Bright Era

Chapter 297: unambiguous evidence

"What is this?" Justice Roma looked at the potion in Alpha's hand, and said very solemnly: "The noble Archbishop of Alpha Templar, in the court of the Empire, we are not allowed to use any means that may damage the suspect's body to seek evidence."

Alpha smiled slightly, he raised the bottle of potion high, and said calmly: "This is a magic potion. It only takes a little blood to tell whether a person is the magic potion of the gods."

Turning to look at the box where Saint Louis XIII is, Alpha nodded slightly and said: "Your Majesty, please select a few reliable people to complete this. This is the potion, divided into ten parts, and then randomly select nine people and Lin Qi accepts the identification together. The incontrovertible facts will prove Lin Qi guilty and will prove Lin Qi that he... has an affair with the devil!"

The noise in the court rose again, and countless people stood up and looked at Alpha's medicine.

The emperor appointed his court chief Harvey to bring several loyal guards to Alpha. Following the emperor’s order, after a while, a team of law enforcement officers came in with ten clean glasses. The white and transparent glass, without any paint, without any pattern, everyone can see, this glass is clean and there are no impurities in it.

Several guards moved to a long table, and ten glasses were placed on the long table in a row. Alpha carefully divided the cyan potion into ten parts and poured them into the glasses. Then he turned to the nobles present, and asked with a faint smile: "I need nine brave nobles to give a drop of blood!"

Many nobles glanced at each other, but no one came forward.

Alpha put it nicely, saying that this is the magic potion, if it is the remnant of the enlightenment of the gods, as long as the blood is dripped into the potion, the body will be verified. But if Alpha is playing tricks in it, no matter who's blood drips into it, some weird changes will occur. Wouldn't they throw themselves into the trap? The people in the church definitely did this kind of thing. They just suffered a big loss and killed a few nobles for interest. This is something they absolutely did.

So no nobleman stepped forward.

Standing in the box, Saint Louis XIII looked at the ten potions with a gloomy face, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Archbishop, you should choose five clergy, plus the four guards I assigned to try to drip blood. Lin Qi, you can appoint a potion to drip into the blood at will!"

After saying this, the emperor left the box and followed the passage to the cage. He wants to see the changes of these medicines with his own eyes at close range, he doesn't want people to trick people under his eyelids. He carefully observed the ten glasses, then nodded in satisfaction.

The ten cups have not been manipulated, and the potions are all exactly the same. The emperor's self-cultivation is extremely strong, and his senses are extremely powerful. If someone tricks these cups and potions, he can't hide his eyes and nose.

Lin Qi took a deep breath. He pointed to the fourth cup from the left and nodded: "Your Majesty, pass this cup to me. Can you hand it to me?" Lin Qi's words made it clear. Those who believe in the church, he also fears that someone will make a fool of himself when moving the cup.

Alpha sneered, he glanced at Lin Qi, and then nodded to the emperor.

The emperor walked to the long table, held up the fourth glass with his own hands, carefully passed it into the cage and handed it to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi took the glass, then looked at Alpha with a sneer: "Archbishop, you can start!"

Alpha randomly assigned five white-armored swordsmen around him, letting them cut their fingers and drip blood into five glasses. The emperor here also assigned four guards to let them drip blood in.

The cyan potion envelops the red blood, and the blood drops congeal after entering the potion. The red blood suspended in the potion slowly rotates, and gradually a pale golden light is released. The light became stronger and stronger, and in the end, the blood was like little suns emitting a dazzling light, and the cyan potion in the glass was dyed pale gold. After that, the medicine evaporated and turned into a pale golden mist. A scent of light gradually spread in the courtroom. After smelling this scent, people only felt refreshed. The internal organs seemed to be covered. Rinse it with clean water.

Alpha smiled and glanced at the emperor. He nodded proudly: "The blood of the people of the pure gods will exude a refreshing fragrance in the magic potion. The golden brilliance is the gods' loyalty to them. The light of the gift of faith."

Pointing at Lin Qi, Alpha sneered: "Lin Qi, it's you!"

Lin Qi glared at Alpha. He frowned, bit his fingertips with his teeth, and carefully dripped a drop of blood into the cup.

The red blood dripped into the water cup, and the cyan potion suddenly rolled up like a sea wave. The tiny ripples of potion made the drop of blood dripped by Lin Qi smashed and turned into countless extremely fine blood halos spreading throughout the whole. In the cup. Then, accompanied by the exclamation of countless people, the glass suddenly burst, and the cyan mixed blood medicine flew up, and then the color quickly changed to pale black.

