Bright Era

Chapter 304: Into the abyss

When Lin Qi saw the eighteen old men in red robe, he felt numb all over, and even his heartbeat stopped.

At first glance, these old people are ordinary, except for their handsome appearance, smoothly combed hair and beard, and a better complexion on their faces, they are no different from ordinary old people. But looking carefully, Lin Qi felt that his internal organs were trembling.

Eighteen old men in red robe, all of them have a sense of luster, and a few of them are well condensed, and they look just like human flesh. But there are still a few that seem to be slightly weaker, occasionally their bodies will emit a faint golden light, and at that moment their bodies will become glass-like translucent!

Their bodies are not completely flesh anymore. Because their bodies have been infiltrated by extremely pure divine power over the years, their bodies have become divine to a certain extent! Eighteen saints, or eighteen envoys!

They just sat there quietly, without saying a word or moving, just like the gods in the temple, quietly, and the whole body has been integrated with the surrounding nature, as if they were this grotto, they It is the strange harmony of this volcano.

When Lin Qi saw them, he felt that the entire volcano was blocked in front of him. As long as he had the slightest disrespect, the volcano would suddenly erupt and crush him to his bones. These people have merged with this volcano, and their every move will cause a huge change in the natural landscape near this volcano!

Heavenly existence is absolutely impossible to have such a breath!

Lin Qi's mouth was bitter and dry. There are 18 old immortal saints here, and 18 old immortals have probably broken through to the holy realm that Dragon City told him! This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to his plan of escape. Even if Lin Qi could break through to the holy realm, how could he be the opponent of these eighteen old guys whose bodies were already supernatural?

Not to mention that there are no 10,000 or 8,000 mad believers who have been seen along the way. There is absolutely no shortage of masters in them!

Li pulled Lin Qi to the eighteen old people. He glanced at Lin Qi, then walked to the old man in the middle, and whispered a few words next to his ear. Li had lowered his voice, but Lin Qi's perverted ears still heard every word he said.

"An insignificant little person. Someone wants him to live desperately in the Dark Abyss God Prison. So don't let him die, but it won't let him live comfortably. Send him to the bottom of the hopeless abyss and let him enjoy it. enjoy."

"This person does not need to be registered in the dossier. The church will not accept his confession, and he will not be used by the church. He is just an insignificant mortal, an ant. It is good for him to stay here forever."

Eighteen old people opened their eyes and looked at Lin Qi at the same time. The old man in the middle turned and glanced at Li: "Whose commission? When did the temple of punishment become a place for some people to suppress dissidents? The law of the **** of punishment And the way of justice, shouldn’t it be followed?"

Li just whispered a name, and then the old man closed his mouth immediately.

Eighteen old people looked at Lin Qi with blinking eyes, and then the old man in the middle grabbed his hand and Lin Qi flew in front of him.

Unable to move, unable to speak, Lin Qi stared at the old man, gritted his teeth and screamed.

The old man smiled faintly, stared at Lin Qi for a while, and shook his head gently: "All the meridians are unblocked, and the physical strength is more than ten times that of ordinary knights. The bones are strong, but the proportions are extremely well-proportioned. Obviously they have been used well since childhood. His secret medicine has regulated the development of bones and internal organs. What a pity, such a good little genius."

With a pursed smile, the old man sighed, "But the most indispensable thing in this world is genius. The geniuses imprisoned in the Black Abyss God Prison, there are no one hundred thousand but eighty thousand. They all live like pigs and dogs. A piece of cake."

"Despair, since we want you to live in despair, then... let you despair completely!"

A touch of golden light emerged from the old man’s fingertips, and then the golden light became a divine writing: “In my name, pray for the power of my god, punish the prisoner, imprison all evil thoughts in the world, and eradicate the root of all evil in the world! Punishment•God’s ban!"

The finger lightly touched Lin Qi's eyebrows, and a scorching breath penetrated Lin Qi's head. Lin Qi only felt that his eyes were dark, and his head suddenly hurt. The two blood vessels in his left and right temples were beating violently, and his head seemed to explode with severe pain. The pain caused him to sweat all over his body, but he couldn't move or scream.

"In my name, pray for the power of my god, the punishment of punishment, disperse all evil forces in the world, and eradicate all the forces of sin in the world! Punishment•The break of the gods!"

