Bright Era

Chapter 283: Mediation and compromise


The heavy iron door of the stone house was closed heavily. Through the crack of the door, Lin Qi faintly heard a complaint from outside: "It's almost more edible than a circle of sows that have just given birth! How much appetite does this guy have?"

With a grin, Lin Qi closed his eyes and silently felt the blood flow in the spine. Having been imprisoned here for nearly half a month, Arthur finally remembered that he wanted to give Lin Qi food and drink. Every two days, a disciplinary knight would give Lin Qi food.

Not very exquisite, that is black bread and water, but full!

Lin Qi is not welcome. Since you want to be full, you can stuff your stomach with all your energy. Originally, Lin Qi had a lot of appetite, and because of his taking the bone marrow modification medicine, he could eat one hundred and fifty catties of black bread and drink two buckets of water.

What horrified the punishment knight who delivered the food was that after so long in detention, Lin Qi had no personal hygiene requirements. He did not have any urine or urine, and he could not smell any odor. It seemed that everything that was eaten in his belly was Lin Qi was completely digested. Shocked at Lin Qi's and WoW's strong gastrointestinal tract, the punishment knight always talked a few words every time he delivered food.

Lin Qi even heard him secretly settling accounts-if the church's prison was imprisoned with a big belly like Lin Qi, the church would have gone bankrupt!

After a few sneers, Lin Qi took a deep breath in silence. Although the Forbidden Spirit Lock controlled the flow of his fighting qi and blood qi, under the impetus of the powerful essence from the two gods, the fighting qi in Lin Qi's body had already resumed operation. The two spikes that pierced his Pipa Bone Aperture Point had even been partially digested by Lin Qi's body!

"After another half a month, you will be able to recover all your strength!" Lin Qi took a deep breath, and then he could find a way to slip away.

Just when Lin Qi was imprisoned in the deepest secret room of Shenghui Cathedral, the outside world had become turbulent, and the attention of the entire continent was devoted to the imperial capital of the Gaul Empire. Not only the Western Continent, but even the foreign races on Wudalian Island and even Odin Icefield are ready to move. As long as the Gaul Empire really goes to war with the church, then the forces inside and outside the mainland will be moved by the wind.

The pilgrimage hall of the Victory Palace, this gorgeous hall is the place where the ministers of the Gaul Empire meet the emperor on weekdays. The interior of the 100-meter-long and 30-meter-wide hall is wrapped in pure gold. The place where you can see is magnificent and magnificent. This is also the famous "Golden Palace" throughout the western continent.

At this moment, the Golden Palace was full of richly decorated officials and nobles, some were civil and military ministers of the Gaul Empire, and some were wealthy and nobles of neighboring countries. The prince of the Caesar Empire, the Grand Duke of the Harran Empire, and the deputy governor of the Vias Commercial Federation. All of them are figures on the mainland. They have real power in their respective countries and can make decisions on behalf of the highest leaders of the countries on diplomatic occasions. People.

Everyone quietly looked at the throne on the golden temple, the emperor of the Gaul Empire, Saint Louis XIII, was holding a bald head, angrily and the church's special envoy, the archbishop Jose of the church, one of the church elders, sprayed each other. Drool.

Archbishop Jose, as the archbishop of the church, is also a member of the presbytery of the church. His power in the church is only under the three popes in the Pope's Hall. He is also the first competent minister under the Pope of the Holy Scepter. He is fully responsible for the diplomatic work of the church and the mainland countries. He is well versed in the social skills of many emperors and kings in the secular world. It is indeed the most suitable for him to act as the special envoy of the church. Candidate.

"This time, I have to tell you these gods! It was you who slandered the imperial power of the Gaul Empire!" The emperor's finger almost hit Archbishop Jose's nose, and he shouted sharply: "Use the army to destroy Bole Lee University City, what on earth do you want to do?"

Archbishop Jose smiled calmly: "This is a misunderstanding!"

"Ah!" Archbishop Jose's words were interrupted by the emperor's phlegm. Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, the emperor’s thick phlegm accurately landed on Archbishop Jose’s pair of luxurious white satin boots. Jose's face twitched, a faint golden light appeared on his feet, and the thick phlegm was bounced off his boots silently.

So the thick sputum bounced back on the emperor's boots. But the emperor wore a pair of leather boots. He didn’t care much about the filth spewed from his body. He pointed to Archbishop Jose’s nose and continued to curse: "Misunderstanding? Then I will send someone to the Holy Mountain to take care of the church’s people. The seminary is demolished, is this a misunderstanding?"

Archbishop Jose sighed heavily: "This is different!"

The unruly emperor issued an arrogant sneer: "What's the difference? You can come to my house to demolish the house, is it a heinous crime for me to demolish the house at yours? Huh? Does your church want to suppress my Gaul Empire? , To demonstrate to the major empires on the mainland?"

Archbishop Jose's face suddenly twitched, and the nobles from various countries who came to mediate in the Golden Palace stared at the same time and looked at Archbishop Jose in a daze. If the church really wants to show off to the mainland countries by suppressing the Gaul Empire, then it's not good that everyone can join hands and play a game with the church.