With a low roar of tigers, the tumbling potion exploded into a cloud of thick black smoke, from which a hideous demon tiger with bones on its back condensed. Then came a leopard, a wild wolf, a civet cat, and several kinds of beasts were completely dark, exuding an uncomfortable savage atmosphere. Several white-armored swordsmen near the cage quickly drew out their sharp swords, carefully guarding Alpha behind them.

Then the thick smoke exploded, and a faint coercion spread from it. With a deep dragon chant, a black flying dragon phantom the size of a thumb flew out of the thick smoke and quickly flew around Lin Qi. Then the flying dragon exploded into a faint smoke, and an unbearable stench gradually spread in the courtroom.

The blood dripped by others turned into golden light and light fragrance, and the blood dripped by Lin Qi turned black and stink!

Everyone in the court was staring at Lin Qi, and even the emperor's expression became extremely strange.

Is Lin Qi really the remnant of the gods? The power of Revelation of the Gods is best known to the people on the mainland. It extracts the essence from various monsters, and uses this essence to refine the human body and enhance the power of people. Without Alpha's explanation, many nobles in the court could see that Lin Qi had obviously taken several kinds of secret medicines of the Enlightenment of the Gods to strengthen his body, otherwise his blood would not carry the breath of these monsters.

There have been other occultists who wanted to imitate the potion of the gods' enlightenment, but no one has ever succeeded. Maybe they can extract medicines that enhance human body strength from various plant and mineral medicinal materials, but from the monsters, they have never extracted anything beneficial to the human body without side effects.

This is the unique secret recipe of the gods' enlightenment. There is no other person on the mainland who can do this alone.

The emperor looked at Lin Qi like a ghost, he took a deep breath, his expression was like a hungry beggar walking on the street suddenly saw a large piece of bread, but this piece of bread was thrown in a pile of horse dung The same tangled inside. His face twitched, and his fingers twitched slightly. The tangled expression made Lin Qi feel a little uncomfortable for him.

Without waiting for everyone to recover from the shock that Lin Qi had taken the medicine of the secret of the gods, the door of the court was suddenly pushed open, and a group of ruling priests with solemn faces and dull faces were surrounded by two beautiful and slender women. The priest strode in.

Lin Qi stared blankly at the two female priests with slightly raised abdomens, and suddenly felt a twitch in the corner of his eyes!

Among the charges just made up by Graham for Lin Qi, there was a felony of hooking up with a priestess. It's all about hooking up with female priests. In the imperial capital's dudes, there are all such people who like to hunt for beauty and curiosity. They often hook up with some improper priestesses, and Yu Lian even makes do with several dewy couples for them.

But what made Lin Qi break down was that Graham said that he and the priestess were in the church and filthy in front of the gods. This is a real sin of blasphemy! Although this is a bit short of the face-to-face blasphemy in the Divine Grace Order, can you make it clear about things like Gods?

If Alpha said, in front of a certain idol in a certain church on a certain day, a certain month, and a certain day, Lin Qi and a certain priestess met frankly and spent the night under the idol. Then, as long as Alpha produced a certificate, saying that the statue of God had a ray of consciousness of a certain deity attached to it that night, Lin Zike committed a felony that even a divine order could not forgive!

Who can tell whether the **** statue has the spiritual consciousness attached to it? Isn't this what these great gods say?

Lin Qi immediately raised his hand: "I protest, I protest..."

Before the words were over, the two priestesses had already rushed out of Lin Qi's cage, reaching out their hands to firmly grasp Lin Qi's robe.

"I love you, but we have defiled the glory of God!" The two priests looked at Lin Qi and cried in unison: "I hope that the gods can exonerate you from your sins. All the guilt will let me and my womb. Come bear it, the child!"

Lin Qi had no time to react. The two priestesses had already pulled out their sharp daggers and pierced them deeply into his heart.

Alpha snarled angrily: "Lin Qi, you have killed two more people of God who went astray but can still be astray! You unpardonable sinner, don't you confess your sin? "

Lin Qi stared at Alpha fiercely. He was about to speak when a ruling priest had already taken out a robe of Enlightenment of the Gods.

"Your Excellency, Archbishop of the Temple, this is the robe we found in the dark cabinet on the wall of Lin Qi's dormitory... the robe of the apprentice of the Enlightenment of the Gods!"

Alpha stretched out his hands: "The gods are here, Lin Qi has a conclusive evidence of guilt, indistinguishable, he is guilty!"

Li raised his hands: "Lin Qi is guilty, he... is guilty!"

Many nobles in the court looked at the two priestesses who had died tragically outside the cage, and bowed their heads in horror.

Lin Qi could not argue with the conclusive evidence. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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