Bright Era

Chapter 269: A bad battle

Sixty million gold coins! Lin Qi yelled out this number enough to turn all the chaste women into sluts!

The actions of the disciplinary knights who were madly cutting down on the heroes with weapons in their hands suddenly froze, because they found that the enemy in front of them had changed, completely changed, because of Lin Qi's words, these market rascals, hooligans. , Thug thugs suddenly changed.

It was as if a wild dog had eaten the violent potion prepared by Master Kecha, this wild dog suddenly became a tiger!

This kind of weird change took place in the bodies of the heroes in front of the market. Their eyes suddenly became greenish, their bodies trembled violently, and they suddenly turned around and stared at them. These disciplinary knights chasing them to kill.

The gaze was not like the rogue at the bottom of the city looking up at the clergy above, but rather like a group of estrus seeing the naked beauty, like a hungry wolf seeing a fat little lamb, like It was Graham and Lin Qi who suddenly saw a lot of shiny gold coins!

That kind of obsession, that kind of crazy, that kind of. . . Crazy and lost all reason!

I don’t know where the hero took out a dung fork. This tool used by the farmer to compost the farmland pierced out with an indescribable stench, accurately hitting a noble Gemini knight. Throat. This dung fork is not sharp, but it is made of iron after all. This hero also has a lot of strength, so this foul-smelling dung fork pierced the Gemini knight’s throat, stabbing a full two. Inch deep.

The womb knight was breathing quickly, and every breath he breathed was a stench that suffocated him. He looked in horror at the hero who was holding a dung fork with red eyes and shuddering, and then fainted very aggrieved. The noble disciplinary knight, even his ancestor was a side branch of a certain **** descendant family, his body is probably also flowing with such a little bit of the blood of the gods, but he was stabbed by the dung fork!

This hapless Gemini knight was not in a coma because of a serious injury, but because he was injured under a dung fork and fainted!

Before the nearby disciplinary knights recovered, two large packs of lime suddenly exploded above their heads. Two dozen disciplinary knights let out a miserable cry, and their eyes were soaked in a large amount of lime at the same time. Their tears were soaked in lime, and their eyeballs were burnt.

Even if they were discipline knights, they couldn't refine their fighting spirit to their eyes! So the eyes of more than two dozen disciplinary knights were burned out, and they instinctively dropped their weapons and stretched out their hands to rub their eyes. But the more they rubbed their eyes, the faster they rotted, and these hapless punishment knights let out a scream, and ran around randomly.

But they chased these heroes in the market, and they had gone deep into the surrounding alleys, where at most a carriage could pass by, which was the width of three or two people walking side by side. They slammed their heads and slammed into the wall, their noses and faces were swollen, and they didn't know where they were.

The market guys who had just been slashed and killed by them rushed up. They drew out sharp daggers and machetes, and stabbed them all over. Of the twenty-odd disciplinary knights, the weakest were the strengths of the lower ranks, and they were torn to pieces by hundreds of gangsters.

The most courageous man among a dozen heroes was lucky enough to **** one or two heads of the disciplinary knight, and they uttered an ecstatic cry: "Boss, we hacked one to death, let's chop off their heads! "

Lin Qi, who was suppressed by the imprisoned **** array and imprisoned **** pillar, couldn't move, laughed loudly, his howling sounded like a tiger roar, shaking the ground around him faintly, and shook the disciplinary knights of status and strength unable to approach him. Lin Qi shouted sternly: "Kill me, kill, kill, kill them all by the way, kill them all by themselves, uncle, I have countless gold coins waiting for you to get here!"

Lin Qi screamed: "Gold coins, you bastards, 60 million gold coins! Whether you continue to be market rascals or take the money to buy a piece of land to be a rich landlord, it depends on how you choose! Wan, uncle, I won't compromise!"

"Kill!" The almost crazy roar suddenly sounded, and thousands of people madly echoed Lin Qi's roar and shouted the brutal and **** "kill" word! Then I saw arrows raining all around, and countless bricks, slabs, and stone pillars crazily pouring down from all around, smashing down towards the correction knights on the street.

Lin Qi in the university city has arranged thousands of market heroes, and the university city is also very close to the Nancheng commercial area. In just such a short time, more than two thousand market heroes scattered in the commercial area also rushed out of countless small alleys and ran all the way. Rushed nearby.

When Lin Qi announced the huge reward of 60 million yuan, these market heroes went crazy!

Sixty million gold coins, even if all the heroes in the market are equally divided, everyone can earn tens of thousands of gold coins! Tens of thousands of gold coins, these heroes can't earn so much money in three or five lifetimes! In the past, when they were fighting on the streets, the high-ranking lords could hire them to kill someone with only three or five gold coins.