Except for a few kingdoms and principalities that were born in God-descendant families and were extremely pious to the church, other countries on the mainland have not very good attitudes towards the church-which emperor is willing to ride a godfather on his head at any time? This godfather still takes a lot of gold coins from your wallet from time to time, and slaps you a few times from time to time. Who likes such a godfather?

"Everything is just a misunderstanding!" Archbishop Jose's eyes flickered, and he looked at the emperor disapprovingly: "The three popes sent me here, which already represents our sincerity."

The emperor put his hands on his back, and he raised his chest and grinned at the many nobles standing in the Golden Palace: "Sincere? Hahaha, hundreds of thousands of troops of the Knights of Punishment are on the border of my Gaul Empire. Sincerity? Hey, are they here to beat rabbits?"

Archbishop Jose frowned a little distressed: "That's..."

The emperor stared at Archbishop Jose tightly: "What is that? Don’t tell me, isn’t the order of the Knights of Punishment authorized by the Pope’s Hall? Hahaha, aha, great, does the Knights of Punishment want to rebel Do they want to kill the three popes and let the Temple of Retribution take control of the church?"

Turning triumphantly to the many nobles, the emperor smiled and said, "Have you heard? Who believes in the God of Punishment? Everyone is optimistic. The servants of the God of Punishment are about to attack the servants of other gods! We Gaul Empire is just an appetizer!"

Archbishop Jose almost vomited blood with anger. However, he could only look at the emperor with a cheerful face.

"The Knights of Punishment will be withdrawn. We are willing to compensate for the funds needed by the Gaul Empire to repair the university city!" Archbishop Jose spread his hands: "This represents our greatest sincerity! What do you think? Your Majesty the Emperor, no People are willing to let your imperial power suffer any damage!"

The emperor squinted his eyes. He looked at Archbishop Jose and smiled faintly: "Special religious taxes, we should plan carefully."

Archbishop Jose was stunned, and he suddenly waved his hands fiercely: "This is not tolerated..."

However, before he could finish his words, the envoys of various countries in the Golden Temple clamored for the special religious tax. It is not only the Gaul Empire that bears this special tax. All countries hate this special religious tax. Especially the Vias Commercial Federation, which has the most developed commercial system, pays hundreds of millions of gold coins in special religious taxes every year. This is really killing them!

The emperor laughed. He raised his hands and yelled loudly: "Let the gods listen to the voice of the people! Special religious tax, this is a special tax levied to rectify the church army during the Hundred Years Land Island War. But now... Thirty years have passed since the Hundred Years Land-Island War! Thirty years, my dear Archbishop Jose!"

Archbishop Jose gritted his teeth and looked at the emperor: "Under the crown of the three popes, they will not agree."

The emperor shrugged, and he looked at the prince of the special envoy of the Caesar Empire: "The Dragonlance Legion of the Caesar Empire is already in place?"

The prince of the Caesar Empire squinted and laughed: "As long as you give an order, the Dragonlance Legion will cooperate with the Southern Legion of the Caesar Empire...Ah, hahaha, of course, we are all devout believers of the gods, but this tax. It's too high!"

Archbishop Jose gave a wry smile. He pondered for a long time and looked at the excited attitude of the envoys in the Golden Palace. He nodded helplessly: "Then, we can include the collection of special religious taxes as an item of negotiation."

The eyes of all the nobles in the Golden Palace showed brilliant golden light at the same time, the same light as gold coins.

The emperor nodded in satisfaction. He looked at Archbishop Jose and suddenly lowered his voice: "Then, there is the sale of indulgence charms. The sale of indulgence charms is also a commercial activity. The empire is prepared to impose half of the special commercial tax on indulgence charms. !"

Archbishop Jose almost didn't jump up, he shouted sharply: "Impossible, that is a pious religious act!"

The emperor simply jumped up, and he snarled straightly: "One party spends money and the other sells it. This is a business behavior! It must be taxed!"

The eyeballs of the envoys of various countries in the Golden Temple have all turned golden. Atonement charms, if you can put a hand in it, this is a lot of money, comparable to the generous income of a special religious tax! If half of the tax can really be collected, the royal families and nobles of all countries will be rich.

The noise came from the Golden Palace, and Archbishop Jose was angrily clamoring with the nobles of various countries, but under the pressure of the nobles of various countries, Archbishop Jose reluctantly agreed to include the taxation of the atonement as a negotiation condition.

If the Southern Legion of the Gaul Empire joined forces with the Dragonlance Legion of the Caesar Empire, the terrible offensive power would be unbearable for the punishment knights. Of course the church will not take this risk, knowing that the Emperor Gaul is extorting, but they have no choice!

After arguing for three days, it was at the last minute that the emperor raised Lin Qi's question.

Archbishop Jose didn't care about Lin Qi. He quickly reached an agreement with the emperor for a joint trial of Lin Qi.

The Supreme Court of the Gaul Empire and the Religious Court of the Church Tribunal jointly tried Lin Qi! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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