Bright Era

Chapter 345: acquaintance

Lin Qi was looking around with his boots, the old man had floated out like a ghost. It did float out, because with Lin Qi's abnormal ear power, he could not hear the old man's footsteps. Lin Qi raised his boots and nodded to the old man: "Very good boots!"

The old man put a small stone jar on the table, and then sat down opposite Lin Qi. He still said in that indifferent voice: "The boots are good, but if you want to take them away, you can give them as much as you want. But you saved Yun, so I ask you to drink something good."

The thin, clean, well-knotted palms gently slapped the sealing mud on the jar, and an indescribable fragrance floated out of the jar. The old man took out two small stone bowls from under the table, then picked up the jar and poured out two bowls of amber viscous liquid.

The fragrance is indescribable, with a fresh plant fragrance, which is more chilly and refreshing. But the scent was immediately transformed into a sticky mass of hot air hovering in the chest after inhaling it into the lungs, making the whole body warm and very useful.

"The home-brewed wine made with some rare underground materials is good for the body!" The old man held up the stone bowl and took a sip with great enjoyment.

Lin Qi picked up the stone bowl, which was no more than a fist, and drank the little wine cleanly in one sip. An extremely cold liquor slid down from his throat and exploded in Lin Qi's belly. The cold drink turned into hot lava, turned into countless tiny fire snakes and penetrated into Lin Qi's body, making his skin instantly red.

The sweat dripped down, Lin Qi inhaled deeply, Xuanhu Jin moved quickly, his muscles were like a sponge to absorb the huge heat in the drink. Qi and blood circulated rapidly in the meridian blood vessels, and a faint surging sound of river water came from Lin Qi's body.

Sitting upright on the stone chair, clenching his fists on his knees, Lin Qi stared at the old man with wide eyes. There is wine here, which is clearly a kind of liquid medicine that is extremely domineering. Of course, the taste of the wine is extremely delicious, but the medicinal power contained in it is really terrible.

With ‘huh, huh’ panting, Lin Qi’s muscles trembled rapidly, and a large amount of divine essence and dragon power essence kept pouring into Lin Qi’s blood. About a quarter of an hour later, an orange halo suddenly appeared on Lin Qi's body, and his vindictiveness had risen to a high-ranking level. The orange color quickly became strong, and Lin Qi's vindictiveness was rapidly increasing. In his extremely large pubic area, there was already a fist-sized mass of qi that began to condense.

"It's interesting!" The old man stared at Lin Qi firmly: "The meridians on your body are very interesting. They are dozens of times wider than ordinary people, and they are also dozens of times stronger. Um, the cultivation of a mere human status has all the acupuncture points. Everything is so smooth, it seems that your elders have spent a lot of effort on you!"

Lin Qi suddenly exhaled a puff of white mist, and he took a deep breath. The vigour halo on his body had turned into an extremely intense orange, only a little bit before it could turn into yellow. He has already stepped into the realm of status, as long as the grudge is stronger, breaking through the status is easy.

Bilibili cautiously approached Lin Qi, and greedily inhaled the white breath that Lin Qi had expelled. Shaking his head, Bilibili sighed in a low voice: "It's really a good wine, noble and terrifying owner, the taste of this wine is even better than the wine enjoyed by our patriarch!"

Lin Qi is also welcome. He picked up the jar and poured a sip of wine into the stone bowl, then handed it to Bilibili.

In front of the old man, Lin Qi graciously drank more than a pound of liquor in the jar clean in one sip, and then continued to sit on the chair and practice luck. Bilibili also greedily licked the wine in the stone bowl, and then sat on the ground obediently.

The old man stayed in a daze, then shook his head, and the corners of his mouth drooped helplessly: "I have seen shameless people, I have never seen shameless people like you. Boy, you drink a bowl and you know how valuable this wine is. You actually drank a whole jar of wine?"

Lin Qi's eyes widened and stared at the old man: "Your grandson's life is not worth a can of wine?"

The old man was stunned. Lin Qi stood up, stretched out his long arms and snatched the stone bowl from the old man's hand, then swallowed the wine in the bowl, and then he sat back heavily on the chair. . The heat wave erupts in the belly, and the heat rushes rapidly in the meridians of the whole body, stimulating the divine nature and dragon power essence to constantly seep out, constantly blending with the body.

The sweat was getting more and more, and in the end the sweat coming out of Lin Qi's body took on a faint red.

The old man's face suddenly changed slightly. He stood up, walked behind Lin Qi, leaned close to his spine and sniffed his sweat carefully, then he stiffened there, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his eyes flickered. I don't know what he is calculating.

"How is it possible? This kid is so poorly cultivated, that is, his skin is rougher. But the bone marrow in his spine has been tempered all the time? Tempering skeletal muscles can be done by humans. Things. But to temper the bone marrow, this is something that can only be accomplished by tempering the body with the energy of heaven and earth after entering the holy realm!"

