Bright Era

Chapter 321: Church investigation team

"My son is still alive!"

A simple checkpoint made of wood was erected on the spacious avenue more than a dozen miles away from the imperial capital. Two arrow towers, a section of wooden guardrail blocking the avenue, plus a row of crude wooden houses, this is all the level.

But on the grass next to this simple checkpoint, there is a large inn with three entrances. The whole inn is made of blue-gray boulders, and it looks old and colorful. Several horse-drawn carriages parked in front of the inn, and a dozen footmen were washing their packhorses.

Standing behind the checkpoint with a black beard wearing a set of ordinary iron armor, holding a golden disk made of a human head size and unknown material, he frowned and looked at the flickering stars on it. The disc is carved with extremely complicated celestial pictures and texts. The luster of the disc is deep and mysterious, like a door to another space. If you look at it for a long time, you will have a strange feeling that the soul will be sucked out of your eyes.

There are hundreds of flickering light spots moving on the disk, and these light spots are either white or purple-gold, with extremely bright light.

Only a small blood-colored light spot loomed on the disk, sometimes shining brightly, sometimes disappearing, and its position was always floating on the disk, unable to grasp where it was. Blackbeard sighed a little distressed: "As expected, the church is the most guarded Dark Abyss God Prison. Even Lao Bing, who was exiled to the Frost Demon Realm, can lock the position, but he can’t determine where Lin Qi is. !"

With a faint sigh, Blackbeard stuffed the stargazing disc into the space ring. He frowned and complained: "This was when the kid was just born. I begged the old immortal to take a drop of Lin Qi's effort and bind this star plate to Lin Qi's soul. That's impossible. Determine Lin Qi's location, isn't the Black Abyss Divine Prison not in this world?"

Standing next to Blackbeard, Sha Xin slowly sharpened his nails with a small knife. He lazily looked away from the road: "If you don’t die, you can still hope to be rescued. But I said Tiger , You said to Stein that you left the imperial capital and went back to Dun Erke to be your good citizen. It only took a few hours. You came here to set up a card. What do you want to do?"

Without waiting for Blackbeard's answer, Sha Xin pointed to the huge inn again: "There is also this store, which has a history of at least several hundred years. In just a few hours, you can build such a An inn?"

Blackbeard snorted coldly, wiped his beard vigorously, and laughed at Sha Xinwei.

"Stop talking nonsense, I am here to kill people!" After a sullen smile, Black Beard gritted his teeth: "This tone hasn't disappeared, but I have to kill a few more! As for this shop, hey, hey, hey , The matter of my black tiger family has nothing to do with your fox family!"

Sha Xin shrugged her shoulders and slammed the knife into the wooden railing of the guardrail. He rolled his eyes and slanted his black beard. He stretched out his hands helplessly: "It is said that my Sha family likes hiding things the most, but I always feel that your Lin family is the biggest miser among us! This inn, I always It feels weird!"

Blackbeard didn't say a word, he just pinched his fingers and slowly calculated the time.

Shenghui Cathedral was bloodbathed again, and Alpha alone could certainly not bear this responsibility. The church will definitely send a core-level figure to the Gaul Empire to investigate this matter. But because Alpha suddenly used the positioning teleportation array to forcibly break through the empire's air-disturbing barrier and directly appeared in the Supreme Court, the Gaul Empire used the spreading array to submit a fierce protest letter to the church.

At this sensitive juncture, the countries on the mainland have just reached certain agreements with the churches. The churches will definitely no longer risk angering the emperor and directly use the teleportation circle to appear in Berrily. They can only detour from other places.

The largest and closest church to Berrely is located in the "Black Forest City", a medium-sized city fifty miles south of Berrely. Those clergymen who came to Berrely to investigate the murder of Shenghui Cathedral are most likely to transfer to the teleportation circle in Black Forest City, and then rush to Berrely from Black Forest City.

So after Blackbeard bids farewell to Stein, on the one hand he assumed the appearance of taking his family back to Berrily, but in fact he took all the elites to a place a dozen miles south of the city to set up a card and hung up the sign of the Imperial Ministry of Justice. , Block the road here and set up a card to arrest the fugitive.

"Shenghui Cathedral has killed so many people. Even if there is some power struggle within the church, a few hours are enough for them to send an investigation team." Blackbeard looked at his hand: "I am not greedy, I I just wanted to kill a few archbishops of the temple to give a sigh of relief."

"The church is too strong. It is impossible for the Black Tiger family to clashed head-on with the church, but it is okay to kill him a few doglegs!" Blackbeard patted Sha Xin's shoulder vigorously: "So, the fox, this time I have to You can help kill people."

