Bright Era

Chapter 381: Waiting for the eclipse

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Two years and March 25 days later, on the day of the solar eclipse, the elemental energies of the heavens and the earth were chaotic, and the power left by the gods on the earth was greatly weakened. It was the best time to break the Black Abyss God Prison. The disciples of Gawul in the ground world will continue to commit various crimes and be thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison. They will send a large number of magic gems and magic crystals, which are enough to allow Jiawu and the green old man to squander freely and set up a powerful circle of breaking the forbidden.

So, wait quietly, waiting for the opportunity two years later.

Standing at the entrance of the lava jungle wearing a black cloak, Lin Qi sighed quietly.

"There are still two years. Plus the time before, when I go out, that will be five years!"

"Five years, my father would not think that I was dead, he has already found a stepmother for me?"

"Headache, really a headache! Father, you must keep your morals, don't get me a half-brother! I can kill Arthur, but kill my own brother...unless he Force me to the extreme, otherwise I won't be able to get that bad hand!"

With a sigh, Lin Qi glanced at the three thousand brave warriors standing behind him, and walked slowly into the lava jungle alone.

The so-called lava jungle is one of the most peculiar terrain in the Black Abyss God Prison. There are dense and towering stone pillars everywhere. The cave floor with a radius of nearly a thousand miles is extremely unstable. The ground often cracks. At the cracks, vermilion magma is faintly creeping. The high temperature and poisonous gas make this a Jedi that no one can enter. .

In such a dangerous place, it is rare for humans to survive here, and even demons would not like the environment here.

But the evil spirits who are standing side by side with the demons, they enjoy the high temperature and poisonous gas here, especially the high temperature airflow that contains the strong metal smell from the ground, which is a good help for them to temper their bodies. Therefore, the rare evil spirits in the Heiyuan Hell and some of the slaves they conquered live here, relying on some heat-resistant plants and animal meat exchanged with the Black Abyss Market.

Because there is often magma gushing out here, the lava jungle is rich in various gem crystals, and the quality is extremely good. Using magic gems here, they can exchange daily necessities in the Black Abyss Market, and even some expensive luxury goods to the church.

Therefore, the evil spirits living here have a pretty good life, at least a good life above the average level of the Black Abyss God Prison.

Lin Qi carefully avoided the thick and thin cracks on the ground, and quickly walked through the lava jungle. The whole way was empty, no buildings or figures were found. Lin Qi knew that the evil spirits here were accustomed to living in the caves excavated above the stone pillars, and they would not encounter them unless they were practicing with the hot air jets from the cracks in the ground.

After these years of spying at the Black Abyss Market, there are only about 800 evil spirits living in the lava jungle, but the number of slaves and servants of various races they looted is 100,000. It is these eight hundred evil spirits. They are also a brutal force in the Dark Abyss God Prison, because almost everyone of them has the strength equivalent to heaven. Among them, the twenty-four strongest evil spirits are all. All have the terrifying power of the pinnacle of heaven.

When Gawul was the king of the black abyss, he had conflicts with the evil spirits who went to the black abyss market to trade. Gawu wanted to subdue these unruly evil spirits. As a result, twenty-four evil spirit leaders joined forces to attack Gawu, and they just drew a tie with Gawu. As a result, the conflict could not be resolved. A state of rational peace was maintained between.

Lin Qi entered the lava jungle today, naturally, not for the so-called good-neighborly friendship. He came here to subdue eight hundred evil spirits! Eight hundred powerful evil spirits comparable in strength to the heavens, and twenty-four evil spirits at the peak of the heavens. As long as they subdued the hooked heart, how fascinating is this power?

Lin Qi even dared to take them to looting the Victory Palace, pulling off the trousers of Saint Louis XIII.

There are still more than two years before Jiawu officially breaks the formation, Lin Qi strives to control all the power that can be unified in the Black Abyss God Prison in his hands for more than two years. He wouldn't pay attention to those weak existences, but those who are strong, who can become Lin Qi's help after leaving the prison, must be in Lin Qi's hands.

Think about the hundreds of sacred masters who are struggling to survive on the side of the Black Abyss Market, and the thousands of old and frail heretics from all walks of life. Their personal strength may not be very strong, but they are in their minds. Knowledge, that's all Lin Qi needs.

Although the young man is knowledgeable, he is not all-rounder!

Among the old people who have been thrown into the prison of gods, many of them are at the pinnacle of an industry on the ground. If you can hold all of these people in your hands, once Lin Qi returns to the ground, he will be able to make waves immediately, so that some people who wish he died in the Heiyuan Hell will know what true despair is!

