Bright Era

Chapter 364: Slave, one more

Everything happened in Lin Qi's sea of ​​spirit, and Lin Qi saw it all clearly.

Before Lin Qi had spiritual power, Lin Qi, like any ordinary people, could not see the wonderful existence at the soul level. But today Lin Qi, especially Lin Qi after absorbing all the power of the two gods, his soul has become extremely powerful, and he has mastered many things that mortals should not master.

So Lin Qi clearly saw Altut's soul power burst into his own spirit sea, and wanted to devour his own soul. At the same time, he saw the densely stacked shields appearing outside of his soul, and the old man who was clear and full of magical aura.

Lin Qi squinted his eyes. This old man seemed to have some impression in his memory.

That was when Lin Qi was very young, maybe when he was just born?

Perhaps it was because this old man used the power of horror to perform god-level spiritism for Lin Qi. At that moment, Lin Qi and the old man's soul power had a slight resonance. Lin Qi who shouldn't remember those things at that time , Suddenly'remembered' a lot of things.

He was lying on the warm bed, beside him was a body exuding kindness and tenderness, which made Lin Qi feel safe and tender. It was an embrace that made Lin Qi cry when he thought of it!

His face was cleanly shaved, and he looked like a handsome man with a black beard with a respectful smile. Accompanied by Hammer and others, he surrounded the clean old man and walked to the bed. The old man smiled and stroked Lin Qi's small face, and then gently nodded to Blackbeard.

A very thin long needle appeared in the old man's hand. He carefully pierced Lin Qi's heart with the long needle with lavender, and took out a drop of sesame seed-sized effort from Lin Qi's tender heart. Blackbeard hurriedly took out a golden disc. The old man dropped that thin drop of blood on the disc, and then a few runes flew out of his fingers, and the disc slowly sucked in his efforts.

Then the old man looked at Lin Qi, and a faint halo came out on his body. He raised his hands, and slowly traced a mysterious trail in the air, and countless purple streams of light sprayed on his fingertips. After coming out, it finally condensed into the shield that now envelopes Lin Qi's soul, slowly infiltrating Lin Qi's brows.

When the old man was doing his best to chant the mantras to inspire those purple light streams, there was a faint gleam of light on the center of his eyebrows, and a red mole the size of a thumb gushed out from the center of his eyebrows, which looked like the center of Altut's eyebrows. The moles are exactly the same, but they are obviously much larger than the moles on Altut's eyebrows, and the gloss is more than brighter.

Lin Qi flashed several patterns in front of him, and then he took a deep breath and came to his senses.

His soul is rapidly increasing. In just a few breaths, Lin Qi's soul power has increased by at least a hundred times! His mental power spread out like flowing water, and the range that his mental power can cover now has reached a vast space with Lin Qi as the center of the circle.

In this spherical space, one person, one animal, one sand and one dust, Lin Qi can clearly'see' everything. In this spherical space, Lin Qi felt a huge darkness and flame aura. With a slight movement of his mind, all the darkness and flame energy in this space quickly poured into Lin Qi’s body, quickly and His body merged.

Altut spit out blood and looked at Lin Qi embarrassedly.

"The elders of my soul **** cult have blessed the magic for you! But I don't understand that I am the oldest pope of the soul **** cult. All the elders of the **** cult before me have fallen, and there is not a single elder... . No, damn, that person’s appearance, he... he... I have seen his portrait!"

Lin Qi looked at Altut in surprise: "Do you know him?"

Altut looked at Lin Qi secretly, his lips trembled violently. His body also shuddered violently like chaff, and cold sweat continued to emerge from him. Lin Qi even heard the crisp sound of his teeth colliding with each other, Lin Qi couldn't help but move the chair and took a step back. Now Altut looked terrifying.

"It can't be him. I must have read it wrong. That portrait, that portrait is not well preserved, and the face of the portrait has been blurred after too long. How could that person be alive? It is impossible to be him, the ancestor of our soul **** religion, the adult who established the soul **** religion, he... Legend has it that he was invited by the church to use the technique of **** descending to move the divine power clones of eighteen gods and completely destroy him Up."

Altut looked at Lin Qi tremblingly: "That was three thousand seven hundred years before the end of the dark calendar, five thousand years ago. It is impossible for him to be alive, he... he... ."

Lin Qi stood up, paused his absorption of darkness and flame energy, and then he yelled out: "Boss, I'm fine, you don't want to climb the cliff there! Well, it's a **** if your body can climb up. , I'm fine!"

