Bright Era

Chapter 357: The terrible Three Seas and Seven Wheels

The monthly ticket has been fucked, it's terrible!

There are not many monthly tickets from the front, so I ask for one, two, three or four!


"Sure enough, Xuan Hu Jin is..."

Lin Qi Tian's mid-level fighting spirit condensed into a Xuanhu with a lavender inside and a dark mist enveloped in it. He focused his attention on controlling Xuanhu's energy to run back and forth in the void. Feeling the powerful force in his body, Lin Qi suddenly moved his mind. The Xuanhu Jin formed in the sea of ​​qi collapsed and became a pure aura stored in the sea of ​​Qi. The Xuanhu Jin outside the body also naturally dissipated invisible.

But the qi changed as he wanted, Lin Qi just remembered the path of Xuanhujin's movement. The Xuanhujin that had just collapsed and disintegrated immediately took shape, and a new group of Xuanhujin was condensed and formed beside him. Lin Qi dissipated Xuanhujin again and again, reunited Xuanhujin again and again, couldn't help but sighed up to the sky.

Although it was really impossible to say that word, Lin Qi faintly felt that Xuanhu Jin was indeed a bit worse compared to the Three Seas and Seven Wheels.

The inclusiveness of the Three Seas and Seven Chakras is terrible, and its plasticity is terrible. According to its three basic tactics, it can be known that as long as the Three Seas and Seven Chakras have laid the foundation of Qi Hai, practitioners can choose any vindictive mind method for cultivation at will!

Tolerant and omnipresent, any fighting spirit can be used as long as it wants in battle as long as it is well practiced! Think about it, in the future, Lin Qi can use Aunt Lily’s vindictive method during a strong attack, use Xuanhujin for protracted combat, use a butcher knife or Baal’s vindictive power for assassinations, and perform large-scale killings. The grudge using a hammer.

Strikes and kills, attacks from near and far are omnipotent, this is simply a freak!

Moreover, the volume of Qi Hai is much wider than Dan Tian, ​​and it also has unlimited scalability. Lin Qi's fighting qi quantity and quality are much stronger than those who practice the same fighting qi exercises. It seems that the true form of the mysterious tiger that Lin Qi condensed just now is more condensed than the true form of the black beard condensed with vindictiveness when he was in the middle of the sky, at least double the strength!

"Three Seas and Seven Chakras, too abnormal!" Lin Qi narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly thought of something that made him extremely excited. The Three Seas and Seven Chakras changed the direction of the meridians in Lin Qi's body. His meridian tolerance is almost infinite, so he can practice more than human fighting qigong methods. He can even practice those alien techniques!

"The best way to frame up and clear suspicion!" Lin Qi was shaking with excitement!

For example, he used the dark elves' unique dark blood fighting spirit to kill a person face to face, and he can even stay on the scene and wait for the arrival of outsiders-he can clear all suspicions as long as he reveals the other fighting spirit he has cultivated. ! In the Western Continent, no one has ever been able to cultivate two different fighting qi at the same time. Just the conflict of qi can cause people to burst into death!

Thinking of this, Lin Qi's eyes lit up for a while. He carefully listened to the movement outside for a while, then quickly took off his boots and socks, and compiled the third volume of Chuang Shenlu-"The Body Structure of Various Races, "Energy Context Complete Solution" was pulled out.

I have to say that the Enlightenment of the Gods is an extremely evil organization, and their ultimate goal is to use potions to create living gods. In order to achieve this goal, they conducted various bloody, brutal, and inhuman experiments. For example, they secretly arrested a large number of people of various ethnicities, dissected them, and studied their physiological structure and energy flow in the body. Context.

This complete solution of the body structure and energy context of the various races is the culmination of the **** experimentation of the enlightenment of the gods on the members of the various races in the world over thousands of years of development. Among them are all-encompassing, not only the physiological structure drawings and physiological characteristics analysis of various races, but also a large number of weird fighting methods.

The dark blood vindictiveness of the dark elves, the solar eclipse vindictive vindictiveness of the gray elves, the volcanic vindictiveness of the lava demon, the large moon wheel shining vindictiveness of the moon demon, the shadow fractal vindictiveness of the shadow demon, and even the golden tiger **** vindictiveness of the orc family, and the golden bear king crack Heavenly fighting spirit and so on, as long as the mainstream fighting spirit of a famous race on the mainland, there are detailed records here.

One can imagine how **** the origins of these grudges are. Control the experimental products with secret medicine, and then stimulate the fighting qi of these experimental products with the medicine. When their fighting qi is running in the body, open their qi channels and meridians to observe their fighting qi operation mode.

The atrocities of those lunatic secret medicine masters from the Revelation of the Gods have now achieved Lin Qi!

Lin Qi quickly flipped through the ancient books, and at the first glance, he saw the golden bear emperor of the royal orc family of the orc family, the bear people, and the line of the royal family orcs. It is impossible for humans to cultivate this fighting qi, because this fighting qi needs to travel 133 acupoints and twelve acupuncture points, and human beings lack four of them and 25 acupuncture points.

However, after Lin Qi became a sea of ​​qi, the acupuncture points and qi veins he lacked could be simulated with the breath of the sea of ​​qi.

