Bright Era

Chapter 376: immunity

Lin Qi felt a slight heat in his body when he was hit by the fireball.

Lin Qi felt warm all over when the pillar of fire roared into the sky.

When countless magma poured down from the big pit that was burned out of the rock wall above his head, Lin Qi only felt countless hot currents pouring into his body, and was quickly absorbed by the sea of ​​qi along the meridian. His vindictive Qi was slowly and firmly increasing. . The hot airflow surrounded his body, Lin Qi felt very comfortable, very comfortable, he even yawned, swallowed a mouthful of lava, and almost fell asleep.

Yes, he swallowed a mouthful of lava. The magma enough to burn all the internal organs of ordinary people into ashes has just entered Lin Qi's body, and all the heat is absorbed by his powerful intestines. Lin Qi's intestines and stomach squirm, and a fist-sized piece of rock that is gradually cooling is twisted into The countless small fragments can only be discharged smoothly when Lin Qi goes to the latrine next time.

Some of the beneficial ingredients contained in the magma are absorbed by Lin Qi's body as quickly as possible.

Having absorbed the divinity of the two fire attributes and the essence of dragon power, Lin Qi is already immune to most fire attribute attacks. At least this level, the high temperature that can burn rocks into magma is nothing to him. Lin Qi, who can bathe in magma, has become no different from the legendary dragon and lava demon.

The mountain-like magma covering Lin Qi quickly cooled, and all the heat was absorbed by his body. Lin Qi can feel the high temperature in the magma and some beneficial ingredients are being quickly taken away by his body, the muscles under his skin are sore and itchy, and his muscle fibers have increased a few more, which means his body Strength has increased again.

While Lin Qi was enjoying the magma bath comfortably, Lin Qi heard the name of the evil spirit.

Barthes, the evil spirit Barthes. Lin Qi suddenly smiled happily, he could be regarded as catching the name of this evil spirit. Barthes, really a simple and honest name! The bone staff in Lin Qi's hand shook lightly, and a small spell in the soul curse was cast.

Barthes is only a small part of the real name of the evil spirit Barthes, and it was not said by himself, so Lin Qi could not cast some powerful curses through this name. But the soul spell is mysterious and unpredictable. Under the professor of Altut, Lin Qi has mastered many small skills.

"Barthe, Barthe, Barthe!" Lin Qi suddenly screamed.

Bart, who was standing next to Gawu, shook his body suddenly, and his eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground embarrassedly. Bart, who was weak and almost vomiting in his stomach, looked at Gawul angrily: "Master, you didn't kill him... You also called out my name, bastard, you might as well tell him my real name. Okay! Fortunately you don't know my real name, this is my greatest luck!"

Jiawu's face is also a bit ugly.

But Lin Qi was still crying out Barthes’s name, not all of his real names, but just a small part of his real name. The power of the curse was extremely limited, but harassing Barthes’ state of mind made him a little bit uncomfortable. It is also sufficient. The soul secret method Lin Qi uses is called "The Whispers of the Banshee". It is a small magic that is not sufficiently lethal, but is very disgusting.

Barthes opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of bitter gall. The annoyed Barthes widened his eyes, and the four corners of his head suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, and a turbid black-red air flow enveloped his whole body. The uncomfortable feeling quickly dissipated, Lin Qi's The little spell was smoothly dispersed by him.

"Sneaky little bug, get out!" Bart was furious, and he stared angrily at the hill of cooling magma.

With a chuckle, Lin Qi shook his body, and the small hill broke apart. He slowly waved his bone staff and walked out of the cracked rock fragments. He looked at Victor and other seven heavenly mages whose expressions had changed terribly. The seven wizards let out a miserable cry and twitched and rolled on the ground while holding their heads, instantly losing all their combat power.

Lin Qi then bowed to the stunned Gawu: "Honorable Master Gawu, or, the respected Lord of the Black Abyss, hello! It is a great honor to meet you, your prestige, I have been listening to you in the past few years. I want to vomit!"

Lin Qi's smile is brilliant, but his smile is also very hateful. When he leaned to pay his respects, the five fingers of his right hand spread apart and he covered his heart, with his thumb pointed at the center of his eyebrows. This was the royal courtesy of an empire that lasted less than 30 years in the history of the Western continent. This kind of ancient rituals is side-tracked and remote. Except for some conservative old aristocrats who are filled with ‘noble honor’ in their minds, no one will study the etiquette of the royal family whose blood has been severed.

But the mages have always been knowledgeable and talented, and the mages who lived much longer than ordinary people have experienced various changes in the mainland. Lin Qi's etiquette made Jia Wu's eyes bright, his eyes flickering, as if thinking of something.

