Bright Era

Chapter 271: Rush away

Barr caught Gao Shang's most shocking and weakest moment, and cut off Gao Shang's head with a single blow. With the strength of the pinnacle of the lower rank of the heavens, and slaying the powerful existence of the upper ranks of the heavens, Baal deserves to be the second assassin master of the Black Tiger family.

Gao Shang was killed, and the punishment knights were in chaos. Barr turned into black smoke and quickly shuttled through the punishment knights. The strange sickle brought the ghostly whistling sound of'uuu', and kept passing the necks and waists of these punishment knights. Dozens of disciplinary knights were killed by him with one blow.

A long sickle was flying in his hand, and an extremely long hair-thin black shadow flashed in the sleeve of Barr’s left hand. This'shadow knife' made of dozens of rare metals was 30 meters long. Under the control of Baal's powerful vindictiveness, this odd-shaped long knife exerted terrible damage.

Because it is thin, it is extremely sharp; because it is thin, it is extremely light.

The Bizarre Shadow Splitting Knife was tumbling through the air. It didn't attack those disciplinary knights wearing heavy armor, and such a light weapon was not used to cut armor. Under Barr's control, this thin black shadow madly swept towards the ruling priests and disciplinary priests who were wearing cloth robes, and lightly swept across their neck arteries.

Each blow accurately tore through the arteries of these priests, and just a few breaths can cause these priests to fall to the ground.

Barr reaped all the lives within his sight, and the anger in his heart made his killing faster and more efficient. Barr was really angry, he was already angry to the extreme-Arthur, the **** adopted by the Black Tiger family, he actually colluded with the church and used a large army to attack the only son of the Black Tiger family!

Back then, Arthur should be killed secretly, and this **** should not be kept for today!

Barr knows how powerful the Black Tiger family is, but no matter how strong the Black Tiger family is, the Black Tiger family is just a family. Faced with the behemoth of the church, faced with this monster, all empires and kingdoms on the mainland must do it. With the trembling horror, the Black Tiger family could not shake the foundation of the church.

I killed one today, but what to do after today? The Black Tiger family is bound to become a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of the church. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Black Tiger family. Of course, the Black Tiger family has been standing in the north of the empire for countless years and has various contingency methods, but these methods will undoubtedly damage the vitality of the Black Tiger family!

Long-term low-key latency is inevitable, and the Black Tiger family can only reappear after a facelift!

This was a heavy blow to the power and strength of the family, and the family recovered from the Hundred-Year Land Island War! But Lin Qi is the only direct bloodline of the Black Tiger family, and he must never let the church abduct!

Damn Arthur, **** bastard! Barr clenched his teeth tightly, he started even more crazily, almost indifferent to the enemy and me! Several market heroes who rushed to his side also spurted blood to death inexplicably on their necks, and Barr was harvesting all the lives around him like a mowing.

Unless it is a family member, all go to death!

"Haha!" Barr laughed angrily, and the long-handled sickle in his right hand carried a magnificent black arc. In front of him, twelve high-ranking disciplinary knights were cut off. Baal is like the **** of death from **** in the legend, and only a **** corpse walked past.

The horror that Barr brought to the discipline knights continued, and Aunt Lily, who had just thrown away the five imprisoned pillars, already roared. Circles of red ripples spread to the surroundings, and Aunt Lili shot out with a mace, and the imprisonment array that had imprisoned Lin Qi for a long time collapsed.

Although the Confinement God Formation is powerful, all its power is internal and external. Although the trapped people cannot move, the people outside the formation can easily destroy the Confinement God Formation. As the smoke of the imprisoned gods dissipated, Lin Qi only felt lightened all over his body. He swung a large axe and roared out, slashing it diagonally.

A disciplinary knight was swinging a knife to kill a few city heroes who were hacking around him. Lin Qi's axe almost sneaked behind him, slashing his body in half. Lin Qi shouted to the dumbfounded market guys: "Pick up everyone's heads. One person has 20,000 gold coins. I never count!"

There were cheers everywhere. Seeing Lin Qi get out of trouble, the enthusiasm of the market guys suddenly rose-Lin Qi got out of trouble, which proved that they had a place to get money when they killed someone!

Aunt Lily held a mace and followed Lin Qi tightly. No matter who dared to approach, she just slammed it down. Aunt Lily's heavenly lower-level strength, there are still several disciplinary knights present to contend against her. But Aunt Lily's terrifying supernatural power really occupies an overwhelming advantage. No matter who dared to attack Lin Qi, as long as she smashed it with a stick, the person immediately flew out like a burnt corpse.

For a while, Lin Qi killed a three-in and three-out in the disciplinary knight brigade, and no one was his opponent.

In addition to Lin Qi, Barr, and Aunt Lily, who killed them happily here, Leo also commanded an array of three hundred elites from the Black Tiger family to kill. They formed a triangular assault formation. Under the leadership of Lei Ao and dozens of big-waisted heavy axemen, the elites of the Black Tiger family broke through the streets along the street and broke through layer after layer of disciplinary knights.

