Bright Era

Chapter 302: Smash

Gegwus is the leader of the sword of punishment, the elite of the temple of punishment, and the most used person among the young generation of gods in the temple of punishment.

Helu insists on the principle and justice of the so-called God of Punishment. Gegeus is a man with a stubborn muscle. He is willing to obey the orders of the high level of the temple and completely obey any order of the temple of punishment. So the law walks outside the temple as a free man, and Gegeus gains an important position inside the temple.

The totem pole he used was naturally not a common product.

From the underground abyss, the rare alloy extracted from the lava gushing from the heart of the earth, after being tempered by the **** black dwarf and the great master of the dwarf casting imprisoned by the church, merged into the mutant metal brought from the fall of the sky and stars, and cooperated with the temple of punishment The most powerful magician master engraved the divine grammar formation, this divine literary totem pole weighs eight thousand catties, and it is invincible, even if a group of heavy cavalry is hit, it will be broken.

Gegwus has a reputation in the Temple of Retribution-a warrior as strong as a dragon!

He possesses surprisingly powerful physical power, and his body is extremely strong. It is said that this is related to his father having washed his body with a bucket of real dragon blood when he was born. In short, Gegeus is extremely powerful, his body is even more powerful and amazing. His meridians are extremely tough, and he has cultivated to the highest level of heaven at a young age, and he may break through the holy realm at any time!

Gerdas fled in a hurry, Gegeus instinctively sensed that a fatal threat was approaching. Facing the enemy blocking the road, he tried his best to launch a fatal blow, only to push the enemy back, and then quickly flee with Arthur.

But following that curse, a big mouth about two meters in radius suddenly appeared in front of him.

How do you describe this big mouth? It was hideous, terrifying, and exuded a suffocating **** smell. This mouth is reminiscent of the big mouth of a shark. The mouth cavity is densely lined with six rows of sharp triangular teeth like daggers; this mouth also reminds people of the big mouths and sharp teeth that some demons in **** have. There was a blue faint light gleaming on it, and it was clear that the sharp teeth were very poisonous. This is the only way for certain special demons to have such malicious teeth.

At the same time, this mouth is reminiscent of the legendary ancient dragon, because some of the teeth in it are spiral-pointed cones, with a faint metallic luster on the teeth, and there are looming runes under the metallic luster, and there is faint faint Long Wei exudes. This is a characteristic unique to Dragon Teeth, and no such thing can be produced in the mouth of ordinary beasts.

In short, this is a big mouth that people will have a nightmare when they see it. It quickly greeted the totem pole of Gegeus, biting the totem pole into two with a ‘click’. Gegeus was stunned. After this totem pole was blessed by the gods, its hardness was more than twice that of diamonds. Gegeus had used it for more than ten years in battle, killing countless heretics and enemies, but on it Not even a trace of abrasion marks was left.

But this big mouth actually bit his life-like totem pole into two pieces!

What kind of tooth is this, what kind of monster is this!

A cold sweat suddenly oozes from the back of Gegeus's heart. He dropped a half-shot of Tengzhu, raised his fists and hit the jaw of the big mouth. The big mouth was chewing the totem pole quickly, and the crisp chewing sound of ‘Kacha Kacha’ came from his mouth, and he gnawed the totem pole as easily as an ordinary person eating beans.

Gegeus' fist hit the big mouth heavily, and a horrible cry came. The big mouth remained motionless, and Gegeus' wrist twisted into a weird shape, and his wrist bones were broken by the force of the counter shock. Up.

"Hey, boy, you punched me, so, okay if I eat you?" The big mouth swallowed the totem pole in the mouth, and then the big mouth suddenly shrank, a donkey not much bigger than a dog Standing in front of Gögeus triumphantly.

Gegeus screamed in horror, he looked at Arthur helplessly, and then he punched the **** pattern of the Temple of Retribution on his chest.

A golden light shrouded Gegeus's body, and his figure quickly became hazy. Obviously, he activated the short-range random teleportation array embedded in his armor and was about to flee here. Originally, Gegeus wanted to take Arthur away with him, but the enemy was so powerful and so weird that he had completely lost faith in taking Arthur away, so he could only escape by himself.

The middle-aged man, known as the old fox, smiled lightly. He raised his right hand and volleyed his palm to the back of Gegeus.

"Remember my name. The one who killed you was Sha Xin. You can also call me the Claw of the Red Fox!"