Panting and letting his subordinates be the ladders, the fat bear who was climbing on the cliff by himself stayed in a daze, then spit heavily and fell awkwardly from the tens of meters high cliff. He himself was fine, but the handsome bear and Poshan who were unfortunately under him vomited blood at the same time, and fell to the ground in embarrassment for a long time, unable to move.

Ignoring the Shuai Xiong and others who were yelling and cursing below for the time being, Lin Qi stared at Altut and asked: "The founder of the Soul Cult? Can I know his name?"

Altut was silent for a long time, and then he muttered in a low voice: "His name is taboo in all the history books of the Western Continent. Except for a few ancient heritages, no one dares to record his name. He is called Sha Ling, he is a... Oriental! This is clearly recorded in our classics, Pope Sha Ling, he is an Oriental!"

Having said this, Altut looked up and down Lin Qi in horror. He had black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin. Isn't Lin Qi the most orthodox Oriental?

Lin Qi frowned, Sha Ling? Oriental? So his last name is ‘Sha’? Well, the family name of the Black Tiger is ‘Lin’, but it has nothing to do with Shazi. It's just that, maybe where did Blackbeard meet Sha Ling's descendant? Who knows? There are many Easterners in the Western Continent, just as there are many descendants of Western ancestry in the East. In this era, what races on all continents are not mixed together in a mess? Except for the undead, the compatibility of humans is actually very high. Don't all humans have mixed descendants with demons?

"I don't know anyone with the surname Sha!" Lin Qi dropped the question. He stood up and looked at Altut with a smile.

"But I am very interested in a question now. How much soul power did you use just now? Well, how much soul power do you have?" Lin Qi smiled slyly as he looked at Altut, and slowly rubbed his fist. The sound of clicking.

Altut's face was pale, and he looked at Lin Qi in anger and snarled: "You never want to control a noble and great soul mage, I... I can't be your slave! Bastard, you This bastard, how dare you have such an idea?"

Lin Qi hit Altut's nose with a fist, and Altut's towering nose immediately collapsed, and two nosebleeds spurted out, ticking to the ground. Then Lin Qi flew up and kicked Altut's lower abdomen, causing him to let out a sharp and miserable howl, then punched the most painful part of Altut's body.

Poor Altut, a soul mage of the dignified sage level, his attainments in soul magic have been superb. Not to mention Lin Qi, even if ten thousand heavenly ranks or even ten thousand holy warriors stand in front of him, as long as the souls of these people are not as powerful as his souls, he can instantly wipe out ten thousand powerful existences. .

However, the body of the mage is fragile, even if they step into the holy realm and are tempered by the energy of heaven and earth, so that they have a long lifespan, Altut's body is at best comparable to a high-ranking knight. A soul mage with a high-level physical strength of the peak of the saint, which basically means the existence of nightmares and horror on the mainland, but turned into a poor little lamb in front of Lin Qi.

His most powerful means of attack was a joke in the face of the perverted god-level spiritism, and Lin Qi completely ignored any of his attacks.

Of course, Altut can choose to fight Lin Qi head-to-head, just like his son Arda, he can use his staff to fight Lin Qi face to face! And now Lin Qi is in a face-to-face battle with him!

With one punch after another, Altut's fragile resistance was easily smashed. Lin Qi heartily beat the contemporary pope of the soul-sect who made ninety-nine percent of the people on the mainland fearful! He giggled and slapped Altut in the face, slapped his old face into bruises.

"Come on, surrender your soul, I just branded a master and servant! Oh, you still have a chance to resist, you still have a chance to resist! For example, if you are a soul mage, you are a soul mage. Isn't this strange?"

Lin Qi laughed and beat Altut to death, and he ravaged Altut's body madly.

Altut wailed, he tried his best to maintain his last trace of dignity and decency.

Lin Qi finally sighed helplessly when he saw that Altut had vomited blood and was about to pass out.

"Talk to you about your unwillingness... Boss, go find some of the ugliest female demons, the uglier the better, the older the better, the smellier the body, the better, and then find me a bottle of aphrodisiac. I have to let those female demons give this dead old man a wheel!"

Before Lin Qi had finished speaking, Altut had already wailed fiercely.

"I, I am willing to surrender my soul... But you can't do this to me... Give me ten beautiful elf virgins, I, I surrender my soul!"

Lin Qi was dumbfounded, and then burst into laughter. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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