Bright Era

Chapter 312: The tragedy of Alpha

Just when Lin Qi was struggling with food and housing issues in the Black Abyss God Prison, the imperial capital of Berriley was furious again. It's just that this time the chicken flew very low and the dog jumped very secretly, and the people didn't realize that something big had happened in the Imperial City.

On the blood-filled square of Shenghui Cathedral, Alfa looked pale and pale at the corpses all over the floor.

Neatly corpses piled up on the square. Everyone had their heads chopped off with a single knife. They died cleanly, presumably they didn't suffer any pain before they died. There was no anger on the faces of the priests who were killed. On the contrary, they were more terrified and incredible!

Panic. . . Incredible! How could this expression appear on these devout clergymen?

Not only on the square on the highest level, but also the clergy in various halls of Mount Shenghui were killed. Moreover, all of them were obediently **** with iron cables, and then obediently knelt on the ground and received a knife. Just like suckling pigs in a slaughterhouse, these clergymen were killed easily like suckling pigs.

The problem is that the little suckling pigs still struggle and beat a few times when they are hit by the knife, but these people show no signs of resistance.

"This is, what's the matter?" Alpha's body was faltering. Even if he was the archbishop of the church with the highest status, he couldn't bear the terrible scene before him. If what lies here is a heresy of one place, then forget it. Alpha has seen more than one hundred and eighty thousand heretics being massacred by the church, and he personally performed no fewer than three times.

But now lying on the ground are the clergy of the church!

On the entire Shenghui Mountain, among the many shrines of Shenghui Cathedral, there were at least 20,000 clergymen, and they were completely killed without resistance. Temple of Dawn, Temple of Flame, Temple of Destiny, Temple of Victory, Temple of War, Temple of Hurricane, Temple of Dawn, etc. . . More than 20,000 clergymen in more than fifty different temples were killed without leaving them!

If the dead and injured were all from the Temple of Punishment, Alpha could cover up the news with one hand. But now that so many priests belonging to different temples have died, let alone Alpha, even Alpha's father, the elders of the current church monastery can't hide this matter.

The trembling, pale-faced Alpha wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, turned around embarrassedly and looked at Saint Louis XIII.

Like a childhood sweetheart who had reunited for a long time, Alpha grabbed the emperor's hand and looked at the emperor with tears: "Your Majesty, you testify for me. After I came to Berrely, I never left your sight! "

The emperor drew out his hand desperately. The emperor was so happy that his internal organs were trembling, like a girl who was harassed by a pervert, and took a few steps back vigilantly. He put his hands on his back and determined not to give Alpha anything to grab him. Opportunity in the palm.

"Honorable Archbishop Alpha, I feel very unfortunate about what lies ahead. However, as the owner of the insignificant imperial power, I have no right to interfere in any affairs of the sacred and inviolable divine glory!"

Shrugging his shoulders extremely easily, the emperor managed to hold back the smile that was about to bloom on his face.

"This matter has nothing to do with the empire, Harvey, let the court mage quickly make the scene into a projection crystal for the record!" The emperor looked at Alpha, who was like a mourning concubine, and gently raised his feet and said calmly: "This case has nothing to do with the empire. We just need to save the evidence."

Very playfully, he tilted his head to Alpha and stuck out his tongue. The emperor squinted his eyes and smiled: "Look, the facts are here. I, poor old Louis, an ordinary man in charge of secular imperial power, I It is impossible for the clergy of the church to kneel on the ground obediently at my disposal. The entire Gaul Empire cannot find such a person!"

Alpha's face turned pale and blue. He stared at the emperor and staggered forward two steps: "No, your majesty, you must..."

The emperor simply waved his sleeves: "I'm very sorry, Your Excellency Alpha Archbishop, you and I know that you can make all the priests of Shenghui Cathedral bow their heads and die. This kind of thing, ah, haha Haha! Harvey, haven't you done it yet?"

Hundreds of court mages of the Gaul Empire seemed to smell the **** blow flies. They hugged a crystal ball capable of storing images and scrambled up and down the Shenghui Cathedral. The neatly stacked corpses, the unusually tidy scene, and the panic and disbelief on the faces of those corpses were all magically stored in the crystal ball.

In the future, if the church uses this matter to attack the Gaul Empire, this is iron proof!

The Gaul Emperor did not have the authority to make these clergymen die with their heads bowed, so, as the Emperor said to Alpha, this kind of thing, ah, hahahaha! The emperor can hold his belly and hit haha, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him. But Alpha is different. A member of the highest authority of the church, Alpha, one of the most distinguished archbishops of the church, came to the Imperial City of Gaul. As a result, more than 20,000 clergy were massacred under his nose. murder!

