Bright Era

Chapter 535: Beginning of Life Wheel

The hotel’s cell phone signal is very unstable, and Dutou’s phone calls are interrupted every two minutes on average.

I was very tired today. A few people went shopping. When I returned to the hotel, the pig’s trotter was swollen, and the hotel slippers that I could easily fit in yesterday couldn’t be worn. . . Crying without tears!

However, in addition to the pig's head, some classmates also showed a little dizziness.

The update of these two days can only be maintained, try to make time for codewords!

Please forgive me, and by the way, please vote for your support! Recommended tickets and monthly tickets, pigs are not disgusted!


"Aw, help!"

Arda howled hoarse, he struggled and wailed in the rain of thunder, even ignoring his human form, but revealed his two big wings. The silver-cyan wings were filled with black smoke, and countless distorted faces were looming in the black smoke. With every thunder slashed, there were a large number of faces that were shattered and turned into pure soul power. In the wings.

The huge wings wrapped Alda's body, that is, relying on these two meat wings with strong defensive power, Alda barely survived the thunder. But the Thunder is getting denser and more powerful, and Arda can't bear it. His body has been burned to three levels of maturity by the high-temperature electric current, and his entire body's hair has been burnt clean. The flesh of non-devil is much stronger than human beings, and he has long been burned into coke.

"Help! Impossible, shouldn't, how could I have such a powerful thunder disaster?"

Arda crawled on the ground with tears and tears, his body was charred, and the blood kept spurting out. He really didn't understand. He just broke through the holy realm with the help of the huge soul power absorbed from Dunelker. It was said that this was the most stable thing, the bloodline of the Moon Demon gave him a powerful body and extraordinary talent, and it should be easy and common to break through the Holy Realm.

But why are so many thunder falling now? Will it be so powerful?

Even if his father, the evil-doing Altut, when he stepped into the holy realm, he had just dropped dozens of thunders and severely injured him. But now, Arda himself calculated a little, he has suffered a hundred thunders, right?

He didn't do anything bad, how could so many thunder come to him?

Weeping and howling for a while, a thick bucket of red thunder fell from the sky with a terrible high temperature, and hit Alda's back heavily. One of Arda’s fleshy wings finally could not withstand the bombardment of the sky thunder and opened a big hole. He spouted a mouthful of blood, his whole body convulsed violently, and then a silver-cyan fierce light suddenly sprayed from Arda’s eyes. come out.

"Jie Jie!" A second pair of meat wings appeared on Alda's back--compared with the original meat wings, this pair of meat wings was only a few feet long and obviously not fully developed. On his forehead, beside the original two corners, a pair of small finger-thick right angles also appeared.

A fierce aura gushed out of Arda's body, and he stood up slowly against the bombardment of the sky thunder, his body swelled to a height of three meters without knowing it. A layer of silver-cyan translucent chitin armor poured out from his body, wrapping him firmly.

"I am the descendant of the royal family of the noble moon demons! How could I die here? I am so powerful and perfect. My goal in life is to conquer all the beauties in the world. My ideal has not yet been realized. How can I? Can you die here?"

Accompanied by the strange whistling of ‘Jie Jie’, Alda gushed out a strong black energy, a huge black skull gushing out of his head, opened his mouth and swallowed the falling thunder. The thunder smashed the skull and smashed Alda's body heavily. His armor was torn apart, and numerous cracks appeared in his fleshy wings, but he stood there stubbornly, hoarsely toward the sky. . . Lustful laugh!

Yes, Alda is smiling lustfully, not grinningly! At this terrible moment, he didn't know what nerves he was making, he was making nasty laughter very nasty. God knows which nerve he got wrong, that lustful laughter made the donkey who was praying piously almost scratched his head. Fell to the ground.

Lin Qi sat steadily on the ground, the initial dozens of thunders with thin arms did not cause any harm to him. His body easily absorbed these thunders and transformed them into magical powers into his body. He was rapidly extracting the power from all around him, and the natural elements of dark attribute, fire attribute, and metallicity continued to flood him.

But soon these elemental powers could not meet Lin Qi's needs-his soul was too strong, his mental power was dozens of times that of ordinary people, and his body was also surprisingly powerful. The combination of the Three Seas and Seven Chakras and the White Tiger's fighting spirit turned Lin Qi's body into a bottomless abyss, and the elemental energy he actively absorbed could not satisfy him at all.

With a wave of his hand, a large amount of magic metal and the special medicine of the abyss flew out of the world ring.

The rich Gengjin aura gushes out from the magic metal, and the huge dark aura and flame aura sprays out of the medicinal materials. Lin Qi swallowed these rich elemental powers, and there was a dense clanging sound in his body, as if hundreds of forging machines were exercising his body at the same time. His body was squirming, and a trace of white fighting spirit flew out of his pores, tearing open countless cracks in the ground near his body.

The soul power and physical essence contained in the jade carving, coupled with the huge vitality formed by the disintegration of ten azure dragons, and the scorching power of the donkey into Lin Qi's body, various mixed forces are neutralized in this dense forging Lin Qi's body blended together. Lin Qi's muscles and bones are all in weird black, red, and white colors, and every muscle is emitting a faint metallic luster.