Those who dared to approach were chopped into meat by Leo and dozens of heavy axe hands, and those who were far away were shot into hedgehogs by heavy crossbows behind. Three hundred elites of the Black Tiger family swept the chaotic punishment knights on the street. In a few breaths, hundreds of people were killed by them.

Changing their plain clothes, Enzo and the Seven Swordsmen in Blood, with a scarf wrapped around their faces, held high positions around them with a sniper crossbow. They accurately killed the masters of the punishment knights. The powerful sniper crossbow is unstoppable within a hundred meters, and I don't know how many elite punish knights hate.

Enzo even shouted loudly, directing the disorderly men of the market to launch an attack on the disciplinary knight. Although these heroes in the market have only a brave spirit, and their cooperation is much worse, the so-called chaotic punching of the master, their various weird'weapons' were smashed out at the same time, and they just beat the knights to faint. Steering.

Especially they still have hundreds of powerful crossbows in their hands, which is really terrible. There was a square in front of the Fifth University. A large number of disciplinary knights gathered here. Hundreds of powerful crossbows shot randomly at the place, and the damage was amazing.

That is, within a quarter of an hour, the disciplinary knights were already crushed. There were at least five or six hundred disciplinary knights on the ground, and some were smashed into meatloaf by Aunt Lily. It is hard to see how many people died tragically. Under Aunt Lily.

The sound of police sirens came from all directions, and a group of copper hats wearing black uniforms and waist-length cloaks rushed out of the streets and alleys with batons in all directions. Immediately behind these copper hats were dragoons wearing light armor, holding short spears, and roaring on their horses.

Further away, behind the dragoons, there was a faint sound of dull and thunderous tidy steps. This is the elite guards and imperial troops stationed in the imperial capital, and the entire imperial capital has only one heavy infantry corps, that is, the empire stationed in the barracks outside the city and guarding the most important high ground outside the imperial city,'Tyrandegang' The First Heavy Infantry Corps, also known as the "Beast Blood Corps".

The Beast Blood Legion has 50,000 elite heavy infantry. All the soldiers are selected from the provinces in the northern part of the empire that have the strongest folk customs and the most ferocious, and then sent to the front line of the Norman Fort, and the barbaric aliens for at least three years. Only after the battle will he truly become a soldier of the Beast Blood Legion. In the Hundred Years Land Island War, the heavy infantry of the Fifty Thousand Beast Blood Legion was the only human army that defeated a considerable number of the Orc Legion in the field outside the city. The blood of the Orcs in that battle stained the Beast Blood Legion pawns. Armor, so they will be named'Beast Blood'.

A powerful beast blood legion. The heavy armor covered by their soldiers is 250 kilograms at the lightest level. With shields and sabers, a soldier of the beast blood legion is a moving steel fortress. In the murder weapon.

Listening to the metal clang that came closer and closer, thinking that the empire had actually mobilized the beast blood legion into the city, presumably the emperor was already vomiting blood with anger?

In broad daylight, the church dispatched an army to arrest an ordinary student at the Fifth University!

If you succeed in arresting the target, it's fine. Two thousand disciplinary knights and thousands of priests arrested one person, and they were beaten to the core and caused riots in the entire imperial capital. Can the emperor bear this breath? This is like two gangs of street gangsters running to the imperial capital security hall to fight in groups to fight for the site, and beat the flowers and plants of the security hall to a mess. Those officials of the security hall, can they bear this anger?

Lin Qi blew a sharp whistle, and he sternly shouted: "Retreat, everyone scream! Bring the heads you chopped down! The imperial army is dispatched. If you don't leave, it will be your turn to be beheaded! I promised you. Gold coins, not a single copper!"

These city heroes are not afraid to discipline knights under the temptation of money, but they are extremely afraid of those copper hats and dragoons, which are their natural nemesis! Hearing Lin Qi's order, they hurriedly walked along the streets and alleys in a mess. They were all ghosts in the imperial capital, and they couldn’t understand the direction of the alleys more clearly. In just a few breaths, more than 2,000 city heroes walked cleanly, and even the injured and killed companions They took it away.

Leo also let out a whistle. He put away his weapons and took the three hundred family elites into a small alley on the side of the road. A dozen copper hats blowing sharp sirens were running out of this alley, but Leo waited for three hundred sturdy men to charge, and a dozen copper hats fell to the ground with foam at their mouths. They quickly left without a trace.

Aunt Lily quacked with a weird laugh. She jumped up, and with a few strokes of effort, she drove far away. The two dragoons who dared to stop her were shaken by her roar.

Barr grabbed Lin Qi, quickly turned into a black smoke and rushed Lin Qi towards Nancheng.

Soon, calm was restored at the entrance of Fifth University. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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