Bright Era

Chapter 332: The true meaning of despair

Under the dark cave dome, thirty long oak tables were let go. The long table is surrounded by large high-backed chairs. The table is covered with white and straight tablecloths. Porcelain tableware from the East shines brightly. On the porcelain are sterling silver knives, forks, soup spoons and other things.

On dozens of sterling silver candlesticks, large candles with thick arms wrapped in silver foil emit bright light. Under the light of candlelight, dark brown veal steaks, colorful fruit salads, pink fresh fish, bright yellow Fried eggs, shiny roast geese and suckling pigs are so attractive to appetite. There is also a small box made of crystal beside each tableware, which is full of large light black fish roe.

Produced in the depths of the North Sea where the water temperature is extremely low, the premium caviar equivalent to gold is full of pearls under candle light, exuding indescribable luxury and gorgeous light.

Hundreds of handsome boys in red uniforms and wigs stood by the long table, quietly waiting for any call. These teenagers are all dressed as court servants, and the only thing that is a bit distracting is the long swords on their waists and the tiny scrolls of gods that can be broken off at any time on their wrists.

Nearly a thousand old and decayed old women dressed in neat and gorgeous red robes sat at the long table with awe-inspiring expressions, quietly enjoying the superb food cooked by real court chefs. Bottle after bottle of good wine that had been in the cellar for decades opened silently, and those handsome teenagers quietly walked around the long table holding the wine bottles, pouring the empty glasses of these old people.

In front of the old ladies, gorgeous flower baskets were arranged on the long table. Lilies, roses, tulips, all kinds of precious flowers with dewdrops on them, they are obviously freshly picked from the branches. Several old ladies put flowers in their hair temples, which gave their old faces a bit of youthful beauty.

They were eating and drinking silently, with an indescribable blush on their faces. They sat there with their waists straight, as if they were not in the Black Abyss God Prison, but were attending a palace banquet. They were the most awe-inspiring emperors at the banquet.

A group of musicians are sitting under a stone pillar tens of meters away, playing a brisk and beautiful piece. More than a dozen pretty girls are holding perfume bottles and spraying scented perfume gently near the long table. Everything is like a real palace banquet!

Lin Qi avoided the weird banquet scene far away. He sat on a big rock by the pool and looked there quietly.

Bilibili squatted stupidly next to Lin Qi, looking at the food on the table that he had never seen and heard from a distance, leaving saliva. The saliva was drawn into a long silk thread and drooped from the corner of Bilibili's mouth. The saliva that fell on the stone corroded the stone, and a stone had been blackened by the saliva of Bilibili.

Xuan Lan sat aside contentedly, hiccuping in good spirits, and the smell of cow dung spewed out of her mouth from time to time!

Just now, before the banquet over there, Xuan Lan swallowed a hundred fat bulls in one go! This is the first time that Xuan Lan is truly full in her life. His two big eyeballs glow like two small suns. At this time, Xuan Lan is full of spirit, energy and spirit. Reached the peak after his birth.

Lin Qi was also holding two hams while eating. He gnawed ham while watching the weird banquet over there. Like the bull that Xuanlan had just eaten, these two hams were also sent from above. Xuanlan specifically asked for Lin Qi's advice and asked Alphalan to add extra conditions.

Two hams were eaten by Bilibili, and the rest went to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi, who was very hungry, was quietly gnawing on the ham. His powerful intestines quickly digested the meat, turning it into nutrients and delivering it to Lin Qi's spine. He could vaguely perceive that the transformation of the bone marrow in his spine was almost completed, his spine became stronger and the connecting nerves were more sensitive and reacted faster.

Mei Ah, who was firmly bound by a dozen hands of shadows, also sat beside Lin Qi, and he looked at the banquet over there with a deadly gray face.

This weird is like a party attended by a group of zombie emperors. Those old ladies and old ladies are all withered like dead wood. They are wearing Chinese robes and sitting at a long table, really like a group of old zombies gathering for many years. They tasted the food and appreciated the wine without making a sound. Although they were eating and drinking, their eyes were hollow, and no one knew what they were thinking.

May's wept suddenly, and two lines of tears slowly flowed from his eyes.

Lin Qi looked at Mei Ah in surprise, and raised the ham that was almost gnawed away: "Do you want to eat it? If you want to eat it, you said early! Your teacher invited you to the banquet, why didn't you go? To be honest, it's not easy to have a good meal here!"

