Bright Era

Chapter 339: King of the Dark Abyss

Zhutou has to go out early on Friday, so he has to go to bed early, so this chapter is automatically updated!


Picking up the thrown stones and javelins, all the **** enemies must be cleaned and then **** and thrown into the stables, rearranging the city defenses and strengthening the city gates. These bits and pieces of things busy Lin It took three full hours to finish.

Originally, these things had nothing to do with Lin Qi, but Lin Qi saw Shuai Xiong and a group of orcs were tossing around there. He really couldn't stand their work efficiency, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to take over these messy things.

Fat Xiong saw that Lin Qi had arranged everything in an orderly manner, and his eyes turned green.

In Black Abyss, those mages and scholars are not popular, and no power will raise a mages or scholar for nothing. The leaders of these forces are all brutal men who have strong personal strength like Fat Bear, but their brains are always insufficient. Now Lin Qi is actually a well-developed muscular pimple, and there seems to be a lot of comprehensive talent in his brain. Fat Xiong feels that he has found a treasure!

On weekdays, Fat Bear often recruits newcomers from all over the Black Abyss Market-the mortality rate of newcomers in the hunting team has always been high, and very few people can grow into veteran hunters through ten newcomer hunts. When he picked up Lin Qi, Fat Xiong only thought that Lin Qi would be a good thug, but he never dreamed that he actually picked up a best!

Strong personal strength, easy-to-use melon seeds, and there is a **** loyalty, without the disgusting twitching behavior of those old men and old ladies, this is a treasure in Heiyuan!

After Lin Qi ordered to build a retaining wall behind the city wall, and adding six supporting pillars behind the city gate, Fat Bear enthusiastically pulled Lin Qi to sit in his stone building. Of course, it is impossible for Fat Bear to be alone with Lalinqi. The leaders of the three hunting teams, Lion Man Broshan, Tiger Man and Shuai Xiong, naturally went to the Fat Bear's small building together.

Fat Bear’s stone building has three floors. The first floor is the meeting hall, the second floor is the Fat Bear’s dining room, and the third floor is the Fat Bear’s bedroom. The conditions of the black abyss are the same. As the boss of the hunting team, the dining room where Fat Bear serves guests is also extremely simple. The only thing better than other caves is that there is an oil lamp here-filled with grease from the prey. Enter an oil lamp made of a large stone basin.

A flame more than a foot high from the thick wick of the toe made the dining room very bright. Lin Qi looked at the fire and felt bright in his heart. Sniffing his nose, Fat Bear greeted everyone and sat down on the stone table in the middle. Then he solemnly took out a one-meter-high wooden barrel from the corner of the house.

"Hey, do you remember the good one four months ago? A young Abyssal Earth Dragon! Its core is worth money, and it has given us ten barrels of good wine! This is the last one! , Today we have to celebrate that we overturned Zari and You Yao!"

Wiping his nose vigorously, Fat Bear did not know where he grabbed a few huge stone bowls and distributed them to everyone. The three handsome bears, who had been greedy for a long time, poured a bowl of wine cautiously, squinted their eyes and drank the slightly muddy wine with great enjoyment.

Lin Qi also curiously poured half a bowl of wine and tasted it, then he put the stone bowl on the table and laughed: "This wine is too strong, I can't stand it!"

The four Fat Bears looked at Lin Qi with contempt. Shuai Xiong shook his head and sighed: "Men are going to drink strong alcohol. This is what my father said when he was alive! But Lin Qi, you are still young. It's right not to drink!"

While talking, Fat Xiong grabbed Lin Qi's stone bowl and drank half a bowl of wine.

Lin Qi grinned and didn't say a word. The rum in this wooden barrel was so turbid, the sugar cane residue inside was not filtered clean; As for the taste of wine, Lin Qi had never tasted such a superb'good wine' taste. Anyway, he thinks this is not rum, it should be overfermented vinegar!

But the four Fat Bears were very happy, so you drank the wine in the barrel cleanly. The four of them all had straight bowels. After Jiu Jin got on his head, they opened their mouths and yelled. Lin Qi sat next to him and listened quietly, and finally heard something.

The Heiyuan Divine Prison was originally a place without rules!

This is the abyss of despair used by the church to punish heresy. There is no rule to meet the church's definition of here. At that time, in the Black Abyss God Prison, the weak and the flesh were eaten by the flesh and blood. Every day, prisoners were tortured to death. Even those sacred masters, when their magic power is exhausted, and their mental power and flesh are gradually weakened by the weird power here, they will be trampled and trampled. The encounters of some sacred masters are even worse than slaves.

But three hundred years ago, an unknown heretic mage was thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison, and then strange changes gradually took place here.