The thunderbolt on Lin Qi, the barrel thickness of thunderbolt was much stronger than the previous one. Lin Qi's body surface was continuously exploded with horrible wounds, but as the three elemental energy continued to flow in, Lin Qi's wounds He is also rapidly healing.

The whole body's orifice ** The white tiger's fighting energy is spinning like a whirlpool, and while continuously polishing the orifice points, it produces terrible suction. The high-altitude thunderclouds were dragged down by this huge suction, and gradually the thunderclouds almost almost fell on Lin Qi's head.

A lot of thunder light kept blasting on Lin Qi, and Lin Qi was blasted with blood and rain, but the blood was sucked back by his body and refilled back to his body. After thunder's tempering, Lin Qi's blood gradually took on a layer of radiant aura, more indescribable spirituality than at first.

The foundation of the body gradually stabilized, and the new white tiger fighting qi gradually filled in the Qi sea. After the power in the jade carving, the strength of the Qinglong Jin, and the power input by the donkey are absorbed by the forging, there is still a huge part of it that has nowhere to go!

Lin Qi's cultivation today has reached the extreme state, with his current cultivation base, he can no longer improve his body even a little bit!

Opening his eyes slightly, he blasted a fist against the falling thunder. Lin Qi took out a crystal jade bottle from the world ring and poured out one of the seven round pills from it. Taking a look at this red heart-shaped life wheel pill, Lin Qi opened his mouth to swallow it, and then silently carried out the condensed life wheel exercises in the Three Seas and Seven Chakras.

A circle of acupoints and blood collaterals near the sea of ​​blood in the heart vibrated violently. The so-called chakra is outside the sea of ​​qi. It connects the acupoints and blood collaterals with one's own acupuncture points and uses the secret technique of runes to combine the essence and blood to form a possession. Chakras of magical powers. The fate chakra can stabilize the sea of ​​blood while being nourished by the sea of ​​blood. If the sea of ​​blood is a city, then the fate chakra is a circle of walls.

Moreover, this circle of city walls has extremely strong defensive power. The sea of ​​blood and the life chakra are integrated, and through the life chakra, one can control one's own qi and blood essence in a subtle way, and make better, more efficient and reasonable use of one's own qi and blood.

The blood sea is only the storage place of the whole body's qi and blood, and the life chakra can maximize the effect of the whole body's qi and blood. After the fate wheel is clotted, even the blood flow in the blood vessels can be controlled freely. For example, if someone chops off his arm in battle, he can control the blood at the broken arm through the life wheel, so that no drop of it will flow out, so as to preserve the body's vitality to the greatest extent.

Qi and blood are the root of life. The life chakra controls the movement of Qi and blood. Under the same physical conditions, people with life chakras will last longer.

According to the Three Seas and Seven Chakras, after condensing the fate chakra, even the life span will be doubled. Even the existence of the saint realm can have a life span of a thousand years equivalent to the saint master realm.

There was thunder torment outside, and white tiger fighting spirit raging inside. When Lin Qi compressed the orifice points and blood network near the sea of ​​blood to form the life wheel, he didn't even feel any pain. One is that the life wheel pill has relieved his pain, and the other is that the external pain is too strong, and he does not feel that the sharp pain when the life wheel is condensed is any serious.

Looking inwardly with mental power, Lin Qi could clearly see the surrounding area of ​​the huge sea of ​​blood, and a circle of red light, like a wheel, with runes and runes, was gradually condensing. This is the life chakra condensed by the self-blood collaterals, orifice points in conjunction with the three seas and seven chakras. It not only controls the blood, but also has a strong defense against the blood sea and the heart. After the fate wheel was condensed, she undoubtedly wore a heart-guard with amazing defensive power in her body. Even if a sharp weapon pierced her heart, the fate wheel was not broken and her life was worry-free.

As the life wheel gradually condensed, Lin Qi took a deep breath, and the powerful qi and blood aura on his body suddenly weakened, and in a blink of an eye it was compressed to a level equivalent to that of ordinary people. Then as Lin Qi silently turned his life wheel, his breath was reduced to the point where he was indistinguishable from a small animal such as a cat, dog, or rabbit. At the end of the day, Lin Qi once covered his breath to the extent that it was no different from earth and rock. level.

Lin Qi couldn't help laughing loudly. This is an extremely useful ability. Even the top assassins, it's not so easy for them to completely cover up their breath, right?

Gradually, the thundercloud above Lin Qi's head dispersed like this.

At the beginning of the fate wheel, Lin Qi converged his aura to the extreme, becoming no different from stone and soil, and the thundercloud lost Lin Qi's aura and naturally slowly dispersed. However, the thundercloud on Alda's side suddenly became much stronger, and there was a sudden explosion, and three water tanks thick and thin thunder roared down, and the upright Alda was blown out on the spot.

Lin Qi was startled, his figure shook, and he rushed towards Arda, who was covered in blood, with a sharp knife breaking through the air. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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