With a muffled sound, the one-and-a-half-thick divine armor of Gegeus was blown to pieces, and Gegeus was punched with a palm-sized transparent hole from the back of his heart to his chest. An extremely sharp and invisible energy almost completely shattered Gegeus' internal organs. Gegeus opened his mouth. What he vomited out was not blood, but visceral fragments mixed with a little plasma.

Gorgeously spit out crushed internal organs, and the wound on his chest was sprayed with blood like a fountain. Gegeus' body shook and disappeared without a trace in the golden light. There was only Gegwus's horrified cry in the air: "Holy Land! You have violated the mainland ban,"

"Fuck your mother!" Sha Xin cursed vulgarly. He smiled and looked at Arthur who was so frightened on the ground. He narrowed his eyes and sighed, "What does the Western Continent's prohibition matter to me? ? Unless the power of the church can expand to the Black Spirit Continent, otherwise... what **** ban can affect me?"

The donkey slowly walked to Arthur's side, he sniffed Arthur's body, and suddenly yelled.

"You bastard, do you still have a moral heart? I thought you were born with delicate skin and tender meat. It should look delicious! You were so scared that you all came out! You were so scared that you all came out! Could it be me I'll give you a steak, and I will pee on it. Can you still eat it? Why are you so uncivilized?"

Just as the donkey yelled at him, Black Beard slowly walked up the stairs with a man. He had already dealt with everyone in the small building. The ordinary servants were knocked to the ground by him, and the churches that had practiced divine power belonged to them, and everyone had their necks cut off by the butcher knife.

When Blackbeard stood in front of Arthur, Arthur understood who had come to the door. He looked at Arthur in despair, and cried out heartbreakingly: "Father! Father! You can't do this! I am yours too..."

"Fuck your mother!" Blackbeard kicked Arthur away with a kick. He stared at Arthur and snarled angrily: "I'm just your adoptive father! You ungrateful little white face let me hear clearly. No, I’m just your adoptive father! I, I’m the one who adopted you after your dead ghost father died, and has always been very good to you. You want to eat, I will eat for you, you want to drink, I will drink for you, you If you want pocket money, I will give you pocket money!"

Blackbeard sat on a sofa with a big grin. He looked at Arthur, who was kicked and vomited blood. His expression was gloomy and sneered: "If you didn't show your hatred for Lin Qi when you were young, yes. A peek at the poor belongings of the Black Tiger family, I won’t count you with a baby with no full hair! Arthur, if it weren’t for the old man you tried to win over and buy the family, try to make your little bit insignificant. The forces infiltrate the family, I will not calculate you behind your back!"

After taking a deep breath, Blackbeard shook his head in distress, "When you start to do those things, I know you are an unfamiliar wolf cub just like the red-haired ghost, so... I'm sorry. The foster father can't help you, I ruined your meridians!"

Arthur's body shivered violently, and he looked at Blackbeard in disbelief: "What? What did you say? I have been so vindictive for so many years, I..."

Blackbeard smiled grimly, he raised his Erlang's legs, threw a cigar to Sha Xin, and then lit one himself and began to vomit. "Yes, because of your restlessness, because you are uneasy to be my adopted son, so when I dredge your meridians, I destroyed your meridians. You will never be able to cultivate above the human position."

Shaking his head, Black Beard sighed, "I thought you had no strength, you can settle down! As long as you are honest, I will be a kind adoptive father, and you will be a filial adopted son, and Lin Qi will do it. A well-behaved brother, what a wonderful thing is this?"

After a spit of smoke, Blackbeard shook his head again.

"But you are still restless, you actually provoke my bottom line again and again! In order to temper Lin Qi, in order not to make people laugh at my black beard, I sent Lin Qi to the Imperial Capital to let him study at the Fifth University. After all, read more. Ordering a book is good. This is a lesson passed down by the ancestors of my Black Tiger family! But you still refuse to let Lin Qi go!"

Throwing the cigar on the luxurious carpet, Blackbeard stared at Arthur and said bitterly, "You ungrateful little bastard! Come on, how do you want to die? Huh? Seeing that I have raised you for so many years For good reason, I will leave you a whole body, hehe! But the bitterness must be indispensable, I have to crush your whole body inch by inch!"

Looking at the hideous black face of Blackbeard, Arthur suddenly realized that after so many years, it was the first time he really knew Blackbeard!

For a long time, Blackbeard has always been a benevolent adoptive father in his heart, and an adoptive father who is so kind to him. He even developed a real admiration for Blackbeard. Whether he treats Elham, Xiangli or Gerdas, all of his conditions are to kill Lin Qi and let Lin Qi Never live in despair, but never move a black beard!

