Bright Era

Chapter 263: The tragedy of Ge Hancha

The notebook is very young, but very new.

It is very old, which means that its outer shell is very old, and it has a greasy leather cover, at least hundreds of years old. But it's very new because the paper inside is much newer than the outer shell. The first few pieces of paper are probably decades old.

These papers are not ordinary pieces of paper, but lambskin skins are soaked in a secret potion. They are extremely thin and extremely tough. However, two thick-handed notebooks contain at least a thousand sheets of thin and tough parchment.

Turning to the first page of the notebook, words that made Lin Qi shudder were written in red font.

‘Today, I killed that old guy! Although he adopted me, he killed my three brothers and killed my sister. Damn old guy, may his soul be tortured by the demons of **** forever and never escape. From today onwards, I, Ge Qiancha is the only descendant of the line of Master Charkin, the gods. ’

From the second page to the next few pages, the records are the essays of some masters, such as what you ate today and who you killed today. At the beginning, he still made a record a day, but later, he often wrote down a record such as "Today's ham slices are moldy, and tomorrow I have to find some fresh food".

Obviously, at that time, Master Kecha, perhaps should be called his real name, Master Ge Hancha, he was already a complete cynicism madman at that time, he was already very lame in personal life and self-care, it is hard to imagine that he had lived at that time. What kind of day is it.

Going through some running accounts, finally a more important record appeared.

‘Today I changed my residence and left the Black Mist Mountains. I moved to a small branch of the Abis Mountains on the border of the Caesar Empire. Some people in black robes appeared near the Black Mist Mountains. Although they were not wearing badges, I could smell the blood of the church court in a hundred miles away. Ge Hancha, remember one thing, you are the enlightened person of the gods! ’

A few more non-nutritive records passed, and the following records suddenly refreshed Lin Qi's spirit.

‘May the **** gods all roll to hell, and all the medicinal materials left by the old guy are used up. In this **** place, where can I find enough experimental medicinal materials? Gold coins, gold coins, I need gold coins to buy medicinal materials. But where are the gold coins? ’

‘Without medicinal materials, my experiment has stalled. I must go out to find enough raw materials. Or buy it with gold coins, or can I consider robbery? A bottle of black plague potion can kill people in ten cities in three days, but there is a question, how do I know if there is something I need in these cities? ’

‘Surprise, what did I find today? The corpse of an ancient dragon! And it is the corpse of the most powerful black dragon among the ancient dragons. It's a pity that its body has decayed, and only its dragon head is still intact because of the dying grievances. . . And it's very fresh, very fresh, just like it was just cut! ’

‘Yes, I found it, the god-level medicine created by the great Master Chalkin-Dragon Power Potion! Extract the life essence of the dragon, and use the secret medicine to merge with me, I can have the same powerful body and power as the ancient dragon! ’

‘Okay, I’ll do that! The ancient dragon not only possesses great power, but also has a long life. Maybe I can truly create a god? Give me the long life of the ancient dragon, I will definitely be able to do it, because I am Ge Hansa! It's an experiment whose talent is so good that the old guy can't bear to kill it! ’

Lin Qi took a deep breath. In the branches of the Apis Mountains, there is actually the corpse of the Primordial Dragon? Really lucky master Ge Hancha.

After turning back a dozen pages, the writing here suddenly became extremely messy.

‘Not making enough raw materials, not enough raw materials, **** it! Not enough to eat, not enough to drink! This dragon head is tempting me crazily, but I can't make it into a potion! Master Chalkin’s prescription is in front of me, but I can’t do it, I can’t do it! I'm almost starving to death, I'm almost dying of thirst, and I smell the **** of the church court again! ’

‘Fortunately, today I saved a prince who fell from a mad war horse. I saved him and he paid me handsomely. He promised to enshrine me and provide me with all the raw materials and gold coins I need! Well, after wandering for so many years, I should settle down and do some research! I haven't read all the notes left by the old guy! ’

Afterwards, the records suddenly turned scarlet, and it was obvious how angry Ge Hancha was when he wrote these records.