Twenty-five groups of breath rose up and turned into flexible orifice points in Lin Qi's sea of ​​qi. The four long auras connected these twenty-five groups of orifice points into one body, and then connected with the qi and veins of the acupoints in the body. Large swaths of qi and blood rolled down from the sea of ​​blood and quickly merged into the sea of ​​qi, making these four qi veins and twenty-five acupoints more tenacious and powerful, just like the qi and acupoints in Lin Qi's body.

"Come on, come on, let me succeed!" Lin Qi whistled in a low voice, and then the aura in the sea of ​​qi and the dantian circulated at the same time, carefully following the circulation of the golden bear emperor's cracking sky.

One week, two weeks, three weeks.

Gradually, a milky white halo spreads across Lin Qi’s body surface. As Lin Qi’s number of cycles increases, the speed of rotation becomes faster and faster, and less and less mind control is required during operation. Lin Qi The fighting energy halo on Qi's body quickly followed the order of white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

After Lin Qi's lavender fighting spirit halo stabilized, a huge bear-shaped shadow suddenly appeared behind Lin Qi. Lin Qi raised his right hand, his palm suddenly swelled to a radius of two feet, and the huge palm exuded a breath of suffocation. Xiong Li is the strongest on both claws. After Lin Qi picked up the Golden Bear Emperor's Heaven-Splitting Fighting Qi, the power on his palm was increased by more than ten times.

In terms of Lin Qi's physical strength now, the attack power once again increased ten times, the lethality contained in it is incalculable.

Satisfactorily converging the vindictive energy attached to his hands, Lin Qi ran the Golden Bear Emperor's Heaven-splitting vindictive energy over and over again, letting his body, the sea of ​​qi and the sea of ​​blood remember this feeling over and over again. Then he dissipated his grudge, and then reorganized his grudge. In the end, he was able to lift his grudge in just an instant, causing the strength on his arms to skyrocket.

After a few triumphant smiles, Lin Qi picked out a few powerful and unique fighting spirits to practice them one by one. Only then did he stand up proudly, tidy up the whole body and walk out. The cave.

The green old man who was arranging the last rune formation in the cave suddenly stiffened. He suddenly looked back at Lin Qi and involuntarily squinted his eyes: "Don't tell me, you just took less than a month. You have successfully opened up the sea of ​​blood and the sea of ​​spirits. The fastest record of the ancestors of my race to open up the sea of ​​blood is one year and three months, and the fastest time to open up the sea of ​​spirits is three years!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath. He ran the sea of ​​qi, blood, and spirit in his body at full speed. Suddenly, Lin Qi's aura became extremely dignified. There seemed to be a black hole near his dantian, and a lot of natural energy was constantly surging. Into his body, it quickly transformed into his fighting spirit; a faintly burning breath spread out in his chest, which contained enormous vitality; his brows were even more spread out with purple light patterns. In an instant, Lin Qi's mental power covered the surrounding space like flowing water.

With a ‘Clang’, the carving knife in the hands of the young man fell to the ground again. He glanced at Lin Qi in a dazed look, and then sighed heavily: "Very well, the Three Seas are opened up, and tomorrow will begin to teach you how to condense the seven chakras. Today, I have left you fifty states. Questions, all have to be answered, if not, hehe!"

Yun poked his little head out of the cave where he lived. He couldn't help but smile happily as he watched Lin Qi, whose breath was rolling like a devil from a distance.

"This progress is too scary. Is this the relationship between his two divine natures? It seems that he has successfully integrated the divine nature, and I don't know how much he has benefited! However, the stronger Lin Qi, the better, every day One thousand gold coins can hire a close guard that incorporates divinity. Your husband deserves to be the chief of the family. This is too cost-effective!"

After a slight smile, Yun took out a large stack of test questions from behind: "Lin Qi, it is not just fifty questions about national politics. I have also prepared ten military questions, ten astronomy questions, and ten literary questions for you here. There is also the last poem title. You must write a sonnet that misses your lover!"

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched suddenly, and his paws were numb.

Write a sonnet that misses your lover? Lin Qi stared at the cloud blankly, and had an urge to cry.

Yun Xiaohe looked at Lin Qi, and gently applauded: "Your knowledge has grown very fast recently. If you can pass this exam, tomorrow will start to add wine appraisal, ancient painting appraisal, jewelry and jade appraisal and court etiquette of the past. course!"

Lin Qi turned around and looked at the young man. He shouted hoarsely: "Old man, I, I'm just the guard you hired, I..."

The young man dropped the carving knife and looked at Lin Qi fiercely: "Man, if you say nothing, how can you go back? You should have felt the benefits of the Three Seas and Seven Wheels? I just felt it. You changed seven or eight kinds of fighting qi techniques, hehe, you should have discovered the characteristics of inclusiveness after the Three Seas achievement! But the virtual meridian and qi and blood with breath, after all, can’t be compared with what is generated by the body!"

With a strange laugh, the young man looked at Lin Qi with a triumphant expression: "Three seas of achievement, condensing seven chakras, seven chakras, doing whatever you want. After condensing the seven chakras, you can practice whatever fighting spirit method you want, no more There is no need to mess around in a sea of ​​anger!"

It was like seeing a chimpanzee with bananas, Lin Qi's saliva almost dripped.

He took a deep breath and nodded vigorously: "I'm going to do it!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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