Bright Era

Chapter 258: Disaster Day of Iron Wall Bank

The family worship that secretly protected Lin Qi had been banished to an unknown time and space, but Lin Qi didn't know at all.

He was just thinking about some of his problems.

What kind of backer does Professor Cohen have? Lin Qi doesn't know!

What friends does Professor Cohen have? Lin Qi doesn't know!

How capable is Professor Cohen? Lin Qi doesn't know!

How influential is Professor Cohen? Lin Qi still doesn't know!

But this does not prevent Lin Qi from squatting next to the fountain in the middle of the Golden Lily Square early the next morning, squinting to watch the bustle of Iron Wall Bank.

God knows how many people Cohen has mobilized, God knows how many relationships he has mobilized, and God knows how long he has been plotting the Iron Wall Bank. Anyway, Lin Qi absolutely doesn't believe that in just one night, he can do these things in front of him just by taking Lin Qi around a dozen banks!

This old fox, who has a mean awl face, a pair of sinister triangular eyes, and is greedy for gold coins several times better than Lin Qi, must have been thinking about Iron Wall Bank for many years, but he borrowed Lin Qi's hand suddenly triggered the matter.

Lin Qi doesn't believe that Professor Cohen owes him such a gold coin! The reason why Lin Qi accompanied Professor Cohen in and out of the banks last night must be that he deliberately gave Lin Qi some pocket money, and then there were other intentions! But what the specific intention is, Lin Qi will not know for a while.

Anyway, Lin Qi squatted by the fountain, eating a piece of black bread with meat, while staring at the long four-wheeled horse convoy in front of the Iron Wall Bank. The carriages are made of thick steel plates in pitch black. There are no windows and only a special four-wheeled carriage with a narrow door. There are twenty carriages like this, and they are lined up at the door of the iron wall bank. before.

An old man with conservative, traditional and low-key clothing, but extremely luxurious in materials and tailoring, walked into the gate of Iron Wall Bank with a stiff step. Not long after these carriages drove in through the side door of the Iron Wall Bank, and less than a quarter of an hour later, these carriages drove out under the **** of the brigade.

Lin Qi squinted his eyes to listen to the movements of these carriages. When they entered, the weight was relatively light. When they came out, all the carriages were newly added with a heavy weight. Obviously they were loaded with a lot of goods. What else can there be except gold coins for the goods that can be loaded in a special carriage from the bank?

The convoy circled the Golden Lily Square for most of the time and drove out along a street rumblingly. Lin Qi glanced at these big cars. There were no signs on them. Only the breeze rolled up the corner of the old man's shirt. A bronze badge appeared on his belt—it belonged to a famous nobleman in the empire. The badge, at the beginning of the founding of the Gaul Empire, had a wealth of hereditary dukes.

After a while, another horse-drawn carriage came to the front of Iron Wall Bank, and another old man with extraordinarily low-key and conservative clothing, but with extremely luxurious materials and cutting skills, slowly walked into the bank. Then this team of carriages left the Iron Wall Bank with heavy things, and happily left the Golden Lily Square along another street.

Then, one, one, another!

At least 30 teams of horse-drawn carriages had visited Iron Wall Bank before and after. Lin Qi's mind was numb. He was calculating how much money it would be if all these horse-drawn carriages were loaded with gold coins. The gods are here, the gold coins he spent last night, it is estimated that even the gold coins that these carriages can carry are less than one-fifth of the gold coins!

Cohen really had a premeditated plan, he must have been prepared to attack Iron Wall Bank long ago!

And there is no doubt that these carriages belong to the real nobles of those imperial capitals. Except for them, no one can easily withdraw cash from the Iron Wall Bank—especially this kind of outrageous, almost like slapped in the face, Everyone lined up to withdraw huge amounts of cash!

Lin Qi put the last bite of black bread into his mouth, and he was going to go back to class. He wanted to hear Professor Cohen explain to him how he strategized and attacked Iron Wall Bank this time, and by the way he had to recover his share of gold coins! Cohen swept so much cash from Iron Wall Bank, Lin Qi couldn't wait to see those lovely golden babies!

Patting the dust on his butt, Lin Qi left Golden Lily Square accompanied by Barr.

Neither he nor Barr noticed. In a high-end restaurant in the corner of Golden Lily Square, there was a stunning girl with a cute baby in her arms, looking at him through the French windows. Gerdas smiled softly, his delicate little hand was gently tapping the dining table, and he hummed in a low voice: "When my injury gets better, with the help of the **** of punishment, the heaven around him will not What kind of."

