Bright Era

Chapter 336: In the middle of the month, give a whisper:

Say something you want to say to everyone!

Since Zhutou entered V from the Guangming Era, except for the third watch when he took a rest on Saturday, the other basic updates are the fourth update, and the sixth update is irregular. I haven't asked for a monthly pass several times this month. When I asked for a monthly pass, everyone voted a lot, and it went up so quickly. Pig's heart was also very moved.

However, the fact that Zhutou doesn't ask for monthly passes does not mean that Zhutou does not want monthly passes. Zhutou also wants monthly passes very much and wants to be in the top ten. Dutou is very responsible for the four updates, just to make everyone enjoy it, and then Dutou can vote for Dutou without asking for votes.

Don’t Dutou issue a single chapter to ask for votes, and Dutou’s fourth and sixth updates are not considered updates?

Zhutou is updated every morning, so that everyone can see it at the beginning of each day. Whether it is waiting for the change in the early morning or during the day, Zhutou strives to be every day, every reader wants to see When the Bright Era is updated, you will see it all!

Zhutou has been insisting, and hope that so many brothers and sisters who read Zhutou's novels can also insist on voting for Zhutou, recommended votes, monthly tickets, reminder votes, evaluation votes, as long as it is a ticket, Zhutou wants it.

Now, so close to the top ten of the monthly pass, can brothers and sisters help Dutou and let Dutou go up in the rankings? If many brothers and sisters put Dutou on the ninth place, why don't Dutou go for ten more? It's nothing more than trotters suffering for two days!

For monthly tickets, Dutou needs the support of many brothers and sisters. What Dutou can repay is more exciting stories and stable updates. When brothers and sisters inspire Dutou to break out, Dutou can only return with an outbreak.

Hope that many brothers and sisters support. Thank you Dutou. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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