Bright Era

Chapter 266: Head of Hydra

A hill, a forest, countless magic traps and strict guards, Lin Qi followed Professor Cohen on a slow walk in the trail. Lin Qi didn't notice that in the air two or three miles behind him, a petite harrier was staring wide and its magnificent purple eyes locked him away.

The harrier flew slowly towards this side, surrounded by Lin Qi all the way.

But when the Harrier Eagle flew to the vicinity of the woods, dozens of leaves suddenly rose into the air, instantly tearing the Harrier Eagle to pieces. The harrier eagle only had time to let out a miserable howl, and then large swaths of feathers and blood flowed down.

In a mansion in the imperial capital, Gerdas howled miserably from Yin's arms, and two tears of blood flowed out of his eyes again. He screamed hoarsely: "I have had enough, I have had enough, I have had enough! This will solve him for me, I have had enough of him! A humble little man, who has hurt my dignity over and over again. I have had enough of my body!"

Arthur, who was standing on the side, did not dare to say a word, but his eyes clearly flashed with an extremely excited cold light.

With a few crisp insect sounds, Professor Cohen listened for a while and sighed softly. Then he dragged Lin Qi into the dense forest and walked out from the other end of the forest. There was a carriage waiting for them. The two got into the carriage again.

"What's the matter?" Lin Qi looked at Cohen in surprise.

"We were followed." Cohen looked at Lin Qi nonchalantly: "But it doesn't matter, at most one headquarters will be discarded."

Lin Qi looked at Cohen blankly. What does it mean to "discard at most one headquarters"? Can the Queshan Hermit Society have many headquarters? But many headquarters can still be called headquarters? Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Qi became more curious about the hermit of Queshan.

This time, the carriage took the two to a bend on the Seine, where a large boat was parked. The two got on the boat and walked into the cabin on the bottom. A small magical teleportation array has been set up here, and Korn pulled Lin Qi to stand on the magical array, and the surrounding lights flickered, and the two disappeared without a trace under the magic light.

After getting lighter, Lin Qi and Cohen came to a small building. This small building obviously bears the characteristics of the dark period. The towering minaret and the sharp lines of the building are filled with a mysterious and inaccessible atmosphere, with the unique and uneasy characteristics of the end of the dark calendar. , The trait of precariousness.

The creeper covered the entire small building, there were a few old trees in the yard, and three or five owls stood on the branches, staring at both Lin Qi and Cohen with squinted green eyes. The frail Cohen rushed forward embarrassingly a few steps, and murmured: "I hate all kinds of abnormal variables. The bird following us just now is such a variable. Every time it happens. Any changes must be sent to the temporary headquarters with a prepared magic circle. This is really a kind of harm to my body!"

After complaining for a while, Cohen didn't give Lin Qi time to look at the environment carefully, and dragged him into the small building.

After walking along the dark corridor for a while, a ray of light suddenly shone from the front. Looking from the outside, a small building with a small scale, there is a very grand lobby inside it. Lin Qi even suspects There is only one lobby in the entire building.

Above the square lobby is a pointed vault with a height of more than 30 meters. The surrounding walls are covered with dense light stands. Dozens of candles are emitting dim light, illuminating this huge hall.

A black statue several meters high stands in the middle of the hall. It is a hydra carved from black volcanic rock. Its body is coiled up, and its nine hideous heads are protruding in all directions. The eyes of the snake are inlaid with gems of various colors. The shining light made the entire statue seem to come alive.

Lin Qi let out a sigh of relief. Hydra, this is also a legendary Primordial creature. In the sporadic legends handed down from the Archaic Destruction Calendar, Hydra is one of the few warcraft that can compete with the Primordial Dragon The creature is a symbol of strength and wisdom.

With a huge body and nine heads, Hydra is extremely powerful, and at the same time the wisest creature in Warcraft. Even the proudest Primordial dragon has to admit: those slippery reptiles are more noble than their noble giants. Dragon is even more treacherous and cunning!

Powerful and wise, is this how the hermit of Queshan would evaluate himself?

And the biggest feature of Hydra is that they like hiding in the deep mud and are the most latent monsters. Powerful, wise, and invisible, everything fits Coen's impression of the Queshan Hermit Society that Lin Qi said, so this Hydra is the symbol of the Queshan Hermit Society.

Sure enough, Cohn pointed to the statue with emotion: "Look, boy, how beautiful, powerful, and clever creature! Hydra, a powerful creature with nine heads, we will be the same as the Hermit of Mount Que. , We also have nine leaders, and I am one of the nine leaders!"

Cohen looked at Lin Qi proudly, his chin almost lifted to the ceiling.

But his pride didn't last long. The hydra statue suddenly wriggled, and the statue made of black volcanic rock wriggled like a living hydra. The nine huge snake heads slowly turned towards Lin Qi and Cohen, and then eighteen eyes shot out a strong light at the same time. These lights intertwined into a gorgeous magic circle in front of the two of them, a powerful magic aura burst out, and an old man in black walked out of the magic circle slowly.