"Despair?" Lin Qi sneered while walking fast: "What is despair? Despair is slowly depriving you of everything you have, depriving your family, depriving your family, depriving you of everything as a person. ! Then let you live with nothing-let you live without suicide! This is the real despair!"

In the sneer, a few squirming dark shadows appeared in front of him.

Lin Qi looked over with cold eyes. Under a thick stone pillar, three enchanting beauties of the fox tribe were groaning in a low voice to meet the fierce impact of two evil spirits. The petite and white body of the fox beauties is in sharp contrast with the dark and thick bodies of the two evil spirits. The evil spirits who are three meters tall hold the fox beauties who are only as high as their abdomen in their arms, like a siege hammer. The bombardment.

Taking a cold look, Lin Qi continued to move forward. In the past two years, he has become accustomed to this kind of scene. It is common for men and women to have great desires. These evil spirits provide protection and survival materials for these fox beauties, and the fox beauties provide services for them. This is Heiyuan. The law of survival.

The two evil spirits noticed Lin Qi's arrival, but when they glanced at the direction Lin Qi was heading, they couldn't help showing a sneer at the same time. While they were struggling to attack, they watched Lin Qi walk towards the deepest part of the lava jungle with the eyes of a dead person.

There was only one huge stone pillar. A **** prison was excavated in the middle of the black stone pillar. The sword of punishment released a faint light to cover the hole of the **** prison, and there was a low sound of chanting faintly from the **** prison. Different from the scriptures of the church that persuade people to abandon evil to good, the scriptures this person recites are full of all kinds of rebellious madness, all kinds of dark and evil sins, and all kinds of depraved evil acts.

This is a complete dark evil sutra, and people who recite such sutras will definitely not be a good person.

Lin Qi smiled coldly, his figure jumped up, and he reached the door of the jail after a few ups and downs, and then walked in without hesitation.

In the prison that was arranged exactly like Altut's prison, a black coat with a bare head and a handsome face was sitting there quietly. Seeing Lin Qi walking in, a charming light flashed in the girl's purple eyes.

"It's very strong, do you want to do something to me that shouldn't be done?" The girl put down the tawny scroll in her hand, which was clearly made of human skin, and looked at Lin Qi pitifully: "Here Only you and me are in the same room with a lone man and a widow. You must not bully me... Oh, don't you, don't!"

Accompanied by the coquettish voice, a joke of cold light flashed in the girl's eyes.

Lin Qi looked at the girl coldly, then he raised his left hand, and the soul attack spells on the three world rings blasted out at the same time. The three small pieces in his sleeve, the soul attack scroll made by Altut, burned at the same time, and the horrible soul impact swept through the prison, and the girl's soul was instantly shaken and almost torn to pieces!

Who would have thought that Lin Qi could erupt such a terrifying soul attack on a fighter who was only a high-ranking heavenly rank?

The girl never dreamed that it was not the kind sheep that approached her prison, but the hideous hungry wolf.

Qiqiao spewed red blood at the same time, and the girl fainted without a hum.

Lin Qi walked up to the girl and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Altoth is right. If the Pope of the Soul Cult wants to attack people, he will be unlucky unless he is fully prepared in advance! Poor girl, From now on, your status will be the same as Bilibili! Fortunately, I am not a lecherous master, otherwise you will be innocent, even though you don’t know if your innocence is still there!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi nodded mercilessly to the center of the girl's eyebrows, and forcibly tore out a strand of her soul.

After the girl was sober, she checked her soul, and then let out a hoarse roar. But Lin Qi had already fed her a hook and rotten heart when she was in a coma, and with the terrible soul restraint, Lin Qi easily shattered all her resistance.

"Tell me your name, as well as the names and specialties of the other twenty-nine divine prisons in the lava jungle. You know, if I die, you will die too!"

The young girl who had been put to death by Lin Qi's restraint looked at Lin Qi fearfully, and finally bowed her head in confession.

"Xie Qian, I am a... Dark Prayer."

The girl sighed dejectedly: "The other twenty-nine **** in the sacred prison are not as strong as mine. You can use the same method to calculate them as much as you like. Among them are 18 martial artists in the holy realm and the holy realm. There are nine wizards, the other two are holy warlocks, you can ravage their souls as much as you want!"

Half a month later, all the sanctuary in the 30 **** prisons in the lava jungle was attacked by Lin Qi using the same means and then conquered. All their savings became Lin Qi's wealth.

After the 30 supreme existences of the lava jungle were subdued, 800 evil spirits faced a sneak attack by 3,000 well-equipped elite soldiers, and they reluctantly chose to succumb!

Before the eclipse, Lin Qi still has a lot to do. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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