Bright Era

Chapter 273: Dasuo

The writing is very cool these days, so I want to be cool too!

In the past few days at the beginning of the month, stick to six chapters every day, and continue to ask for various votes for support!

Six chapters a day, this is a test of willpower! Everyone, vote for more votes, so that the coolness of the pig head can be maintained for a few more days?


Imperial capital, a mansion somewhere.

In the garden, under the old oak tree with large green shades sprinkled like a big umbrella, Gerdas snuggled in Yin's arms, looking coldly at the two hounds jumping around in the garden. Arthur stood aside respectfully, not daring to make a sound.

I don't know how long it took, dozens of waves of court mages riding on the griffin beasts flew past the garden, and Gerdas sighed heavily: "The punishment knights have become so unbearable now? Two thousand elites catch one Lin Qi, can't even catch him?"

Arthur cautiously showed a bitter smile, and bowed very cautiously to salute Gerdas.

"Not only was it not caught, the Knights of Punishment also lost nearly a thousand people, and those priests also lost hundreds."

Gerdas squinted his eyes, and a sharp cold light flashed in his purple eyes: "The Knights of Retribution, have the Knights of Retribution that shuddered the entire world become like this? They are also corrupted? Now? They... I think they should be sent to the stake!"

Arthur didn't say a word, nor did he say a word, only Gerdas' depressed humming echoed in the garden.

But the fact is like this. Today's disciplinary knights are indeed inferior to those terrifying armed forces that made all the mainland forces tremble in history. During the dark period, the Knights of Retribution was the sharpest knife of the church. They were fighting various heretics almost every day, and countless **** fights produced such a sharp butcher knife.

After entering the recovery calendar, the overall environment of the Western Continent has become stable. Those heretics have been killed in the dark period, and the Knights of Punishment have not encountered any troublesome enemies for many years. During the Hundred Years Land Island War, the Knights of Retribution also fought dozens of fierce battles and fought hundreds of times with the religious lunatics of the Odin Temple. At that time, the Knights of Retribution still maintained a strong fighting force. .

But thirty years after the war, just like the problems encountered by the Gaul Empire, the church also encountered great problems.

At present, the main force of the Knights of Punishment is young people born thirty years after the war. The power of the church on the mainland is unshakable. The glory of the church shines on the entire continent, and the Knights of Punishment are even more fearsome and terrifying. Although these young fighters have strong personal combat power, they do not have any real combat experience!

An actual combat drill at the Gaul Imperial Army Academy made the Gaul Emperor vomit blood with anger. It is conceivable that the Knights of Retribution, who are sick and pitiful with the Gaul Empire's army, can still maintain a bit of combat effectiveness.

Two thousand disciplinary knights were defeated by a group of gangsters in street fighting. Gao Shang, the commander of the disciplinary knights who already possessed the peak strength of heaven and even qualified to attack the holy realm, was deprived of all his strength by a bucket of dung. The head was taken away by someone who was wronged.

This is a shame for the entire church!

As one of the most famous descendants of the gods in history, Gerdas, the king of the broken army, was trembling with anger when he got the news. If he hadn’t gotten the enormous power he once had, he would have already personally sent all the clergy of the entire Shenghui Cathedral, including the presiding chapel of Shenghui Cathedral, and the noble cardinal archbishop in red. On the torture frame.

After exhaling heavily, Gerdas clapped his hands gently.

A golden light gushed from him, and a man wearing silver leather armor covered in armor with no skin exposed walked out of the golden light and fell on one knee in front of Gerdas. Glancing at the man who was kneeling respectfully in front of him, Gerdas waved his hand gently: "Order, let the temple of punishment directly send someone to take over this matter! That Lin Qi, he must be captured alive."

Glancing at Arthur, Gerdas said indifferently: "This is what I promised you, so I will do it naturally!"

After squinting his eyes, Gerdas said coldly: "Through the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, directly exert pressure on Saint Louis XIII, and let the Gaul Empire block Berelli. If Lin Qi is caught for one day, it cannot be blocked for one day. Cancellation. Either he uses Lin Qi to deal with us, or... It is also possible to start a religious war with the help of Elham's dead ghosts."

Arthur lowered his head, showing a smug grin. If Gerdas directly intervened in this matter, Lin Qi would never escape. According to Arthur's plan, he must let Lin Qi die better than life, and he wanted Lin Qi to die slowly in boundless despair. Of course, Arthur had other plans in his heart, but these things could not be known to Gerdas.

As long as Lin Qi is caught, Arthur will personally torture him.

Then I heard Gerdas say: "From the Temple of Retribution to the Gaul Empire, the ultimatum will be transferred to the Knights of Retribution from all countries that are on the verge of the Gaul Empire to march towards the borders of the Gaul Empire. The Knights of Retribution under the Temple will be disciplined. The main force is also mobilized! If the Gaul Empire cooperates and teaches Lin Qi to us, then let them lose a sum of money."