If this matter is not handled well, Alpha will have to be sent to the punishment center!

This matter is handled, Alpha is at least a demotion and a heavy penalty.

Alpha was so anxious that his hands and feet were numb, and only those who were there would know how terrible the church's punishment was. When Alpha was young, he had been the executive bishop of the penal institution for nearly ten years. He knew the inside story of the penal institution-this is a terrible and violent institution that is extremely cruel to outsiders, but more cruel and ruthless to his own people.

Those arrested heretics may still be thrown into the prison of God for life, but the clergy who are thrown into the penal institution are either released by the pope’s amnesty, or they are completely wiped out, and never again Other results.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Alpha almost didn't cry. Now the Emperor Gaul is his only life-saving straw!

But where did the emperor dare to intervene in this matter? These clergymen died so strangely, and then according to the news that the court guards inquired, it was clear that this case happened after a group of church guardian knights entered the Shenghui Cathedral. You can think clearly with your hips. This is the internal turmoil of the church, and this is a certain response of different forces within the church to the recent series of actions in the punishment temple.

When the murder happened, Alpha happened to be in Berrily, and the black pot was naturally firmly attached to Alpha. As long as the forces of other temples in the church pursue the violent deaths of their subordinates, Alpha is certainly hard to protect himself, and the punishment temple will have a huge black pot.

Because according to some top-secret information channels of the emperor, he got some very interesting news:

The mobilization of the main force of the Knights of Punishment did not go through the Pope's Hall, but was directly instructed by one or all of the senior officials in the Temple of Punishment!

In other words, the reason that almost caused the church to fight a religious war with the mainland countries, and ultimately caused the church to lose a huge amount of financial income, is to punish the temple's wanton behavior! The news returned from those intelligence channels shows that when the main force of the Knights of Punishment quickly approached the border of the Gaul Empire, the three popes were dumbfounded!

In particular, the Holy Scepter Pope, who controls all the armed forces of the church, dismantled his office into ruins!

When the hard-line attitudes of various countries on the mainland were put on the table, the church was completely on the wax! The Knights of Retribution had already confronted the coalition forces of the Gaul Empire and the Caesar Empire. The church had become a chaos. The three popes had different opinions and couldn't come up with a proper solution to this big trouble.

So in the end the church was forced to compromise with the countries on the mainland, and the countries happily chopped off a **** piece of fat from the church!

The behavior of the Temple of Punishment completely angered some powerful forces within the church. Therefore, although the **** incident in Shenghui Cathedral shocked the emperor and his entourages, the emperor took a closer look, and it seemed that this matter was also true. Excusable!

While Alpha was in the Imperial Supreme Court's handling of Lin Qi's arrogance, a certain big force sent a great force to kill Shenghui Cathedral up and down. Who else could this black pot be found on Alpha's head? Poor Alpha, he is completely finished this time!

Just because this matter involved power struggles and interest disputes within the church, the emperor would not be stupid to testify to Alpha!

After hundreds of court mages scurrying around had preserved all the images of the scene, the emperor greeted Alpha without a smile, and then turned and left with his mighty entourage. The mess of the Shenghui Cathedral, who should clean up, anyway, the evidence is in hand, this case has nothing to do with the Gaul Empire, the emperor eats well and slept well, there is nothing to worry about.

Alpha saw the emperor shake his hand so freely and unrelentingly and left. He shook his body and sat down on the ground.

As soon as Alpha's **** hit the ground, a dozen white-armored swordsmen ran up carrying a huge **** man like a ghost.

"Master Alpha, it's not good, Master Gegeus, he, he, he has only one breath left!"

"Ouch!" Alpha jumped up suddenly, he opened his mouth and squirted blood, and then sat down again!

But the bad news came one after another. With the help of some secret methods of the church, a group of white-armored swordsmen sent out by Alpha to investigate found bits and pieces of fragments in the sewers of the Gaul Empire-these fragments belonged to the punishment knights. The elite team of the regiment.

Alpha stared at the gray sky blankly, then fell to the ground feebly.

"It's over, I'm over!"

"Propagate the things here to the Great Church as quickly as possible, and ask the Great Church to make preparations as soon as possible!"

Alpha lay on the ground and sighed leisurely: "This time, we punish the temple, we are going to bleed!"


I went to eat, I was so hungry, I had enough energy to continue the codeword!

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