Sha Xin sighed heavily, cast a sideways glance at Blackbeard with a pitiful look at making friends, and then nodded heavily.

The avenue is very lively with people coming and going, after all, this is the main road leading to Berriley. In just two hours, dozens of caravans have passed from the checkpoint. Under Blackbeard's order, Leo, dressed as a law enforcement officer of the Legal Affairs Department, led a group of subordinates to turn these caravans upside down, delaying the time of these caravans intentionally or unintentionally.

The official document with the bright red seal of the Ministry of Justice is hung in the most eye-catching part of the checkpoint, which proves that this checkpoint is an important institution newly established by the Ministry of Justice of the Empire to catch suspects. Therefore, no one of those caravans dares to complain, let alone no one. Dare to move randomly. They just accepted the inspection honestly, despite the fact that their goods were turned over.

Some businessmen who accompanied the team saw that the inspection was too slow, and a long line had been blocked in front of them. They simply left the main road and went to the inn to have a tea and rest.

Some of these businessmen are elderly people who often take this route. They are very surprised why an inn suddenly appeared here. But the doubts in their hearts only lasted for a short time, and then they walked into the inn as a matter of course and enjoyed the attentive service in the inn.

Just when Blackbeard took out the astrolabe for the fifth time, three white flags suddenly appeared on the road ahead. The white flag is inlaid with gold rims, and a holy crown, a seal and a thick scepter are embroidered with gold thread, silver thread and blood thread.

This is the banner of the Pope’s Chamber of the Church. These three banners represent the appearance of senior clergy with the Pope’s Chamber. The three banners appeared at the same time, representing that the three popes sent their henchmen at the same time, at least a figure of the archbishop level.

Then a team of three hundred people marched in neat steps, surrounded by three carriages. However, a long line was blocked in front of the level, and they had to stop moving forward two miles away from the level.

Soon a bishop in a red robe walked over, surrounded by several guardian knights. The cardinal, who seemed to be in his early fifties, waved his arm angrily and sternly shouted: " The spokespersons of the gods on earth, the leaders of all believers, the saints closest to the gods, and the three pope's special envoys who are eternally shining with the brilliance of the gods come, let the way go quickly, and don't delay the important task of the special envoy!"

The members of the caravan being inspected fell on their knees. They knew what the Pope’s envoy meant.

Although all countries on the mainland joined forces and ate a piece of meat from the church, only the top leaders of the countries knew this. For ordinary Li people, they didn't even know that the mainland countries had just had a vague contest with the church.

In their hearts, the church is still a supreme and irreversible existence, and the pope, as the cardinal said, the pope is the incarnation of God, the closest person to God, and the spiritual leader of all believers. Don't dare to be presumptuous in front of their special envoy.

So everyone knelt down and touched their foreheads to the ground religiously, except for the members of the Black Tiger family.

Blackbeard shook his arms and walked up with a big grin. He slammed the official document of the Legal Department hanging on the guardrail with his hand, and screamed: "What happened to the church? What happened to the pope's envoy. We are here under the orders of the most loyal courtier around the great emperor, the Imperial Minister of Justice, here... arrest the fugitive!"

Blackbeard looked at the arrogant cardinal with cold eyes, and spit out a mouthful of sputum on the ground.

"Honestly wait, the people in front have not finished checking, it is not your turn to pass!"

The cardinal was angry, and he tremblingly pointed at Blackbeard, about to swear. Blackbeard stared at the cardinal, and said word by word with a cold face: "Don't cause trouble to the church. This is the decree of our emperor... everyone, anyone, no matter who, no matter it is. Every identity must be checked carefully!"

The cardinal's face suddenly changed, he took a deep look at Blackbeard, then turned away without saying a word.

After a while, the church team of 300 people away slowly came to the gate of the inn beside the checkpoint. The doors of the three carriages opened, and several old people with all white hair and beards slowly got out of the carriage. There were a total of six elderly people wearing pure white robes, crowns and scepters in their heads. They glanced in the direction of the checkpoint, shook their heads slightly, and walked into the inn.

Not long after, all the guests in the inn who had been having a tea break withdrew out in fear and walked clean in the blink of an eye.

Blackbeard grinned and grinned cruelly.

"How do you say? I said, these magic sticks will definitely be fooled! Because they like to show music, how could they sit in the carriage obediently and wait for us to check it slowly? Even if they wait, they will find the best A comfortable place!"

Sha Xin shook her head and cursed in a low voice: "Which of us is a fox?"

Blackbeard smiled secretly, swaying his arms and leading the people towards the inn. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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