‘I was betrayed! The potion I saved the prince was a bottle of semi-finished rebirth potion refined by the old guy! He actually recognized this potion, he betrayed me to the church! Damn, I was betrayed! A full three hundred and sixty disciplinary knights are chasing me! ’

‘Today I killed twenty-four knights of punishment, and I ran to the capital where the prince was, and put black plague potions in their wells! ’

‘That country’s country is over, I finally got a sigh of relief! There are still more than a hundred of the disciplinary knights who chased me down, but there are more than a batch of judgement priests from the court, which is really a headache! But I'm used to hunting down, it's so funny, it's so funny watching them cry and die under my magical potion! ’

‘Ten years, I have been running for ten years in pursuit and killing. I have traveled almost all over the western continent, but the people sent by the church are getting stronger and stronger! In order to prepare the dragon power potion, I still lack a lot of things. I plan to go to the Black Spirit Continent, where the power of the church is very weak, and there are various magic drugs with attributes that match the ancient black dragon! ’

‘I’m done, it was the legendary holy realm who shot and killed me personally! Disciplinary Shenyan completely destroyed my body, I am going to die! Really unwilling! Really unwilling! My dragon power potion, I could have become the creator of the gods! But don't think about feeling well that guy, the magic potion prepared by the old guy will fall even if it is a demigod! ’

Cold sweat oozes from Lin Qi's forehead. The church actually dispatched a holy realm to hunt down Ge Hancha, but he was not killed on the spot. The vitality of this guy is really comparable to the most annoying cockroach in the dorm. .

The following records are very fragmented, roughly the tenacious vitality Ge Qiancha drifted in the sea along the ocean current for three months, and then drifted to the Black Spirit Continent. There he was rescued by a kind black spirit woman. Relying on the secret medicine left by the ‘old guy’, he finally saved his body that was about to turn to ashes from the edge of collapse.

After wandering in the Black Spirit Continent for more than ten years and collecting some precious medicinal materials, Ge Hancha took the Black Spirit woman back to the Western Continent.

However, the church’s order to kill him has always existed. He was surrounded by a group of wolf-like retribution knights and ruling priests as soon as he appeared. He was put on the torture frame, and the badly wounded Ge Qiancha fled again in embarrassment.

In the end, Ge Qiancha destroyed his appearance and changed his face to appear as an ordinary pharmacist. He gradually became famous with another identity. After decades of exile, he finally used a bottle of his own refining power. The life potion rescued a king whose internal organs were shattered by monsters, was appreciated by the current emperor of the Gaul Empire, and was invited into the Master Tower to worship.

‘The Gaul Empire Master Tower should be able to settle me for a while! Borrowing the power of the strongest empire on the mainland, I will surely be able to make a dragon power potion! When I have the power of the ancient dragon, I will definitely be able to break through to the Holy Realm! My love, my child, I will bring you back to life! Because at that time I can create even gods, why can't I resurrect you? ’

In the following records, Lin Qi found his name.

‘The first few waiters are really useless, and they can’t bear a bottle of medicine that strengthens their bodies! If you die, die! ’

‘This Lin Qi is good, he has a bit of vindictive foundation, and his body has been tempered to a certain extent. I forced him to drink several bottles of the secret medicine for tempering the flesh, and he carried them all! It seems that he is qualified to be my tester! ’

‘Today, I asked him to take the most important devil tiger potion to strengthen his body! As long as his body's comprehensive strength is increased tenfold, he can definitely withstand the powerful power of the Dragon Power Potion! As long as I can get the backlash of 3000 moonflowers to stabilize the dragon power potion, I should be able to succeed! ’

‘He’s back, Xiao Lin Qi is back! His body seems to have become stronger, which is a good thing! In this way, I can be sure whether the Dragon Power Potion is really successful! This dragon head can only be equipped with two bottles of dragon power potion, so be careful! He sent three thousand moonflowers, good quality moonflowers! After nearly a hundred years of hard work, I can finally prepare the Dragon Power Potion! As long as he is okay after taking it, I will definitely succeed, because my body is so much stronger than him! ’

‘The potion is successful, two bottles of Dragon Power potion! ’

‘The effect of moonflowers is very good. Three thousand moonflowers can reduce the probability of Dragon Power's backlash by three times. As long as Lin Qi can succeed, I can succeed! Today is a good day, I want to eat and drink well, and I will summon him again when I have good energy! ’

‘Nothing will be a problem, all the raw materials are carefully checked by me, without the slightest impurities! Lin Qi, this little guy is actually pretty good, he didn't make any mistakes with the three thousand moonflowers! You know, if there is a little impurity, the performance of Dragon Power's potion will not stabilize, but will increase the probability of backlash twice! But he did a good job, there is no problem with those moonflowers! ’

Seeing this, Lin Qi slowly closed the notebook, he looked at Ge Hancha's body with pity, and sighed fortunately.

Yes, I did a great job, but fortunately he had 30 moonglow grasses in it!

Poor Ge Qiancha, in fact, you are only 30 moongrass away from success! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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