Bright Era

Chapter 281: Arthur's faith

With a ‘pop’, an oil lamp on the wall of the room burst out with sparks. Lin Qi looked at Arthur blankly, and shook his head slightly: "Family Prayer? Arthur, are you confused? Or are you sick and convulsed? Or, having a monster child makes you bewitched?"

Gegeus's face changed, he slapped Arthur to the side with a slap, and then hit Lin Qi's abdomen with another punch. Lin Qi's stomach was hit three times in a row, and his internal organs were hit hard. Opening his mouth was a blood arrow ejected. The color of the blood was exceptionally bright. This was blood gushing out of internal organs. With this punch, Lin Qi had already hurt his vitality.

After a few violent coughs, Lin Qi's body convulsed violently. It took a full quarter of an hour before Lin Qi rolled his eyes and took a breath. He stared at Gegeus firmly, and nodded vigorously: "Okay, very good, a very loyal dog! You hit me badly today, as long as I don't die today, you will be dead! Gegeus is Right? I will cut off your head with my own hands!"

Gegeus flipped his lips and revealed a sullen smile. He shook his head contemptuously, but said nothing.

Gerdas snorted, he walked to Lin Qi, slowly stretched out his pink and white hand, and lightly held Lin Qi's knee. Lin Qi, who was unable to exercise his vindictive body, suddenly let out a scream, his kneecap had been pinched by Gerdas with dozens of cracks. The meridians, blood vessels, and nerves are densely covered near the kneecap. There is trauma here, and the severe pain is not much worse than cramping.

He patted Lin Qi's injured knee vigorously, and Lin Qi again let out a miserable howl of pain. However, his whole body was firmly imprisoned by the iron ring that jumped out of this stool, and he couldn't move a little no matter how hard he struggled. Gerdas' technique is very strange. He seems to be proficient in how to expand people's pain to the greatest extent. Every hit makes Lin Qi faint with pain, but he can't really faint.

Sweating all over his body was like rain, Lin Qi's internal organs felt like being cut by a knife. With Gerdas's hands and feet moving on his knees, Lin Qi burst into tears from the pain. It wasn't that Lin Qi was too weak, but his body's instinctive reaction. Gerdas's gentle tap made Lin Quanquan's nerves twitch, and he couldn't control it and shed tears.

Gerdas smiled and slapped Lin Qi's knee a dozen times before slowly retracting his hand.

"You want to kill Gegeus? That's not good! He is the strongest warrior of the generation of the Goddess Family of the Temple of Retribution, and the leader of the Knights of Retribution Sword!" Gerdas smiled and looked at tears Lin Qi, with his face covered in blood, leisurely circled Lin Qi: "By the way, you don't know what the Sword of Retribution is? How do you say it? Sword Knights of Retribution..."

Squinting for a while, Gerdas nodded: "The sword of punishment is the knights of punishment in the knights of punishment. His goal is to arrest and destroy all sinners in the temple of punishment who have betrayed the glory of God. Even if it is the main chapel of the temple of punishment, they all have the right to conduct secret investigations and arrests. Therefore, the sword of punishment is very powerful, very powerful!"

"They are the executors of the glory of the God of Retribution on the ground. Each of them is protected by the God of Retribution. It is impossible for you to kill Gegeus! It is really impossible!"

Gerdas smiled and patted Lin Qi's knee. Using his fingers, he cleanly poked Lin Qi's kneecap into pieces.

Lin Qi's whole body twitched with pain, his muscles suddenly tightened, and the swelling muscles made the iron rings creak. Sweat kept pouring out, and Lin Qi's body lost weight in the blink of an eye. His body was losing a lot of water rapidly, Lin Qi only felt a burning pain in his throat, his heart beating violently, and his heart seemed to jump out of his mouth.

"The family's prayer!" Arthur looked at Lin Qi triumphantly. He put his arms on his chest, stood in front of Lin Qi, and looked down at Lin Qi condescendingly: "The prayer of the Black Tiger family, Lin Qi! The prayer of the Black Tiger family! I know this thing exists, tell my family Prayer, and then tell me how to apply the prayer! I know this is the true core secret of the Black Tiger family, tell me the prayer, you don’t have to suffer!"

Opening his mouth to spit out blood, Lin Qi shook his head vigorously.

Taking a deep breath, and then spitting out a strong **** breath, Lin Qi looked at Arthur feebly, and shook his head slightly: "What's the kidding? Family prayer? Nothing like that. ! Even if there is, I will not tell you!"

With a weird smile, Lin Qi narrowed his eyes to look at Arthur: "It was you who colluded with the disciplinary knight, and you made the church arrest me. These things can't be concealed. Think about it, when the old man knows these things , How do you take over the Black Tiger family? Huh? Father will chop off your head, you purple-eyed bastard!"

