Bright Era

Chapter 530: Goodbye donkey

If the pig has not arrived at the hotel at this time. . .

That really means I haven't had a bath for three days! ! !

Oh, the poor teary pig head asks for support!


The foundation construction of Mullen Town has been on the right track.

Gawu's efficiency was at least ten times higher than that of Arda. He brought back more than two hundred young people within five days after he left Marron Town. They are all elite graduates of universities in the University City of Berrely, and they don’t know what Gawu used to persuade them to sign a long-term “deed of sale” and become a member of the Bluefin Salmon Chamber of Commerce. .

Among these people are those who are proficient in business operations, those who have financial audits, and naturally, there are also elites who are proficient in civil engineering. After Lin Qi gave them sufficient funds and freedom, more than two hundred young people quickly took on the important task of building the chamber of commerce and began to work hard.

The foundation gradually took shape, and the various parts of the Chamber of Commerce began to form. Employees in Malun Town and even Mali City have joined the Chamber of Commerce and received appropriate training according to their knowledge level. They will all become official employees of the Chamber of Commerce.

In just one week, the drawings Norwayman and Kailuman sent to the military headquarters of the Caesar Empire also received a reply. The work efficiency of the Caesar Empire is obviously much faster than that of the Gaul Empire. The size of the garrison in the city of Mali has been raised to the level of a division, and Kairouman naturally became the commander of the major general division of the newly formed Mali City Garrison Division. .

A team of 3,000 elite heavy-armed infantry moved to the town of Malun, and they began to build camps outside the formation.

Some civilians with a keen sense of smell began to migrate to Malun Town. They built houses on the edge of Malun Town, opened up land, planted fast-growing vegetables and fruits, and began to raise a large number of livestock and poultry.

Not to mention the huge battles set by the Bluefin Salmon Chamber of Commerce, the monthly consumption of food, vegetables, meat, eggs and poultry by only 3,000 elite garrisons is a huge number. Go to Malun Town as early as possible to settle down, even if you specialize in growing vegetables and raising chickens, it will be a stable source of income.

Everything in Malun Town is on the right track, and Gawu assumes the role of the chief steward of the chamber of commerce construction. As the former pope of the sect that worshipped evil spirits, Gavu even served as the supreme leader of a small country. There is no difficulty for him in a small town or a small chamber of commerce. With a Jiawu, more than two hundred elite youths, and the help of civilian officials sent by the Caesar Empire, Lin Qi no longer has to worry about the construction of the Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Qi was sitting cross-legged on an old tree stump beside the sparkling St. Luen Lake, three slender fishing rods trembling weakly in the lake breeze. Lin Qi put his hands near his lower abdomen, running the three seas and seven chakras again and again, trying to mobilize the strength in his body.

However, the ten blue dragons imprisoned all his strength, no matter how he urged, he could not let his strength loose the slightest. Not only that, with Lin Qi's repeated impacts, the ten blue dragons showed signs of gradual growth!

What worries Lin Qi the most is that the second-order Saint Gawul has no way to deal with these ten blue dragons. Jun Yun’s strength is really too strong. Jiawu once tried to use his magic power to help Lin Qi hit the imprisonment of Qinglong Qijin. As a result, Lin Qi screamed in pain, but Qinglong Qijin swallowed Jiawu’s magic power. Instead, it becomes more difficult.

After sighing heavily, Lin Qi cursed in a low voice: "Jun Yun, hey, Emperor Yun, hey, Yun family, Acacia!"

Annoyed, he took a cigar out of his pocket and held it in his mouth. Lin Qi lit the cigar, swallowed heavily, and then slowly expelled a series of cigarette rings from his mouth.

He didn't dare to go to Dun Erke, Yun Jun might be waiting for him outside Dun Erke. As long as Lin Qi approached, with the green dragon spirit he stayed in Lin Qi, he might be able to catch Lin Qi. I hope Alda can find someone from the Blackbeard or the Black Tiger family, and I hope Alda can be more reliable and not be slaughtered at Dungee.

"I don't know how they are?" Lin Qi frowned, and familiar faces flashed in his mind.

It goes without saying that Titian's aristocratic princes, unless their family is down, they will naturally live a very happy life.

Yu Lian, he has his way of survival, he is also much smoother than Enzo and others, plus he is a relative of Titian, as long as he doesn't do stupid things, he can live happily.

The most worrying is Enzo!

This usually looks bold and unrestrained, but in fact he is a guy with a muscle in his bones. The most worrying thing is him. Enzo is different from Lin Qi. He usually eats, drinks, and gambling. In fact, he has symptoms of chivalry poisoning. If Lin Qi encounters any danger, he will use all kinds of fierce means to resist without hesitation, even if they die together.

And Enzo, this guy, he will only take everything silently. Especially during Lin Qi's absence, as the number two leader of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, he will carry everything on himself. If no one deliberately targeted him, then he could still be well in the army. If anyone deliberately targeted him, Lin Qi couldn't imagine what this guy looked like now.