Looking up at the sound, Gerdas's smile became incredibly grim: "This kid, I will let him live his life in despair. After all, this is also my'father' wish, what do you think?"

Yin gently stroked Gerdas' thick red hair, squinted and smiled softly.

Just when the Iron Wall Bank was madly withdrawing cash, a fat man with sweat dripping from his forehead was riding a black steed, drove out of the imperial capital city gate frantically, and rushed to a small forest in the suburbs. go with.

In the depths of the small forest, on the banks of the Lanxin River, in a wooden building surrounded by several old big banyan trees, the man, led by several guards, finally saw Tulam, who was packing up and preparing to leave. The fat man ‘puffed’ to his knees and howled hoarsely: "Your Highness, I finally found you!"

Tulam's eyes twitched. This fat man Gregor is one of his confidants. He is the person in charge of Iron Wall Bank who takes care of him. Every year he can get rich money from Iron Wall Bank. The profit is this huge amount of profit, which supports Tulam secretly raising an elite private mercenary army with equipment comparable to the Imperial Forbidden Army!

That mercenary group even controlled a small principality on the western continent, and Tulam was the supreme emperor of that principality. The small principality named Green Shade is located on the border between the Gaul Empire and the Caesar Empire. The elite army of 200,000 people can enter the Gaul Empire at any time and threaten the most important grain-producing area of ​​the Caesar Empire. .

Seeing Gregor's panic, Turam's heart sank suddenly.

Throwing down his outfit, Turam ordered a quarter of an hour to leave, and then he sat back on the throne and frowned at Gregor: "What happened? What made you so panicked? This place, you Shouldn't come!"

Gregor panted violently, and he tremblingly reported the names of a large number of imperial nobles.

Turam looked at him in surprise: "What's the matter? Although these nobles are old and honorable, they are not close to the power core of the empire. They are just...just the furnishings of the empire, although they are the face of the empire, but That's just the face, they don't have any real power in their hands, they have caused us trouble?"

Grego looked at Tulam tremblingly: "But they, just now, they withdrew 150 million gold coins in cash from our vault! There are still people coming to withdraw money, and you know Yes, our Tiebi Bank usually has a maximum of 50 million gold coins. The 300 million gold coins that have just been put into the warehouse in the last two months, yes, yes, yes..."

Grego knelt on the ground, and it was not just sweat that dripped from his forehead, he could even see the white flowers of Youxingzi.

Tulam's heart suddenly twitched, he covered his heart and leaned back heavily.

He knew what was going on, 300 million gold coins, these 300 million gold coins were the security deposit that Iron Wall Bank had just kept for a secret transaction between two huge forces. This deal is not visible, even a leak of the wind will make one of the forces his life and death enemies.

Not only that, if the people on the mainland know that they are guaranteeing this transaction, he is finished, he must be finished, even if his powerful and domineering father can't keep him, he will definitely be sent to fire. frame!

The deposit for this transaction has just been sent to his hand two months, but there are still one year and ten months before the completion of the transaction!

"Gregor, I don't understand these messy things, tell me what to do!" Turam's eyes were burning.

Gregor looked at Turram fearfully, he muttered a word, and then cautiously made his own suggestion.

"Those ancient nobles have no real power today, but their influence in the empire is extremely terrible. If their withdrawal requirements cannot be met-they all have given reasonable reasons for having to use cash, and they want to do business with foreign races. , But you know, those dwarves, goblins, and elves, they don’t trust our gold tickets, they only trust gold coins!"

"If we can't meet their requirements, if their transaction with the aliens fails, then your Highness will be in great trouble!"

Taking a deep breath, Tulam nodded and said: "Fulfill their withdrawal requirements! What then?"

Gregor wiped the sweat on his forehead. He knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed tightly against the ground. He dared not look at Tulam with countless blood vessels exploding on his face: "Someone may be against our iron wall. The bank launched a sniper, and you must prepare more gold coins to cope with the run. Let’s forget about the runs of ordinary people. We always have a way... But if there are not enough gold coins to cope with the runs of those big banks, we will be over."

"In the past few years, our Iron Wall Bank issued a full 8 billion of gold tickets of various denominations. As long as half of them, no, as long as a quarter of the gold ticket owners request to exchange gold coins, we are completely finished! Therefore, you, you need to find strong cash support! Even, in order to prevent the most unpredictable and worst results, you need a strong reputation guarantee!"

Turam beat the armrest of the throne to the ground, and he arrogantly shouted: "What if I just don't exchange it?"

Gregor raised his head and said something that he regretted instantly: "Then, you are broke! You are over!"

Then Gregor was kicked by the furious Tulam so that he vomited blood. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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