‘Boom’, Gegeus stomped Lin Qi’s abdomen heavily.

Lin Qi's body twitched and he felt that his body was about to explode. Gegeus's kick was extremely powerful, and the explosive power it contained almost destroyed Lin Qi's Dantian. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't breathe. His internal organs were twitching violently. All of his internal organs were twisted into a ball. He opened his mouth blankly, but couldn't breathe in. I can't breathe out either.

Gegeus glanced at Lin Qi contemptuously, raised his hand and slapped him heavily.

The heavy slap almost missed Lin Qi's cheek, and he shook his head hard, then he let out a breath. With this breath, there was still a lot of blood, and two pillars of blood spurted out of his nose. His head shook a few times, and he hung weakly on his chest like the neck of a dead duck. before.

Gerdas squinted at Gegeus, "You can't let him die, Arthur hopes he will live forever!"

Gegeus bowed to Gerdas in awe: "But he insulted you, this dirty sinner, his words insulted you!"

Gerdas shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Does the howling of the ants do any harm to the gods above? Gegous, I know your devotion to me, but... if you kill him, then I I'll kill you by myself! You muscular guy with no brains, if this kid dies, I'll kill you!"

Shaking his head, Gerdas turned and left the stone house with a few guards.

As he walked, he sneered and issued an order: "Send a hundred warriors of the sword of punishment to kill all the Black Tiger family's manpower in the imperial capital. Arthur, is that true? If you kill them, you won't be afraid that the black beard will know this. Thing?"

Arthur respectfully saluted Gerdas's back: "Yes, kill Barr and Lily, they will have no evidence to prove that I did all this."

Gerdas walked out of the stone house and closed the stone door heavily.

Gegeus looked at Arthur, then at Lin Qi, he also shook his head: "Arthur? I'm not interested in playing games with this little guy. I'm going to serve Lord Gerdas! You ask for the confession yourself Well, this kid is not far from death, and he is bound by the Forbidden Spirit Chain. You can entertain him as you wish, anyway, he can't fight back!"

After a few reminders, Gegeus also left the stone house.

Arthur waited for Gegwus to leave, then grabbed Lin Qi's hair and shook his head vigorously.

With a smug grin, Arthur punched Lin Qi in the face fiercely.

"Lin Qi, you finally fell into my hands today! For so many years of your care for me, I want to return the same to you! Thinking of the hardships you will face in the future, I was shaking with excitement! Do you know? I'm so excited, I'm so excited!"

"Fuck, your mother!" Lin Qi raised his head and smiled at Arthur: "I'm curious, how did you hook up with the church? It's because of that little purple-eyed bastard? Well, he is your child? Hahaha, You sold yourself to the church, and then you became a member of the church?"

Arthur was so angry that his face turned purple. He clung to Lin Qi's hair and beat Lin Qi's face fiercely.

"Asshole thing, stop talking nonsense, what is the prayer of the Black Tiger family? What exactly is the prayer of the Black Tiger family?"

Lin Qi looked at Arthur coldly: "I don't know where you know the Black Tiger family has prayers! But even if I told you, how do you take over the Black Tiger family? Uncle Barr has put me on the battlefield of the isolated island The information about the attack was sent back to Dunelker, and Dad knew you did it!"

Arthur lowered his head, he stared at Lin Qi's eyes tightly, and smiled triumphantly.

"But as long as you get rid of Barr and Lily, and let your world evaporate, who has evidence that I did it?"

"My father's love for me is not inferior to you. It is only because you are the blood of the black tiger family that the black tiger family will fall into your hands. But as long as you disappear, according to my father's love for me, black The Tiger Family must be mine and will definitely become mine!"

Arthur looked at Lin Qi confidently: "Even if my father doesn't forgive me, as long as I have the family prayer, I can still obtain the core secrets of the Black Tiger family. What is that? Treasure? Or something else? Huh? Lin Qi? Tell me? Okay?"

Lin Qi looked at Arthur blankly, he suddenly laughed-how could Blackbeard forgive you? If you dare to appear in front of Blackbeard, he will slap you to death! Of course, maybe Blackbeard will take Arthur hostage and let Arthur exchange Lin Qi?

According to Lin Qi's understanding of Blackbeard, the uncle who is very good at playing the role of a father will not hesitate to squeeze the last bit of oil from Arthur, and then throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

With a weird smile, Lin Qi sighed, "There is no family prayer! Arthur, even if you kill me, there is no family prayer!"

Looking at Arthur with cold eyes, Lin Qi said calmly: "Now that I have fallen into your hands, you have a good plan to take over the Black Tiger family, don't you?"

Arthur stared at Lin Qi coldly for a long time, and finally dropped Lin Qi's hair.

"I am the most suitable heir to the Black Tiger family! I will let the Black Tiger family flourish, and you..."

"You will die slowly in endless despair."


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