"It's just, it doesn't matter, am I back?"

Lin Qi sighed quietly.

"Grateful retribution, revengeful revenge! Graham, Mr. Grand, and those brothers who betrayed me, I still remember you, don’t know if you still remember me? Of course, in Arthur’s words Say, we play slowly, we slowly, slowly, let you fall into despair step by step, let you die in despair!"

Lin Qi was fierce here, and a small sampan on the lake in the distance slowly drew towards this side.

A donkey not much older than a dog stood on the bow of the boat, Alda sweating with two sticks of wood pulp, spraying foam and rowing there desperately. God knows what the donkey used to threaten Arda. This guy is rowing so hard that the speed of this small sampan is comparable to a large sea boat driven by twenty-four magic furnaces.

The small sampan made a very long water trail on the lake at a speed comparable to that of a fast horse. Originally, the sampan went straight to the direction of Malun Town, but when it was more than ten miles away from Malun Town , The donkey turned around and cursed at Arda, the sampan quickly turned the bow of the boat, and swam towards the small lake where Lin Qi was fishing.

Lin Qi had jumped up to his feet and stumbled into the lake. The lake flooded his waist, but Lin Qi unconsciously looked at the small sampan that was approaching quickly. That donkey, the donkey that Blackbeard personally took care of, he appeared here, does it prove that Blackbeard was on the boat?

But with Lin Qi's perverted eyesight, even though he was separated so far, he could still see clearly that only Arda and the donkey were on the small two-meter-long sampan. Lin Qi couldn't help but stared fiercely at Alda. This bastard, he asked Alda to go to Dunerker to find someone from the Black Tiger family, but he didn't get it. Why did he get a donkey for himself?

Even if this is a donkey that Blackbeard has carefully taken care of, what use is he getting a donkey back? Do you have a soup pot for an evening meal?

"Alda, are you looking for death?" Lin Qi squeezed his fists, waiting for Alda to look in front of him, and then he should be taught him a lesson.

The sampan got closer and closer, gradually approaching Lin Qi.

The gloomy Lin Qi waved his hand and was about to take Alda down and beat him up. The donkey had already done something that shocked Lin Qi.

Opening his mouth violently, the donkey spit out a golden disc, carefully looked at the various light spots on the disc, and then showed a weird smile very humanely: "Then, that's right, Lin Qi, it's really Lin Qi! You must know that you have not seen you for so many years, your appearance has changed a lot. It's just that it doesn't matter, when you were born, your soul fluctuations are bound to the astrolabe, you It is indeed Lin Qi's little bastard!"

The proud man stood up, the two front hooves touched vigorously, and the donkey squinted and smiled: "How about it, is Heiyuan God Prison fun? It's strange, how did you escape? After so many years, I never I have never heard of anyone who can escape from the Black Abyss Divine Prison! Although the Black Abyss Divine Prison is not the true most severe divine prison in the church, it is not a place where humans can escape!"

Lin Qi stared at Alda blankly, pointing at the donkey with trembling fingers.

This donkey, this donkey that Lin Qi used to ride around the mountains when he was young, he, he, why did he speak?

Arda looked at Lin Qi pitifully. He lowered his voice and muttered in a low voice: "Great master, this noble donkey said, he is the person your father sent to Dunerker to meet you. Yours My father cannot be cloned due to some special reasons, so he can only entrust this noble lord."

Lin Qi blinked desperately and looked at the donkey in disbelief.

"In other words, you can talk all the time?" Lin Qi finally calmed down.

The donkey spread out its two front hooves, and shrugged his shoulders with a crooked mouth: "Fuck your uncle, of course I can talk, of course I can always talk! But you think that when you were only seven or eight years old, when you were twelve At the age of bedwetting, does it make sense for me to talk to you? Say it, does it make sense for me to talk to you? A smart and wise donkey like me will not waste energy on a kid!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, he took a deep breath, and shook his head with a wry smile.

The donkey drooped down his face unhappily: "What do you mean by shaking your head and sighing? Do you look down on people? Bastard, you bastard, you look down on me? You know, if it wasn't for Blackbeard begging me bitterly, kneeling in front of me and pleading I also promised to find me a thousand girls with big breasts, so I won't run this way for you as a kid!"

Hugging his hooves across his chest, the donkey tilted its body, one of its hind hoofs slowly tapped the plank of the boat, and said slowly, "It's just that, since I'm here, there is nothing to talk about. Find someone In a quieter place, I have something to tell you!"

Lin Qi's expression became extremely serious. What the donkey wants to say should be what Blackbeard wants him to pass on. This must be listened carefully.

It happened that the house Xiong Wanjin rented was not far from the lake. Lin Qi took the donkey and Arda to the house where Xiong Wanjin was ‘recovering illness’. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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