gold tickets to wipe the butt!"

"The second condition is that you must be insightful, and you must understand your goals and what your partners are thinking! Benefits, Lin Qi, my personal life goal planned for you is the Minister of Finance of the Empire! Then you You must understand what the people around you are thinking!"

"What else can those people around the Chancellor of Finance think? Gold coins, gold coins, gold coins, golden gold coins, cute gold coins, crazy gold coins, make people live and die, and make heroes become bones. Let the chaste women become sluts, let the wretched old men become warriors, and let the cruel orcs become the gold coins of our life and death brothers!"

"They all think about gold coins, then you let them get gold coins!"

"Maybe you don't need to give them a gold coin, you just need to show them a hope, a hope that they can get a lot of gold coins, then there will be countless people supporting you, catering to you, flattering you, and doing their best to help you. !"

"When the first and second go together, then there is nothing that can't be done!"

"So I got the contract with these iron wall banks, enough to empty out all the gold coins in their inventory in an instant!"

"So I can be confident enough that when we emptied the iron wall bank's stock of gold coins, the banks we visited just now, and the families behind them, would pounce on like greedy wolves and tear the iron wall bank. Into pieces!"

"So I did not choose banks with national backgrounds. I chose banks with family backgrounds. The state may give Iron Wall Bank a little help because of certain interest entanglements, but those family banks have only their own interests in their eyes. !"

Lin Qi kept nodding his head.

Cohen looked at Lin Qi proudly, and patted Lin Qi **** the shoulder: "So, we first use these contracts to empty out all the cash in the Iron Wall Bank, and then the big guys who smell the blood will use it. The gold tickets issued by the Iron Wall Bank robbed each of their coppers. Maybe these are not enough to make the Iron Wall Bank hurt, but only a rumor!"

Lin Qi's eyes became sharp and sharp: "A rumor? Dear Professor Cohen! A rumor?"

Cohen smiled very happily. He nodded and said: "Yes, a rumor said that Iron Wall Bank is about to go bankrupt, so all people holding the gold tickets issued by Iron Wall Bank will run cash!'Run', dear Lin Qi, this is the most terrifying thing for a bank! Because they don't have so many gold coins, they can never have as many gold coins as the gold tickets they issued in their warehouse!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath: "So then? They must..."

Cohen squinted his eyes and smiled: "They must borrow again or misappropriate the valuable properties they have in their hands! If they are borrowing, then some of my old friends can meet their requirements, and Iron Wall Bank's properties will all fall Our hands. If they are embezzling, then unfortunately, they are dead!"

Cohen smiled sullenly: "The emperor's anger will leave them with nothing overnight! Lin Qi, they are in big trouble this time!"

Taking a careful look at the contract in Cohen's hand, Lin Qi raised two fingers: "The last two questions!"

Cohen smiled, and he looked at Lin Qi admiringly: "Let’s talk, let’s talk, Lin Qi, this time we will have a big harvest, and you will get a very good profit. Let’s talk, let’s talk, look at your two Is this question the same as I thought!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath: "The first question, how can we guarantee that we can get so many gold coins from Iron Wall Bank, will they exchange it? The second question, those banks, will they start before us? "

Cohen smiled brightly, and he patted Lin Qi on the shoulder hard.

The first question is not a problem. Cohen’s old friends are all people with identities. They take the contract of Iron Wall Bank to demand cash exchange. No one will violate the letter of promise. This is absolutely impossible.

The second question is not even a problem, because this is a hidden rule among banks! When Cohen exchanged so many contracts with Iron Wall Bank, it proved that someone wanted to attack Iron Wall Bank. Unless those banks want to compete head-to-head with the forces behind Coen, these banks will never rush to take the lead-this will even trigger the Iron Wall Bank's hatred of them, and they will not be so stupid!

Lin Qi carefully calculated Cohen's plan, and he finally understood what Cohen said earlier.

The so-called network is to bully others, Iron Wall Bank had to be unlucky, and those banks had to wait for Cohen to enjoy this piece of food before they could make a deal. The so-called penetration of people's hearts is still bullying people with power, nothing more than relying on the power of the people in the front and the wealth of the back.