The heretical mage was finally thrown here after being hunted by the church for decades because of an affair with the abyss demon. But the church made a huge mistake with this man-this mage is an extremely rare celestial mage with the triple attributes of darkness, fire, and lightning, but he has always shown in front of people, only the lightning attribute. .

When the church left him at the deepest level of the black abyss, no one paid any attention to the nameless mage.

The Dark Abyss God Prison is filled with extremely powerful dark power and flame power, even a hundred times stronger than any place on the ground, the dark and flame power helped this unknown mage break into the holy realm in just ten years! Especially deep underground, there is the suppression of the gods arranged by the gods in the legend. This nameless mage has not undergone the most terrible baptism of thunder and achieved the holy realm.

A holy realm mage who can unscrupulously exert all his power in the Black Abyss God Prison!

When the church found out that he existed, he had grown to an extremely terrifying level-so terrible that although the church could activate the divine formation to obliterate him, before obliterating him, he had enough power to destroy all the heretics in the Dark Abyss God Prison Kill all!

These heretics. . . The heretics imprisoned in the Dark Abyss God Prison are like people like Alphalan. Although they are declared as heretics by the church, as long as these people are willing to kneel at the feet of the church and become doglegs that the church will expel, the church will also be able to net Let them get out of here. Interest, there are huge interests in these people!

The nameless mage. . . No, the king of the black abyss used all the heretical lives in the black abyss as a bargaining chip to make the church succumb to the rules he made.

Two hundred years ago, Heiyuan Divine Prison began to have rules. The Black Abyss Market was established, a team for hunting monsters to provide meat was formed, a planting team specialized in planting various mushrooms and fluorescent grass was formed, a team responsible for maintaining daily order was also formed, and even a 1,000-person team was formed. The army is specially used to strangle the abyss demon sent by the divine formation.

Those heretics who were willing to follow the rules stayed in the Black Abyss Bazaar and several nearby settlements, and they called themselves orderers.

Those chaotic people who were unwilling to obey the rule of the king of the black abyss fled to the cave in the distance-the king of the black abyss did not dare to leave the black abyss bazaar, dare not leave the old man and old lady who had been dying. If he leaves these heretics of great value too far, the church will dare to open up the gods to obliterate him.

Therefore, the Black Abyss Divine Prison has rules, and the prisoners of the Black Abyss are not allowed to kill each other. This rule is also made by the King of the Black Abyss.

The newcomer thrown into the black abyss does not allow anyone to maliciously exploit this rule. This rule is an inviolable rule set by the king of the black abyss-even he threatens the lives of all heretics, and the church must keep all the new casts. The personal property of the prisoners.

If it hadn’t been for the sudden death of the King of the Black Abyss a few months ago, Lin Qi’s magic soft armor would not be snatched away by the fanatics, even the space ring that he took away by the law, and the space ring. Everything can be brought back by the King of Black Abyss through negotiations with the church.

After the death of the King of Black Abyss, the church has been testing something for months.

For example, for some of the newly thrown prisoners before Lin Qi, they have something more or less missing. When Lin Qi's soft armor was robbed, the church must have confirmed the death of the king of the black abyss.

There is no doubt that the Black Abyss God Prison will be restored to its appearance three hundred years ago, and the church will work hard to promote this.

At least three hundred years ago, one or two heretics would yield to the church every few years. But during the two hundred years that the King of the Black Abyss ruled the Black Abyss, no one had surrendered to the church except for the Alphalan and the Archdruid elder whom Lin Qi saw today.

The chaotic Black Abyss God Prison can accelerate the destruction of the persistence in the hearts of heretics, but the orderly Black Abyss God Prison? . . Almost run by the King of Black Abyss, it has become a very good place for elderly care! Now that the king of the black abyss is dead, the black abyss is bound to be chaotic. The first thing that starts chaos is the original five forces under his seat.

"Today, Zari and You Yao waste several hours of time, just to make us promise to let them monopolize the supply of meat!"

The red-faced fat bear smiled coldly: "Who do they think they are? Do they think they are the king? I won't promise them!"

Lin Qi flicked the tabletop gently with his fingers. For the unknown King of the Black Abyss, Lin Qi admired him as a five-body cast. However, he still has a question: "Boss, have you seen the death of the King of Black Abyss with your own eyes?"

Fat Xiong stared at Lin Qi: "Dead, the corpse is in the king's room. He must be dead. Alas, I don’t know what happened. But anyway, the hunting team was left by my father. Yes, I will not let them take the hunting team!"

Flicking his fist, Fat Xiong sneered again and again: "The king is dead, and Guwei and Yifeng are not at peace. But no matter what they do, the hunting team is mine, and no one wants to benefit from me. Yes, they have to trade the benefits!"

While talking, a rough voice came from outside the door.

"Boss, Zari’s messenger is here, and they are asking to redeem the captives captured by us." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation.)

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