But now, the head of a disciplinary knight is worth 20,000!

"Brothers, eating bran and throat vegetables is still the delicacy of mountains and seas, just give it a try today! Kill it! With 20,000 gold coins, I want to buy 20 virgins and be happy!" The crazy howl came from somewhere in the alley. Then, Lin Qi heard the voice clearly. It was sharp and thin, and it was clear that Vic was so excited that he habitually tore his throat and howled.

These market heroes are already a pot of boiling kerosene, and Vic’s cries have thrown a torch on this pot of kerosene. More than two thousand market heroes who have arrived nearby or are rushing are foolish and stupefied. , Mad, mad, and then they are completely mad!

There was a chaotic sound of ‘crash,’ and I don’t know how many city men climbed up the nearby wall. They stood on the courtyard wall, peeled off the heavy blue bricks, and hurled at the discipline knight indiscriminately. Some heroes lifted the stone slabs on the ground, and they didn't know how they beat them here. There are also countless lime packets, paprika packets, and pepper packets exploded on the heads of these punishment knights, and various powders are poured indiscriminately, and the punishment knights screamed again and again.

A chaotic battle, since the dark calendar period, the disciplinary knights have never fought such a bad battle in a city!

There are people on all sides, attacks on all sides, and messy attacks on all sides!

If it is an arrow, you can block it with a shield, if it is a sword, you can block it with your own weapon!

But countless bricks flew, countless slabs fell, dozens of wooden stakes flew over from nowhere, how do you stop it? How do you stop? What's more terrible are those lime packs and all kinds of weird packages. No matter how strong your vindictiveness is, can you stop the scattered lime?

No matter how strong your grudge is, you have to breathe! But the air is full of lime and chili powder, even if the heavenly knight is covered with lime, he can only cry! Not to mention the priests who were floating in the air. They floated in mid-air with dazzling strength, and then they became completely white at the same time. Countless lime packs hit them, choking them to heartbreak. Planted from the air.

The sacred punishment knight Gao Shang was so angry that he sternly reprimanded the knights to rectify the formation and gave these rogues a heavy lesson. But before he could finish his words, a dung bucket full of dung smashed from the top of his head.

The sun shone on the dung bucket, casting a large black shadow on Gao Shang's body. Gao Shang heard the heavy sound of breaking through the sky, he almost instinctively swept the sword over his head! There was a sound of ‘crashing’, at least five hundred catties of dung poured down along with various yellow soup and green water, coating Gao Shang and his mount with a thick layer.

Gao Shang is opening his mouth and shouting to give orders, so you can imagine. . . A mouthful of yellow soup and green water!

Gao Shang was born in a family of gods, and he is the best person in the family for fighting spirit. That's why he can sit in the Holy Splendor Cathedral of the Gaul Empire and become the head of the Holy Splendor Cathedral Knights of Punishment. Ever since he was a child, he has been pampered and treated well. . . Have you ever seen such a terrible attack?

Even if he had fought fiercely with the five heavenly knights of the orcs, Gao Shang had never seen such a despicable attack!

Vomiting, vomiting, Gao Shang dropped his weapon, fell off his mount, and vomited crazily on the ground! Gao Shang, the dignified high-ranking knight, was completely defeated by a dung bucket and instantly lost all his fighting power. He vomited on the ground so that his internal organs were about to squirt out. He vomited, cried bitterly, and even cried out ‘mother’!

The dozens of disciplinary knights who followed Gao Shang were also the most elite group of soldiers in Shenghui Cathedral, and Gao Shang's guards of the dead. But they also vomited out, all kinds of colorful things stuck on their bodies, and they also vomited frantically. Some of the most elite fighters in this disciplinary knight team lost all their combat power instantly because of a dung bucket that Leo smashed from dozens of meters away.

Chaos, complete chaos, the rogues mentioned the courage and disciplinary knights to fight wildly, their methods are dirty and indecent, but the disciplinary knights are defeated! They retreated, frantically, and the disciplinary knights who had lost their command became loose and almost collapsed.

Some elite knights were still wielding weapons to direct their companions to resist, but they had just shouted a few times when dozens of pots of boiling oil suddenly fell from their heads. The most indispensable thing in the university city is the various taverns and restaurants. These boiled cooking oils are all snatched from other shops by local rogues!

A terrible howl sounded, and the brave and fearless disciplinary knights were burnt with big blisters of oily syrup. They left their weapons in pain and turned and fled. The disciplinary knights were completely messed up for a while.

In a chaotic battle, the disciplinary knight was loose, and it was about to be defeated by a group of rogues. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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