Cohen’s method of embezzling Iron Wall Bank is not gorgeous at all, and even extremely crude, but with strong connections and strong financial support, he just swallowed Iron Wall Bank just like that. Who can do to him?

"But, Professor Cohen, you said that the owner of the Iron Wall Bank is that person!" Lin Qi squinted at Cohen, "Can you overwhelm him?"

Cohen smiled very gently and kindly. He smiled and touched Lin Qi's head, and said slowly: "The prince is indeed very powerful, but in the empire, there are too many people stronger than him! Especially He has been so arrogant recently that he needs to be suppressed. Especially when he doesn't know who his enemy is and who his friend is!"

After whispering to Lin Qi for a long time, a black carriage came along the main road. Cohn gave Lin Qi a few words before striding into the car. He was too lazy to control Lin Qi and called the coachman. Driving away, Lin Qi was left alone in the Golden Lily Square.

Lin Qi stared at the carriage that was going away, his brows frowned.

Professor Coen's sudden visit surprised Lin Qi, and Professor Coen's remark just now made Lin Qi extremely surprised.

What do his words mean? The life plan he made for Lin Qi is the Minister of Finance of the Empire? What qualifications does a ousted military official have to say such things? Unless he has the support of the imperial emperor behind him, who would dare to say such a thing?

All the actions tonight are Coen’s special lectures to Lin Qi, right?

Personal connections and insights into the hearts of the people, is this what Cohen wants to teach Lin Qi?

"But dear Professor Cohen, is it just the chancellor of the empire?" Lin Qi shook his head. If it was only the chancellor, that would not satisfy Lin Qi's appetite. Longcheng's words are still fresh in his memory. The Minister of Finance of the Gaul Empire is not a top figure in this continent.

However, it is also a good thing to work with Professor Cohen to make a large sum of money from this incident, and then learn a certain amount of experience.

Lin Qi vaguely felt that Cohen was definitely not just a military official who was ousted from office. There was a group of people behind him, and even a well-structured organization was helping him. Otherwise, how could he carry out such a massive devouring? action? The plan Coen just described to Lin Qi has many loopholes. Some things sound feasible, but without sufficient human, financial and power guarantees, how could he easily swallow the private bank of the prince of the empire?

And why did he target the empire's prince?

Is he going to drag Lin Qi into this thing all his life? Why do Lin Qi benefit?

Everything is difficult to explain, Lin Qi can only adapt to circumstances!

It's just that Professor Cohen is an ordinary middle-aged person, and Lin Qi can stab hundreds of Professor Coen to death with one finger. He really is not afraid of any threats Professor Coen will pose to him. The entire dark world of the imperial capital is under Lin Qi's grasp. Who else does he need to be afraid of?

Tightening the cloak tightly, Lin Qi walked along the main road towards the university town. This irresponsible Professor Cohen, he left Lin Qi here, and he would have to walk a long time on the way back, Lin Qi could not help but sigh in a low voice.

Just walked out less than three hundred meters, a strange noise suddenly came from the side of the road.

Lin Qi's whole body's hairs suddenly exploded, each of them stood up straight, cold sweat oozing from the pores one by one, he got goose bumps all over his body, and his muscle stiffness made it difficult to move.

The unprecedented warning signs made Lin Qi almost drew a big axe and slashed everywhere!

Gasping for a deep breath, Lin Qi looked around vigilantly, and from the corner of the street where he had just heard the abnormal noise, a **** cat walked out slowly. This big cat, four feet long and without a single hair, walked slowly across the street, and its long tail stood upright.

The big cat stared at Lin Qi blankly. Its two eyes were gorgeous deep purple, as delicate as the most beautiful violet, as deep as the clearest amethyst, and as bright as the brightest purple stars in the night sky. , The indescribable purple color, Lin Qi has only seen it in one person.

The eyes of this big cat looked exactly like the eyes of the Cyclops Arthur.

Lin Qi called out in a low voice: "Arthur! Do you want to die?"

The big cat smiled weirdly, then quickly escaped into the darkness.

But as soon as the big cat ran away, there was a miserable howl in the darkness. The cat didn't know what happened to it, and after a miserable howl, there was no more movement. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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