Tears rolled down Mei Ah, and finally he started to cry.

Lin Qi, Xuanlan, and Bilibili all looked at Mei Ah in surprise, not knowing what he was crying about.

Mei Ah cried very sadly. He cried for a long time, then shook his head vigorously, and said in a low voice, "They are all dead. Although their bodies are still alive, as a mage's heart, they are dead. !"

Lin Qi looked at Mei Ah in amazement: "Don't say so deeply, what do you want to say?"

Mei Ah smiled bitterly. He looked at Lin Qi and smiled gloomily: "Sooner or later you will become like this. When all hope ceases to exist, when there is only despair around you, you will change sooner or later. It's like this."

After giggling a few times, Maya gently shook his head: "Their heart as a mage is dead, ha, do you know how many people I recognized just now? The chairman sitting at the first long table Above, the old man with a black scalp was the most famous holy master on the mainland a thousand years ago. The sect he established was extremely powerful, and he even planned seven assassinations of the church pope!"

"The chairperson sitting on the second long table is the famous master of the mainland 850 years ago. He helped a small principality resist the attack of the church and killed the churches of nine churches with one person. archbishop."

"There are a total of nine hundred and seventy-five people here. All of them are well-known figures on the mainland for thousands of years. Among them, there are 135 masters. Each of these people is a more powerful holy master than me. ! But they actually used my staff to exchange a dinner!"

Mei Ah looked at Lin Qi mockingly: "If they beat me and then **** my staff, this is a matter of course. No wizard can stand the temptation of a superb staff. But they tied me up, but they used My staff and my personal items are exchanged for a good meal!"

Lin Qi stared at Mei Ah with wide eyes, and he took a deep breath.

Mei Ah also stared at Lin Qi firmly: "I originally thought that they let me keep certain personal belongings because of some kindness of the church. But now look at how cruel they are! They want us to watch. With my favorite things, my favorite staff, my favorite weapons, my favorite armor, my favorite magic items, everything I love becomes... a bunch of food!"

"They know these things will be theirs sooner or later, so they don't care if we bring these things down!"

"There is a very mysterious barrier here that has sealed off the entire cave. I, a second-order saint mage, when I just flew up, I could clearly feel the changes in my power. Standing on the ground, I can play Out of 70% of my strength. When I fly ten meters in the air, my strength is only half. When I fly thirty meters, my strength is only 30%. When I fly fifty meters, my strength almost collapses. !"

"Flying to a height of one hundred meters, my strength completely disappeared, and I fell from above!"

"This place greatly weakens everyone's strength, no matter whether we are fighting spirit or mana, here, we are greatly weakened! And I don’t know if you can feel it, but I can feel my magic power dispersing, maybe I stay here a little longer, the magical power I recover every day is only enough for me to release a trivial little spell!"

"We have no hope of escape. We can only stay here. We will become weaker and weaker and hopeless!"

Mei Ah howled hoarsely: "Look at them, look at them! What a powerful mage they used to be, and how noble existence they used to be. But now, they eat for a meal and drink for a meal. Exchange with a superb staff! They pretended to sit there, enjoying it all as if they were still high above holy masters!"

After a few violent coughs, Mei Ah looked at Lin Qi gloomily and smiled: "You will become like this in the future! You will lose your heart, your pride, your honor, and everything about you. Then You live here like a maggot, pray for a little gift!"

The ham bone in Lin Qi's hand fell to the ground, he looked at Mei Ah in a daze, and did not speak for a while.

Mei Ah looked at Lin Qi out of breath, and laughed secretly: "For the sake of saving me just now, I remind you. Either you become a zombie like them, or you can get rid of it as soon as possible. Yourself!"

"Let you watch yourself become a maggot, this is the real despair!"

"Chuck" grinned a few times, and Mei Ah's eyebrows suddenly cracked with a huge gap. He shattered his head with his powerful magic power, and the fire of magic power flickered on his eyebrows, burning his soul clean.

Less than three hours after entering, Maya ended his life cleanly.

He couldn't accept that he would be like his teacher in the future, begging for food and drink.

"Can I eat him?" Xuanlan lowered her head and looked at Mei Ah's body.

Lin Qi was silent for a while, then shook his head: "If you are full today, don't eat him. He is a respectable person, so I will throw him into the fire."

"But, Maya, you are wrong!"

"I will not lose hope, I will leave here!"

Lin Qi looked at the **** Mei Ah, and clenched his fists hard. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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