A faint golden light appeared from the palm of the old man's hand, and the golden light also condensed into a divine writing, and then he lightly hit Lin Qi's dantian. Lin Qi's body shook, and a wave of air burst out from the pores all over his body at the same time. Lin Qi’s "hard cultivation" for more than ten years, Xuanhujin was knocked away by the old man, and Lin Qi's air hole was also punched out of thousands of tiny holes. From then on, Lin Qi could no longer save a little bit. Grudge.

The old man smiled strangely, but he didn't notice that Lin Qi's dantian had just been punched out of countless holes, and a fiery spirit gushed from an invisible hole in the dantian, quickly blocking Lin Qi's broken dantian. .

Lin Qi stared at the old man, and was suddenly forced to disperse his exercises. Lin Qi's internal organs and all meridians, blood vessels, and muscles were all subjected to a huge impact. If it weren't for Lin Qi's body to be much stronger than ordinary people, this one would have been required. His life. The high-level vindictiveness suddenly dispersed, and even a small mountain was shattered, let alone the human body?

The burning pain continued to come from all over his body. Not only was Lin Qi's dantian destroyed, but even the acupuncture points in his body were also shaken out of countless tiny holes like Arthur, and his meridians were shaken even more. It was soft and loose, and even his entire bones showed numerous cracks, large and small.

The old man's shots were very precise. He destroyed all of Lin Qi's power, but it was not enough to kill Lin Qi. As long as Lin Qi rests for a while, his injuries will slowly recover, but since then he can no longer practice fighting qi, and can no longer do any heavy physical work. Even if Lin Qi's physical strength is more than ten times that of an ordinary knight, his body is now covered with dark wounds, just like a metal fatigued sword, and he can no longer perform his former sharpness.

"Okay, drive him into the lowest abyss!" The old man threw Lin Qi on the ground casually: "He is a little weaker than ordinary people. In the abyss, what awaits him is endless despair! "

The old man didn’t look at Lin Qi again, but smiled at Li, who was standing beside him: “Tell that adult that his will is our code of action. We have already followed his will to this little The sinner went into the abyss."

Li lightly nodded and smiled, and then he walked out in such a calm manner, he didn't even look at Lin Qi before leaving.

A group of fanatics walked in, two people grabbed Lin Qi, and then a group of people surrounded Lin Qi and went down the spiral passage when he came. The eighteen old people looked at each other, and then they closed their eyes and once again immersed in their sacred and unfathomable spiritual world. Soon they forgot about Lin Qi's existence, and completely forgot about Lin Qi.

For their powerful, noble, sacred and inviolable existence, a little status knight could not leave any traces on their hearts that had been tempered like diamonds. A little sinner who can't even count as an ant, what is he worth?

Lin Qi didn't even leave a name in the prisoner's record in the Black Abyss God Prison, and no one even knew his name, so he was taken by a group of mad believers.

Walking down the spiral channel, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and gradually the temperature is enough to ignite the wood. The lava lake is close at hand, and countless lava bubbles in the sound of "bobo" continue to explode around, and the splashed lava can be seven or eight meters high.

The passage in front suddenly came to an end. On one side of the rock wall, a huge black hole was in sight. The hole was also tens of meters high, and a group of mad believers were stationed here. They wore a snow-white cloak, and a wave of cold air was constantly emanating from the cloak, effectively offsetting the terrible heat brought by the nearby lava lake.

"The abyss, the lowest level!"

After a simple handover, Lin Qi was thrown to these mad believers wearing white cloaks. This group of fanatics dragged Lin Qi roughly, walking down the huge corridor. The more you go, the lower the temperature in the tunnel, and gradually even thin ice flakes appear in the tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a cliff with a height of 1,000 meters in front. The cliff is covered with thick moss. These slippery moss put an end to the hope of anyone climbing up from below. Below this cliff is a huge cave several kilometers long and wide. Around this cave, numerous densely packed small stone caves like honeycombs have been excavated. Each stone cave is tightly sealed by a fence, and you can see the dwelling in these caves. Full of prisoners.

On the flat ground in the cave, dozens of elongated buildings were built. Some of these buildings were prisons, some prisoners were held, and most of them were jailers in soft armor. Lin Qi was taken to the cliff. When I went up, about three thousand jailers were neatly lined up and running around the cave, and the low gasp was clearly audible even at the top of the cliff.

On the top of the cliff, there is a huge tower. A hanging basket with a length of ten meters and a width is placed here. Next to the hanging basket are a dozen huge winches with arm-thick iron chains wrapped around them. This group of fanatics threw Lin Qi into the hanging basket, and then the group was slowly put down.

The sound of ‘creak creak’ continued, and the gondola slowly fell down the cliff. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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