A very clean and simple old man, this was Lin Qi's first impression of him. The black robe on this old man is very ordinary, it is made of the most common linen cloth, and the style is also very traditional. It is no different from most gowns that can be seen on the market.

The old man is tall, almost as tall as Lin Qi, and his skeleton is also very large, and it seems that he is a bit bigger than Lin Qi. The square-faced old man has no beard on his face, and his majestic face has only a few wrinkles near the corners of his eyes. Obviously he is not young.

His scalp was as bald as the imperial emperor, except that he had a very short cut of hair on the back of his head. It seemed that the whole head of the old man was bare. But unlike the emperor's head, the old man's scalp looked very sensual, especially his forehead protruding from the boss, just like the sarcoma on the head of a goose.

With the wise light in the old man's eyes, Lin Qi instinctively felt that this was a very smart, even extremely smart old man.

Cohen has bowed to the old man and saluted: "The meeting leader!"

Lin Qi looked at the old man in surprise. This old man was the leader of the Queshan Hermit Association, the Gaul Emperor’s private think tank and private thugs? He couldn’t help but slander Professor Coen in his heart. He is also one of the nine leaders. The treatment of this leader is obviously much better than that of Professor Coen. He and Lin Qi have to walk in from the outside yard, and the old man directly transmits In this hall.

The old man smiled and nodded to Cohen, and then he looked at Lin Qi: "Lin Qi, you can call me Mr. Mo, I am the head of the Queshan Hermit Association, and I am also responsible for the entire Queshan Hermit Association among the nine leaders. A hard worker who runs daily."

Pointing at Coen with a wry smile, the old man shook his head and said: "From Cohen, you can understand that he and the other capitals are the thing that he is intoxicated with, and he is usually unwilling to manage the affairs of the Queshan Hermit Society. , Everything is pushed to my head."

Lin Qi smiled and said nothing. The internal affairs of the Queshan Hermit Society, this has nothing to do with him, he is just curious, why does Mr. Mo summon himself in the middle of the night? Lin Qi has never seen him, there is no doubt about that.

Mr. Mo looked at Lin Qi, who was puzzled, and took out a medicine bottle from the wide sleeve of the black robe.

Staring at Lin Qi deeply, Mr. Mo showed a weird smile: "So, the secret medicine you sent to the logistics office of Fifth University was delivered to me in the first place."

Lin Qi's heart twitched heavily, and he looked at Mr. Mo in amazement, "What's wrong with this medicine? Could it kill people? Impossible? It was given to me by Master Kecha, no There may be any problems!"

Mr. Mo's smile became more and more weird: "This medicine was handed to you by Master'Cocha' himself?"

Lin Qi nodded again and again. When Mr. Mo said the name of Master Kecha, he emphasized his tone, even Professor Cohen was aware of this.

"Premier, is there any problem with Master Kocha?" Professor Cohen looked at Mr. Mo in surprise.

After a long silence, Mr. Mo slowly nodded: "Cohen, you know me... my origin?"

Cohen's face suddenly became extremely weird, and Mr. Bimer's face was a hundred times weirder: "Impossible? He and you?"

Mr. Mo gently stroked the potion bottle: "So, fortunately, these medicines arrived in my hand immediately, instead of being sent to the inner library of the palace, otherwise it would be fun. This medicine, outsiders can't see anything. Weird, but the raw material extraction method used here is exactly the same as the inheritance I got. Ha ha, I have always thought I am the only heir!"

Lin Qi looked at Mr. Mo'lostly', but his heart had become a ball.

Damn it, Mr. Mo is also the person who enlightened the gods? Professor Cohen still knows his origin? Wouldn't the imperial emperor also know his identity?

The Queshan Hermit Society, the Queshan Hermit Society, no wonder they are all hermits, and their feelings are shameful!

With a light sigh, Mr. Mo squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Then, carefully investigate and investigate, whether the Harrier that was just killed came after Lin Qi, or after you, Cohen, or, It’s for us? But it’s impossible? If he really comes down from my line, and he spread these medicines for no reason, what does it mean? Is it planted?"

Cohen's face became extremely gloomy: "Check, use all of your hands to thoroughly investigate this matter. The empire has been turbulent recently. If it is really related to your identity as the leader, I am afraid that it will be a lot of trouble."

Lin Qi looked innocently at the two dignified heads of the Hermit Society of Queshan. He just wanted to destroy the corpse and destroy the suspicion in his body by the way. He didn't want to make things so big!

The head of the Queshan Hermit Association is also the secret medicine master of the gods' enlightenment. What a hell!

No wonder Professor Cohen can easily guide Lin Qi to adulterate various drugs!

What a hell! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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