Seeing Jiawu's gleaming eyes, Lin Qi suddenly felt happy, what he wanted was this misleading effect. No matter who Gawu thinks he is, as long as he starts to guess and guess Lin Qi's identity, he loses at the start.

Jiawu gave Lin Qi a deep look, then pointed at Victor and others: "They are my disciples."

Lin Qi shook the bell lightly again, this time enough to ensure that Victor and others could not climb up within an hour. He smiled and nodded to Jiawu, and lightly waved the bone staff: "But now I am in charge of the Black Abyss Market... Of course, I am not the nominal leader of the Black Abyss Market, but I have control The most powerful armed forces in the Black Abyss Market, so the Black Abyss Market is now my territory!"

Jiawu frowned: "What do you mean?"

Lin Qi shrugged and said faintly: "Your people, kill my subordinates. If it is a subordinate of the evil ghost clan, that kind of brain is stupid, with only one muscle. You can do nothing but hack, slash, and kill. Stupid, you kill if you kill it. But what you killed was a young, beautiful dark elf with infinite potential! God, do you know how much a stunning dark elf is worth?"

In Lin Qi's words, he attacked Barthe and the others with a gun and a stick. These evil spirits were stunned for three breaths before it realized that Lin Qi was cursing them in front of them as a bunch of idiots. Hundreds of elites of the evil ghost clan stepped forward angrily. They all stared at Lin Qi angrily, wishing to rush forward and beat Lin Qi into meat sauce.

Lin Qi shook the white bone staff in his hand. With a lightly swipe of the staff, a thin flame flew out of him quickly, woven around him into a huge fire net. The largest hole in the thin fire net is only the size of a fist. The thin fire wire emits a suffocating high temperature. If anyone dares to approach Lin Qi, this fire net will immediately cut them into countless pieces of meat.

Gawking glanced at the high-temperature fire net next to Lin Qi in surprise, Jiawu narrowed his eyes: "Very powerful flame control ability, no wonder you can escape from my attack. You are the Flame Mage? Huh? Ancient heritage... .Inheritor?"

Lin Qi's face was extremely calm, but his heart had already blossomed with joy. This Jiawu was really seduced by him, what **** heir to the ancient inheritance? He must have guessed from Lin Qi's salute that Lin Qi is the descendant of the empire that was short-lived on the mainland 800 years ago!

Then let you continue to have no solution.

Waving the staff in his hand, Lin Qi tried hard to control the magical power fluctuating in his body. Controlling the flame element into such a small line of fire is already Lin Qi's limit. His magic power is roaring crazily, as long as he is a little careless, the fire net will immediately disintegrate, and the power of the explosion is enough to burn the cave into a fire hole.

Calmly smiled at Jiawu, Lin Qi said calmly: "Regardless of my identity, you kill my people. Therefore, Victor and the others must die! If you kill me alone, I will kill seven of you. It's fair. reasonable!"

Jiawu's face changed slightly, he pondered for a while, and shook his head and said: "I can compensate you! Can a dark elf's life be exchanged for the friendship of a sacred mage? I, the king of the black abyss, the saint Tier 2 Archmage, I would love to get your... friendship!"

Jiawu stretched out his hand to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi was silent for a while, and he shook his head: "I refuse! Your friendship is not as attractive as a beautiful dark elf. For me, I prefer Ayuli, she is very beautiful, and she is very beautiful. It's also very good, I like it! And you, I have to say that I have no interest in men, and you are a little too old!"

The eyes of more than a hundred evil ghost warriors instantly turned red, and Barthes screamed: "Master, let us kill him!"

Jiawu smiled slightly, he looked at Lin Qi and said seriously: "It seems that a lot of things have happened in the Black Abyss Market during the time I left. My control of the Black Abyss Market has completely disappeared? Oh? Of course, when I pretended to practice cultivation, I had an accident and ran away. Could it be that my control just disappeared?"

Lin Qi smiled, and he once again performed an ancient etiquette to Jiawu.

"Yes, it's unfortunate. Your control is completely finished. I personally suggest that you take these thugs who don't know where they came from and get rid of them. Don't stay in my territory, otherwise you will be in big trouble, God Big trouble!"

Jiawu's face suddenly sank, he pointed his hand casually, three dark auras condensed into three sharp bayonets beside him, and then hurriedly shot at the vital point of Lin Qi.

Lin Qi smiled, he strode forward, and took the initiative to meet the sharp knives formed by the three powers of darkness.

"Puff puff puff" three muffled sounds, the black air exploded on Lin Qi's body, and then he was sucked in by his body.

Lin Qi didn't even leave a trace on his body.

Jiawu was stunned, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps: "Immunity to dark magic? Damn it!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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