Eyes narrowed into a thin line, Gerdas smiled gloomily: "If they don't cooperate well, then the disciplinary knights also need a war to exercise! Use the Gaul Empire as a whetstone, you should Can you temper the brilliance that the Knights of Punishment should have?"

Arthur bowed his head respectfully, and he smiled with great joy: "This is certain, the army of the Gaul Empire is still very powerful!"

Gerdas nodded slowly, then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Although he possesses an extremely powerful spirit power, his body is only a few months old after all, and he doesn't have much time to wake up every day. Only when his body is strengthened enough to accommodate all his spirits, he can truly get his full power.

Belongs to Gerdas, the king of the army, the power of the army to kill the millions of coalition forces.

Gerdas is the first descendant of the **** of punishment, in other words, he is the ancestor of the descendant of the temple of punishment. His will is the supreme oracle for all the clergy in the temple of punishment. Unless the God of Retribution awakens from eternal sleep, Gerdas's command is no different from God's command.

His will was executed most perfectly. After just half an hour, through the magic circle that covered the entire continent through the church, all the neighboring countries of the Gaul Empire, the knights of punishment distributed in various churches, gathered in accordance with the temple of punishment. The order was sent to the Gaul Empire.

The total number of disciplinary knights distributed in the western continent exceeds 200,000, and there are 100,000 disciplinary knights in neighboring countries of the Gaul Empire. With the action of these elite disciplinary knights, they can gather on the border of the Gaul Empire within three days.

The main force of the Knights of Punishment directly under the headquarters of the Temple of Punishment also left the holy land of the church and began to move closer to the border of the Gaul Empire. Different from the punishment knights who are distributed in the western continent and monitor and punish the heretics, the main force of the punishment knights directly under the temple of punishment is composed of those who have experienced a hundred years of land-island war.

The average age of these knights is between fifty and seventy years old. Compared with ordinary humans, they are already in old age. But compared to the disciplinary knights who basically have the strength above the middle rank, they are now in their prime. Whether it is combat power or combat experience, these disciplinary knights, aged between fifty and seventy, are at the golden peak of their lives.

The main force of this disciplinary knight group is the core elite force that the church really uses to deter the entire continent! In this disciplinary knight group with a total number of about 200,000 people, there are nearly a thousand people in the heavenly knight alone!

All of this was communicated to the official Gaul Empire through the official document of the Temple of Punishment.

When the emperor got this official document equivalent to an ultimatum, it was exactly an hour after Gerdas gave these orders.

In just one hour, Gerdas’ order was passed back to the church headquarters, passed to the Temple of Retribution, and then quickly passed to the divisions of the Knights of Retribution in various countries on the mainland, and then to the temples of the temple. The bishop signed the official document and passed it back to the Gaul Empire through the official channels of the church. All this only took an hour!

When the official document was obtained, the emperor was standing with the Archbishop of Tulu in the laboratory originally belonged to Master Kocha.

It was clean, and there was no dust left. It was as clean as a thousand dogs licked it. The emperor and the many civil and military ministers who accompanied him were stunned. What's the matter? Shouldn't Master Kocha be here to continuously formulate all kinds of wonderful secret medicines for the empire?

The archbishop of Tulu's face was flushed with excitement a long time ago-it's great that Cocha actually left without saying goodbye, which justified his crime!

To be honest, the Archbishop of Tulu really doesn't know if Master Kecha is the remnant of the gods' enlightenment, this is just a crime.

Give Master Kocha a heavy black pot, and then this black pot buckles Lin Qi in by the way, and you're done. Anyway, Gerdas's goal is Lin Qi, and Master Kocha is the unlucky person who was implicated in it. At that time, Lin Qi was sent to the sacred prison of the temple of punishment. Master Kecha, just burn it on the torture rack.

Countless innocent people have been burned to death on the torture frame, and Master Dococha doesn’t matter!

But now it's good, Master Kecha's "fear of crime and abscond", this further confirmed his crime! Since Master Kecha is the remnant of the gods, then Lin Qi has served him for three years, and Lin Qi is also the remnant of the gods, isn't it a logical thing?

"Look, he has escaped!" The Archbishop of Tulu looked at his face pale, and at the same time carrying the eerie emperor: "He has escaped, he must be the remnant of the gods! So we must catch Lin Qi and torture him. Kocha's whereabouts!"

The emperor looked at the ultimatum from the Temple of Punishment in his hand, and then looked at the clean laboratory that had been washed with water, and finally sighed heavily.

"Stein, mobilize everyone and search every corner of the imperial capital. Lin Qi must be found!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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