"What has this kid eaten? Or..."

The old man stretched out his hand and wiped Lin Qi's spine. The light red sweat on his fingers was shining brightly under the light, and it looked dazzling. After pondering for a moment, the old man wiped his sweat on his body, and then sat back opposite Lin Qi.

This time it took Lin Qi two full hours to digest all the medicine in the liquor. After all, Lin Qi has been working with Master Kecha for three years. Under the influence of his eyes, he can roughly tell how this jar of wine is made—this wine contains at least dozens of properties or coldness, or The hot herbs, the hot and cold medicinal powers have reached an incredible balance.

Then these medicines are blended with the rock lizard’s blood as the drug primer. The rock lizard’s blood contains extremely powerful life energy. All the medicinal power can be greatly enhanced by the rock lizard’s plasma as the primer. The miraculous potion of blood function.

This old man couldn't see that he was still a master of pharmacy!

When Lin Qi slowly opened his eyes, he was already covered with a thick yellow halo. The whole body was covered with a foot-thick khaki halo, and the intensity and thickness of this fight-qi halo were comparable to a fighter at the pinnacle of heaven. A knight of ordinary status can cover part of his limbs with grudge at most, and the thickness of grudge is no more than three fingers up and down. Where can he release a one-foot-thick halo like Lin Qi?

"Hehe, interesting and interesting. The boy's dantian, acupoints and meridians are dozens of times wider and tougher than ordinary people, resulting in his fighting spirit being dozens of times stronger than ordinary people at the same level. I haven't found such an interesting thing for many years. Young man!"

The old man squinted at Lin Qi, muttering lowly.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and then a breath burst out of his body, and a low tiger roar seemed to come from the underground ghost world, slowly spreading to the surroundings. A circle of tiger-shaped phantoms flashed by Lin Qi's side, and the black tiger's shadow revealed a wild and domineering aura.

The old man's eyes flickered, and a smile suddenly squeezed out: "What is your last name?"

Lin Qi took a deep breath nine times, and after nine tiger roars, the soaring fighting energy in his body was smoothly converged in the dantian, then he stared at the old man with wide eyes. He stood up broadly, first bowed to the old man to show his gratitude, and then nodded: "Lin Qi, my family is of ancient oriental descent, and the surname is Shan's surname ‘Lin’!"

With a faint smile, the old man’s gaze suddenly softened a little, and he slowly nodded and said, "Lin Hu, is your father? After the Hundred Years Land Island War, the black tiger family in Dun Erke died only one Lin Hu, Lin Hu again There is only one child named Lin Qi. I didn't expect you to grow up like this!

Lin Qi looked at the old man in amazement, and asked in shock: "Do you know my father?"

The old man sighed faintly. He put the stone jar under the table, and then laughed lowly: "Unexpectedly, in this horrible place, we can still meet acquaintances. It is really destined for us to meet for thousands of miles. Or is the church committing too many evils? No matter what happened, your kid was thrown in, but at least Yun and I were really innocent and implicated."

With a sigh, the old man suddenly asked: "Ten years ago, did your Black Tiger family make a big deal?"

Ten years ago, Lin Qi was stunned for a while. He probably remembered that Blackbeard left the house with someone in person ten years ago. He went out for several months before returning. Although Lin Qi was just over eight years old at that time, he clearly remembered this incident.

"Ten years ago, the family made a big deal, and I heard Uncle Hammer said that the family has made great profits. There are three large cargo ships with rare medicinal materials, what are you talking about?" Lin Qi looked at the old man curiously. To talk about the big business ten years ago, Lin Qi can only remember that.

The old man’s mouth flattened, and he said calmly: "The three ship medicinal materials were an order I placed with the Black Tiger family. At that time I was in Dunerker, and I saw you as a kid kill in front of the kitchen with a big knife. Bull, but you didn't see me."

Lin Qi looked at the old man in astonishment. With that said, everyone was really acquaintance.

Standing up excitedly, Lin Qi stretched out his hands to the old man: "Unexpectedly, we can still meet family friends here, we are really destined!"

The old man's face twitched a few times, and he grinned bitterly: "Yes, it is... I would rather have no fate with you. Asshole thing, if it weren't for these three ship medicinal materials, how could I and Yun be fooled? Come to this ghost place?"

Lin Qi was about to speak when the thin young Yun walked out of the cave behind.

The pale cloud just now has returned to normal.

He looked at Lin Qi and asked in surprise: "Grandpa, he is the corrupt, savage and vulgar Lin Qi you mentioned, so I can't learn from him?"

Lin Qi made a whisper in his heart, and looked at the old man very angrily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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