Bright Era

Chapter 385: The anxiety caused by Lin Qi

An angry giant is a creature that dragons dare not provoke.

Xuanlan with red eyes raised up all his strength, all the body of the wolf head **** that had just been swallowed was quickly digested, and all the energy produced was injected into his arm. Xuanlan hissed and roared: "Fuck the covenant! Damn bug, mixed-blood bastard, if you dare to hit me, I'll kill you!"

The dwarf king looked at Xuanlan Shen Shen's palm in horror. He wanted to escape, but the Xuanlan giant's bloodline suppressed him. After all, he was only a dwarf with a part of the giant's bloodline. It was like the rock standing in front of Lin Qi. Like a lizard, the dwarf king's body was numb and stiff, and he couldn't use his strength to escape.


The earth trembled suddenly, Xuanlan's palm plunged deeply into the ground, and half of his arm plunged into the hard rocky ground. Xuanlan, with a twisted face, gritted his teeth, rubbed his right palm on the ground fiercely, and then slowly lifted his hand.

A thin piece of magma burned in the middle of Xuanlan's palm, and was quickly extinguished by the low temperature emitted by Xuanlan.

In the palm-shaped deep pit on the ground, the dwarf Wang Cheng lay there, covered in flesh and skin, looking at the sky blankly, blood constantly spraying from him. Xuanlan’s palm shattered all the bones in his body. The cracked bones pierced his muscles and internal organs with holes. The pain caused the Dwarf King to lose all consciousness. He just stared blankly at the top of the cave. , Let the blood flow continuously.

The demons who came here with the dwarf king stood there stiffly and could not move. They looked at the black blue with angry blood in their eyes in horror, and only felt that their knees were soft. Demons are cruel and cruel creatures, but they are also creatures with the strictest class division. There is no awareness of any rules in the hearts of demons. They have only one basic rule-the strongest is king!

The dwarf king is their head. It is the dwarf king who smashed more than a hundred high-level demons with his huge hammer, and established his throne with blood and killing. Such a powerful dwarf king was completely defeated by Xuanlan with a single blow, which made all the demons instinctively regard Xuanlan as their new king.

With a ‘gudong’, a dozen goat’s head demons were the first to kneel to the ground. They looked at Xuanlan with a trembling face, placed their foreheads on the ground obediently, and put on a five-body worship posture to Xuanlan. Then one after another demons knelt down. They once kneeled to the Dwarf King, so why couldn't they kneel down in the face of Xuanlan, who had defeated the Dwarf King?

Xuanlan was breathing deeply. He looked at the demons around him, blinked his eyes, then picked up the Dwarf King and stuffed it into his mouth. He was beaten to death by him anyway. The dwarf king, who was ten meters tall, was equivalent to a dozen bulls in terms of his physique. If he was eaten, his stomach would feel better.

Even Xuanlan doesn't need to clean this guy, because he uses magma to make armor. The high-temperature magma has burned all the dirty things on his body. Even Xuanlan cleans it himself. He can't do that, so This is a very clean piece of food. Xuanlan smiled, this guy should be chewy, his muscles are very well developed.

Seeing that the dwarf king was about to be swallowed by Xuanlan, Lin Qi flashed out of a cave tunnel silently wearing a black cloak. Passing through the kneeling demons like a ghost, Lin Qi came to Xuanlan and patted his toe hard.

"Hey, Xuanlan, don't eat this guy! What a pity, this is a rare dwarf king, it is a pity that you eat him! I have fresh monsters here, you can eat them! Take this guy Put it down and let me see if there is any rescue!"

Xuanlan was dumbfounded, and then he dropped the Dwarf King on the ground, tears streaming down. He sat on the ground, then bent over and put his big face in front of Lin Qi: "Oh, Lin Qi, you finally came back. I thought you had an accident! I thought you were just like my father and mother. Come, and then come back with holes! You are safe, which is great!"

Lin Qi slapped Xuanlan's big nose hard, and he laughed loudly: "This is my fault. I have something to do when I go out these days. I forgot to let you know!" He slapped Xuanlan hard and Lin Qi suddenly wrinkled. He raised his brows: "By the way, I also forgot to let people deliver food for you. Are you hungry these days? No wonder you even eat the dwarf king, he is a member of the holy covenant tribe with the blood of giants!"

With a wave of his hand, the corpse of a small beast appeared beside Xuanlan.

Fucked a six-legged corpse with a big hand, Xuanlan swallowed, and said vaguely: "Isn't this what you said? No matter who it is, as long as it wants to hurt us, we must give it to them. Come here. I respect the sacred covenant, but this little guy doesn't abide by the agreement inside, so I can only hurt him!"

Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and he raised a thumbs up to Xuanlan: "Yes, that's right, Xuanlan, that's it! Whoever dares to move our idea, just give them a good look. Hahaha, Let me see what this guy is coming from!"

There were dense footsteps in the darkness, and more than ten thousand savvy warriors ran out of the cave passage that Lin Qi had just walked out of, and they surrounded the surrounding demons without saying a word. These warriors wore sophisticated armor and armed with sharp metal weapons. Compared with those demons like beggars, these warriors really smelled like regular soldiers.

What’s even more shocking is that among these 10,000 elite fighters, more than 2,000 have a heavenly fighting spirit or magic power cultivation base, and there are thousands of fighters from powerful races. Although their fighting spirit and magic power are only status levels, But relying on their natural and tyrannical bodies, they also have a fighting power that is not weaker than that of Heaven.

A ten-thousand-thousand army composed almost entirely of fighters with celestial strength, this is the result of Lin Qi's hard work these months.

In addition to the twelve settlements in the Black Abyss Divine Prison, Lin Qi has already wiped out nine of them. These people are among the most elite group-those who are not very powerful idlers have been taken by Lin Qi. Sent to the hunting team, all who stayed with him were the elite of the elite!

Facing such a powerful and well-equipped army, all the demons curled up in horror and obediently became prisoners.

Xuanlan was eating and drinking, Lin Qi approached the seriously injured dwarf king, and carefully checked his injuries.

After some testing, Lin Qi couldn't help but gasped. Now the dwarf king's physical strength should not be weaker than Lin Qi, after all, he also has a giant bloodline, and he has awakened the powerful existence of bloodline power. It was such a tyrannical body that was almost shattered by Xuan Lan's slap, and Lin Qi had the most intuitive understanding of Xuan Lan's power.

With a slap, Lin Qi took out ten bottles of powerful healing potions, poured them into the dwarf king's mouth, and took out dozens of trauma potions and poured them on the surface of the dwarf king. These medicines are all the best medicines made by Master Kecha himself. Using dozens of bottles at a time, Lin Qi's heart is convulsing. But who made this dwarf king so big? Without using so many medicines, there is no way to save him.

As the potion was thrown into the dwarf king's mouth, there was naturally a poisonous poison, such as hook and rot heart. Lin Qi wouldn't let go of a powerful combat power. Although this dwarf king was vulnerable to Xuanlan, he was a real master on the Western Continent. And he is the dwarf king. Although the dwarf empire today has its own emperor, any blood awakened dwarf king has a very high status in the dwarf tribe, similar to the status of the ‘prince’ of the human empire!

So this dwarf king is definitely a strange thing to live in! Lin Qi was drooling wildly thinking of the weapons made by those dwarves' exquisite craftsmanship.

An hour later, the dwarf king's injury was finally restored with the powerful effect of the potion. As soon as he opened his eyes, Lin Qi used the hook and kiss of the rotten heart bell to let him understand what it means to not be able to survive, what it means to have to bow its head under a low eaves, and what it means to die is worse than to live. After half an hour of painful struggle, the dwarf king obediently knelt down in front of Lin Qi, obediently shrinking his body to the size of two meters.

Only when the dwarf king stimulates the power of blood, will he have an astonishing height of ten meters. They are usually only two meters tall, but this dwarf, who is less than 1.2 meters tall on average, is indeed extremely burly and heroic.

Without Lin Qi's inquiry, the Dwarf King explained his intention and reason.

He, and the demons he brought, belonged to Yinfeng Cavern, one of the twelve settlements. That is a place where the wind blows at all times, and ordinary people simply cannot survive. The dwarf king was originally an ordinary dwarf, but three years ago, a sacred astrologer who was imprisoned in a **** prison discovered the blood of the giant in his body and spent a lot of energy awakening the power of the blood.

From then on, the dwarf king became the servant of the astrologer, and unified all the chaos in the cave of Yinfeng under his command.

The reason why he brought people to attack the Black Abyss Market this time was because the Astrologer keenly discovered that huge changes were taking place in the Heiyuan God Prison during the daily divination—in the hexagram, he Seeing that his soul is controlled by others, he can no longer control his own destiny.

For an astrologer, what a miserable thing is to not be able to control his own destiny?

So the dwarf king brought people here, wanting to completely eradicate the source of the mutation.

Lin Qi looked at the Dwarf King speechlessly. Is this astrologer's brain broken?

"Does he think he is in control of his own destiny even if he is squatting in the prison? Fool!"

After kicking the dwarf king hard, Lin Qi squinted and laughed.

It seems that the speed of conquering various places is going to be speeded up, these holy realms imprisoned in the gods are not so easy to deal with!

Just a dwarf king, this is really an unexpected gain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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