Arthur once had a dream. He would work hard to climb up. With the help of the church and the power of the Black Tiger family, he would become a master! He wants Yin to be the most noble woman in the world, his children to be the most noble prince in the world, let Blackbeard be proud of him, and let Blackbeard recognize that he is the only and true heir of Blackbeard!

But this dream was shattered one after another.

Gerdas is not his son in the true sense, and Yin has no feelings for him at all. The love and the oath of the mountain alliance are nothing more than a botched drama. He was just the tool that Gerdas chose to provide purple eyes. To Yin, he was even a despicable, dirty sinner who violated her golden body!

When Gerdas, Yin and Li put the **** reality in front of Arthur, only the last dream was left in his heart.

Let Lin Qi disappear from now on, he will become Blackbeard's most beloved son, he will carry forward the Black Tiger family, he will. . . He would make Blackbeard proud of him. Losing his father since childhood, Arthur only felt his father's warmth from Blackbeard, and he sincerely regarded Blackbeard as his father!

But today, when Blackbeard, the largest pirate leader on the northern coastline of the continent, and the leader of countless violent elements showed his true face in front of him, Arthur discovered with tears that his dreams were shattered again.

"Father, you can't do this to me, I'm Arthur, and I'm your most beloved child!" Arthur fell on his knees and put his hands on his chest, pleadingly pleading: "I admit my fault. I was wrong. As long as you don't abandon me, I am willing to use my life as a price. I will revitalize the family and I will..."

Blackbeard looked at Arthur, who was crying bitterly, and shook his head gently: "The Black Tiger family only belongs to people who have the direct blood of the Lin family. Arthur, if you can safely be my adopted son, you can Lin Qi coexists peacefully, I will support you, I will support you to become a giant on the sea, let you cross the North Sea and become a great figure! But you should not peek at the Black Tiger family, let alone murder me—— Your adoptive father’s only son!"

He clapped his hands hard, and Black Beard said coldly: "There is nothing to say, butcher knife, hammer, take care of this white-eyed wolf, I want him to die horribly!"

Butcher Knife and Hammer walked forward with a grinning grin, and they were about to use the cruelest means they knew to deal with Arthur.

But Arthur suddenly hissed and laughed wildly. As he backed away, he sternly laughed: "You can't kill me, Blackbeard, if you kill me, Lin Qi will really be dead! Do you know? I'll give them His request is that he cannot kill Lin Qi, but that Lin Qi can live his life in despair! So Lin Qi will be thrown into the Dark Abyss God Prison, the most severely controlled by the church!"

Blackbeard jumped up sharply, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "What did you say?"

Arthur stared at Blackbeard tightly: "I'm alive, Lin Qi will not die! But if, I mean, if I die, the people I depend on will kill him mercilessly. Unless you have the ability to break through. Entering the Black Abyss God Prison to rescue Lin Qi, but that is impossible!"

With a weird laugh, Arthur looked at Blackbeard and shook his head slightly, "I'm alive, Lin Qi is alive, I'm dead, and Lin Qi is dead, it's that simple!"

With a mysterious smile, Arthur sighed slightly: "But don't think that Lin Qi can come out of the Black Abyss God Prison. From the beginning of the destruction calendar, no one can leave the Black Abyss God Hell! Unless the three popes and all the archbishops of the church jointly name Issue an amnesty, otherwise no one can come out of there!"

"You can't kill me!" Arthur'chuckled' and said, "You can only keep me alive! Hehe, if I am not dead, Lin Qi can live, although he lives in despair, but he at least lives! But if I If he dies, he will be executed immediately. Would you like to try it?"

Blackbeard stared at Arthur, grinning cruelly.

A quarter of an hour later, Blackbeard and his party left the small building, and the living Arthur stayed in the small building.

His limbs were shattered inch by inch, and his handsome face was chopped into a mess. His body had accumulated hundreds of virulent poisons of weird insects, which lingered in his body, causing his body to collapse all the time. edge.

He was not dead, but he was more terrifying than death.

With only one flesh left, Arthur wriggled on the ground. He looked at the direction that Blackbeard was leaving, and howled heartbreakingly.

"I will live well, and I will show you that I live well! Hahaha, do you think this will make me desperate? You are wrong!"

"The one who is truly desperate is Lin Qi! Black Abyss God Prison, that is the abyss of despair!"


There are four thousand words in this chapter!

Originally I wanted to write Arthur's misery in a little more detail, but for the sake of harmony, I didn't carefully describe the scene of a knife and a knife. You can imagine it.

In order for Arthur to become a meatball, please ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly pass! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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